Friday, December 3, 2010

Zuvo Water Filtration System Giveaway

I love drinking water! That is, clean, good tasting water. We've had a Brita filter for years. And everyday - multiple times a day - I have to refill it. Having a water system hooked up to our sink was a dream for us because we wanted a "good" one if were going to splurge to buy one. As you probably understand, I was more than excited when Zuvo wanted me to review their system!

Here is some great info that Zuvo wants me to share with you:

With all the concern about unsafe chemicals in our tap water, Moms are concerned about finding solutions to this important problem; especially when it comes to making formula, for cooking and hydrating ourselves and our kids.

What's the solution?

The new Zuvo Water Filtration System delivers cleaner and healthier water direct from your tap that leaves no carbon footprint. It's all recyclable too. The Zuvo is telegenic and amazing to watch, you see your tap water bubbling in a blue UV light and getting cleaner before your eyes.

Now just in time for the holidays Zuvo Water ( is introducing its new Zuvo 150 Water Filtration System. Priced at less than $150 — a fraction of other automated water filtration systems — this is the low-cost high-volume easy to install home water filtration system that everyone has been waiting for! It's elegantly designed, high tech and easy to use.

Trust Your Tap Again

Tap water safety is a number one concern for our health and fitness. This year, the President’s Anti-Cancer Panel specifically recommended home water filtration for tap water. The Zuvo Water Filtration System makes tap water safer and more delicious for the whole family to drink… and, unlike pitcher water systems, offers UNLIMITED fresh water!

Now the entire family can enjoy all the clean fresh water they want all year round.

What It Does

Zuvo’s UV/Ozone filtration system reproduces nature’s photo-oxidation cleansing process, filtering impurities and reduces microorganisms, while preserving your water’s natural and healthy mineral content and adding fresh oxygen, giving it a delicious “pop”. It’s this “something extra” that makes users choose Zuvo over ordinary tap or bottled water every time!

About Zuvo 150 Water Filtration System

• Easily installed above counter to a standard (threaded) faucet or under-counter connected directly to a Zuvo Beverage Faucet

• Uses 8w UV bulb; requires less energy than a toaster

• ½ gallon-per-minute flow rate

• Filter life of 400 gallons

• Retails at $149.99

Hubby easily hooked ours up. We rent so ours had to stay on top the counter (something about screws and holes, Hubby tried to explain to me, if it was to go underneath) which ended up being okay because now we get to watch it work! The Zuvo turns a bright blue as it filters the water to the faucet.

So here it is by itself...

And here it is when you easily pull the switch at the faucet..

Cool huh?! I love how easy it is for the kids to use. They love it too!

I was amazed by this picture...this was what I was using before...

I knew I was doing my part in helping the environment by not using plastic bottles but FILTERS? It didn't even cross my mind.

So the bottom line need a Zuvo too!!

WIN a Zuvo Water Filitration System!
$150 Value!

MANDATORY ENTRY ~ one entry total
Tell me why you need a Zuvo System!
Be a BeachBum ~ Google Friend OR Facebook ~ easy sidebar widgets to follow!

*Please leave email once if not in profile*

EXTRA ENTRIES ~ one for each
Follow Zuvo on Facebook

Be a BeachBum ~ Google Friend AND Facebook

Follow CBM on Twitter & Tweet 'WIN a Zuvo Water Filtration System $150 Value! @crunchybchmama #green #giveaway'

Get CBM in your Email when I have a new post ~ top-ish right sidebar

Eco-Friendly & Frugal's blog has a Zuvo for you to win too!
Enter hers and give yourself an extra entry!

Zuvo Water sent me a water filtration system for this review but I was not compensated in any way for the post and all opinions are my own. This giveaway will end on Dec. 17, 2010 at 11:59pm EST. Winner will be drawn via Once a winner is drawn I will contact them and they will have 48 hours to reply before I draw a new winner. Giveaway is open to anyone in the US and you must be 18 years of age or older.

