Friday, August 20, 2010

$5 Amazon GC Giveaway!

I want to end our week of fun giveaways with giving you a $5 giftcard from Amazon!

I obtained this $5 from the Swagstore. And have earned $30 towards Amazon in a short period of time. Not know what the Swagstore is? Then read my post on Swagbucks here.

While we're talking deals I want to see if you use Ebates? You earn cash back for your online purchases. And they hand out ipads and fun prizes.
Read more about Ebates here.

Both companies have great referral programs! Help a mama out if interested and then spread the word for yourself... :) 

To enter the $5 giveaway...
Google Friend me
AND either
1) Sign up for Swagbucks under my link or 2) tell me what you've bought from the swagstore with your account

Extra entry each for liking me on Facebook, Twitter, or Feeds (links above)

Giveaway ends on Aug. 30th at 11:59pm EST. Open to US only & 18 years of age

96 crunchy comments:

Katie De La said... 1

I'm a follower!
Ihave a question though... I'm new to swag bucks and I was wondering if there are certain things you search for that get you more points?

Julie Kieras said... 2

Hi Courtney - I follow you and I already had a swagbucks account, otherwise I would've signed up under you!
I haven't cashed out any of my bucks yet -I'm waiting to get something big! :)
Wish I had this amazon GC a few days ago b/c I just ordered something!

Sofia said... 3

Hi...couldn't find where to post this, hope here is ok...
Following you from the Blog Hop & Follow Friday at Bloggy Moms! Come visit and follow back!
(Love Swagbucks! I've only got 166 points so far...)

Ann Harrison said... 4

I'm just getting started with SwagBucks. It seems pretty cool!

Glad I found you through Bloggy Mom's "Blog Hop". I'm a new follower

Amber said... 5

I follow your blog with google friend connect and I've bought an Amazon gift card from the swag store with my swagbucks!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Anonymous said... 6

Thanks for visiting LOL! I followed you. All newbies should go ahead and join SwagBucks. I blog and DJ and constantly use SB search to SPELLCHECK and find songs. I have traded in my points for PayPal cash
several times, but now I'm saving my points for Christmas. I use ebates and they pay, too. Super nice to meet you all!

LivingOutLoud3 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 7

I followed with GFC. Thank you for visiting my blog. I use Swagbucks and ebates. I trade my SB's for PayPal cash, but now I'm saving them up for Christmas. I blog and DJ so I use SB search to spell check and to find songs and win SB's all day long!
No one search term seems to get more points...just USE SB search and you will do great.

Hana said... 8

i'm a follower
I already have a swagbucks account, but haven't bought anything from the swagstore yet.
aznhanavira at gmail dot com

Giveaway Lady said... 9

I am a follower via GFC. I am already a member of Swagbucks and I love their site:) What I normally get through the Swagstore is either Paypal or Amazon. Please enter me. Thanks!


Krista said... 10

I follow on GFC. I signed up for Swagbucks through you. I have heard of it before, but just never bothered to sign up. Thanks for giving me the extra push! =)

Krista said... 11

I follow you on Twitter @sableonblond

Krista said... 12

I subscribe to your feed in Google Reader.

allthingsnew said... 13

Following you via GFC (Ten Talents), and I buy $5 Amazon gift cards too :) Thanks so much for the giveaway!

stephanierosenhahn at yahoo dot com

Clarke & Lewis said... 14

gfc follower
I just started swagbucks too (in July) and already cashed out $20 (4 $5 gift certs) at the swagstore.
rmartinclarke at gmail dot com

chelsei said... 15

Im a new follower via GFC.
Chelsei Ryan
I have been swagging it up for about 3 weeks now but I haven't bought anything yet. I want to save them up.

chelsei said... 16

I like you on Facebook.
Chelsei Ryan

Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 17

I follow!

@Mama Bear There really isn't. It's random, so I just do a Swagbucks search using the toolbar for every search I do. Though I find I get most of my SBs from referrals.


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 18

I like you on FB as Eco Frugal!

And sorry, in my rush to respond to Mama Bear I forgot to tell you what I use my SB on! I'm a photographer so I usually apply my Gift Cards (always Amazon!) to Compact Flash Cards, external harddrives, and lenses. I've earned over $150 in gift cards since I started using them! I save up until I have $25 or so then I make a purchase.

Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 19

I follow you on Twitter, too! EFandFrugal is my Twitter name.

Jen M said... 20

I follow on GFC and I use my bucks for Amamzon gift cards.

Rachel said... 21

I am a Google friend and I buy magazines with my swag bucks

Rachel said... 22

I like on Facebook

Rachel said... 23

I follow on Twitter @rachelflavin

Rachel said... 24

I follow in RSS.

hallie pee said... 25

I follow you on GFC and I have bought amazon GC and sweepstakes enrties!


halliekaye at gmail dot com

hallie pee said... 26

I follow you on twitter and tweeted!

StephanieC said... 27

I follow on GFC @desmoinesdealin and I always buy Amazon gift cards! scg00387 at yahoo dot com

StephanieC said... 28

I follow on twitter @desmoinesdealin scg00387 at yahoo dot com

Teaching Mommy said... 29

I also get amazon gift cards from swagbucks - it's my favorite prize from them!

frankandkatie at gmail dot com

Teaching Mommy said... 30

like you on facebook as katie t...

frankandkatie at gmail dot com

Teaching Mommy said... 31

follow you on twitter as @frankandkatie

frankandkatie at gmail dot com

Teaching Mommy said... 32

subscribe to your feed with google reader

frankandkatie at gmail dot com

shirley said... 33

I already swag, but have not cashed in yet.

Lisa D said... 34

I'm a gfc follower and I have used my points to get Amazon gift cards too!

Anonymous said... 35

Added you as a friend on GFC @Alisha L.

I also get the Amazon Gift Cards from the Swag Store. They are the best deal!

bakergurl02 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 36

Liked you on FB @Alisha Lesage

bakergurl02 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 37

Following on Twitter @Xizelle

bakergurl02 at yahoo dot com

Jenny said... 38

I follow you on GFC and I always purchase $5 amazon cards with my swagbucks!

jennyjoz24 (at)

Jenny said... 39

I follow on twitter @freebiespot

Erin M said... 40

i follow and use my swagbucks to buy amazon ecards

Anonymous said... 41

I'm a follower! I actually just used all of my swagbucks to buy $30 worth of Amazon GC for a reader since I reached 1000 followers! Love Swag Bucks!

Anonymous said... 42

Follow you on twitter @chubbycheeks143

Anonymous said... 43

like you on facebook

Amanda said... 44

I'm a new follower!

I already use swagbucks or I would sign up from your page.. but I have cashed my swagbucks in a few times for amazonies :)

Lindsey said... 45

I'm a new follower of your blog through GFC!
I just recently signed up for Swagbucks and have been able to get 3 Amazon GC's so far! I'm trying to get at least 5 so I can have free shipping too!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 46

Extra Entry
I like you on Facebook!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 47

Extra Entry
I'm following you on Twitter!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 48

Extra Entry
I subscribed to your Feeds through Google Reader.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 49

Already a swagbucks follower but don't have enough to purchase anything yet!


Unknown said... 50

Following on FB


Unknown said... 51

Following on Twitter


Unknown said... 52

Added to feed


sohamolina said... 53

I am a GFC public

I only buy Amazon GC with my swagbucks points.

Julie Kieras said... 54

I follow you on Twitter! @jkieras

ohhhfire said... 55

i am a google friend connect follower and i always cash out on swagbucks for 5$ amazon gc's. i usually wait till i have enough for two of them to cash out

ohhhfire said... 56

i am a facebook liker
jenn giannetto

ohhhfire said... 57

i am a twitter follower

ohhhfire said... 58

i am a rss subscriber

Navy_Frugalista said... 59

Friend on GFC and I usually get the $5 Amazon GC from the Swagstore.

frugalista04 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Navy_Frugalista said... 60

Liked on FB!
frugalista04 (at) yahoo (Dot) com

Navy_Frugalista said... 61

@Navy_frugalista is following you on twitter!!

frugalista04 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Navy_Frugalista said... 62

Subscribed via MyYahoo RSS Reader

frugalista04 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Ashley R said... 63

I follow you on GFC! (Ashley R) I have bought a few certificates now!
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

Ashley R said... 64

I follow you on twitter! (@reynoldsmom)
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

Ashley R said... 65

Subscribed to your RSS feed via google reader!
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

HannahAchrissmile said... 66

­­­­­I follow on GFC ( hannah . chrinahxxx@..)

and sorry I already have a swagbucks account! I always buy amazon gc's with my swagbucks, but find it takes a long time to save up.

aigcanada7 (at) hotmail [dot] com

Anonymous said... 67

I am a follower (Lona728) I haven't been doing swagbucks for very long, so I am still trying to accumulate enough points to get some cool giftcards.

