Friday, September 24, 2010

What Social Media Works for You?

I'm a Facebook girl myself. Started out of course finding high school classmates, old neighbors, and even a childhood friend that I was delighted to meet again. Though I do still touch base with all of them, Facebook has become more "business" for me now. I "Like" almost 250 websites, companies, blogs, etc and I love it because I find the best deals, the coolest products, and even make some "facebook" friends.

I have a Facebook page for Crunchy Beach Mama. At first, it was just another thing I felt I had to have to be a part of the blog world. But now - I LOVE my Fan Page. I love interacting with my BeachBums. I love being able to tell them first about what great Features/Giveaways are coming up. I want it to become a page where all us Crunchy Mamas gather together to help one another out. We need that right?

I was hesitant about installing the Facebook Social PlugIn on the sidebar because it was another button that was taking up space that I might need. But I've gotten good feedback from it and my new BeachBum followers seem to enjoy the simplicity of it. So JOIN US right over here ------------------------->

EDITED to ADD - I have a $5 Amazon Giveaway going on my wall right NOW :)

I STILL don't have Twitter down pat. I know some of you tried to teach me about it once before because you really like it and think it works well for you. I use it of course, but not to the extent I should. There are many features of it I know I'm not taking advantage of. Just another thing to learn!

How do we find the time to be everywhere? :)

4 crunchy comments:

Julie Kieras said... 1

I agree - you KNOW I am a huge Facebook fan. And TRYING to figure out where Twitter fits in. But it seems everybody regularly checks their FBs and it has so many other features like discussions, uploads, photos... so... I think that is where the action is at! :)

Emily said... 2

I am still trying to figure twitter out too! It seems so confusing to me. I have a facebook page as well. I love your blog btw and I wanted to pass this award on to you:

LeeAnn said... 3

I love Twitter for blog stuff, but I'm a Facebook girl for my personal stuff! :-) The problem with my blog's FB fan page is that I don't get notified when someone posts, so I always forget to check it. :-(

Speaking of Facebook...I am following you there, along with GFC, Twitter and NetworkedBlogs. Thanks for stopping by for Relax & Surf Sunday. I hope you're having a great weekend!!!

Amanda said... 4

I'm an avid fb-er... :) I have it on my phone I think that is why. I haven't quite figured out Twitter yet... If I had more followers I might. We can do it all because we have kids... It's one of those hidden talents that we aquire when we have kiddos! :)