179 crunchy comments:

Monique said... 1

I think I posted my comment on the wrong post. I would feel more comfortable drinking our tap water when using a good quality filter.

Monique said... 2

GFC friend

Monique said... 3

follow zuvo on fb

Monique said... 4

following you on twitter and tweeted

Julie Kieras said... 5

I need one of these b/c we already filter our water in the kitchen but I would love to install this in the bathroom upstairs so I can get drinking water in the middle of the night. Right now I don't even like that I brush my teeth with unfiltered water!!! :)

GFC of course! :)

Julie Kieras said... 6

Twitter & Tweet

Julie Kieras said... 7

Like Zuvo on Fb

Julie Kieras said... 8

Email subscriber

Julie Kieras said... 9

Beachbum on GFC & FB

mamagonzo said... 10

I NEED a system because I have 5 kids, and we go through ALOT of spring water in this house, as its all we drink. No tap water for us!
I'm a BeachBum ~ Google Friend and Facebook ~\
mgonsalves4 @

mamagonzo said... 11

follow zuvo on fb
mgonsalves4 @

mamagonzo said... 12

Google Friend AND Facebook
mgonsalves4 @

mamagonzo said... 13

Get CBM in my Email
mgonsalves4 @

Jill said... 14

The reson I need one is our water here is terrible! It has had high levels of arsenic in it and we spend a lot on filters too. We have even been purchasing bottled water which gets costly! This system would help us out so much! Thanks for offering this giveaway!

Erika said... 15

Fb friend and email subscriber. I
Would love to have one of these bc we are a family of five and we drink a lot of filtered water. Straight out of the tap would be so convenient for us! Especially for all the baby bottles we have to make!!!

Erika said... 16

I'm a fb friend (Erika Romero) and an email subscriber (
I would love to have one of these because we are a family of five and we drink a lot of filtered water! This would be so convenient for us, especially for all the baby bottles we have to make every day! :)

Unknown said... 17

I would love to have a Zuvo and stop replacing the other water filters every couple of months! I'm a GFC follower too.

Unknown said... 18

Entered at Eco-Friendly and Frugal

Kristen Laudick said... 19

I would love to have this beacause our city water is disgusting. It tastes and smells awful. And we drink a lot of water.

kristenlaudick at yahoo dot com

Cindy said... 20

Hello, Crunchy Beach Mom! I would like to have this to put in my bathroom so that I don't have to go downstairs to get water if I forget to bring some up with me... current faucet water=yuck

Cindy said... 21

follow zuvo on fb (cindy clarke)

Cindy said... 22

beachbum fb follower (cindy clarke)

Cindy said... 23!/love2bgigi/statuses/10828122622533632

Angel Jacklyn said... 24


Angel Jacklyn said... 25


Angel Jacklyn said... 26


Angel Jacklyn said... 27

FOLLOWING YOU ON TWITTER USER NAME "kytah00" & TWEETED!/kytah00/status/10899482434600960

Angel Jacklyn said... 28


evrywoman said... 29

I need this filter to replace the one I have. It get very costly replacing the filters, often times I have to replace them long before the time that's indicated on the side of the box.
Follow on GFC

evrywoman said... 30

Follow your blog on FB

evrywoman said... 31

Follow Zuvo on FB

evrywoman said... 32

Subscribe to email

evrywoman said... 33

Entered at Eco friendly as well

Luna said... 34

I'm following you on GFC :-)

I could really use a Zuvo because all my children drink is water and it would be healthier than tap and more environmentally friendly than bottled!

kelly (at) mysimplewalk (dot) com

humanecats said... 35

I follow on GFC. I need to win because there is something in the water here that I'm allergic to. I'm using the Brita pitcher now.

humanecats said... 36

I follow on twitter and tweeted giveaway.!/humanecats/status/11269836810231808

humanecats said... 37

I entered giveaway on Eco friendly's blog.

