Monday, December 6, 2010

Julie with Caboose Cloth ~ Custom Wipes Giveaway

I am very excited to announce the opening of a new Etsy store!

Caboose Cloth! Don't you love the name and slogan?
This store was opened my bbf (best blogger friend) Julie from A Year with Mom and Dad.

"I grew up with a mother who taught "home ec," so I was taught to sew at a young age. I mostly like to sew quilts. But when I started cloth diapering and saw all the fun cloth wipes out there, I decided to try making my own! A few friends encouraged me to sell them."

These are my favorite wipes in her store. Not only are they cute and Christmas-y but they are MINKY!
Do you have any MINKY wipes?
No? Well you need to grab these! Christmas is almost here!

Julie does have a few already made sets of wipes in her store (and they are VERY reasonably priced!) but she thought it would be more fun if she focused on "Custom Wipes". You get to choose Size, Fabric, & Material. These are some of your choices but I know she would work with you if you had your own ideas too!
                     approx. 18 fabric combos

flannel / flannel

flannel / Birdseye

flannel / terrycloth

5x7" wipes

8x8" wipes - her "oversized' wipes

Balancing between being a good mom to her 9 month old, writing her blog, and keeping up with her many activities, Caboose Cloth will be a more laid back, sew to have fun, kind of store where she can take her time to customize what you are looking for.

Here is P'Diddy with the sample of wipes Julie made for us. Do you see my alligators? Love 'em! We'll use them to wipe up his mess that he is making with his cracker! My wipes are also washcloths and napkins for school lunches.

She has fun dabbling with different projects and recently sold her first Crayon Roll! Yay!

One of my favorite conversation topics with Julie is living more naturally. Here are her thoughts on being a Crunchy Mama...

"I used to call myself “crunchy” in jest when I would buy something organic, or avoid chemicals, or worry about garbage and plastics. However, since I’ve become a mom, a concern for the world my children will grow up in has led me to consider my habits. I am probably more “crunchy” now that I’m a mom. I don’t call myself a tree-hugger or a hippie; instead I like to call myself “resourceful” though, because I believe in making the best use of the resources God gave us. Our world is full of wonderful materials that we can enjoy, create, and use things from, but it’s our responsibility to exercise wise stewardship of our resources. Wastefulness is not an option or a good character trait. So, my focus is on reducing waste (of resources, time, energy)… although I am far from perfect at this and some days are better than others! I also have become a big fan of “upcycling,” which I sort of did all my life and didn’t know it had a name!

As far as “crunchy motherhood” goes, I support homebirth but am too afraid to try it yet, I (finally) love breastfeeding, and I try to babywear (but I get tired). I am a huge fan of cloth diapering. But there is no way I or my hubby could sleep if our very active 9 month old slept in bed with us, so no co-sleeping for us. I visit a regular doctor and a homeopathic to try to bring some balance to our medical needs, but mostly we focus on prevention through healthy eating habits and lifestyle. My goal is to transition our family to a more organic and “locavore” lifestyle in the year to come in order to improve our health and well-being and support our community!"

Julie wants to celebrate the opening of her store by giving away a set of 6 Wipes.
WIN and CUSTOMIZE how you want!

We want to support a new mama right? Let's give her some LOVE!

Like Caboose Cloth on Facebook ~ I bet she'd like some lovin' on her wall!

Please leave your email once if not in your profile

Visit Caboose Cloth on Etsy and Heart <3

Purchase from Caboose Cloth (those Christmas Wipes need a home!) ~ 5 entries!

Become a Google Friend on Julie's Blog ~ you'll love reading her posts and entering her giveaways!

Follow Crunchy Beach Mama by becoming a BeachBum through Google Friend or Faceback 
~ easy right sidebar widgets ~ 1 entry each

Enter another Cloth Christmas Giveaway
I was not compensated in any way for the post and all opinions are my own. This giveaway will end on December 21, 2010 at 10:00pm EST. Winner will be drawn via Once a winner is drawn I will contact them and they will have 48 hours to reply before I draw a new winner. Giveaway is open to anyone in US/Canada and you must be 18 years of age or older.

179 crunchy comments:

Unknown said... 1

I added her on facebook ( My name on there is Marie Iles

Unknown said... 2

I also started following Julie's blog and yours!

T Rex Mom said... 3

I have some of her wipes and a crayon roll. They are all awesome!!! Especially the minky wipes - those are our favorite.

