Monday, September 20, 2010

Lisa with Lil Boppers Giveaway

I came across the cutest little shop the other day as I was Etsy snooping. That site is so dangerous! I came across these rattle giraffes that I instantly clicked and into Lil Boppers I went.

Oh P'Diddy would have so much fun with this stuff I thought! Then what caught my eye was something I knew he would love the most...a crinkle toy! I contacted Lisa and she was kind enough to send him one! It was so funny because on the day we received our new toy he was trying to play with paper which I constantly have to keep away from him. He loves the noise it makes! Our package arrived and out of his hand I took the paper and into it, his new crinkle square. He gave me that look that said, "Aren't going to take this away from me?" And into his mouth it went. A win win for both of us!

We love the minky feel!
Another item I ordered was for my older boys. I couldn't leave them out right? Lisa makes Boo Boo Packs that you can keep in the freezer to make cold or put them briefly in the micro to keep warm. Perfect! And she makes pirates! Argh! O'Bear fell down the next day and ran straight for the freezer where I was storing our Pack. And C'Man came home from football practice and wanted me to warm it up for his aching back (or maybe his pretend aching back?! hee hee).

Let's hear a little bit more about Lisa ~
I am originally from Pennsylvania & am an avid Philly sports fan.  I have 4 grown children & 2 granddaughters Emma who's 10 & Kenley who's almost 2. My love of sewing stems back from when my Grandma taught me on her old Singer push pedal machine.  I enjoyed spending the time with her & learned so much!

How did you get started?
When Kenley was born her mom asked me if I could make a few burp cloths because the ones from the stores weren't absorbent enough. Her friends asked where she got them & that's how Lil Boppers was born!  As the baby has grown her needs changed from burpies to bibs & now toys.  My business has grown right along with her!

Are you a crunchy mama?
I guess your definition of a Crunchy Mama would not hold true to me since I am not a vegetarian. I love my Filet Mignon!

That's ok Lisa, I'm not a vegetarian either! :)

She makes lots of neat items. Here are a couple more I want to show off to you!

Isn't everything just the cutest? Lisa is so kind and wants to give you the chance to visit her shop and win either a Boo Boo Pack or a Crinkle Toy. You get to choose! To enter - click into Lil Boppers and tell us what your favorite item is. Comment your answer below. You must also be a BeachBum follower to win which is on the right sidebar.

After you've done that, we'll give you extra chances! One comment is one entry.

Follow Lil Boppers on Facebook here (it is called Kenleys Korner) & tell her Crunchy Beach Mama sent you! ~  1 entry

Heart Lil Boppers on Etsy ~ 1 entry

Purchase something from Lil Boppers (she will consider wholesale orders on certain items too!) ~ 5 entries

Like Crunchy Beach Mama on Facebook using my new FB plugin on right sidebar! ~ 2 entries (there is a $5 Amazon eCard giveaway on my wall!)

Network with Crunchy Beach Mama though Twitter, RSS Feeds, Email Subscriptions (links above) ~ 1 entry each

Tweet or FB status about the giveaway - '#Win a Boo Boo Pack or Crinkle Toy from #Etsy shop Lil Boppers #Giveaway @crunchybchmama' (or @Crunchy Beach Mama - on facebook) ~ 1 entry per day

Grab My Button (show me the link so I can see and thank you!) ~ 1 entry

Lil Boppers sent me a crinkle toy to review for this giveaway but I was not compensated in any way for the post. This giveaway will end on Oct. 4, 2010 at 10:00pm ET. Winner will be drawn via Once a winner is drawn I will contact them and they will have 48 hours to reply before I draw a new winner. Giveaway is open to residents all over the world and you must be 18 years of age or older.

83 crunchy comments:

Julie Kieras said... 1

Hi! I LOVE this giveaway! Okay my favorite item is the elephant toy - my great aunt had a HUGE (and somewhat odd) collection of elephant items and whenever I see elephants I think of her! So I love elephants (and owls!)

Julie Kieras said... 2

I heart Lil Boppers on Etsy

Julie Kieras said... 3

I like LB on FB

Julie Kieras said... 4

like you on FB!

Julie Kieras said... 5

Follow you on Twitter @ayearwithmomdad

Julie Kieras said... 6

Lindsey said... 7

I follow your blog via GFC.
I love the Apple Pears Brown Minky car seat covers!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 8

I like Lil Boppers on FB.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 9

I added Lil Boppers as an Etsy fave.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 10

I like you on FB.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 11

I follow you on Twitter.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 12

I get your emails.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 13

lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 14

I like the giraffe rattles!

Anonymous said... 15

Following her on Facebook

Anonymous said... 16

Added her to my favorites on Etsy

Anonymous said... 17

I added your button to my blog
it is on the left hand side!