Trista Anderson said... 38

I would like to have this because we can spell the chemicals in our water currently so we do not drink it; we buy bottled water.

tristaeanderson 05 at gmail dot com

Trista Anderson said... 39

I follow Zuvo on fb

tristaeanderson 05 at gmail dot com


when water tastes good I tend to drink more- filters help and I end up drinking less junk drinks

Bebemiqui said... 41

I need this because we're moving to Amman, Jordan and I want to be sure our water is clean!!!

weeblet said... 42

I'd love to have this because we're on well water, and it can never be clean enough for me! :)
I follow on GFC! (weeblet)

weeblet said... 43

I follow you on twitter, and I tootled! (@weeblet)!/weeblet/status/12194120160247808

Mike Karr said... 44

I'm in desperate need of a filtration system for my espresso machine. This would do it!
mike.karr at

mogrill said... 45

Our water doesnt take so great here so I would love to win.
Thanks for the chance.

sweetpea18 said... 46

i need a zuvo because we drink a LOT of water in my house and i hate constantly filling up the brita! not to mention constantly changing the filter!
heatheranya at hotmail dot com

sweetpea18 said... 47

i entered at eco friendly and frugal!
heatheranya at hotmail dot com

Lindsey said... 48

So, I don't need this (I have a Culligan water cooler system), but my parents do! They still buy plastic water bottles from the store and are wasting so much! To save some, they refill their bottles with tap water... yuck!
I would love to win this for them!
I'm a BeachBum EVERYway! :)
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 49

I like Zuvo on FB.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 50

I'm a BeachBum BOTH ways!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 51

lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 52

I get your emails!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Monica said... 53

Follow you on facebook
I need one because we have room in the fridge for a brita and I don't do bottled water because of the plastic

Monica said... 54

I follow you via google anf facebook
I forgot my email in the last one--
pelletiermonicaa at

Monica said... 55

Entered over at eco frienfly and frugal
pelletiermonicaa at

Unknown said... 56

I need it bc we spend a ton on water bottles, have very hard water. Also our water isn't even good for animals to drink! I'd really love it!

kia said... 57

I follow on GFC and need this system since we currently do not have a filtration system installed on our tap

kia said... 58

I follow on twitter and tweeted!/bodhi_bear/status/13907023930335232

kia said... 59

I entered at Eco-Friendly & Frugal's blog

Kiersten @ Oh My Veggies said... 60

I follow on GFC. I would love to win a Zuvo system because we're currently using a Brita pitcher and according to the Zuvo website, this system is more more cost-effective than the Brita.
ohkeeka at gmail dot com

Kiersten @ Oh My Veggies said... 61

I entered at Eco-Friendly and Frugal
ohkeeka at gmail dot com

Lizze said... 62

I need the system because we have the Brita, but often can't swing the cost of the new filters

Lizze said... 63

I follow you on GFC and FB

lizze dot norlander at gmail dot com

Lizze said... 64

I like Zuvo on FB

lizze dot norlander at gmail dot com

melanie said... 65

I need this because i have three little boys and one husband that drink so much water. We are on a community well, but have had problems in the past with filtration. We had a brita filter, but it recently broke and with my husband no working we have not been able to buy a new one.

melanie said... 66

Melanie Calcut likes Crunchy Beach Mama Crunchy Beach Mama on Facebook.

melanie said... 67

Melanie Calcut Follows Zuvo on Facebook.

melanie said... 68

Laureen said... 69

I could desperately use a Zuvo System for many reasons, the most important being that we have been buying water from the grocery store for a few years now while getting a filter has largely been an unaccomplished and overwhelming item on my to-do list! Buying water and the plastic bottles it comes in has been by far this household's greatest eco sin!

I am a friend of yours on Google Friend Connect. (Laureen M-H)

Thanks for the chance to win!