I adore Julie and she's become a wonderful bloggy friend. And I love her crunchy mama philosophy.

Jenelle said... 4

How did I miss this?! Way to go Julie! <3 I am heading over to her etsy store right now!!!
Now a fan on FB!

Jenelle said... 5

I just purchased some wipes!!! (I dont even cloth diaper anymore but they make GREAT hankies for runny noses!)

Jenelle said... 6

I follow Julies Blog

Jenelle said... 7

hearted her on etsy

Jenelle said... 8

im already a bum... er- a beach bum that is.

Julie Kieras said... 9

awww you are so sweet! :) I love how nicely you wrote about my store! :) Good luck to everyone in the contest!

Beth said... 10

Already follow her blog

Lindsey said... 11

I like Caboose Cloth on FB!
Her wipes are beautiful!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 12

I hearted Caboose Cloth on Etsy!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 13

I follow her blog via GFC!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 14

I follow you via GFC.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 15

I like you on FB.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 16

Like Caboose Cloth on facebook (Kirsten T..)
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 17

I heart Caboose Cloth on Etsy (LaydieAphrodite)
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 18

Follow Julie's blog on GFC.
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 19

Follow you on GFC.
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 20

Like you on facebook (Kirsten T..)
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 21

Entered Ruby Moon giveaway.
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said... 22

Absolutely love the idea of minky wipes!!

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said... 23

Favorited her shop on etsy

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said... 24

Follow you on GFC

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said... 25

Like you on FB
brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said... 26

Follow Julie's blog

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Lisa D said... 27

I like caboose cloth on FB (Lisa Duncan) and left her lots of love!
duncan.lisa at

Lisa D said... 28

I <3 her on Etsy (lisad33611)
duncan.lisa at

Lisa D said... 29

Following a year with mom and dad
duncan.lisa at

Lisa D said... 30

GFC follower here!
duncan.lisa at

Lisa D said... 31

I like you on FB (Lisa Duncan)
dunacn.lisa at

Claude said... 32

I like them on FB and left a comment!

claudecampeau at videotron dot ca
Thanks for the chance to win!

Claude said... 33

I follow via GFC

claudecampeau at videotron dot ca
Thanks for the chance to win!

Tori said... 34

I wrote on her wall and liked her on face book

Jen M said... 35

Like Caboose Cloth on Facebook as Jen M
jenyasha87 at hotmail dot com

Jen M said... 36

Heart Caboose Cloth on Etsy as MySecretHome
jenyasha87 at hotmail dot com

Jen M said... 37

Google Friend on Julie's Blog
jenyasha87 at hotmail dot com

Jen M said... 38

follow via GFC
jenyasha87 at hotmail dot com

Jen M said... 39

like you on facebook as Jen M
jenyasha87 at hotmail dot com

Jen M said... 40

entered the Organic Baby Romper from My Baby's Green giveaway
jenyasha87 at hotmail dot com

PersimonDreams said... 41

I like her on Facebook!

PersimonDreams said... 42

I heart caboose cloth on etsy as KimsCraftyApple

Boise Wiebers said... 43

I like Caboose Cloth on FB.
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com

Lindsey said... 44

Entering BabyLegs giveaway!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 45

I liked and thanked Caboose Cloth on FB
Robyn L
what_mama_wants at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 46

I heart her Etsy Shop!
what_mama_wants at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 47

I already follow Julie's blog!
what_mama_wants at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 48

Follow your blog!
what_mama_wants at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 49

Like you on FB
Robyn L
what_mama_wants at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 50

Entered the Babylegs giveaway!
what_mama_wants at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 51

Like Caboose Cloth on FB {as rj charms}

Unknown said... 52

Hearted on etsy! {as rj charms}

Unknown said... 53

Already a Crunchy Beach Mama fan on FB!