Lona728@ yahoo dot com

5webs said... 68

I have Google Friended you (5webs) and I already belong to Swagbucks and I have "purchased" many, many $5 Amazon GC's with my points...I save them until a relative has a b-day and then buy them something from Amazon.
Alicia Webster

clynsg said... 69

Follower via GFC, and I am already signed up for both Swagbucks and Ebates. I have redeemed several Paypal and Amazon gift cards from Swagbucks, and can't really remembr how many checks I have received from Ebates!

cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

Figgy said... 70

I'm a follower and I love swagbucks! Been with them almost a year. I always go for the Amazon GC's.

Sophie said... 71

I follow you on GFC and I usually redeem for amazon gc on swagbucks

Anonymous said... 72

I'm following! I always get the Amazon gc. I've redeemed $200 from them so far!! Love your idea for getting people to sign up. Good luck making a ton of swagbucks from this!

Anonymous said... 73


Michelle Murphy said... 74

I follow you on GFC and I'm already signed up for Swagbucks. I usually get Amazon gift cards.
mmclean13 at gmail dot com

Pinching Abe said... 75

I'm your GFC as PinchingAbe and I am a Swaggernaut already ;) I have almost exclusively used my bucks to claim gift codes for the past two years :) I love Amazon!

iclipcoupons at gmail dot com

Pinching Abe said... 76

I am following you on Twitter as PinchingAbe.

iclipcoupons at gmail dot com

Amber said... 77

GFC follower - I buy Amazon cards - follow back if you can please!

Tom said... 78

I GFC'd and I've gotten a few Amazon GC's from the store.

Sheila Hickmon said... 79

Google Friend Connect Follower! The only thing I have ever gotten from the swag store is amazon Gift Cards. I save them until Christmas and then start over again for next year!
I love Swagbucks, it's so fun!
fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com

Sonya Allstun said... 80

GFC follower (blueeyeleo) and I already have a swagbucks account or I would have used your referral and I havent cashed any points in yet but when I do I am going to get amazon gift cards since I save them to help with my Xmas shopping each year since hubby gets laid off at that time of year.


Sonya Allstun said... 81

liked you on facebook (sonya.allstun)


Victoria said... 82

I have been stockpiling amazon gift cards from the Swagstore to purchase a new lens for my camera! Thank you for the opportunity to get a little closer to that goal!
vschilke at gmail dot com

Nancy said... 83

I haven't gotten anything with swagbucks ...yet!

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Barbarawr said... 84

I follow you on google reader. I get the $5 amazon GCs from Swagbucks. I'm always afraid that if I save my points for too long, they'll go out of business and I'll be left there with my points and nothing to do with them

Email address is in blogger profile

Barbarawr said... 85

I like you on facebook - barbara wright

Barbarawr said... 86

I subscribed with google reader

latishajean said... 87

I love amazon great giveaway thank you Im a follower too.

latishajean said... 88

Liked you on facebook/latisha depoortere

latishajean said... 89

twitter follower/latishajean

latishajean said... 90

Im a RSS feed subscriber too.

Amy delong said... 91

follow by gfc(amydelong)I am a member of swagbucks,but have not bought anything yet!

Amy delong said... 92

fb fan

guettel78 said... 93

I'm following via GFC: guettel78

I've only ever bought Amazon gift cards from the Swag Store -- I love Amazon, and the chance to score cards so regularly is a big reason I joined Swagbucks in the first place. Thanks!

guettel78 said... 94

I'm following you on twitter: @guettel78

guettel78 said... 95

I subscribed to your feed via google reader.

Unknown said... 96

I follow as happi shopr and am a swagbucks member. i've gotten a couple of $5 amazon gcs from them. have decided to let my bucks roll and get a big card next time. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com