Thursday, December 16, 2010

Tassimo BrewBot Coffee Expresso Latte Giveaway

Would you believe me if I told you we've never owned a coffee maker? I do like my coffee though, the flavored kind. Or give me a cappuccino or latte any day. So I am excited to tell you that my very first coffee maker is rreeeaalllyy cooooool. The Tassimo BrewBot!

We've all the seen the commercials.

We first saw this commercial a few weeks ago. I didn't even know machines like this existed. I turned to Hubby and say 'Wow that is really neat. We need one." And do you know what he says back? 'Babe, you know it doesn't really turn into a robot right?' :)

Tassimo just sent me my BrewBot yesterday and is anxious to get it out for the holidays so we only got to use it last night so were aren't experts yet but I'm thrilled to tell  you that the first cup of coffee we made was a Starbucks Cappuccino! And it was YUMMY!!

I went out to Target today (and they carry them at Walmart, Bed Bath & Beyond, Lowes, etc) and got myself Starbucks Latte, flavored syrup to add to my drink, and hot chocolate for the kids! So excited to make more!

I will admit to you one flaw - it is not eco-friendly so I want to tell you Recycle, Recycle, Recycle what you can. Ok, now I feel better.

Here is some info for you about the technology and specs of the BrewBot:

It has T DISC Technology - through patented technology developed and designed by Kraft Foods, the TASSIMO brewer reads the bar code printed on each T DISC to ensure optimal brewing conditions, including the exact water amount and temperature. Because the brewing takes place inside the T DISC, consumers can prepare different drinks, one after another, with no flavor transfer from cup to cup. This ensures first-cup freshness and consistent taste every time.

Drink Varieties - TASSIMO is the only Home Brewing system that gives everyone the drink they want, from coffees and teas to rich cappuccinos and lattes. Even hot chocolate. Tassimo offers more than 40 beverage and flavor varieties to satisfy everyone with 13 distinctive beverage brands including Milka, Gevalia, Maxwell House, Suchard, Mastro Lorenzo, Twining’s®, Kenco, Jacob’s, TAZO®, Nabob, Carte Noire and Seattle’s Best Coffee®. TASSIMO even satisfies your coffee-house coffee cravings with a great variety of Starbucks brands – including Cappuccino Primo and Latte Primo.

● Makes coffee, tea, cappuccino, latte, crema, espresso and hot cocoa
● Makes drinks in about 1 minute

● Includes an exclusive flow–through water heater for faster, quieter brewing

● Space saving design ideal for apartments, dorm rooms and countertops

● Smart bar code technology allows the brewer to adjust each beverage with the proper temperature pressure and amount of water

● Weight: 7.08 lbs. Length: 11.0 "; Width: 7.9 "; Depth: 11.8 "

● 1.5 Liter water tank

● Retail Value: $129.99

SPECIAL OFFER: Purchase a Tassimo T20 Brewbot online here: and save $25 and get 2 free T DISCS!

Are you ready to WIN a Tassimo T20 BrewBot of your own?
This giveaway is what I call Short & Sweet
Only 5 days long ~ so go share with your friends! :)
Each Task Earns You 1 Entry
Be sure to leave your email once if not in profile
Tell me Why you want a Tassimo! I love hearing your stories!
Visit Tassimo and tell me which T-Disc Flavor you like
Like Tassimo on Facebook
Like CBM on Facebook ~ easy sidebar widget!
Become a BeachBum Google Friend ~ easy sidebar widget!
Tweet once ~ 'WIN a #Tassimo #BrewBot Coffee Maker from @crunchybchmama ~ Short & Sweet #Giveaway so enter today!'
Tassimo sent me a BrewBot for this review but I was not compensated in any way for the post and all opinions are my own. This giveaway will end on December 21, 2010 at 10:00pm EST. Winner will be drawn via Once a winner is drawn I will contact them and they will have 48 hours to reply before I draw a new winner. Giveaway is open to anyone in the US and you must be 18 years of age or older.

