Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Inspired By Finn ~ Baltic Amber "Teething" Necklace Giveaway

It has not been fun around our household at times. Many times. Seven teeth in P'Diddy's first seven months. We've done the wet washcloths, the cold teethers, and I even broke down and tried the Baby Orajel once. I wish I would have had this wonderful "natural" remedy much earlier! Have you heard about the healing powers of Baltic Amber? It was long ago considered one of the leading "medicines" of its time. And I bet you think it's a stone. Nope, it is a fossilized tree resin.

Inspired By Finn operates out of Hyena Cart and they sell a TON of beads in different sizes, shapes and colors. We chose Earth Tones in the Chip style.

I have learned a lot about amber since receiving the necklace. I wanted to make sure P'Diddy was getting the full benefits of the necklace so we are following these simple "rules"

- make sure the amber is on direct and continous contact with the skin. So wear the necklace inside your shirt instead of out.

- should be worn as much as possible - take off at bathtime and sleeptime for little ones.

- the lightest color of amber contains the most succinic acid so has the greatest therapeutic benefit

- wear your amber as close to the discomfortant site as possible.

Did you know that Baltic amber is also good for many many things? Headaches, arthritis, carpal tunnel are a few and Inspired By Finn sells bracelets too! AND I was super surprised to see bead strands for your back! I ran to tell chiro Hubby about it. Helps with back pain and even menstrual cramping! 

Would you like to order from Inspired By Finn? I have some DISCOUNTS for you!

"Like" Inspired By Finn on Facebook and receive 20% off your order. Code FB20 at checkout.

"Like" on Facebook + "Suggest to Friends" and received 25% off your order. Code FB25 at checkout.

Would you like to WIN a necklace? Which one would you choose?

MANDATORY - Visit Inspired By Finn and tell me what 16" or smaller piece of jewelry you would pick! Comment below! Also, must be a BeachBum google follower of Crunchy Beach Mama for your entry to count.

Looking for more chances to WIN? Each extra comment is one extra entry!

Like Inspired By Finn on Facebook - tell them Crunchy Beach Mama sent you!

Make a purchase from Inspired By Finn during the course of this giveaway. Let me know what you bought! 5 extra entries/comments for this!

Request to be on Inspired By Finn's email list to receive sale and product information

Like Crunchy Beach Mama on Facebook using my new FB plugin in right sidebar! ~ 2 entries (there is a $5 Amazon giveaway going on my wall!)

Network with me! Twitter, RSS Feeds, Email Subscription (confirmed!) - links above. Comment for each one.

Tweet and/or Facebook Status - '#Win Baltic Amber Necklace from @Inspired By Finn #Giveaway'. One per day.

Grab My Button

Inspired By Finn sent me a necklace for this giveaway but I was not compensated in anyway for the post. This giveaway will end on Sept. 27, 2010 at 10:00pm ET. Winner will be drawn via Once a winner is drawn I will contact them and they will have 48 hours to reply before I draw a new winner. Giveaway is open to residents all of the US & Canada and you must be 18 years of age or older.

151 crunchy comments:

Lindsey said... 1

Ahhh... I've been waiting on this giveaway! ;)
I follow you via GFC.

I like Inspired By Finn on FB.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 2

I requested to be put on IBF's email list.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 3

I subscribe by Google Reader.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 4

I follow you through Networked Blogs.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 5

I tweeted.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Julie Kieras said... 6

I liked the Semi-Polished Cider - I hope that was under 16" - couldn't quite tell!

Julie Kieras said... 7

Julie Kieras said... 8

FB Fan!

Julie Kieras said... 9

Twitter follower!

Julie Kieras said... 10

I like IBF on FB

Amber@Nater Tot said... 11

I had no idea that amber was good for pain! So interesting. I love the earrings - so cute.

Lindsey said... 12

Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Tara said... 13

follower. I'd love the Semi-polished - Cider - 14"
taraz9 at excite dot com

Tara said... 14

like IBF on FB
taraz9 at excite dot com

Tara said... 15
taraz9 at excite dot com

Lindsey said... 16

Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Maia G said... 17

I would choose the mix pendant 12.5 in
mk_mitchell90 at hotmail dot com

HomemadeBaby said... 18

I would try the Yellow Round, 11".
marysa at marysa dot com

HomemadeBaby said... 19

I Like Inspired By Finn on Facebook!
marysa at marysa dot com

HomemadeBaby said... 20

I requested to be on Inspired By Finn's email list.
marysa at marysa dot com

HomemadeBaby said... 21

I am a facebook fan.
Marysa Nicholson
Marysa at marysa dot com

HomemadeBaby said... 22

I follow you on Twitter (Marysa1)
Marysa at marysa dot com

HomemadeBaby said... 23

I subscribe to your feed (RSS/Google Reader)
Marysa Nicholson – “HomeMadeBaby”
Marysa at marysa dot com

HomemadeBaby said... 24

I am an e-mail subscriber
Marysa at marysa dot com

HomemadeBaby said... 25

I tweeted this giveaway
Marysa at marysa dot com

mamipdx said... 26

i like the earth tones chips.

