Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Corinne with The Fresh Stitch

I love arts and craft shows. Especially ones where I knew Etsy sellers were going to be showing off their wares. This was going to be good! I dragged the whole family along with me that day as I oohhhed and ahhhed at each table. I knew I probably wouldn't buy anything but gather business cards so I could go home and put them in my Favorite Store section on Etsy. I was doing well not spending any money, cards collected in my hand, when we arrived at Corinne's table. She had the cutest little girl clothes (I need a little girl....) and the handsomest little boy Ts.
Then we noticed these little crayon holders that rolled up and were tied with ribbon. I asked about them and Corinne informed me they were crayon rolls. (duh Courtney!) They were the perfect size to fit inside a purse or leave them in the car to grab on the go. Just untie the bow and out the crayons roll. Each crayon has their own little pocket. I had to have one! Ours now has a permanent home in our diaper bag. When we go out to eat the boys instantly ask for their crayons to use. When the food comes, the crayons get folded back and put away. We love it!

On with our story. I was ready to be done with that purchase but Hubby kept commenting on the bib/burp cloth sets she had displayed. The bib was made with the softest thickest cutest fabric and the burp cloth was a prefold that she had sewn cute fabric into. Hubby wanted me to buy more? Could it really be? Yep he did! He thought P'Diddy needed them. We love love our bib. It is the best bib we own and sometimes I pause before I put it on him because I know he is just going to mess it up! And our burp cloth? It also has a permanent spot in our diaper bag. We have to have cute things when we go out right? And her minky blankets...oh I could have ten of these!
 Have you ever watched Army Wives? Her apron was featured on there!! Is that cool or what?

Let's hear what she has to say...

Tell me about yourself and your family
I am a happily married, stay at home Mom to a fun and loving four year old girl. I am also a Nanny by day to a wonderful little boy and Owner, Designer and "Stitcher" of The Fresh Stitch by night! I have always found myself to have an eye for fashion and a love for shopping. So, searching for stylish fabrics couldn't get better!! Being around two wonderful children all day, sewing and shopping all night, and adding fresh & modern styles to all ages and I couldn't be happier!!

How did you get started?
The Fresh Stitch came about when one day I woke up and decided to begin sewing! I was staying at home with my daughter and she greatly inspired me to purchase a sewing machine. From there, I taught myself how to sew baby items and gifts. As she has grown older I have expanded to designing more clothing and accessory items for older children.

How do get your fabulous ideas?
I design clothing and accessories based on what I find useful to myself as a Mom and what I feel other Moms would enjoy purchasing -- items that you would not find in an ordinary children's shop. I am constantly designing new items in my mind and constantly purchasing new fabric that catches my eye. I once had a love and obsession to store shop for my daughter, now my love is purchasing new fabrics and designing clothes for her and others! When I do get out to the stores I find myself saying, "Hey, I can make that!"

Are you a crunchy mama?
I would say that I am "crunchy" Mom in many ways :) We live a 95% organic lifestyle, I eat very little to no meat, lots of veggies and I am recently back to a dairy-free lifestyle. I say back to a dairy-free lifestyle because I was unable to eat dairy products while breastfeeding my daughter for 15 months (she had a sensitivity to dairy). Every since this dramatic change in my diet I feel fabulous! However, my daughter drinks 6+ cups of milk/day (organic) and I do not feel as though I could take this away from her!! I am curious to research how children live a "vegan" lifestyle and get all the nutrients they need (and not get the cold shoulder from those who don't believe in this lifestyle)!! We live an "all natural" lifestyle :: Although I survived living off of HFCS, artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, antibiotics, growth hormones, hydrogenated oils, etc when I was younger -- we choose to not go this route with our family! As for clothing diapering, I am looking forward to future child #2 (whenever this will be) and exploring the cloth diapering way of life!!

What is the best thing about your job?
The best thing about my job is that it does not take away from being a stay at home Mom and Nanny -- my other job! I love that I can work at home (whether it is during naps or in the evening) and be flexible with my schedule. I make it so that I am able to spend these amazing young years with my daughter -- going on adventures and outings around Charleston, traveling to visit family, etc. It's going to be a big change for me next year when she is off to Kindergarten (tear, tear)! However, I will have more time on my hands to expand my business!

and anything else you'd like me to say about you, your work, etc...
I am so grateful to all my customers, friends and family who have supported me with my new business. I wouldn't want it any other way!!

Isn't she so nice? I'd like to say maybe I got her thinking about cloth diapers a little more because when we were chatting the first time I met her I told her she needed to make diapers! She would make the cutest minky diapers!!!! :)

Ok, time for a giveaway! You are going to be astatic when I tell you that Corinne is delighted (her word) to giveaway TWO crayon rolls! There will be TWO winners! You can pick one she already has in stock or she'll make you one out of any fabric. Are you jumping up and down?