531 crunchy comments:

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Kristen Laudick said... 1

I am a BeachBum Google Friend
kristenlaudick at yahoo dot com

Mariah said... 2

I follow you on facebook.
mariah wilson

intime said... 3

i like the milka hot chocolate

intime said... 4

Like Tassimo on Facebook jen twark gersch

Mariah said... 5

I am a beachbum google friend

intime said... 6

Like CBM on Facebook ~ jen twark gersch

Mariah said... 7

I love the Twinings earl gray tea!

intime said... 8

follow gfc

TheCuttingEtch said... 9

I would like the milka hot chocolate discs
thecuttingetch1 at yahoo dot com

TheCuttingEtch said... 10

Google friend
thecuttingetch1 at yahoo dot com

Mariah said... 11

I tweeted!

Twitter name @MomBrainMadness

Unknown said... 12

I like CBM on Facebook :]

Cyndi said... 13

I would like the hot chocolate!

cyndi_steinke at hotmail.cim

Unknown said... 14

I'd love to try the Gevalia french vanilla...mmm!

Cyndi said... 15

I like tassimo on fb. (Cb Bs)

Cyndi said... 16

I like CBM on fb (cb bs)

Unknown said... 17

I like Tassimo on Facebook
[Laura Hallock-Heitkamp]

Cyndi said... 18

gfc follower!

Cyndi said... 19


Unknown said... 20

I am a BeachBum Google friend :]

Wee Expressions said... 21

I would love to win this Tassimo b/c it would be perfect for hubby as early as he has to get up,and it makes in about a minute!Plus,my girls would love having hot chocolate from it!

Wee Expressions said... 22

would love to try the milka hot chocolate

Wee Expressions said... 23

like tassimo on fb

Shooting Stars Mag said... 24

i'd love this for my sister and dad especially because they are the big coffee drinkers. we don't own one!

lauren51990 at aol dot com

Shooting Stars Mag said... 25

gfc follow

lauren51990 at aol dot com

Andrea said... 26

For my husband. I think this would be the best surprise for him! And he'd actually use it and we wouldn't have to hide it under the counters. Also, I want it for tea and cocoa!

Andrea said... 27

I want to try the Twinings Chai Tea Latte. YUM!

Jessica King said... 28

I like the Gevalia Espresso!
Sweet20j @

Jessica King said... 29

Like Tassimo on FB
Jessica King
Sweet20j @

Jessica King said... 30

Like CBM on FB
Jessica King
Sweet20j @

Jessica King said... 31

Sweet20j @

Sue said... 32

I would love to win this for my husband money is tight this year and I would love a fabulous gift like this for him!

abfantom said... 33

I love to have a cappuccino after dinner, but it is too much work to make and clean using my cappuccino machine. The Tassimo Brewbot would be so much easier.

abfantom at yahoo dot com

abfantom said... 34

I would like to try the Gevalia Signature Blend Coffee T-discs

abfantom at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 35

I love love love coffee. I drink it every morning whether I am at home or at the office. I am not a fan of paying $3 or more for an espresso drink so I make my own at home on the stove top. This can take a while though so I would greatly appreciate a Tassimo T20 Brebot. By the way, I enjoy Starbucks’ Pike Place coffee and I like to make cafe con leche with Cafe Bustelo espresso. Merry Christmas!

Dayna W said... 36

I would so love to win this because I'm not a fan of the cold coffee my coffee maker has decided to give me this week. Time to retire the poor old soul.


Dayna W said... 37

I would love to try any of the cappichinos


Kris said... 38

i would like to get one of these - everyone in my house has favorite hot beverages, but I cannot drink caffeine, so everyone has to drink decaf tea and coffee

Kris said... 39

Gevalia Decaffeinated Cappuccino

Kris said... 40

like tassimo fb

Kris said... 41

like CBM fb

Kris said... 42

follow you gfc

40yroldmomma said... 43

I follow you on FB, I just love hazelnut! It has the most wonderful and soothing aroma and in a coffee it is extremely smooth. I also follow Tassimo on FC, and I am a Beach Bum google Friend. I done the Tweet!

