Saturday, September 18, 2010

This is Me Again

I was tagged by Heather from Acting Balanced blog to do a little questionnaire. I thought it might be fun to get to know me a little better with some fun questions :)

Here's how it works: I answer her 8 questions and then tag 8 people to answer 8 questions that I make up. Sounds simple, right?

Here it goes...

1. What was the last book you read? Would you recommend it?
I am ALWAYS reading a book! And I read many different genres. The last one I finished was called Spirit Bound (Vampire Academy, Book 5) by Richelle Mead. This series is awesome and keeps me going but this was my least favorite in the series so far, but still good!

2. How often do you post on your blog? Do you have a schedule?
My goal is every other day. But no, not a set schedule. You have to be organized for that! :)

3. What is your favorite blog topic?
For me to read? About anything/anyone green, organic, natural. For me to write? Featuring Mamas (or anyone who makes homemade items. They are so talented and I love promoting them!)

4. What did you have for lunch today?
It's not lunch time yet but for breakfast I had a breakfast burrito

5. Where do you get your news?
From Hubby. He keeps me informed!

6. How do you handle stress?
Pray a lot to God, try to get some good sleep, and maybe a nice cry to let it all out.

7. What is your all time favorite movie? Why?
Not sure I have an all time favorite but I love musicals - Mamma Mia, Grease, Sound of Music are a few of my top favorites.

8. What is one thing that people would be surprised to learn about you?
That I am not 100% crunchy, especially when it comes to my eating habits.

That was painless! I am tagging the following people from some of my FaVoRiTe FuN blogs...
Julie from A Year With Mom and Dad (visit her on Monday for a GREAT giveaway!)
Jaye from Eco-Friendly & Frugal (my idol blog :)
Kim from Chubby Cheeks Thinks (I visit almost daily because there is always something going on!)
Amy from The Cheap and Choosy (lots of cloth diaper giveaways right now!)
Melanie from Going Green With Noah (a great green blog with a fun Hop!)
Melissa & Tiffany from Home Grown Families (a wonderful family friendly blog!)
Krystal from The Clever Mommy Chronicles (one of the first blogs I ever followed. Love her look!)
Nicole from Mama to 4 Blessings (congrats on your 4th you'll be a busy mama!)

Your questions...

1) I'm also going to use the book one because I love to see what people are reading.
What book did you finish last and did you like it?

2) What are you up to this weekend?

3) When and Why did you start blogging?
4) What is your favorite part of your blog or blogging in general?

5) Do you recycle?

6) Are you crafty?

7) What is your favorite sport? A favorite team?

8) And I have to ask. Are you a crunchy mama? (definition up top under Steps to Being Crunchy)

That was SUPER fun! Can't wait to hear the answers and see who you pass it on to :)

5 crunchy comments: said... 1

thanks for playing along :) love your questions

Roz said... 2

Thanks for stopping by my blog today and for following along! I'm your newest follower too! Have an awesome weekend and hope to chat with you more in the future!

Roz said... 3

Courtney, I forgot to also say thanks so much for linking up your post on cloth diapers over on my Fresh Clean and Pure Friday/weekend hop. IT IS PERFECT! I used cloth diapers and have a good, clean conscience for doing so! Hope to see you next week with more clean inspiration! Roz

Anonymous said... 4

I do live in the Upstate. What a fun list!

Amy Walker said... 5

Hey there! This was fun to read and to learn more about you! Thanks for the tag! I just realized it because I didn't even see the "others" page on my facebook wall. I feel silly. Need to figure out how that works!! :)