Friday, August 27, 2010

Heather with Flames & Wicks

Everyone loves candles right? I have some hand poured soy candles to share with you. Heather started Flames & Wicks Candle Company that she runs out of her home and online. I cannot wait to share with you the niche that she has made for herself to stand out!

First some facts about Heather's soy wax candles:

-Poured when you order! There’s a huge difference between a fresh poured candle and one that has been sitting on a warehouse shelf waiting to be bought. You’ll smell the difference the second you open the box!

-They burn slower, last longer and smell better

- Pure soy wax is environmentally friendly because it will not increase the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. It is not made from petroleum, unlike paraffin candles

-90% Less Soot than regular beeswax or paraffin candles and better for the environment.

-Clean up with just use warm soapy water. No scraping required, and decorative candle jars are easy and safe to clean out and re-use for virtually anything!

-Price wise, let’s just say we “Blow Out” the competition!
What makes Heather unique:
Customer Loyal Program - for those who burn candles all the time but don’t always have the money to buy them. By enrolling in this program you receive $1.00 for every $6 spent towards your next purchase
Throw a Candle Party - she will send you (6) 1 oz. sample jar candles, books and order forms. Simply take the candles and order form with you for your friends to browse through. One sniff of the sample jars does it all! As her way of thanking you for spreading the word about her hand-poured specialty candles, you earn a percentage of the sales from your party to purchase your own candles and she will comp the shipping of your entire parties candles when she sends them directly to you so there are no shipping fees! AWESOME or what?? 
Design Your Own - take your favorite scent and combine it with a color that will
compliment your decor! She has 54 scents & 24 colors!
Her Prices are UNBELIEVABLE! - I'm going to list a few so you can see!
4 tarts - $1
4 votives - $3
9oz jar candle - $6
22oz interlude jar - $9
Heather was nice enough to send me her sample package. The boys and I opened up the box and went hhhmmm because it was so smelly good. We all have our favorites - O'Bear likes the Sweet Pea (that is pink. Isn't that cute?), C'Man loves the Sweet Cinnamon Kisses, and I can't stop lighting the Apple Pie. We love them! Hubby has them on display at his office and as soon as you walk in the door you can smell them. He didn't even have to light them because the scents are so fantastic just by themselves.
Let's hear from Heather:
Tell me about you and your family

I am the mother of four children. Shawn 20, Mercedes 16, Jordan 13 and Jeremiah 10. Have a daughter in law Meghan and brand new baby Grandson (7/29/10) Keegan. I have been married to Jason for 15 years (in October). We lived in Missouri all our lives and moved to Oklahoma in 2008 for better jobs and schools. Our youngest, Jeremiah, was diagnosed with Autism in 2006 (he first started showing signs when he was 2 years old... just after his immunizations) and we needed to get to bigger schools with more resources for him. Most people would think that a small town would be great to get individual attention and that isn't true. Here...our whole family has grown and prospered well. (Shawn stayed in Missouri and didn't move with us) And on that note it leads me into how I got started.

How did you get started?
I was spending a fortune in candles... I am an avid candle burner, always have one going in at least 2-3 rooms. In 2000 my husband asked me..."Isn't there a way you can make your own?" So after doing some research and getting a few starting supplies, I made my first candles. After awhile people started asking for them, for presents, fund raisers, or just for themselves... but it wasn't until recently that things have really took off. I have spent the last 10 years getting just the right scents, the right jars, the right colors, etc. It has also allowed me to be at home with my youngest. He has certain eccentricities that have to be dealt with on a daily basis. Even though he is in school now I still find it hard to have a regular 9-5 job.

How long does it take to make a candle?
It usually takes between 48 to 72 hours to make a candle. Depending on the size. They have to have time to set and cure, or you will end up with a liquid mess. :) Meaning that the candle will turn back into liquid within a few hours of burning and be in poor quality with very little scent throw.

Are you a crunchy mama?
I am a crunchy mama. I prefer herbal medicine to regular meds... but will still use antibiotics if it is needed. We recycle as much as we can, our local recycling place will only take certain items, which is very frustrating. We are not totally 'hippie". We still eat meat and lots of veggies! And I didn't use cloth diapers... just couldn't bring myself to do that. I consider our family a work in progress.
Guess what? Heather is giving away TWO for one person. Aren't you a lucky duck? You get to pick what scent you want. So Mandatory Entry - visit Flames & Wicks and tell me which of the 54 scents you would choose and if you have the time look around a bit and tell me what else you like. Must be a Follower of my blog too! Thank you :)
Extra Entries
-Like Flames & Wicks on Facebook 1 entry - tell her Crunchy Beach Mama sent you!
-Follow Flames & Wicks on Twitter 1 entry
-Follow Crunchy Beach Mama - Facebook, Twitter, RSS Feeds, Email (links above) 1 entry each for new or old followers
- Tweet or FB status about this giveaway! - 1 entry per day - and much appreciated!!
-Grab my button - 3 entries
-Make a purchase from Flames & Wicks -there is always has a special! 5 entries (send me confirmation email)
-Throw a Candle Party - 5 entries (Heather will confirm for me you signed up!) - this is super easy, super fun, & a great way to get FREE candles!!

