Monday, August 23, 2010

Baby Food Jar Ideas

What do you do with your baby food jars? We are boring at our house. We only do one of two things with ours. Mostly, we recycle. Or the baby food we do make goes into these jars for storage. I was on a baby forum the other day where this question came up. It made me think and I began compiling lots of neat ideas and I want to share with them you!

Storage Ideas
Cheerios for the diaper bag
Salad Dressing to take to work
Spices or Herbs
Beads, Screws, Hair Clips
Small toys - My Little Pony brushes, Barbie shoes, GI Joe guns
Toothpick Holder

Fun Easy Projects for Kids
Make Butter - add a couple of Tablespoons of heavy whipping cream, shake up good, spread on some yummy cinnamon bread.
Add water with a bit of food coloring and confetti - shake
Firefly or Bug jar - poke holes in lid and catch your bugs!

Gifts (decorate lids with fabric and ribbons)
Hot Chocolate in a jar
Pour your own candles
Paperweights - colored marbles or artificial flowers are a couple of examples to put inside.
Tea light candle holders - decorate jar with tissue, paint the jar, or use craft glue the jar to add sparkles, rhinestones or any other decoration.

Crafty Ideas (use your imagination for TONS of ideas!) a couple of my favorites with links on how to accomplish them.
Gel Air Fresheners
Sewing Kits
Snow Globes - easier one here or a bit more work here
Reindeer Food or Winter Rabbit Food if you don't celebrate Christmas
Christmas Tree - look at this!

My Beach Favorites
Colored sand art
Fill with small shells or pebbles
Ocean scene - water with blue/green food coloring, a little glitter added, a small rubber fish attached to the jar lid with fishing string.

Or sell them on Ebay and make a little cash! :)

7 crunchy comments:

Anonymous said... 1

Love these ideas! I am so mad! My hubby just trashed a good amount of my jars! I try to make my own food but I got an awesome clearance deal on Earths Best at Babies R us! So I will have a couple more jars and tis Christmas people are getting gifts in jars! LOL

Thanks for linking up your giveaways! :)

Heather Jones said... 2

Great ideas!!! I think I will have to do a few of these ideas. Also what about putting homemade jam in a couple of the stage three jars with a ribbon around them!!! OH THANK YOU FOR THE WONDERFUL IDEA!!

I'm following you via Meet Me Monday. Would love for you to follow and visit me as well! :)

Mommy Only Has Two Hands!

Lisa said... 3

Gel Air Fresheners sound cool! They would make great easy gifts.

I found you from Green Follow Friday.

Julie Kieras said... 4

ha! I was thinking "sand art" and then I got to your beachy suggestions! :)
What about an "I Spy" jar - get teeny tiny toy objects and put in jar, fill with sand, and then kids have to spin the jar around to find the objects. Might be too small tho.
Loved the salad dressing idea!

Candi said... 5

Makes me want to go to the store and buy some baby food now :) LOL!

Katie De La said... 6

Great ideas! These are all really cute!

. said... 7

Great ideas! I love reusing things like that and not just sending them to a landfill.

I'm well beyond baby food years, but I use small jelly jars in my office/craft room to store beads, magnets, and little things like that. :)