Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sandy with Doodle Dypes

I am very excited to write this post because featuring mama's is what I want this blog to be all about!

You can't be a part of the Babycenter cloth diaper board and not know who Sandy with Doodle Dypes is. If there is a post talking about favorite diapers then Doodle Dypes is the top subject. Of course I had to have my first homemade diaper be from her!

Sandy sells her diapers on Hyena Cart which gets its name because people stalk it like a hyena and then pounce when the item gets listed. Isn't that hilarous? And it's true, Sandy stocks her diapers on Wednesdays at 6:00pm EST and they sell out within minutes!

The reason I got so lucky to get a diaper was because she also does customs. See them here. You will start be starting your wish list when you see these fabrics because they are so darn cute! I had one picked out for weeks, Camo Skulls it was called. I was scared to death someone else would take it before I could order it. :)

I finally got it ordered and was added to her long line of customers, but I didn't care how long it took to come because we weren't in a hurry. We were just excited to get one! A few days later I was scrolling through Facebook and she had a Star Wars fabric photo up. Both my boys were near me and just had to have it for their little brother. So another one got added to our list!

The day I got my shipping confirmation that the diapers were on their way was the day the boys and I started stalking the mailman. Then it was a fight on who was going to get to open it. After sharing the task we take them out of the package and they were so nicely wrapped in plastic with her name and a sheet of instructions on how to care for the diapers. Which one do we try first?

P'Diddy was napping when the diapers came and I don't think I've ever wanted to wake him up like I did then. I couldn't wait for him to wear them! I was a patient mom though because I've learned you never want to wake a sleeping baby. :)

Are you ready to see my cute P'Diddy in his new dypes?

Look closely so you can see the skulls in the camo. Now for a butt shot. We love Star Wars! May the force be with you.

She carries three kinds of diapers. One size fitteds, All in Twos, & the Dynky Doodles for the newborns. I can't imagine covering up this diaper with a cover so I had to chose an AI2. It has a five layers of soft organic bamboo inserts that are made into two that snap off to make drying easier.

Now enough about the diapers. Let's learn more about Sandy and the secrets to her success. She was nice enough to answer a few questions for me.

Tell me about yourself and your family.

I am a mother of two amazing daughters and I have two gorgeous grand-daughters who have become my entire world!! I am married and have been living in Northern California pretty much all of my life. I did spend 6 years near Peoria, IL and truly loved the Midwest as well. I am what some say a perfectionist in everything that I do - this of course can be good and bad!! :) My parents live near Sacramento and we spend as much time together as possible - my Mom often comes and stays with me and helps me out with cutting!!

How did you get started?

I worked for the Federal Bureau of Prisons within the Education department and got injured back in 2006 which forced me to medically retire. I was so bored!!!! I am the type of person the loves having something to do and love even more doing for others. My daughter told me she was going to CD and I thought she was nuts!!! I knew nothing of 'today's' cloth - all that I knew were rubber pants and prefolds!! When she showed me her first diaper I was in love!!! I said, "I can make those too" - she was on a budget and I wanted to help her out so I sat in my craft room day and night, made a lot of really bad diapers!, until I got it just right!! I always call my oldest grand daughter "doodle bug" so the name "Doodle Dypes" was born!!

How long does it take to make a diaper?

Each diaper from start to finish can take anywhere from an hour or longer - depending on fabrics and such. When I use colored inners or thicker fabrics I have to baste the diaper first, then sew it - then remove the basting stitches!! I can normally get 6-10 done a day if I work from 7am until late into the evening. I love what I do and try and spend as much time doing it as I physically can!!

Are you a crunchy mama? (definition of crunchy here)

I AM A CRUNCHY MOM!!!! (Gi GI). I have always been aware of what is going on around me and try and leave as little footprint on this Earth as possible! I was very sad when I tried to breastfeed my girls and was not able to - just wouldn't work for me. No milk ever came in (that was probably the saddest part of my babies)! :( I believe in discipline through love and not anger. I do not believe in spanking - I think it only teaches your child about pain; unacceptable in my book. I see parents yelling at their kids and spanking and it is very difficult for me not to say something. I wanted 4 children and God blessed me with two - which I am thankful for - but I see Moms having tons of children and truly not want them - hurtful when I have so much love to give them!! I think that is one of the many reasons my grand-babies are so important to me - there is nothing like a hug from a child - I melt!

What is the best thing about your job?

By far, the best thing about my job is seeing LO's smiles when they wear my creations!! I feel like I am making a difference on Earth and not just existing in it. I am actually living with it and adjusting my lifestyle to fit it's lifestyle. I want my grand-children, their grand-children, etc. to have as beautiful of environment as I did growing up - I find myself saying, "in my day" and that is the one thing I use to always joke with my father about - wow, now I am doing it to my kids!!

Anything you'd like me to add?

One thing I strive for is originality, honesty, and above all excellent customer service - after all my customers business is what makes my business. If it weren't for them, I would not be blessed to be able to stay home and sew - one of my life long passions!! I never forget why I am here - and why I do this - you have to love what you do to truly make a good product.

Isn't she great?

Here are Sandy's links so you can add them to your Favorites - so you can stalk her too

Click here to "like" her on Facebook. Check out her Custom Photo Album and be sure to tell her that Crunchy Beach Mama sent you :)

8 crunchy comments:

Julie Kieras said... 1

oh my goodness - we are huge star wars fans too! :) I don't see any more available though - so now I AM going to have to stalk this poor lady's shop! :)

hannah said... 2

You had me at Star Wars! I'm not on Babycenter, so I didn't know about Doodle Dypes. But I'm going to check out all the links now!

Amanda said... 3

Ok so this is the first I've heard of these, but I'm new to cloth diapering... I am super excited to "stalk" her site! :) I love our cloth diapers we got, but I'm always in the market for new ones!!!:) #5 won't be our last baby so they'll go to good use! Thank you for sharing!!!

JIll said... 4

I am following you back. Thanks for stoping by my site. I am excited to ready this post since I am always up for a new diaper to try out. these look great.

Anonymous said... 5

<3 Doodles!!!
And I <3 your blog so ive given you an award! Come seee!

Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 6

Cuuuute! I love her Baby Leggings, too!! If I wasn't moving (and hence strapped for cash) I would SO get the Groovy legs!! And her fabrics are amazing. The Elvis fan in me is drooling. :)

Thamra said... 7

Just great! It's hard enough to get a doodle dype the way it is, and now you go and spill the beans and tell the whole world how great they are! Just Kidding. I love my doodles and Sandy is awesome. Great review!!!! :)

Belly Charms said... 8

The camo is too cute. I am a new follower and thanks for following me on Twitter. Have a great weekend.