Saturday, August 7, 2010

Second Week Thoughts & Winner!

I was so excited when I woke up this morning because I knew I'd get to go to and pick out a winner for my first giveaway! Before I announce her I want to share with you my thoughts this week.

- I need a BlogLift! Yep, I'm ready. After browsing through all the cute blogs I decided that I wanted one that showed ME and will "brand" Crunchy Beach Mama. So I'm selling a few diapers to help fund this. It just means a little more laundry right?

- I need a computer break. Have you ever been on so much that your eyes hurt at the end of the day? You go to sleep dreaming about what to write, where to promote, and who you need to email.

- That the blog community is overall WONDERFUL and I love love love the new friends that I have made!

ok ok I know you want to hear who won my first Babylegs giveaway. I'm so happy with the turnout of 136 entries. And the winner is................

#75 Kim from (hey Kim I need those comment numbers - I had to count to high! :)

She commented... added your button to my blog! (left sidebar under (mama blogroll)

entry #2 .....see it pays to add my button! :)
Thanks again to everyone and don't forget my Usborne Books giveaway - the entries are low and these are FABULOUS books that anyone with a child in their life needs or as gifts!!

7 crunchy comments:

Crafty Mom said... 1

Yay! This is the first thing I've won online from blogging! :D I'm so excited. I'm gonna wait till they arrive and take a photo of James. To post on your blog, and one to post on the BabyLegs Facebook page...letting them know that you turned me on to them. Maybe next time.....They'll write you back! :? LOL.

Yay!!! THANKS BUNCHES!!! James is gonna love 'em! xoxoxo

Dawn said... 2

Hey lady, I'm lovin your blog :) i am a new follower from FF, and while I am new to blogging, i feel sometimes like it is consuming my life! ahhh! :)

Lisa said... 3

I found your blog from Green Follow Friday. :)

Sofia said... 4

Congrats Kim!!
Following you from Bloggy Moms! (I'm one of the photoless followers thanks to google) Come visit me and follow back!

Lisa D said... 5

I totally feel like I need a break once in a while.

I've got a surprise for you over on my blog


Julie Kieras said... 6

yeah I think blogging consumes my life - I am trying to "cut back" while still having quality posts by setting a "calendar" with the posts I want to make for the week, and also time limits on how long I'll be at the computer... but I always seem to go over! :)
Congrats on your first bloggy award from My2 Cents! :)

Mommy Hates Cooking said... 7

I understand the computer break! I'm new to the blog world too, and I'm still trying to learn how to balance my life and the blog. Let me know if you figure it out!! :)