Monday, September 13, 2010

Crystal with TreeHugger ~ Mama Cloth Giveaway

I am jumping up and down. Why? Because I get to tell you about mama cloth!

What is mama cloth you are asking? I don't believe I had heard the term either until I started cloth diapering. It is cloth menstrual pads. Yes, cloth pads! I know, your first reaction is to be turned off, but by the time you are done reading this post you will be hopping to try them out.

I have found the BEST of the BEST mama cloth pads and they are made by Crystal, a work at home mom to two children. How did she begin? I got started with mama cloth after my son was born in 2007. I cloth diapered both my daughter and then my son and started hearing about cloth pads. I was looking at ways to cut back our budget and was tired of spending money every month on disposable products. As soon as I tried a minkee topped pad I was in love and because I only had 3 pads total I used to wait impatiently for the dryer to be done so I could re-use them. That was when I tried my hand at making them and my business was born. Her business is called Tree Hugger and she sells out of the famous Hyena Cart.

What makes Tree Hugger pads so great?

1) They are soooo soft! Don't you just hate those itchy plastic disposable pads? These pads have a top layer of minky and a fleece backing. COMFY!

2) They are gorgeous! You wouldn't think to use that word for pads huh? Check out all of Crystal's fabrics HERE. I had so much fun choosing which patterns I wanted for my stash.

3) They have snaps! Yep, no stickiness or velcro. The snaps on the wings fold back into place for a great, stay in place fit. And fold them up to stick in your purse!

4) They are EASY! Store in a wet bag (also available!) Throw in with any load of laundry. There won't be any staining either as minky shouldn't leave anything behind.

5) They are cost effective! Think of how much money you spend every month. These pads can be used over and over and over again for many years.

6) They are great for the environment! As cloth diaper mamas, we talk about how much disposable diapers fill the landfill but think about disposable pads? We use them for around 40 years! That is a lot of pads!

I ordered the Sampler Package to test them out. I received a light & heavy day pad, a night pad, & a panty liner. I was kind of nervous the first time I wore one. What if they leaked? What if they were terribly uncomfortable? I was pleasantly surprised! The difference in wearing a minky pad and a disposable pad is like night and day. These are so COMFORTABLE that I don't even know I have them on! And they are very absorbent and have never had an issue of overflow. These are the ones I picked! Aren't they cute?!

The best part? Well, I have to say comfort is the best part, but the next best thing is how much I saved for just this month. Since I only have four pads, I threw them in the laundry each night (a load of laundry is always being done at my house) and used them each about 4 times. I just saved 16 disposable pads from being thrown into the garbage and saved my pocketbook a few dollars.

Another great fact - of course they don't contain chemicals so there is less chance of skin irritations and yeast infections.

Are you convinced yet? What are your questions? Your worries? Every woman should give these a try!

Are you ready to try SOFT, COMFY, ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY Mama Cloth? You should be! Crystal's Tree Hugger's are FANTASTIC and I guarantee that you will love them as much as I do.

I'm thrilled that Crystal is GIVING AWAY a panty liner to help get you going! Though the winner will receive a surprise color in the mail, I want you to visit her website and tell me what color/pattern you would choose if you were ordering a custom AND you must be a BeachBum follower! One comment for Mandatory Entry.

These are EXTRA entries  - done after you visited her website & become a follower. One comment per entry please.

- Become a Fan of Tree Hugger Mama Cloth on Facebook  - be sure to tell her Crunchy Beach Mama sent you (and notice she is giving away a $30 GC when she hits 800 fans!) 1 entry

- Purchase from Tree Hugger Here or Here and earn 5 extra entries (tell me what you purchased!)

- Like Crunchy Beach Mama on Facebook with my new FB plugin on right sidebar! ~ 2 entries (I have a $5 Amazon giveaway on my wall!)

- Network with Crunchy Beach Mama on Twitter, RSS Feeds, Email Subcription (links above!) 1 entry each - I have some great features/giveaways coming - stay tuned!