This giveaway will end on Sept. 10, 2010 at 11:59 ET. Winner will be drawn via Once a winner is drawn I will contact them and they will have 48 hours to reply before I draw a new winner. Giveaway is open to residents of the U.S. only who are 18 years of age or older.

119 crunchy comments:

Heather S-G said... 1

Oh my goodnes...I'm so glad you stopped by so I could find you...great place you have here! This is like THE hardest choice ever!! I mean...BACON! My kids would flip! Moonlight Path sounds awesome, too. But seriously, that's like the hardest thing ever...choosing just two, LOL! Witch's Brew intrigues me...cuz I'm an Autumn lover...or pancake stack. OI!! Thanks for the chance =)

Heather S-G said... 2

I "liked" Flames & Wicks on FB (Heather Dar Schmitt-Gonzalez)

Heather S-G said... 3

I'm following F&W on Twitter (@girlichef)

Heather S-G said... 4

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Heather S-G said... 5

I'm following your tweets (@girlichef)

Heather S-G said... 6

I "liked" you on FB (Heather Dar Schmitt-Gonzalez)

Jennifer Mathis said... 7

honeysuckle!!! mmmm but the witchs brew is interesting makes me wonder what that smells like

F&W Candles said... 8

Thank you ladies! It is very hard to choose that is why I have so many because I couldn't pick just a few scents... that is also 10 years worth of smelling and liking. :)

Unknown said... 9

So many GREAT!!! scents to choose from, I looked at all of them and I would choose the Sex on The Beach and the Honey Melon.
I also follow via GFC

Unknown said... 10

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Unknown said... 11

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Unknown said... 17

i follow u and i would pick
Strawberries N Cream and
twilight Woods
andrea d

Unknown said... 18

Blog Follower! And I love the Limited Edition Victorian Style Glass Jar! I'd choose the Honeysuckle scent!
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 19

Like Flames & Wicks on Facebook!
Rebecca Smith
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 20

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rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 21

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Rebecca Smith
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 22

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Unknown said... 23

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rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 24

rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 25

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rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Ruth said... 26

gfc follower

I would go with white lily and amber.

Ruth said... 27

follow flame and wicks on facebook
told her you sent me

Ruth said... 28

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Ruth said... 29

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Jean said... 30

I would choose Lilac Blossom and White Lily and Amber

Nicole C. said... 31

I follow on gfc and would choose the Coconut Crème Pie and the Pina Colada.


Harmony said... 32

I just found your blog, and I'm enjoying it!
I like the Mulled Cider Candle scent. (that is, I think I do).

h. mcnaron said... 33

i am a gfc follower.
i love the sound of twilight woods and white lily/amber. great choices!

h mcnaron at gmail

Anonymous said... 34

Follow w /GFC

I'm afraid I must own the bacon candle! Um.... the smell of bacon throughout the house.... Yummy!


Anonymous said... 35

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Anonymous said... 36

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Anonymous said... 37

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Anonymous said... 38

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Anonymous said... 39

Grabbed your button!



Anonymous said... 40

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Anonymous said... 41

GFC follower, my name sswpss. I would choose the Twilight Woods and Moonlight Path scents :)

sswpss at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 42

I Like Flames & Wicks on Facebook, wrote that you sent me. My FB name is Vicki Sh

sswpss at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 43

I "like" Crunchy Beach Mama on FB
my FB name is Vicki Sh

sswpss at yahoo dot com

Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 44

Now, while Bacon sounds FANTASTIC I think I would have to choose Tropical Tuberose! Another great giveaway!


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 45

I follow Heather on FB and left a message that you sent me! As Eco Frugal


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 46

I also follow Heather on Twitter as EFandFrugal


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 47

I follow you on Twitter as EFandFrugal as well!


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 48

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Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 49

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Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 50

Button #2


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 51

Button #3


Anonymous said... 52

So many choices! They all sound so good! I think I would choose Peaches N Cream. Love that scent!
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 53

I am following Flames & Wicks on Twitter
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 54

I am following Crunchy Beach Mama on Facebook
Danetta Young
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Joann said... 55

I would like to try Key Lime Pie, sounds good!

Joann said... 56

following Flames and Wicks on Twitter

Joann said... 57

Posted your button on my blog #1

Joann said... 58

posted your button on my blog #2

Joann said... 59

posted your button on my blog #3

mogrill said... 60

What a bunch of amazing scents!! Bacon?! I would love to try the Witches Brew.
Thanks for the chance.

