Saturday, September 11, 2010

Winners & Cloth Diapers & Stuff!

I first want to send out a huge THANK YOU to my fellow BeachBums who now number over 300! And we made it past 100 Facebook Fans this sure to Fan's where you can hear about the SUPER DUPER Features we have coming up!!

I like posting winners but at the same time I'm always sad to see the current feature and giveaway end. It makes me happy whenever a entry is made because it means one more person now as knowledge of another crafty product made with love. Drum roll please...

Hand-poured Soy Candles from

    #45 Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 45 I follow Heather on FB and left a message that you sent me! As Eco Frugal

You will love your candles Jaye! My friend just ordered and received hers and send me a message that said, "Got my new candles today!!!!!! Love them!!!!!!!" :)

Organic Sugar Scrub, Deodorant, Herbals Teas from

     #106 Valancia said... 106 #2 I have Your button

Thanks for grabbing my button Valancia! I guarantee once you try Connie's products you'll be back for more! :)

Cotton Babies Free Cloth Diaper Week

I have sooooo many good things I could say about BumGenius diapers. That is why 80% of my stash is made up of their pockets, all in ones and even an organic bamboo one (which is my favorite and I only have 1!). I wash them over and over because if I didn't have any left then I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving the house in cloth, I couldn't put him in cloth for sleep time, basically I would be constantly changing him or worrying about leaks. My BumGenius diapers are the best and I need more!! :)

On a different note, I received an email from Jordan from Handmade Success yesterday who wanted me to tell you about a brand new free marketing planner she thought some of my readers might enjoy. Passing on!

Those are all my announcements! I'm working on a great post about hypermiling, reading through the Tightwad Gazette that I want to chat about, and getting ready to feature more great mama's and their terrific products ~ be sure to check back very soon! :)

1 crunchy comments:

Jenelle said... 1

O-M-G Courtney! Your blog is so stinking amazing. I am ashamed of myself now to think we started blogging the same week and I havent written a post since Aug 10th! Bahhh! Well I promised I'd drop you a line when I got some stuff stocked on my shop, TNT: Trashn2tees. If you catch a free minute I'd love for you to stop by!