- FB status this '@TreeHuggerMamaCloth is giving away mama cloth at @CrunchyBeachMama. All women need to try these soft minky pads!' (hopefully the @ will pick up if you are fans of us :) 1 entry per day

- Tweet '#Win Mama Cloth from Tree Hugger Cloth Pads @crunchybchmama Great #cloth #green #giveaway' 1 entry per day

- Post Giveaway on Blog or Linky (post link) 1 entry

- Grab My Button (post link so I can see and thank you) 1 entry

Thanks for helping us spread the word! :)

This giveaway will end on Sept. 27, 2010 at 10:00pm ET. Winner will be drawn via Once a winner is drawn I will contact them and they will have 48 hours to reply before I draw a new winner. Giveaway is open to residents all around the world! But must be 18 years of age or older.

145 crunchy comments:

Julie Kieras said... 1

Okay I have to admit ... these are something I've been really curious about but haven't gotten up the gumption to try out... so this giveaway is great! It's nice to be able to try something for free first before you dive in...
I love the brown & Pink flower pattern (and of course I'm a follower!

Julie Kieras said... 2

FB Fan!

Julie Kieras said... 3

Twitter follower (@ayearwithmomdad) - oh yeah I changed my twitter name too! ;0)


Julie Kieras said... 4


Julie Kieras said... 5

I have your button at

Lindsey said... 6

I like the Flower one, with Pink, Green and yellow.
I follow you via GFC.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 7

I like Tree Hugger Mama on FB.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 8

I like you on FB.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 9

I subscribe via email.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 10

I networked via RSS feeds.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 11

lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 12

Another great giveaway! I love Mama Cloth. I really like the lime/turquoise flowers fabric. And of course I am a follower!


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 13

I became a fan of Tree Hugger Mama Cloth on Facebook as Eco Frugal and left a message on her wall that you sent me!


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 14

I fanned you on FB as Eco Frugal.


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 15

I follow you on Twitter as EFandFrugal


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 16

I subscribe to your RSS feed on Google Reader.


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 17

I subscribe via e-mail (confirmed!)


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 18


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 19

FB update:!/profile.php?id=100001258902317&v=wall&story_fbid=150223198344445

Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 20

I've got your button!

Amber@Nater Tot said... 21

Okay, I was totally scared at first, but you sold me. I would go with the brown hippie daisy pattern :) Also, I just opened an eco-friendly/organic giveaway linky on my blog. Feel free to stop by and link up this or any other earth friendly giveaways!

Miss Lissy said... 22

I'm a follower and I love the rainbow set!
mkzellmer at yahoo dot com

Miss Lissy said... 23

I like you on facebook
mkzellmer at yahoo dot com

Miss Lissy said... 24

I follow you on twitter (misslissy)
mkzellmer at yahoo dot com

Miss Lissy said... 25

I subscribe to you via google reader
mkzellmer at yahoo dot com

Miss Lissy said... 26

I subscribe to you via e-mail too
mkzellmer at yahoo dot com

Lindsey said... 27

Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Heather said... 28

Well, now here is something I have never put much thought to. Interesting. I'd love to give it 'em a try! I like the bright solids myself. Thanks for stopping by my blog, by the way. I am following you know, too! :)

Lindsey said... 29

Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Mary Preston said... 30

I like the Organic Bamboo Velour Heavy Day Pads in the maroon.

Mary Preston said... 31

I became a Fan of Tree Hugger Mama Cloth on Facebook.

Lindsey said... 32

Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Tara said... 33

follower. the rainbow set
taraz9 at excite dot com

Tara said... 34

follow CBM on twitter @curious_kitty
taraz9 at excite dot com

Tara said... 35
taraz9 at excite dot com

sweetpea18 said... 36

i follow-heatheranya
i like the solid green sage minky fabric.
heatheranya at hotmail dot com

sweetpea18 said... 37

Mummy Kim said... 38

i would pick brown hippy daisies and follow your blog via gfc
mcintosh dot kimberley at gmail dot com

Mummy Kim said... 39

like you on fb
kim mcintosh
mcintosh dot kimberley at gmail dot com

Mummy Kim said... 40
mcintosh dot kimberley at gmail dot com

Knocked Up and Nursing said... 41

I love the Post-Partum/Night Sized Minkee Pads in the flower print.
Blog follower
sarah.robot at gmail dot com

