Have you heard of Usborne Books & More? They are AWESOME books for kids!
Over 1500 bright, colorful and fun titles covering touchy-feely baby books, wonderful preschool picture books, early reading books, chapter books, reference books, sticker books, activity cards and a wide range of subjects for children of all ages.
We have many bookshelves in our house but this one is called the Usborne shelf. These are our Usbornes (with a few dvds and misc books). Can you tell I love them? I have always been an avid reader and so children's books are something I've always been addicted to. About five years ago I signed up with them as a consultant to work the business but most importantly to receive a lifetime discount :) They are a direct sales company like Tupperware or Pampered Chef and we do home parties, but can expand our business into the schools with book fairs. But the part I like best is our eShows. It doesn't matter where you are, you can host a show or give your guests a chance to order online with you reaping in the benefits. You will not find a company that gives out more free items for their hostesses and schools. It's crazy how much they get! (an example - $250 worth of orders can earn YOU as a hostess $80 in books!).
Some great facts about the books -
Quality is #1 - acid free paper, laminated covers, stitched binding or even library binding available. Lifetime replacement policy where they will replace the book at half price.
Affordablity - a majority of the 1500 books are under $10
Special Features include - lift the flap books to get the inside view, double layout pages (one scene taking over both sides of the page), words and text are simply placed encouraging your child to read, and my favorite - all preschool books illustrated by Stephen Cartwright has a duck to find on each page.
We moved a few times in the past couple of years and so my business had faded away. To celebrate me starting up again I have decided to do a GIVEAWAY! How lucky are you?
A few of our family favorites I want to share with you...
Baby P'Diddy loves it when his big brothers read to him but even better than that he can touch and feel the different textures that stick out!
O'Bear can read now but he still likes the Seek & Find books. This one is called 1001 Pirate Things to Spot.
One of my best sellers is 1001 Things to Spot in Fairyland. It is so sparkly and girly.
C'Man likes to look up subjects online. That is why this book Big Cats is perfect for him. It's IL or internet linked. Usborne has their own website where you key in what you are reading, and even what page number you are on, and they will list a bunch of family friendly websites to find more information about that subject.

And some my Greenies will enjoy :)
As you can see I have a passion for books! I could talk about them all day. But today I'm doing a giveaway for a free book! Everyone has different aged children so I want you to be able to pick any book you want (up to a $15 value!)
To enter: Visit my website www.ReadChildrensBooks.com and tell me what you think you or your child's favorite book would be! While you are there you can enter to win $50 in books!
If you like my blog and want to follow it here are some ways to earn one additional entry. If you already follow please make a comment for your extra entry!
- Google Friend Connector
- Facebook like me!
- Subscribe to an RSS or email feed (links above)
- Join me on Networked Blogs
- Join me on Networked Blogs
- Grab my button for your website (right sidebar - worth 3 entries!)
Other ways to enter...
- Order Usborne Books from here - these are FANTASTIC GIFTS too! Shipping is pretty reasonable for books. Also ordering $85 gets you $15 free & check out online sales and customer specials. Wahoo! (worth 5 entries!)
- Host an eShow (feel free to email me at happyheaths (at) gmail (dot) com ahead of time because you may have questions first - worth 5 entries!)
- Just comment on what you think of my new blog and how you found me. Thanks!
This giveaway will end on Aug. 13, 2010 at 11:59 ET. Winner will be drawn via random.org. Once a winner is drawn I will contact them and they will have 48 hours to reply before I draw a new winner. Giveaway is open to residents of the U.S./Canada only who are 18 years of age or older.
63 crunchy comments:
I think my daughter would like the That's Not my Dragon book.
I follow you on twitter as kmayans.
I follow your blog as degood with google friend connect.
I loved books as a kid and I remember that my favorite book was this Kid's Cookbook my Grandma gave me. I think my Mom loved that it was my favorite, too, as I learned to cook early on! So I'd love to get the Children's World Cookbook for my nephew!
I like you on FB as Eco Frugal!
I subscribe to your RSS feed
I follow you on Networked Blogs
I have your button right here: http://www.ecofriendlyandfrugal.com (left sidebar)
Facebook Post:
Wow, there's a lot to choose from. I think my daughter would like the Camping Out book.
I found your blog thru the giveaway linky @ Freebiesandmuchmore.com
The Castle Jigsaw book sounds intriguing.
like you on facebook
e-mail subscriber
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I think my baby girl would like the touchy feely puppies board book
I follow you on GFC
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I like your new blog! I like your idea of becoming "green" one product at a time because that's what we're doing too. I heard about you on Babylegs. :)
I love monkeys so I would have to go with That's Not My Monkey! :)
jkrs01 @comcast.net
I follow you on Twitter @jkieras
jkrs01 @comcast.net
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jkrs01 @comcast.net
I tweeted it! :)
jkrs01 @comcast.net
I'd probably choose the baby's very first outdoors book, but there are a lot of great choices there.
Thanks for the chance to win!
ejm6x (at) yahoo (dot) com
maybe See Inside Your Body
tvollowitz at aol dot com
I think my son would love the Dinosaurs book.
One book I would get is Don't Be a Bully, Billy
I have a couple of boys that would love 50 Brain Games. Thanks for the giveaway.
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
There are so so many to choose from. My children would love soo many of them! My children love the ISpy type books...so I think 1001 Pirate Things To Spot would be a favorite!
thecountryblossom at hotmail dot com
I am following via GFC!
thecountryblossom at hotmail dot com
I am following you on Twitter! KatyLMA
thecountryblossom at hotmail dot com
My daughter would love the World of Animals IL book!!
I follow on gfc.
I think my kids would like I Can Draw Animals.
pkildow at gmail dot com
Oh yeah, I also have your button on my blog!
jkrs01 @comcast.net
(but you knew that! :))
Button on blog again! #2
jkrs01 @comcast.net
Button on blog again #3! :)
jkrs01 @comcast.net
I would love to get First Shapes!
irshsmil9 @ yahoo.com
I'm an RSS feed subscriber!
irshsmil9 @ yahoo.com
Thanks , I have a couple of boys that would love 50 Brain Games.
Animal Babies Board Booki darling
like u on fb-julie Laws
follow your blog as jelaws5
My son would love the 1001 Pirate Things To Spot book
I like How To Knit.
follower through Google Friend Connect
follower on Twitter- ksh123
Rss subscriber
My daughter would like a horse for the summer.
my daughter would like the Animal Stencil Book book
Following publicly as Louis on Google Friends Connect
I like Crunchy Beach Mama on FaceBook (Louis Here) :)
following you on twitter at rosidentevil
here is my tweet
I think we'd like the Fairies book.
stormraven at gmail dot com
My daughter is a major science wonk, so I think she'd love the 50 Science Things to Make and Do!
I'm an email subscriber.
i think our favorite will be the Conspiracy 365 March (Conspiracy 365)
by Lord, Gabrielle
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
My sons would love the Trains - IL Series: Discovery History book
I would choose the Pirate Ship book for my tot.
Great giveaway, thank you!!
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