Lmarston AT yahoo DOT com

Laureen said... 70

I get CBM emails.

Lmarston AT yahoo DOT com

Cinde said... 71

I would like a Zuvo system to eliminate purchasing multiple Brita filters each year.

I follow via GFC

Cinde said... 72

Following Zuvo on Facebook

Cinde said... 73

Like Crunchy Beach Mama on Google Friend AND Facebook

Cinde said... 74

Follow CBM on Twitter & tweeted:

herent said... 75

Well I feel we need a water filter because my 3 year old is a cancer survivor and we like to make sure his diet and environment are natural. We have a PUR filter but it takes lots of expensive filter changes.

Cinde said... 76

E-mail subscriber

Laureen said... 77

I entered the Zuvo giveaway at Eco-Friendly & Frugal's blog.

Ai Mei said... 78

We need one because we want to reduce ou carbon footprint and stop using and buying bottled water. We are transitioning into the aluminum reusable bottles and now the filter is all thats left. :) I follow you on Google Friend Connect (Ai Mei)

Ai Mei said... 79

Follow Zuvo on Facebook (Ssbucks Saving)

Ai Mei said... 80

BeachBum ~ Google Friend AND Facebook follower (Ssbucks Saving)

darlanpaulsmamma said... 81

i need a zuvo because we have no filtration system in our water and i would feel better about drinking tap water with a filtration system like zuvo!
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

darlanpaulsmamma said... 82

forgot to add follow on gfc in first entry
and follow zuvo on fb as melissa barnes
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

darlanpaulsmamma said... 83

follow on twitter as lovinmykiddos and tweeted
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

darlanpaulsmamma said... 84

entered at ecofriendly and frugals
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

Maia G said... 85

I follow you via gfc and I need a zuvo because I'm too scared to drink tap water that hasn't been filtered!
mk_mitchell90 at hotmail dot com

Marci said... 86

I would actually love to win this for my sister. She has such bad water at her house and really can not afford to keep buying bottled water.

Marci said... 87

Following Zuvo on facebook.

Marci said... 88

Following via Facebook. (Marci White)

Marci said... 89

I tweeted about the giveaway!

Mama B said... 90

I NEED this because I am TERRIBLE about buying bottled water :-(
I follow GFC
yates at otelco dot net

Mama B said... 91

I subscribe email yates at otelco dot net

Mama B said... 92

I follow CBM twitter
yates at otelco dot net

Jolene said... 93

i need one because we drink so much water we go through pur filters like every other week and its wicked expensive!

carrieb said... 94

I would love a Zuvo because we drink a ton of water in my house - gallons a day.
I follow you on gfc.

carrieb said... 95

i'm a beachbum
both gfc and fb fan!

carrieb said... 96

i rcv your emails!

Kris said... 97

we could use this cause most everyone in the house either drinks (filtered) water or home-brewed coffee/tea

follow you

Kris said... 98

follow zuvo fb

Kris said... 99

follow you gfc and fb

Kris said... 100

follow you twitter

Kris said... 101

signed up for emails

Debbie C said... 102

I need a Zuvo because I do not buy bottled water. I drink tap water and that is almost all I drink since I mostly avoid sodas. I want that tap water to be as clean and healthy as possible.


The Clothspring said... 103

we try to avoid our water bc it is floridated. blech

theclothspring at hotmail

following u on gfc

Robin said... 104

I need a Zuvo because I drink over a gallon of water per day. Right now I just let the water sit out for a bit hoping all the chlorine and stuff evaporates. The power of positive thinking I guess!

The Clothspring said... 105

followng zuvo on fb fluffs enough

The Clothspring said... 106

following u on fb and gfc

fluffs enough

The Clothspring said... 107

entered other giveaway

Laurie Pearson Photography said... 108

GFC follower.

I need this bc I'm tired of buying bottled water.