mamipdx said... 27

liked inspired by finn on facebook and commented (wren nelson)

mamipdx said... 28

follow you on facebook (wren nelson)

mamipdx said... 29

twitter follow you (mamipdx)

mamipdx said... 30

google feed follow

Kirsten said... 31

I would choose the Honey Round Necklace.
GFC follower Kirsten Thompson
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 32

kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 33

Twitter follower @LaydieAphrodite
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 34

Email subscriber
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 35

Subscribe to your RSS
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 36

Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 37

Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

✿Heather S✿ said... 38

I like Semi-polished - Cider!
mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

✿Heather S✿ said... 39

mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 40

Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

stracey2010 said... 41

i am a follower and i would get the Great forBoys! Semi-polished - Mixture in 13 inch.

✿Heather S✿ said... 42

Daily tweet!
mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

Jessie said... 43

I'm a follower and would pick the Semi-polished in Lemonade


Jessie said... 44

I like Inspired by Finn on FB


Crow Mountain said... 45

I already like Inspired By Finn on FB.


Crow Mountain said... 46

I am a follower and would pick the honey rounds in 14¨


ZoeysMomma said... 47

I've been waiting for a giveaway, my friends talk about these necklaces all the time! I love the 4 different colored round necklace!

I am a FB fan, and I have suggested Inspired By Finn to a few of my friends who could really benefit from them!


Keri said... 48

I would pick the semi-polised in lemonade or mixed in any length.
bedkek at yahoo dot com

Crow Mountain said... 49

I ordered today and got the Earth Tones chips necklace for my 7 month old.
Comment 1 of 5


Deann H said... 50

I would like the pumpkin and butter round necklace. & am a follower :)

Deann H said... 51

"like" inspired by finn on FB

Keri said... 52

I LIKE Inspired By Finn on facebook.
bedkek at yahoo dot com

Crow Mountain said... 53

Order #20557 today

Comment #2 of 5


Deann H said... 54

like crunchy beach mama on FB

Deann H said... 55

Already on Inspired by finn's mailing list

Sarah said... 56

I love the honey round beads

Sarah said... 57

I like Inspired by Finn on FB
sarahbrandt06 at yahoo dot com

Crow Mountain said... 58

Comment #3 of 5 for order from IBF.


Keri said... 59

I purchased a 12" Hazelwood necklace with Turquoise gemstone beading from Inspired By Finn.
entry #1
bedkek at yahoo dot com

Keri said... 60

I purchased a 12" Hazelwood necklace with Turquoise gemstone beading from Inspired By Finn.
entry #2
bedkek at yahoo dot com

Keri said... 61

I purchased a 12" Hazelwood necklace with Turquoise gemstone beading from Inspired By Finn.
entry #3
bedkek at yahoo dot com

Crow Mountain said... 62

Comment 4 of 5 for purchase.

Keri said... 63

I purchased a 12" Hazelwood necklace with Turquoise gemstone beading from Inspired By Finn.
entry #4
bedkek at yahoo dot com

Keri said... 64

I purchased a 12" Hazelwood necklace with Turquoise gemstone beading from Inspired By Finn.
entry #5
bedkek at yahoo dot com

Crow Mountain said... 65

Comment 5 of 5 for purchase.

Sarah said... 66

I now like your page on FB
sarahbrandt06 at yahoo dot com

Me said... 67

I like the pumpkin and butter round

Keri said... 68

I "Like" you on Facebook using the new FB plugin in right sidebar.
Entry #1
bedkek at yahoo dot com

Keri said... 69

I "Like" you on Facebook using the new FB plugin in right sidebar.
Entry #2
bedkek at yahoo dot com

Sarah said... 70

I shared the link on FB
sarahbrandt06 at yahoo dot com

Me said... 71

I like inspired by Finn on fb

Me said... 72

requested to be added to email list.

Crow Mountain said... 73

¨Liked¨ your FB using the button on right.

Me said... 74

liked on fb.

Me said... 75

added rss feed

Tanis said... 76

I love IBF, have ordered a couple things from them and love them. Just found you and love your blog

Me said... 77

posted on fb

Me said... 78

posted on twitter

Tanis said... 79

I would want a polished pumpkin, I have been eyeing that one. The lemonade semi polished is nice too

Unknown said... 80

I like the 16" pumpkin butter oval necklace & I follow your blog :) MorganSpiker(at)gmail(dot)com

Unknown said... 81

I like Inspired by Finn on FB. MorganSpiker(at)gmail(dot)com

Unknown said... 82

I am on inspired by finn's email list. MorganSpiker(at)gmail(dot)com

Shanna said... 83

GFC follower...I would choose the 4 different round in 12"!!
shannatempel at hotmail dot com

Shanna said... 84

I like inspired by finn on fb
shannatempel at hotmail dot com

Shanna said... 85

following on twitter @shannatempel
shannatempel at hotmail dot com

Heidi said... 86

I now follow Crunchy Beach Mama's blog on google as a "beachbum", and I already "like" Inspired by Finn on FB. I would get the butter colored amber necklace.