I really think that is an amazing machine and the coffee is awesome!

Kris said... 44!/Munashii/status/15531993143967744

Nathania said... 45

...I am just too lazy to make a WHOLE pot of's just the mental aspect of putting the beans in the grinder, and then the ground beans in to the filter. Oh the filter!?! Urgh where did we last put it. ah Here it is...not washed..again.. All to say, it's hard work for a whole coffee pot that will go to waste because we only drink a bit (when we actually do make it!) So this is why I want a Tassimo!

n.snaer at gmail dot com

Nathania said... 46

BeachBum Google Friend

Nathania said... 47



Nathania said... 48

I like Gevalia Swiss Hazelnut...i love hazelnut! :)

Nathania said... 49

I like Tassimo on FB

Mysharona said... 50

I like Starbucks breakfast blend.

Chip said... 51

Would love to try the Starbucks® Africa Kitamu™

Chip said... 52

'Like' Tassimo on FB - Jill L

Dingo said... 53

I'd love the Carte Noire Kenya. My dad is actually going to Kenya for his non-profit in January. Lovely place.

Michele said... 54

Would love to try the iced coffe discs, yum!

brosius at tds dot net

Michele said... 55

Following you thru gfc.

Michele said... 56

Like you on Fbook

russrpm said... 57

Jacobs Latte Macchiato would be the most popular at our house.

Julie Kieras said... 58


Julie Kieras said... 59

I would love either the Starbucks Cappuccino flavor or the Milka Hot Chocolate!

Julie Kieras said... 60

I like Tassimo on FB

Julie Kieras said... 61

I want to win a Tassimo b/c I didn't get to review one! :) haha no seriously they look like fun little robots! And I don't love to mess around with all the Stuff making coffee in the morning. Pop in a T-Disc and bzzzzt - coffee! :)

Julie Kieras said... 62

Beach Bum with GFC!

Julie Kieras said... 63

CBM on FB! :)

Rebecca said... 64

I want a tassimo because I love love love coffee- and I drink different flavors but not everyone in the house wants anything more than coffee flavor

Rebecca said... 65

my favorite would be Gevalia Swiss Hazelnut

Rebecca said... 66

I like tassimo on facebook

Rebecca said... 67

Like CBM on Facebook

Rebecca said... 68

a BeachBum Google Friend

Rebecca said... 69!/TheRhinoMisses/status/15638673215197184

erin.nicole said... 70

I would love to try the Milka Hot Chocolate! Sounds delish!

erin.nicole said... 71

I like Tassimo on FB-erin brady

erin.nicole said... 72

I like CBM on FB-erin brady

erin.nicole said... 73

I follow you on GFC

erin.nicole said... 74


Karin said... 75

I like the Starbuck's breakfast blend.

karin56381 (at)

Amanda said... 76

Wait, it doesn't turn into a robot? Darn! ;) No, seriously, I thought it looked amazing, too. I currently rely on instant coffee in my microwave for my morning caffeine fix, so this would be a serious step up. Also loving that I could use it for tea and hot chocolate. Thanks so much for the chance to win one!

Amanda said... 77

I'm a Google Friend Connect follower (as Amanda Davis) Thank you!

Amanda said... 78

I like Tassimo on Facebook (Amanda Davis)


Amanda said... 79

I also like Crunchy Beach Mama on Facebook (Amanda Davis)

Thanks again!!

Anonymous said... 80

I would like a Tassimo because it would save me money on my lattes.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 81

I would like to try the Starbucks Breakfast Blend T disc.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Tina Deanette Gower said... 82

My husband loves cappuccinos and I love lattes! That's why we need one :)

mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com

Tina Deanette Gower said... 83

Carte Noire Voluptuoso Coffee is my fave

mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com

Tina Deanette Gower said... 84

Like Tassimo on Facebook
(Tina Deanette Gower)

Tina Deanette Gower said... 85

Like CBM on Facebook
(Tina Deanette Gower)

mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com

Tina Deanette Gower said... 86

Become a BeachBum Google Friend!
mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com

Tina Deanette Gower said... 87


mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 88

Delicious flavors. This will save me money. I need my coffee for my night shift!

