Monday, August 16, 2010

My New Look & Blog Giveaway

Well what do you think? I think that Kim from did an AWESOME job! Poor girl, having to put up with me and my ideas. I have to say though, I just shared with her a few thoughts I had floating around in my head and she put that all together!

To help celebrate my new look we are going to do 3 different giveaways this week! 
Kim is awesome enough to giveaway a combo package for you bloggers!
A grab me button, signature, & numbering of comments. Isn't that great?!

Kim was nice enough to answer a few questions for me so you could get a chance to know her better.

Tell me about yourself and your family

I've been an artist all my life. I'm a single mom with one child. James-Falcon (boy/5months). Born in Miami, Grew up in Ontario, Canada. Now I'm living in the old south. Georgia. I love nature and the outdoors, and being crafty. That's about it. I'm pretty low-maintenance. Loving being a new mom....the joy, and adventure of that. Not very good about talking about myself. :?

How did you get started designing blogs?

I got started with digital graphics, designing blogs and websites when I got my first computer. Being an artist, it was natural for me to explore that medium. From doing my own websites; self-taught, little by little. I'm not an expert. I don't want to be the top of list, or anything. I love the level where I'm working with other moms and WAHMs...helping them out. It's very rewarding. I like the flexibility of digital graphics, and utilizing as many free programs as blogger, wordpress, etc. to help moms make a living online/from home. I like helping make that accesible to other moms!
How long does it usually take to redesign a blog?

Depends. Some go really quickly. Blogger is faster, bcuz it's a little more limited for customization. Wordpress is more involved, bcuz it can be made completely from scratch. No more then a week. A few e-commerce shops I've done have taken me a month start to finish, but that's doing all the branding, the website customizations, plus labels, SEO stuff, and a ton of little things. Some of those jobs never seem to end. But right now, turn around for a blog is about 3 days (James permitting) ;)
Are you a Crunchy Mama?
yeah....I helped defined crunchy back in the day, lol. Always been backwoodsy, grassroots, all natural. burks, sprouts, I was a vegetarian for ten years. Then I moved down south and it was hard to stay crunchy, where everything is deep fried, slathered & smothered. Not as crunchy as I use to be, but I'm working to get back to it. I upcycle and reuse a lot, have a small garden, and shop mostly at goodwill. Ideally I'd just like to go completely off-grid, and move into a little cabin somewhere by a lake. Er, with internet! :D
What is the best thing about your job?

Kinda covered that above, about helping others bring to life what's in their minds eye. The ability to set a price that's affordable to WAHMs and utilize free software, and my talent to help them create a real, professional online presence/business/brand that can compete successfully with the rest of what's out there. We WAHMs need to stick together!
   Tell me what you think of my new look!
And 'Like' My Crafty Mom on Facebook

(if you don't want to enter the giveaway, please still tell us what you think about the blog)
Google Friend Crunchy Beach Mama
LIKE on Facebook
Follow on Twitter
Subscribe to my email
Grab one of my new buttons!
Will end Friday, August 27th at 11:59pm EST.
Coming up on Wednesday
Feature on an Etsy-Mom and fantastic giveaway!

27 crunchy comments:

Mommy Hates Cooking said... 1

Love the new layout, I'm updating your button on my site!

Julie Kieras said... 2

I LOOooove the new look - I am a big fan of the cartoon-versions of you guys! Everything looks very sharp and pulled together! :) Love the headers for each thing on the side bar!
And I liked My Crafty Mom on FB

Julie Kieras said... 3

I am a GFC follower!

Julie Kieras said... 4

I follow you on twitter @jkieras

Julie Kieras said... 5

I like you on FB

Annette said... 6

Hi, I'm visiting from Mingle Monday. I'm actually getting a new design for my blog too! I love your new look and your theme--you can tell you put a lot of time and creativity into it. I'm following because I love your "chats" and I try to be green as much as possible too. Have a great day.

Sandra said... 7

Following from Bloggy Moms.
I did not get to see your other blog design but this one is terrific!
I'm glad I read through the post, I had not idea what "crunchy" meant. I think I qualify as totally crunchy. Cool. Thanks for clearing that up! Love your blog, the design, and cant' wait to read more!

Journey to Green said... 8

i love your new design. i really love the background. i updated my button for you in my blog.

i also liked my crafty mom on FB

Journey to Green said... 9

i grabbed your new badge for my blog

Mys said... 10

I like the vector styles and the fact that I really can feel the beach in your blog, it's like I'm walking on sand with coconuts waving at me.

Ruth said... 11

What a wonderful layout! It's great!

I like My Crafty Mom on Facebook

Ruth said... 12

gfc follower of your blog

Ruth said... 13

your e-mail subscriber

Amanda- The Nutritionist Reviews said... 14

I love the look of your blog! It is so fun!

Navy_Frugalista said... 15

I love the new look and I liked My Crafty Mom on FB!

frugalista04 (at) yahoo (Dot) com

Navy_Frugalista said... 16

Following thru GFC now!!
Lacy Dill

frugalista04 (at) yahoo (Dot) com

Navy_Frugalista said... 17

@Navy_frugalista is following you on twitter!!

frugalista04 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Clarke & Lewis said... 18

Looks great- not too busy and very sharp.
I like you on fb- ria clarke
rmartinclarke at gmail dot com

Clarke & Lewis said... 19

gfc follower
rmartinclarke at gmail dot com

Clarke & Lewis said... 20

I like CBM on fb- ria clarke
I also like Crafty Mom
rmartinclarke at gmail dot com

Clarke & Lewis said... 21

twitter follower- rsmc1
rmartinclarke at gmail dot com

Clarke & Lewis said... 22

google reader subscriber
rmartinclarke at gmail dot com

Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 23

I love the new layout! It looks so clean and well organized. Very easy to navigate. Thumbs up!

I also follow My Crafty Mom on FB as Eco Frugal!


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 24

I am a GFC follower!

Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 25

I like you on FB as Eco Frugal

Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 26

I follow you on Twitter as EFandFrugal

Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 27

Got one of your new buttons right here:!