Mandatory Entry - Visit The Fresh Stitch at Etsy and tell me what item in what fabric you are dying to have. Don't forget to add them to your Favorites!
Google Friend Connect with Crunchy Beach Mama

1 Extra Entry for each follow
-Like The Fresh Stitch on Facebook - tell her Crunchy Beach Mama sent you!
-Follow The Fresh Stitch on Twitter
-Make purchase from The Fresh Stitch and get 5 extra entries!

-Network with Crunchy Beach Mama (links above) - Facebook, Twitter, RSS Feeds, Email subscription - 1 each
-Grab one of my new buttons
-Tweet and/or FB status about my giveaway

This giveaway will end on Aug. 30, 2010 at 11:59 ET. Winner will be drawn via Once a winner is drawn I will contact them and they will have 48 hours to reply before I draw a new winner. Giveaway is open to residents of the U.S. only who are 18 years of age or older.

90 crunchy comments:

Julie Kieras said... 1

Hey - I would probably like the zoo print.
These are DARLING little organizers - I can't wait till my baby is playing with crayons! :)

Julie Kieras said... 2

I follow you on Twitter!

Julie Kieras said... 3

I follow on FB!

Julie Kieras said... 4


Julie Kieras said... 5

Follow Fresh Stitch on Twitter

Julie Kieras said... 6

Like Fresh Stitch on Facebook

Julie Kieras said... 7

Got your new button!
jkrs01 (been meaning to do that anyway!)

Katie De La said... 8

These things are so cute!!! I never knew about Etsy until now, I want to thank you for introducing me to that site!
Love your site!

Check out mine

littlelatina said... 9

I love this: Minky Stroller Blanket in Wheels

Unknown said... 10

I love the Modern Zoo in Blue!

southcarolinamommy at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 11

Liked on FB and told them you sent me.
Karen Bridges

Unknown said... 12

Following the Fresh Stitch on Twitter @SCMOMOF2BOYS

Karen said... 13

I like the organic washcloths in jungle animals!


Kendra said... 14

My favorite is the Crayon Roll in Starling Pink (love the roll AND fabric). My daughter would love this!


Kristyn Martin said... 15

I like the Little Girls Apron Dress in Mocca Floral

... and I follow you via GFC.

Kristyn Martin said... 16

I follow you via networked blogs.

Kristyn Martin said... 17

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Kristyn Martin said... 18

I subscribe via email

Michelle Frame said... 19

I am a blog follower and I love the Little Girls Twirl Skirt in Starling Pink.

Michelle Frame said... 20

I follow The fresh stitch on twitter

craftydiva said... 21

I like Fresh Stich on FB

craftydiva said... 22

I love the starling pink!

craftydiva said... 23

I got yoru button

Kristen Laudick said... 24

I like the 2d Zoo Pool.
kristenlaudick at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 25

I love Crayon Roll in Starling Pink - it would be great for my little girls!

Leigh said... 26

I'm in love with the Little Girls Halter Ruffle Dress in Fairy Tip Toes!!!


Leigh said... 27

following on twitter (onedayatatimeLL)


✿Heather S✿ said... 28

I like Groovy guitar! I'm a GFC follower and I hearted her on Etsy!
mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

✿Heather S✿ said... 29

I follow you on twitter as hell_0kitty
mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

Raven's Rest Studio, Jennifer Conway said... 30

oh! great giveaway, and great shop!! I'd love to win the groovy guitars crayon roll. *smiles* ~Jen

Teaching Mommy said... 31

My son would really like the crayon roll in wheels on blue. (And I adore the girls ruffled khakis....too bad I don't have a girl!)

I added fresh stitch to my favorite sellers and I follow you on gfc.

frankandkatie at gmail dot com

Teaching Mommy said... 32


frankandkatie at gmail dot com

Teaching Mommy said... 33

liked fresh stitch on facebook as katie t... and told her you sent me

frankandkatie at gmail dot com

Teaching Mommy said... 34

follow the fresh stitch on twitter as @frankandkatie

frankandkatie at gmail dot com

Teaching Mommy said... 35

follow you on twitter as @frankandkatie

frankandkatie at gmail dot com

Teaching Mommy said... 36

like you on facebook as katie t..

frankandkatie at gmail dot com

Teaching Mommy said... 37

subscribe to rss via google reader

frankandkatie at gmail dot com

Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 38

I LOVE the Bibs and Burp Cloth set in the Sushi fabric! Adorable!