Marci said... 89

I would love the milka hot chocolate, that sounds yummy.

Marci said... 90

I liked Tassimo on Facebook.

Marci said... 91

Following CBM on Facebook.

Marci said... 92

Google friend of CBM.

Marci said... 93

I tweeted about the giveaway!

Klemm Family said... 94

Mmm, I SO want this :) I love mochas. We bought a cheap-o espresso machine a few months back and, well, you can tell it's cheap. This would totally make my year!

skklemm at gmail dot com

Klemm Family said... 95

I'd love to try the Starbucks Cappucino Primo.

skklemm at gmail dot com

Klemm Family said... 96

Like Tassimo on Facebook. ID skklemm (Stephanie Klemm).

skklemm at gmail dot com

Klemm Family said... 97

Already like CBM on Facebook. ID skklemm (Stephanie Klemm).

skklemm at gmail dot com

Klemm Family said... 98

Follow you via Google Friend.

skklemm at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 99

I want a Tassimo because my husband has started drinking coffee and we don't have a coffemaker either! While on business trips, he's got into the habit and I would like to be able to make him a fresh cup when he's off to work so early in the morning! (And I LOVE some cappucino's!)
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 100

My fave would be the Starbucks Cappuccino Primo.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 101

I like Tassimo on FB.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 102

I'm a BeachBum on FB.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 103

I'm a BeachBum via GFC.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 104

lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lisa said... 105

I am now a Google friend :)

Lisa said... 106

I wouold love the Tassimo because it brews 1 cup at a time and I am not wasting a whole pot when I only want a single cup.

Amber D said... 107

We got rid of our pot because it was a big waste, a whole pot for 2 people and only a few days a week? This would be perfect for us!

Amber D said... 108

I would get the Gevalia Skinny Cappuccino

Amber D said... 109

I'm a GFC follower

Amber D said... 110

I tweeted! @lifelovegreen

Anonymous said... 111

My husband likes to drink coffee and I like to change things up every now and then and have coffee or tea or hot chocolate, etc. Having a Tassimo would make our hot beverage drinking habits a lot easier!
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 112

I like the Starbucks Cappuccino Primo flavor
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 113

I like Tassimo on Facebook
Danetta Young
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 114

I like CBM on Facebook
Danetta Young
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 115

I am a BeachBum Google Friend
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 116

I'd love to win a brewbot. It would be great to have fo dinner parties since guests can choose their after dinner drink and the hostess (me) can easily brew everyone's favorites. Very cool.

Anonymous said... 117

The Twinning Earl Grey tea is my favorite and the first t-disc I'd like to try.

Anonymous said... 118

Renski P likes Tassimo on Fb

Anonymous said... 119

I would love to own this for my husband, he likes coffee but never finishes a whole pot!


Anonymous said... 120

Renski P Likes CBM on Facebook

Anonymous said... 121

renski17 follows via GFC

Anonymous said... 122

tweet -!/Facetwit17/status/15820686337507328

Sheila said... 123

My husband and I have split schedules so a single serve coffee maker would be perfect! :)

showcasesisters at gmail dot com

Scott said... 124

I liked you on Facebook. THANKS for the AWESOME GIVEAWAY!!!

Scott Martin

Anonymous said... 125

I would love the twinings green tea!

mogrill said... 126

Id love this! I am the only one in the house that drinks coffee so this would be perfect!!
Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said... 127

I like Tassimo on FB!

Anonymous said... 128

I like CBM on Fb!

