Friday, September 17, 2010

This Is Me

Except for our cat ran away and the dog died. This is exactly how I've been feeling lately! I've been on overload between the kids starting school, participating in sports, watching extra kids after school, starting a part time job from home, promoting my blog, trying to keep the house clean, dealing with a crabby baby, getting no sleep. Shall I go on? You mama's know how it is! But would I change it? No! A crazy, busy life is a good life. Well maybe I could use a little more sleep :)

7 crunchy comments:

Emily said... 1

Amen mama! I think we all feel that way sometimes. BUt I also feel like I wouldn't trade my crazy life for anything. I think if I go away for just one night and sleep the whole night without interruption once a month that would be good! I am your newest follower! I love your blog!

Julie Kieras said... 2

Oh yeah, that's me too - we don't have pets though - good grief imagine if we DID! :)
Keep at it mama! said... 3

I always find changes in routine stress me out and cause a lack of sleep.. hoping it gets better for you - i tagged you in today's post

F&W Candles said... 4

Definately! Only I don't have the baby, well I do, my grandbaby... the candles, an autistic child, two teenagers, a husband, two dogs and a rabbit. I feel like all I do everyday is pick up after everyone. I think it may be time for a Pedi/Mani Day! :)
Keep your chin up, it will get better. (that is what I tell myself everyday)

Roz said... 5

Gotta love that cartoon, Courtney! I have a cartoon on my frig that is now about 30 years old and getting very brown and wrinkly that shows a woman walking into her family room while all of her kids and hubby are just watching tv, playing, etc. and she says to them, "It has finally occurred to me that I am the only employee in this house!" Sort of how I used to feel when I was overwhelmed, but I miss my kids now that they're grown and gone, so enjoy them! Bye, Roz

Rachel said... 6

Thanks for the vote sister! Us Iowa gals have to stick together for sure! It is so nice to have such wonderful support.

I totally love this picture. I feel like I constantly have a baby attached to the boob, and it is quite amazing what you can get done while breastfeeding. Unfortunately, I haven't managed to get my ironing done in months...hang in there. As you said, you wouldn't want it any other way!

Tara said... 7

i think i'm busier now as a SAHM than when I was working f/t! lots of people don't realize how tough of a "job" it really is.

p.s. greenfrugalmama sent me!