Anonymous said... 18

I love the kitty kat boo boo pack:)

Anonymous said... 19


HomemadeBaby said... 20

The kitty boo boo pack is super sweet :)
marysa at marysa dot com

HomemadeBaby said... 21

I like Kenley's Korner on Facebook.
Marysa Nicholson - marysa at marysa dot com

HomemadeBaby said... 22

I heart Lil Boppers on Etsy (GreySquirrely)
marysa at marysa dot com

HomemadeBaby said... 23

I like Crunchy Beach Mama on Facebook.
Marysa Nicholson
Marysa at marysa dot com
entry 1

HomemadeBaby said... 24

I like Crunchy Beach Mama on Facebook.
Marysa Nicholson
Marysa at marysa dot com
entry 2

HomemadeBaby said... 25

I follow you on Twitter (Marysa1)
Marysa Nicholson
Marysa at marysa dot com

HomemadeBaby said... 26

I am an e-mail subscriber
Marysa at marysa dot com

Lindsey said... 27

Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Shannon said... 28

I really like the giraffe rattlers

Shannon said... 29

heart lil boppers on etsy (kayleetoo)

Shannon said... 30

like you on FB #1

Shannon said... 31

like you on FB #2

Shannon said... 32

twitter follower (kayleebucket)

Unknown said... 33

Hi I'm following you back :) This is a great giveaway! I love the Blue Zoo carseat strap covers! OH, and the Boo Boo Packs!

Unknown said... 34

I am following Lil Boppers on FB and told her you sent me :)

Unknown said... 35

I added her to my favorites on Etsy :)

Unknown said... 36

I like Crunchy Beach Mama on FB #1

Unknown said... 37

I like Crunchy Beach Mama on FB #2

Unknown said... 38

I posted this giveaway on FB (will probably be tweeting from now on but I heard twitter was hacked today..eek!) 9/21/10

Kirsten said... 39

GFC follower.
My favorite item is the Plush Baby Whale Rattle Teether Toy - Brown Teal Yellow Polka Dot!
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 40

Like Lil Boppers on facebook and said you sent me (Kirsten Thompson)
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 41

I heart Lil Boppers on Etsy (LaydieAphrodite)
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 42

Follow you on twitter (@LaydieAphrodite)
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 43

Subscribe to RSS in google reader
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 44

kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

sunnymum said... 45

I love the Car Seat Strap Covers with the reversible 2D Zoo Blue Polka Dots print. Following as sunnymum
cbeargie at

sunnymum said... 46

Following CrunchyBchMama on twitter as sunnymum.

sunnymum said... 47


Lindsey said... 48

Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Mama Musings said... 49

It's a very cute site, thanks for this giveaway!
My favorite is the
Reversible Car Seat Strap Covers - Apple Pears Brown Minky

I'm sure my daughter would love covers on her carseat straps! :)

sunnymum said... 50

Tweeted on Wednesday:

erin, maker of chimes said... 51

One of my favs is the Felt Bird Magnets.

I'm a new follower of your blog :)

Yuri said... 52

I def would choose the Rice Owie Boo Boo Pack - Hot Cold Therapy - Kitty Cat. So cute!


Lindsey said... 53

Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

JaMean said... 54

Wow, I love EVERY booboo pack! They are SO cute! My favorites are the owl and pirates. :)

Lindsey said... 55

Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Beth said... 56

I follow you on GFC (Beth) and I love the Rice Owie Boo Boo Pack - Hot and Cold Therapy - Plaid Hoot Owls
jacobsonbeth at yahoo dot com

Lindsey said... 57

Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Abi said... 58

I like the idea of reusable nursing pads... and the uses after they are done nursing are endless.

havenera at gmail dot com

great giveaway!

Lindsey said... 59

Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Ingrid said... 60

I'm a follower! My favorite item is the Plush Baby Owl Rattle.

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said... 61

I like the Facebook page, and posted saying who sent me ;)
My username is wunderfraulein.

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said... 62

I've hearted the shop on etsy.
My username is magnolica.

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said... 63

I like your FB page! My username is wunderfraulein.

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Post 1 of 2

Ingrid said... 64

I like your FB page! My username is wunderfraulein.

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Post 2 of 2

Ingrid said... 65

Following on twitter. My username is my_wunderkammer.

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said... 66

Following via RSS. :)

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said... 67

Posted on FB:

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said... 68

The button is here on the right sidebar:

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 69

Follower. My favourite item is the Plush Baby Owl. Sooo cute!

Following them on Facebook.

Hearted them on Etsy.

Liked you on Facebook.

Email subscribed.

Good luck everyone! =D

Mari L. Lavado
marilavado (at)

Lindsey said... 70

Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Jen and Andy said... 71

Love the elephant rattle - so cute!

Jen and Andy said... 72

I like Lil boppers on facebook

Jen and Andy said... 73

I heart little boppers on etsy

Jen and Andy said... 74

I like you on facebook #2

Jen and Andy said... 75

I follow via RSS

Lindsey said... 76

Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Jodi Faye said... 77

Follower and love the
Car Seat Strap Reversible Covers - Owl Orange Terry Cloth! I just got a dress for my little girl in that same adorable fabric :)

Unknown said... 78

The Minky Burp Cloths are gorgeous!

Lindsey said... 79

Daily Tweet
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 80

gfc follower, and my favourite item is the:

Unknown said... 81

like her on FB and commented

Tylerpants said... 82

I'm a follower. The Plush Carrot Baby Rattle Teether is super cute! tylerpants(at)

trixx said... 83

I'm a follower. I like the pretty reversible car seat strap covers in pink black damask minky.