Friday, August 6, 2010

New Followers

A HUGE Thank You to all my followers!

Today is the mark of my 2nd week anniversary!

Goal for today is to get 100 Google Friends - 50 Facebook Fans - 60 Twitters

But don't follow me 'cuz - I want to see you back :)

The more Followers the more I can help the WAHMama's I feature!

Now what name can I call my Followers? Help me decide! Crunchers? Beachbums? What??

(last day for Babylegs ~ and my wonderful Usborne Books has low entries - spread the word!)

8 crunchy comments:

Julie Kieras said... 1

you're doing great with 87 followers already! :) faster than me! :) I am sure you'll reach your goals in no time!
I tweeted again about your Usborne... :)

Covnitkepr1 said... 2

I'm a follower...follow me back if you wish.

SoMo Mom said... 3

Hey! Love the blog... I like beachbums :-) So cute. I'm originally from the Midwest too! Now in Raleigh & loving it! Check out our blog where sleep-deprived moms hang out. :)
Following you now!

abbie said... 4

You are SO out there already! Can't believe how many followers, fans and ads you have already! Way to go.
Happy New Friend Friday!

Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 5

Only 8 more! I hope you get it by the end of the day!

Btw, I noticed in your About Me section that you love Dr. Pepper and I just wanted to let you know that I was in the store yesterday buying Root Beer for Root Beer floats and I found Dr. Pepper made with REAL SUGAR!!! It's for the 125th Anniversary of Dr. Pepper. Needless to say I stocked up and we had Dr. Pepper floats! It's soooooo good!

Mama to 5 said... 6

Hi! Following you from Cloth Diaper Bloggers, love the Star Wars fluff! Cute! I invite you to follow back! I have an Eli Monsters cover giveaway going on now & I will be posting another one for Envibum soon. Look foward to reading more of your blog! :)

Jess and the boys said... 7

Hey there! I'm your newest GFC follower from Green Follow Friday! :)

And Then There Were 4...

Jenelle said... 8

Whoa Mama! Look at you go, I became a "beachbum" follower week one... I can not believe how many fans you already have! Way to go! Anyway I wanted to invite you back to ecoMoMics (my blog) and if you need any WAHM goodies- check out I am in the process of finding a place to call home but feel free to look around I recycle old clothes into kids clothes that will knock your socks off! Best wishes!