Jessica said... 61

I follow your blog through google friend connect. I would love the Pineapple Upside Down Cake scent
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said... 62

I follow Flames & Wicks on twitter (@jjak2003)
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said... 63

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jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said... 64

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jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said... 65

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jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said... 66

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jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Glenda said... 67

I would pick Pumpkin Spice and Sweet Cinnamon Kisses.

Glenda said... 68

Liked Flames & wicks on Facebook and posted on her wall.

Glenda Embree

Glenda said... 69

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Shelby said... 70

I love apple pie welcome! MMM!

srobinson8561 at

Shelby said... 71

I follow via google reader! :)

srobinson8561 at

Unknown said... 72

I follow Crunchy Beach Mamma on facebook!

Unknown said... 73

I ordered sweet cinnamon kisses and apple pie. Can't wait. (Susanne)

brandon and jakell said... 74

follower and I would chose the
Key Lime Pie and Sweet Cinnamon Kisses

jakellcth @ msn. com

brandon and jakell said... 75

Like Flames & Wicks on Facebook (smile a day)

jakellcth @ msn. com

brandon and jakell said... 76

follow F&W on twitter (cthmommy)
jakellcth @ msn. com

brandon and jakell said... 77

follow beach mamma on FB (smile a day)
jakellcth @ msn. com

brandon and jakell said... 78

follow beach mamma on twitter (cthmommy)

jakellcth @ msn. com

Anonymous said... 79

I like Orange Dreamsicle and Pancake Stack the best!
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

Anonymous said... 80


And I Like Flames & Wicks on Facebook (Carol Anderson) and told them you sent me
digicats {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

Anonymous said... 81

I follow Flames & Wicks on Twitter @cezovski
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

Anonymous said... 82

I follow you on Twitter @cezovski
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

Anonymous said... 83

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Carol Anderson
digicats {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

Anonymous said... 84

I subscribe to your newsletter updates by e-mail
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

Leslie said... 85

I'm a blog follower with GFC.

My two scents would be Holiday Spice & Home for the Holidays.

Leslie said... 86

I follow Flames & Wicks on Twitter @lprice79.

Unknown said... 87

rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

terri142 said... 88

Really hard to choose one scent, but I would pick Orange Dreamsicle. The tarts sound really great also.

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

terri142 said... 89

I Follow Flames & Wicks on Twitter.(terri142)

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

terri142 said... 90

I Follow Crunchy Beach Mama on facebook.

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

terri142 said... 91

I Follow Crunchy Beach Mama on twitter.(terri142)

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

terri142 said... 92


tderosa142 at gmail dot com

Sonya Allstun said... 93

Sweet Cinnamon Kisses sounds like it would smell good


Sonya Allstun said... 94

liked them and told them you sent me on facebook (sonya.allstun)


Sonya Allstun said... 95

followed them on twitter username blueeyeleo


Sonya Allstun said... 96

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Sonya Allstun said... 97

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Sonya Allstun said... 98

i follow you on twitter username blueeyeleo


Sonya Allstun said... 99

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Cheryl (Tx_Sweetie) said... 100

I would choose pumpkin spice! I like how you can choose the color and the scent of your candle.

Jodi said... 101

I would love to try apple pie welcome. I am a new follower thru GFC.


lmurley2000 said... 102

follow on GFC

i like the apple pie welcome scent

also like the candy corn jar candle

lmurley2000 said... 103

like F&W on facebook-lmurley2000

lmurley2000 said... 104

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lmurley2000 said... 105

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lmurley2000 said... 106

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lmurley2000 said... 107


Emmy Coffee said... 108

I like the White Lily and Amber scent

Susan said... 109

I would just love the bacon candle! how unique! suelee1998 @

Susan said... 110

I follow your blog via gfc suelee1998 @

madlibs75 said... 111

I just finished baking, so the banana nut bread scent sounds perfect! I love that you can select both the color and scent of your candles....and free shipping for parties....that's just awesome!

libbylopez AT hotmail DOT com

Tylerpants said... 112

I'm a GFC follower. The Rose Petals scent sounds lovely! tylerpants(at)

Tylerpants said... 113

I'm an email subscriber. tylerpants(at)

Tylerpants said... 114

I'm a feed subscriber. tylerpants(at)

Breanne said... 115

I follow and I would choose Twilight Woods and Honeysuckle

Breanne said... 116

I follow Flames & Wicks on Twitter @RazzMyBerry

Breanne said... 117

I follow you on Twitter @RazzMyBerry

Breanne said... 118

I subscribe through Google Reader

cman said... 119

Now following GFC.
Strawberries N Cream
Apple Pie Welcome