Wee Expressions said... 109

We definately need one of these!Our community water gets dirty after a good hard rain and I don't like having to use it for our family,especially the girls!

Wee Expressions said... 110

like you on fb

Wee Expressions said... 111

like zuvo on fb

Wee Expressions said... 112

follow your blog

Wee Expressions said... 113

subscribe to your emails

Tonic67 said... 114

I have a 5 month old and I mix her formula using Gerber water and buying these bottles are pricey, the plastic used is a waste, they are hard and heavy to lug up the stairs. I would so much love to be able to use purified water straight from the tap thereby saving, time, money and trouble.

reannenny at

Tonic67 said... 115

I follow via GFC and facebook

reannenny and tonic67

reannenny at

Tonic67 said... 116

I follow Zuvo on FB at toni marie caravello

reannenny at

Tonic67 said... 117

I follow CBM on twitter and tweeted!/tonic67/status/15478443923738624

reannenny at

Tonic67 said... 118

Get CBM in your Email when I have a new post DONE

reannenny at

Tonic67 said... 119

I entered the Eco-Friendly & Frugal's blog's Zuvo giveaway too.

reannenny at

erma said... 120

I'm a follower and I need this cause we have terrible well water and this may just help.

garry1952 said... 121

I love to drink water and this would make us feel better about our water supply

Erika said... 122

I would love to win because our city water is nasty & the Pur water filters get expensive & frustrating! A Zuvo sounds like just what we need! Thank you!
MusingsfromaSAHM at gmail dot com

Erika said... 123

Ooops forgot to add in my first post that I follow you with Google Friend Connect!

For my 2nd entry, I like Zuvo on Facebook - Erika B
MusingsfromaSAHM at gmail dot com

Erika said... 124

I like you on Facebook - Erika B
MusingsfromaSAHM at gmail dot com

Erika said... 125

I follow you on Twitter & tweet -

Erika said... 126

I entered the giveaway at EcoFriendlyandFrugal. Thanks!

Hotsnotty2 said... 127

Follower, I would love to win this to ensure that my tap water is safe to drink, thanks!

Leslie said... 128

We live way out in the country and do not have the best water. I would love such a reliable water system
I am a beach bum on GFC

Leslie said... 129

i follow on GFC and FB
lesalia17 at zoominternet dot net

Leslie said... 130

i get CBM emails

Diana H said... 131

I have thought about the filters being thrown away, this would be a great alternative.

Diana H said... 132

I am a friend through google friend

tamathamc said... 133

I need this because I dont drink enough water daily unless it is bottled

Anonymous said... 134

I NEED one of these because pretty much all we drink in my household is water. Juice is a rare treat, and soda - NEVER. I go through way too much water to buy it by the gallon, so right now I have a Brita pitcher.

I would LOVE, LOVE to have the Zuvo as an alternative. I am SO SICK of buying those expensive Brita filters constantly!

Anonymous said... 135

Following you on Twitter @briggszilla and tweeted!

Anonymous said... 136

Entering Eco-Friendly & Frugal's giveaway!

Tina Deanette Gower said... 137

I follow publicly via Google Friend Connect!
mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com

We could really use this in our house because we have a family of 6 and go through LOTS of water bottles weekly!

Tina Deanette Gower said... 138

I follow publicly through GFC
mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com

Like you on Facebook
(Tina Deanette Gower)

Tina Deanette Gower said... 139


mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com

Tina Deanette Gower said... 140

I subscribe via feedburner!
mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com

clynsg said... 141

Follower via GFC, and I need this because my water has an odd taste and this should make that better.

cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

clynsg said... 142

Entered the Zuvo giveaway at Ecofriendly and Frugal.

cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

juliet46151 said... 143

I need a Zuvo System! we have well water and it isnt the best in the world. it comes from a pond yuck!!
AND i am
a BeachBum ~ Google Friend follower and fb follower.

