Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Beach

I was just telling Hubby the other day that our kids don't know how fortunate they are. To get to see the ocean and take trips to the beach whenever we have the whim to do so. Growing up in the Midwest was nice and our town was right on the Mississippi River so we did have water. But it wasn't the ocean! As you probably already know about me, I love love love the ocean.

We moved to the coast a little over two years now. We moved ourselves in the biggest truck we could rent and hauled Hubby's car behind it while I drove the kids and dog in our van. Do you know what the first thing we did when we arrived after two days of driving? Head to the beach! We were exhausted, dirty, crabby, and just wanted to get to our new rental house that we hadn't ever laid eyes on except for a few internet pictures. But even before picking up the keys, we dropped the moving van off in some parking lot and headed down to the shore to check out the Atlantic Ocean. The kids took off their shoes and ran! I have some great pictures from that day.

And we've had many pictures since then. Here are some more I'd love to share from this weekend.

And one day maybe I can actually live on the water...I can dream right?

7 crunchy comments:

Blogs said... 1

we love the beach...thankfully it's right near...look at those little toes:)

Anonymous said... 2

We head to the beach on Sunday to introduce our two year old to it for the first time. We are so looking forward to it.

Beth said... 3

Love your beach pics...wish we were that close! New follower from the Friday Blog Hop! Hope you'll stop by to say hi! Beth @ Two Monkeys & a Washtub

Anonymous said... 4

Stopping by from Boutique on Feet Link Love! Now following your blog! I look forward to reading more of your posts! My husband and I too dream of living on the beach :-)

Julie Kieras said... 5

I love the beach too! You are lucky! Unfortunately the beach I love the most is in the Caribbean so not likely we'll move there in our lifetime!
Enjoy your spot in the sun!

Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 6

Looks like a blast! And I love those houses on the beach. *drool* If you ever want to go in on one together, let me know! I'll live in the attack and won't make much noice, I promise!

Unknown said... 7

I've tried to go to the beach as often as I could with my 18 month old this summer! She just loves it there, she would never leave if it was up to her! :) What can be more fun than sand and water for a toddler?

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