I also added the shop to my favorites and I follow you on GFC!


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 39

I liked her on FB as Eco Frugal and left a message on her wall to let her know you sent me!

Anonymous said... 40

I love the Little Girls Twirl Skirt in Starling Pink - Size 12/18 months

Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 41

I follow The Fresh Stitch on Twitter as EFandFrugal!

Anonymous said... 42

like her on facebook and let her know you sent me!

Anonymous said... 43

Follow her on twitter @chubbycheeks143

Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 44

I like you on Facebook as Eco Frugal!

Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 45

I follow you on Twitter as EFandFrugal

Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 46

I subscribe to your RSS feed

Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 47

I subscribe via E-mail

Anonymous said... 48

follow via GFC

Anonymous said... 49

like you on facebook

Anonymous said... 50

Follow you on twitter @chubbycheeks143

Anonymous said... 51

Follow you on networked blogs

Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 52

I have your NEW button on my blog!

Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 53

Facebook post!!/posted.php?id=218002007278&share_id=150626478296917&comments=1#s150626478296917

Lindsey said... 54

I love, love, love the Mini Minky Security Blanket in Juicy Jungle.
I added her Etsy store to my Faves.
I follow your blog through GFC!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 55

I like The Fresh Stitch on FB and wrote on her wall!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 56

I'm following The Fresh Stitch on Twitter.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 57

I like you on FB.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 58

I'm following you on Twitter.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 59

I get your feeds through Google Reader.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 60

I tweeted.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Anna-Leigh said... 61

I love the Cupcake in Pink!
She's a fav now on Etsy ;-)

Anna-Leigh said... 62

I commented on her facebook and liked her ;-)

Anna-Leigh said... 63

I FB'd about your giveaway ;-)

Emily Taylor said... 64

I would chose the Wheels on Blue and Groovy Guitars.

I added to favorites. (Penelopplum)

nordstromemily at hotmail dot com

Ashley R said... 65

I love the Mini Minky Security Blanket in Modern Zoo!
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

Ashley R said... 66

I follow thefreshstitch on twitter! (@reynoldsmom)
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

Ashley R said... 67

I "Like" you on FB! (Ashley Reynolds)
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

Ashley R said... 68

I follow you on twitter! (@reynoldsmom)
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

Ashley R said... 69

Subscribed to your RSS feed via google reader!
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

Kimberly said... 70

I like the Minky Stroller Blanket in Pink and Chocolate Damask.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

Kimberly said... 71

I follow The Fresh Stitch on twitter @Aerated
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

Kimberly said... 72

I follow you on twitter @Aerated
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

Kimberly said... 73

I subscribe via google reader.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

Art Kat said... 74

would love
Three Chenille Bibs

duhnellecarter [at] yahoo . com
--Get this giveaway free exposure here!

Mama Chocolate said... 75

I'd LOVE the Minky Stroller Blanket in Oh Boy Vehicles! SO cute!

I'm now a new follower of Crunchy Beach Mama! Looking forward to seeing more of your blog!

jccchocolate at gmail dot com

Mama Chocolate said... 76

I went over and "liked" The Fresh Stitch on Facebook and let her know you sent me! :-)

jccchocolate at gmail dot com

Mama Chocolate said... 77

I'm now following The Fresh Stitch on Twitter! @ChoresChocolate

jccchocolate at gmail dot com

Mama Chocolate said... 78

Tweeted about the giveaway!

jccchocolate at gmail dot com

Mama Chocolate said... 79

I "like" Crunchy Beach Mama on Facebook.

jccchocolate at gmail dot com

Mama Chocolate said... 80

I now follow Crunchy Beach Mama on Twitter!

jccchocolate at gmail dot com

Mama Chocolate said... 81

I signed up for an email subscription to your updates through FeedBurner.

jccchocolate at gmail dot com

Harmony said... 82

I like the Crayon Roll in Starling Pink. Really cute stuff on there!
happyharmony @ gmail. com

DanceJamboree said... 83

I would like to have Crayon Roll in Groovy Guitars - 12 Crayons Included.
dancejamboree at gmail dot com

DanceJamboree said... 84

I like The Fresh Stitch on Facebook.
dancejamboree at gmail dot com

DanceJamboree said... 85

I follow The Fresh Stitch on Twitter.
dancejamboree at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 86

Mini Minky Security Blanket in Giraffe Garden


Anonymous said... 87

Like CBM on FB


Anonymous said... 88

Subscribe to RSS feed


Anonymous said... 89

Grabbed your button!


trixx said... 90

Love the Bib and Burp Baby Bundle Set in Jungle Animals!

I follow your blog!