Susan said... 144

Our city water does not taste that good. I would love better water I follow your blog via gfc suelee1998 @

Susan said... 145

follow zuvo on fb

Barbarawr said... 146

I need a zuvo system because our water is awful and I've been using the water pitcher with the filters that fill up our landfills.

Email address is in blogger profile

Barbarawr said... 147

I Follow Zuvo on Facebook - barbara wright

Email address is in blogger profile

Barbarawr said... 148

I'm a BeachBum ~ Google Friend AND Facebook - barbara wright

Email address is in blogger profile

Barbarawr said... 149

I follow you on twitter and tweeted

Email address is in blogger profile

Barbarawr said... 150

I entered this giveaway at Eco-Friendly & Frugal's

Email address is in blogger profile

Go Long! Go Green! said... 151

our water tastes horrible!! also, GFC follower and like you on FB!

Go Long! Go Green! said... 152

guess I get an extra entry for GFC and FB like


demmi said... 153

my water does not taste good unless it is filtered

Jenelle said... 154

i know ive shared this before, but one of the things i really need to work on is my consumption of BOTTLED water! eck! i'd love to have this fancy pantsy water filtration system.

Jenelle said... 155

im a GFC follower

Jenelle said... 156

email subscriber

EmmaPeel said... 157

Our city water smells so foul you wouldnt even believe it and it tatstes just as bad

bdiane34 said... 158

I need a Zuvo sysytem because we rent as well and our water does not taste well, would love to filter it out.

bdiane34 said... 159

I follow Zuvo on facebook (Becky Horn)

bdiane34 said... 160

I followed on twitter and tweeted

bdiane34 said... 161

I subscribe via email said... 162

i need one because our tap water taste like chemicals
Diane Baum

Anonymous said... 163

Our water is not very clean-tasting. Here in Battle Ground, WA, we are known to have bad tasting water...

ewhatley said... 164

We go through so much bottled water because the water here is bad. Zuvo would save us a lot of money.

ewhatley at embarqmail dot com

susansmoaks said... 165

your fb fan tony l smoaks
i need the zuvo because we drink a lot of water and would love to save bottles
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Karen said... 166

I follow you publicly via GFC. As for why we need it: we spent a LOT of money getting a well drilled only to have it so we can't drink the tap water. Bottled water is becoming really expensive. We need a good filter system. Thanks for the shot at winning.

Karen said... 167

I follow you on twitter and tweeted:

Brian E. said... 168

Thanks for the giveaway...would like to try out the Zuvo Water Filtration System because our tap water has some recurrent "issues": it can sometimes look a bit cloudy & have a strong chlorine aftertaste !

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
GFC Follower: Brian E.

Brian E. said... 169

Follow Zuvo on Facebook: bryan eason

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
GFC Follower: Brian E.

Brian E. said... 170

Following you via Twitter: @brianpiero


senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
GFC Follower: Brian E.

Brian E. said... 171

...entered Eco-Friendly and Frugal - Zuvo Giveaway:

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
GFC Follower: Brian E.

Tylerpants said... 172

I'm a GFC follower. A Zuvo system would be great to have since I can't drink water straight from the tap...our water here is hard & doesn't taste good. tylerpants(at)

Tylerpants said... 173

Following Zuvo Water on Facebook (Lisa L). tylerpants(at)

Tylerpants said... 174

I'm both a GFC (Tylerpants) & Facebook (Lisa L) follower. tylerpants(at)

Tylerpants said... 175

I'm an email subscriber. tylerpants(at)

Anonymous said... 176

I need a Zuno filter because I want great tasting and healthy water. I am leery of what is in tap water. I follow with Google Friend Connect.

cman said... 177

Right now we drink unfiltered tap water and i'd love to try this. If it could improve the taste of our water it would be awesome.
I am a GFC follower.

cman said... 178

I'm an email subscriber.

cman said... 179

I entered the Zuvo giveaway at Eco-Friendly & Frugal's blog.