Jen @ Blog Giveaway Directory said... 129

I would love a Tassimo to make coffee for my husband. I don't drink coffee myself so I am not the best at making it for him. I always make it too weak or too strong. I bet with a Tassimo, even I could make good coffee.

bloggiveawaydirectory at

Jen @ Blog Giveaway Directory said... 130

I would love to try their Milka Hot Chocolate T-disc

bloggiveawaydirectory at

Jen @ Blog Giveaway Directory said... 131

I "like" Tassimo on facebook (Jen Voss)

bloggiveawaydirectory at

Jen @ Blog Giveaway Directory said... 132

I "like" CBM on facebook (Jen Voss)

bloggiveawaydirectory at

Jen @ Blog Giveaway Directory said... 133

I tweeted about your giveaway.

bloggiveawaydirectory at

Theresa said... 134

I want a Tassimo because I love the thought of having great coffee with no mess.

Theresa said... 135

Gevalia Caramel Latte Macchiato T-Discs sound fantastic.

Theresa said... 136

GFC follower Theresa Lopez

Theresa said... 137

I "liked" Tassimo on Facebook!

Rita M said... 138

I'd love to win the Tassimo because I've been checking out all the various brands of single-serve beverage makers & this one sounds so high tech and easy to use!

Rita M said... 139

I follow in Google Friend Connect.

ranya112 said... 140

I'd like to win the Tassimo because my current coffeemaker comes from the Pleistocene and belongs in a recycling bin. And this one! Wow! What a replacement it would be. All my current one does is make coffee.

iridia718 at gmail dot com

Erika said... 141

I would love to win one because we have an old regular coffee pot. I love specialty coffee shop drinks, like lattes & espressos & specialty hot cocoas and this would be SOOO wonderful & so much fun to be able to make these in our own home!
Thanks for the chance!
MusingsfromaSAHM at gmail dot com

Erika said... 142

I would love to try the Gevalia Latte! Yum!

Erika said... 143

I like Tassimo on Facebook - Erika B

Erika said... 144
This comment has been removed by the author.
Erika said... 145

I like you on Facebook - Erika B

Erika said... 146

Google Friend Connect follower

Erika said... 147

Tweet -

Anonymous said... 148

I bet the Gevalia Caramel Latte Macchiato is fantastic and I’d love to try it and see if it’s as good as Starbucks.

Cujo hmb said... 149

I really want a Tassimo to give to my wife. We both think it would be so much fun at pour next dinner party since we'd be easily able to make everyone's favorite drink - quick and easily.

Cujo hmb said... 150

Gevalia Caramel Latte Macchiato T-Discs are what I'd like to try.

Cujo hmb said... 151

Cujo (HMB99) is Google friend

Cujo hmb said... 152

tweet -

Packratmom said... 153

I'd love a Tassimo! I have a regular coffeemaker, but I really hate cleaning out the basket every day and putting more ground coffee in. The discs seem like they'd be so much easier and less messy!


Packratmom said... 154

I'd love lots of the coffees I'm sure, but that Milka hot chocolate catches my eye!


Packratmom said... 155

I like Tassimo on Facebook. (donna Zeigler Roucoulet)


Packratmom said... 156

I like Crunchy Beach Mama on Facebook. :) (Donna Zeigler Roucoulet)


Packratmom said... 157

I am a follower on GFC. (Rumbletiger)


Kitty Deschanel said... 158

I'm following you via GFC :)

makeetis said... 159

I would love this because right now I am doing the instant coffee thing. My coffee maker broke after 4 years and I haven't replaced it yet. I was waiting till after holidays but this one would be perfect for me.

makeetis said... 160

I am usually a coffee drinker but I would love to try the Gevalia Cappuccino

makeetis said... 161

I started following you on google so now I one your beach bums lol..

Susan said... 162

I want a Tassimo so I can make a cup of cappuccino and then hubby can make a cup of reg. coffee and no mess to clean up:-)

Susan said... 163

I'd like to try the Gevalia Cappuccino or the Tazo Chai.