Knocked Up and Nursing said... 42

Facebook fan of CBM.
sarah.robot at gmail dot com

Knocked Up and Nursing said... 43

I follow you on twitter.
sarah.robot at gmail dot com

Knocked Up and Nursing said... 44

sarah.robot at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 45

I'm a follower and I would choose the organic bamboo heavy days pads! :)

Unknown said... 46

I am following on facebook! :)

Hannah said... 47

Dark purple gelato is very pretty! I follow your blog.

h n n h h y r at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 48

Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

HomemadeBaby said... 49

My favorite print is the black circles/dots.
I follow your blog with Google Friend Connect (“HomeMadeBaby”)
Marysa at marysa dot com

HomemadeBaby said... 50

I am a facebook fan of Tree Hugger Mama Cloth, and left a note on their page.
Marysa Nicholson
Marysa at marysa dot com

HomemadeBaby said... 51

I tweeted
Marysa at marysa dot com

HomemadeBaby said... 52

I follow you on Twitter (Marysa1)
Marysa at marysa dot com

HomemadeBaby said... 53

I am a facebook fan.
Marysa Nicholson
Marysa at marysa dot com

HomemadeBaby said... 54

I subscribe to your feed (RSS/Google Reader)
Marysa Nicholson – “HomeMadeBaby”
Marysa at marysa dot com

HomemadeBaby said... 55

I am an e-mail subscriber
Marysa at marysa dot com

Kirsten said... 56

I've been wanting to try these for a while! Really hoping I can win some since I'm a little nervous about dishing out money in case I hate them! I like the pink/brown flowers!
GFC follower Kirsten Thompson
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 57

Like tree Hugger Mama Cloth on facebook (kirsten Thopmson)
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 58

Follow you on twitter (@LaydieAhprodite)
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 59

Subscribe to your RSS in google reader
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 60

Email subscriber
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 61

kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 62

Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Michele said... 63

I've been really thinking about switching to these.
I like the blue circles pattern. I follow you on GFC.
mileerom at yahoo dot com

Michele said... 64

I follow via RSS feed.
mileerom at yahoo dot com

Michele said... 65

I tweeted:
mileerom at yahoo dot com

Michele said... 66

I blogged about this giveaway:
mileerom at yahoo dot com

Michele said... 67

Daily tweet:
mileerom at yahoo dot com

Lindsey said... 68

Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Jessica said... 69

I am a follower. I love the brown with pink flower minky!

Jennifer Lauren said... 70

If I could get a custom color, I would choose a white background with a rainbow arc across it. Otherwise, I like the Minkee flowered one that comes in orange, blue, and green.

One question I have is what is the difference between the minkee and the bamboo velour? I was tempted to order one tonight but I wasn't sure which one to buy.

Jennifer Lauren said... 71

Facebook fan -- Jennifer Lauren

Jennifer Lauren said... 72

Tree Hugger Facebook Fan -- Jennifer Lauren

Lindsey said... 73

Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

MommieVentures said... 74

I really like the animal print! & I am a follower!

MommieVentures said... 75

I am a fan of Tree Hugger Mama on Facebook.

MommieVentures said... 76

I am networked with you on Facebook

sunnymum said... 77

I like the blue swirl print and I think the animal prints are fun too. I'm following on GFC as sunnymum.
cbeargie at

sunnymum said... 78

Facebook fan of Tree Hugger Mama Cloth. Left a wall note that says, "I'm a new fan, sent here by Crunchy Beach Mama. Love the colors!" (Colleen B P)

sunnymum said... 79

Just confirmed my email subscription to Crunchy Beach Mama too. cbeargie at

sunnymum said... 80

Following you on twitter as sunnymum.

sunnymum said... 81


sunnymum said... 82

Added this giveaway to the linky on "A Giveaway Addicted Mommy" (#36)

Unknown said... 83

I love the white hippie daisies pattern.

