Saturday, August 14, 2010

Annoucement & Winner!

Sorry it took me so long to get out the winner today! I'm sure you are all anxiously awaiting the news :) My computer seems to get a bit worse each day and it didn't want me to touch it at all today. Darn thing. I finally got it to surf towards where I picked a number through 76. And the winner is....

#27 Julie from ...And Baby Makes Three!.
She said 'I follow you on FB (julie howard kieras) jkrs01 ' - love my FB fans!

Now for my BIG announcement! I am finally getting that new look I've been talking about and it should be up on Monday morning! We'll have a week full of celebration & giveaways so I can show it off! Be sure to stop back...

2 crunchy comments:

Unknown said... 1

I followed you from over at Diaper Swappers:)

Would love to have you follow back. I have a Rockin' Green giveaway happening now AND an awesome bag that supports an organization saving woman from the sex trade industry in India.

love your definintion of crunchy.

Amy Walker said... 2

I love your new look!!! Really sharp!!! I've been meaning to ask you if the numbering thing went all right and I see it has!! Yay!!! Awesome giveaways!!!