Unknown said... 87

I would pick the 13" Light Mix Baltic Amber necklace.
I also follow you, publicly.

southcarolinamommy at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 88


Tanis said... 89

I totally couldn't help myself. Finally bought myself a bracelt to go along with my necklace that is already on the way. SO another purchase to IBF today, I am addicted.

Tanis said... 90

Couldn't help myself bought some leggings too.

Tara said... 91
taraz9 at excite dot com

Scrummy said... 92

I like the pumpkin and butter round 14"

fingerlmspare at gmail dot com

Scrummy said... 93

fingerlmspare at gmail dot com
I like Inspired by Finn on FB!!

.:Heather:. said... 94

I would pick

Great forBoys! Semi-polished - Cider necklace

.:Heather:. said... 95

I've been a fan of IBF on FB for awhile now. : )

.:Heather:. said... 96

I am on IBF email list. :)

.:Heather:. said... 97

Fanned you on FB

.:Heather:. said... 98

Fanned you on FB

.:Heather:. said... 99

I subscribe to your blog via google reader

.:Heather:. said... 100

I also subsribe to your blog via email. :)

tricityty said... 101

We love the rainbow round amber necklaces! I am a friend via google.
tricityty at hotmail dot com

tricityty said... 102

I like insired by finn on FB
tricityty at hotmail dot com

tricityty said... 103

I like crunchy beach mama on FB
tricityty at hotmail dot com

tricityty said... 104

I like crunchy beach mama on FB entry number 2
tricityty at hotmail dot com

Lentil said... 105

i'd love the Pumpkin & Butter Round in 16"

Lindsey said... 106

Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 107

I love the Semi polished mixture =)

Mama Musings said... 108

I love the 4 different round necklace.

I also liked Inspired by Finn on Facebook.

So hoping I win or rather my teething daughter wins!

Lauren Ali said... 109

I like Inspired by Finn on FB.

ellay4402 at yahoo dot com

Lauren Ali said... 110

I love the 4 different round in 16 inches :)

Lauren Ali said... 111

Liked you on FB

ellay4402 at yahoo dot com

Lauren Ali said... 112

Grabbed your button. :)

ellay4402 at yahoo dot com

Lindsey said... 113

Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

✿Heather S✿ said... 114

daily tweet
mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

Mama Musings said... 115

Also like Inspired by Finn on Facebook

Mama K said... 116

I "Like" Inspired by Finn on FB

Mama K said... 117

I'd Choose Butter round - or 4-different color round.

Leslie said... 118

I would pick the 13" Light Mix Baltic Amber necklace.
I also follow you, publicly.

Leslie said... 119

I "Like" Inspired by Finn on FB

Leslie said... 120

I requested to be put on IBF's email list.

Lindsey said... 121

Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

✿Heather S✿ said... 122
mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

AmberN said... 123

I like the light mix and I am a follow with google

AmberN said... 124

I like finn on fb!

Lindsey said... 125

Daily tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Elizabeth said... 126

I would like the butter round 11 1/2-12 in!!

Elizabeth said... 127

I like inspired by finn on facebook

Elizabeth said... 128

Just bought a butter round 11 1/2-12:)

Elizabeth said... 129

Bought butter round 11 1/2-12 necklace

Elizabeth said... 130

Bought butter round 11 1/2-12 necklace

Elizabeth said... 131

Bought butter round 11 1/2-12 necklace

Elizabeth said... 132

Bought butter round 11 1/2-12 necklace

Tara said... 133

I would get the two different colored chips Baltic amber necklace!
tara_lundgren at hotmail dot com

Tara said... 134

I 'like' inspired by finn on fb
tara s
tara_lundgren at hotmail dot com

Tara said... 135

I tweeted:
tara_lundgren at hotmail dot com

Tara said... 136

I grabbed your button:
tara_lundgren at hotmail dot com

Tara said... 137

I 'like' you on fb
tara s.
tara_lundgren at hotmail dot com

✿Heather S✿ said... 138

daily tweet
mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

✿Heather S✿ said... 139

mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

Jen and Andy said... 140

I follow your blog. I would get the light mix.

Jen and Andy said... 141

I like INspired by Finn on facebook

Jen and Andy said... 142

I follow you on twitter @JenLee3838

Jen and Andy said... 143

I like you on facebook #1

Lindsey said... 144

Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

✿Heather S✿ said... 145

mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 146

My Last Chance... Hope it's lucky!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Karine Traverse said... 147

GFC Follow (Karine Traverse) and I love the Dark Green/Black Round 14.5-15 inch necklace

Karine Traverse said... 148

Like them on FB (Karine Capobianco Traverse) and posted on their wall

Karine Traverse said... 149

Like you on FB (Karine Capobianco Traverse) #1

Karine Traverse said... 150

Subscribe with yahoo reader

Karine Traverse said... 151