GFC Follower, too.

southcarolinamommy at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 84


Unknown said... 85

Like you on fb: Karen Bridges

Unknown said... 86

Like you on FB: Karen Bridges

Tara said... 87
taraz9 at excite dot com

Michele said... 88

Daily tweet:
mileerom at yahoo dot com

Jennifer Lauren said... 89

Email subscriber
jennifer1auren at yahoo dot com

Scrummy said... 90

I'd choose the organic bamboo velour heavy day pads in the deep purple
fingerlmspare at gmail dot com

Michele said... 91

Daily tweet:
mileerom at yahoo dot com

Lindsey said... 92

Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Jennifer Lauren said... 93

I made a purchase. I got the pink, light blue, and black floral minkee heavy flow day pads from the selection on Wonderland.

Jennifer Lauren said... 94

Purchase 2

Jennifer Lauren said... 95

Purchase 3

Jennifer Lauren said... 96

Purchase 4

Jennifer Lauren said... 97

Purchase 5

Kirsten said... 98

kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Keri said... 99

I would choose either brown hippy daisies or black flowers if I was ordering a custom AND I am a BeachBum follower!! :)
bedkek at yahoo dot com

Keri said... 100

I am a Fan of Tree Hugger Mama Cloth on Facebook!
bedkek at yahoo dot com

Keri said... 101

I like Crunchy Beach Mama on Facebook!
entry #1
bedkek at yahoo dot com

Keri said... 102

I like Crunchy Beach Mama on Facebook!
entry #2
bedkek at yahoo dot com

sunnymum said... 103

Tweeted today:

Lindsey said... 104

Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

sunnymum said... 105

Wednesday tweet:

Michele said... 106

Daily tweet:
mileerom at yahoo dot com

Michele said... 107

Daily tweet:
mileerom at yahoo dot com

Kirsten said... 108

kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 109

Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

sunnymum said... 110

Tweeted Thursday:

lace said... 111

I like the solid light blue and the wavy lines fabrics.

I'm a follower.

Michele said... 112

Daily tweet:
mileerom at yahoo dot com

Lindsey said... 113

Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Maia G said... 114

I like the brown hippy print and I follow via GFC
mk_mitchell90 at hotmail dot com

Kirsten said... 115

kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Michele said... 116

Daily tweet:
mileerom at yahoo dot com

.:Heather:. said... 117

I like the pink hippy flowers!

.:Heather:. said... 118

I subscribe to you via google reader. :)

Lindsey said... 119

Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Michele said... 120

Daily tweet:
mileerom at yahoo dot com

Forget Shyness Reviews said... 121

i like the ladybugs print :)

my email is littleheathen9109 @yah00 d0t c0m

Forget Shyness Reviews said... 122


Michele said... 123

Daily tweet:
mileerom at yahoo dot com

Ingrid said... 124

I'm a follower! :)

I'd choose one in purple or light pink.

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

jennifer57 said... 125

blueberry gelato

following via GFC

Ingrid said... 126

I'm a Facebook fan of Tree Hugger Mama Cloth. My username is wunderfraulein.

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said... 127

I like Crunchy Beach Mama on Facebook!
My username is wunderfraulein.

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said... 128

I like Crunchy Bear Mama on FB.

Post #2

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said... 129

I'm following on Twitter, @my_wunderkammer.

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said... 130

I've subscribed to the RSS feed via Google Reader!

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said... 131

Posted this on Facebook:

Thank you! :)

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said... 132


so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said... 133

Placed your button here:

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said... 134


so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 135

Last Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 136

kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Amanda said... 137

I have been tiptoeing around these for months... since I became addicted to cloth diapering... I would love to try these!!!:)

asnihiser @

I hope I win!!!

sunnymum said... 138


Karine Traverse said... 139

GFC Follow (Karine Traverse) and I would do a custom of 9.5" light pad in pink skulls, though she has some amazing fabric selections so it was super hard

Karine Traverse said... 140

Like her on FB (Karine Capobianco Traverse) and posted on her wall

Karine Traverse said... 141

Like you on FB (Karine Capobianco Traverse) #2

Karine Traverse said... 142

Subscribe with yahoo reader

Karine Traverse said... 143

Email subscribe (

Karine Traverse said... 144

Shared on FB!/KandKsMama?v=wall&story_fbid=144482098927697

Karine Traverse said... 145