Susan said... 164

I like Tassimo on FB.

granny said... 165

My three walking buddies and myself go to Starbucks every saturday morning for coffee. Right now we are into skinny drinks but cannot do without the coffee. So please let me win this and be the hit of my coffee cravin walking buddies. The Gavalie french vanilla would be perfect.

Susan said... 166


Melissa said... 167

i want this because my grandpa loves coffee, and this would make an awesome christmas present for him!!

Melissa said... 168

im a google friend!

Nance Meyer said... 169

I like the Seattle's Best Breakfast Blend. YUM!

nancymeyer1 at gmail dot com

Tomi C said... 170

Twinings Tea and Starbucks Mochas would be my faves

Tomi C said... 171

I like Tassimo and Facebook
Tomi A
Tclarkusa at gmail dot com

julis55 said... 172

I would love to try any of the cappichinos

Angie B said... 173

I love coffee house coffees. I particularly love lattes and cappuccinos. I'd love to be able to make them at home and save some money.
angiewith3 at live dot com

Angie B said... 174

Follow with GFC. angiewith3 at live dot com

Angie B said... 175

RT'd giveaway:
angiewith3 at live dot com

Unknown said... 176

I want a Tassimo because you can make Lattes and Cappucinos in only minutes! :)
es1237 at gmail dot com
Also love that you can get teas, chais, hot chocolates, and regular coffees!

Unknown said... 177

I want to try the Gevalia Caramel Latte Macchiato!
es1237 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 178

I like Tassimo on facebook!
Emily C
es1237 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 179

I follow your blog via GFC
es1237 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 180!/MissEmmieLou/status/16285590685229056
es1237 at gmail dot com

Kiersten @ Oh My Veggies said... 181

I would love a Tassimo because I'm a tea drinker and my husband is a coffee drinker--the Tassimo would be great for us because it makes both!
ohkeeka at gmail dot com

Kiersten @ Oh My Veggies said... 182

I would love to try the Milka Hot Chocolate T-Discs!
ohkeeka at gmail dot com

Kiersten @ Oh My Veggies said... 183

I follow on GFC!
ohkeeka at gmail dot com

Pat said... 184

I have wanted one of these individual coffee makers since they first came out and just can't afford it. I live alone, and hate using a 12-cup coffee maker to make 2 cups of coffee. I also can't stand coffee that has been sitting on the warming plate. The second cup is never as good as the first.

lulusmama said... 185

I would love one because I am addicted to coffee! :)
blynnobrien at yahoo dot com

Jenelle said... 186

i boil water every morning and use single serve coffee pods for my coffee. i could really use a coffee pot.

lulusmama said... 187

I would love to try the Carte Noire Expresso!
blynnobrien at yahoo dot com

lulusmama said... 188

I like Tassimo on fb!
Rebecca O'
blynnobrien at yahoo dot com

Jenelle said... 189

i follow you on facebook

lulusmama said... 190

I like CBM on fb!
Rebecca O'
blynnobrien at yahoo dot com

Jenelle said... 191

google friend!- i am.

lulusmama said... 192

I'm a beach bum google friend!
blynnobrien at yahoo dot com

lulusmama said... 193

I tweeted!
blynnobrien at yahoo dot com

♡♥♬ Raven In A Blue Room ♬♥♡ said... 194

I love the Gevalia French Vanilla

Thank you for hosting this giveaway

schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com

♡♥♬ Raven In A Blue Room ♬♥♡ said... 195

I like your blog on facebook (Louis Here)

schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com

♡♥♬ Raven In A Blue Room ♬♥♡ said... 196

I like Tassimo on facebook (Louis Here)

schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com

♡♥♬ Raven In A Blue Room ♬♥♡ said... 197

Google Friends Connect - following your blog publicly as Louis

schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com

♡♥♬ Raven In A Blue Room ♬♥♡ said... 198

I tweeted your giveaway

schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com

Jenelle said... 199

Oooh the boys would love the hot chocolate!

Jenelle said... 200

i even busted out the twitter for this one: that means i reaaaaaally want it.

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