Kristen said... 54

I like her on facebook!
kristen huss
husskl at comcast dot net

Kristen said... 55

I follow your blog!
husskl at comcast dot net

Kristen said... 56

I like you on facebook
husskl at comcast dot net

Kristen said... 57

I entered totsBots giveaway
husskl at comcast dot net

Kristen said... 58

I follow julie's blog!
husskl at comcast dot net

Liz M. said... 59

i liked her on FB and left some love! (elizabeth mccarthy)

Mama Swears said... 60

I like Caboose Cloth on Facebook and left some love on her wall
Kristen H-R
krishackney at suddenlink dot net

Mama Swears said... 61

I heart Caboose Cloth on Etsy
krishackney at suddenlink dot net

Mama Swears said... 62

Already a GFC follower of A Year with Mom and Dad

krishackneya t suddenlink dot net

Mama Swears said... 63

I follow you through GFC as krishackney

krishackney at suddenlink dot net

Mama Swears said... 64

I like you on Facebook as Kristen H-R

krishackney at suddenlink dot net

Mama Swears said... 65

Entered BabyLegs
krishackney at suddenlink dot net

Lizze said... 66

Like Caboose Cloth on FB

lizze dot norlander at gmail dot com

Lizze said... 67

I <3 caboose cloth on etsy (diaperville)

Lizze said... 68

i follow her blog by gfc

Lizze said... 69

i am now a beach bum

Lizze said... 70

i entered the tot bot giveaway

Mama B said... 71

I liked her FB
yates at otelco dot net
bonnie yates

Mama B said... 72

I follow gfc
yates at otelco dot net

Mama B said... 73

I entered the ruby moon wash giveaway
yates at otelco dot net

Mama B said... 74

I heart her on etsy
yates at otelco dot net

Jenny K said... 75

I like Caboose Cloth on facebook (Jenny Hull)
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu

Jenny K said... 76

Added shop to my favorites (jah945).
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu

Jenny K said... 77

Already follow her blog!
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu

Jenny K said... 78

Facebook friend (Jenny Hull)
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu

Jenny K said... 79

Entered Ruby Moon giveaway!
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu

Anonymous said... 80

I like Caboose Cloth on facebook
Kimberly Summer Pollock

Anonymous said... 81

GFC follower of yours
Kim Pollock

Anonymous said... 82

I hearted Caboose Cloth on Etsy
Etsy e-mail is

Romina said... 83

Like Caboose Cloth on Facebook

Romina said... 84

entered Green Time giveaway

Mama Chocolate said... 85

I like Caboose Cloth on Facebook as Johanna C.
jccchocolate at gmail dot com

Mama Chocolate said... 86

I "hearted" her Etsy shop! :-)

Mama Chocolate said... 87

I already follow and love Julie's blog!

Mama Chocolate said... 88

I follow you via GFC.

Mama Chocolate said... 89

I entered the Tots Bots diaper giveaway.

carrieb said... 90

i liked caboose cloth on fb
carrie g b

carrieb said... 91

i follow you on fb
carrie g b

carrieb said... 92

i follow on gfc

carrieb said... 93

i entered the baby legs christmas cloth giveaway (and most of your others that are open!)

Kris said... 94

like caboose fb

Kris said... 95

heart caboose etsy

Kris said... 96

follow Julies blog gfc

Kris said... 97

follow you gfc

Kris said... 98

like you fb

seaburd said... 99

I liked Caboose Cloth on FB Chris Burd

April G said... 100

I am a fan of Caboose Cloth on FB.

April G said... 101

I <3 Caboose Cloth on Etsy (irishmarmalade).

April G said... 102

I'm a follower of Julie's blog now.

April G said... 103

I follow your blog through Google Friend.

April G said... 104

I follow you on FB. :)

April G said... 105

I entered the Tots Bots AIO giveaway.

Leslie said... 106

i like CC on FB
lesalia17 at zoominternet dot net

Leslie said... 107

I am a BB on GFC
lesalia17 at zoominternet dot net

Leslie said... 108

I follow you on FB
lesalia17 at zoominternet dot net

Tina Deanette Gower said... 109

Like them on Facebook
(Tina Deanette Gower)
mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com

Tina Deanette Gower said... 110

<3ed on Etsy
mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com

Tina Deanette Gower said... 111

Follow her blog!
(tina deanette gower)
mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com

Tina Deanette Gower said... 112

I follow publicly via Google Friend Connect!
mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 113

Facebook Fan of Caboose Cloth @Alisha Lesage

bakergurl02 @

Anonymous said... 114

Hearted Caboose Cloth on Etsy @Xizelle

bakergurl02 @

Anonymous said... 115

GFC Follower of Julie's Blog @Alisha L.

bakergurl02 @

Anonymous said... 116

GFC Follower of yours @Alisha L.

bakergurl02 @

Anonymous said... 117

Facebook Fan of yours @Alisha Lesage

bakergurl02 @

Anonymous said... 118

Entered your Tiny Bots Giveaway.

bakergurl02 @

SHAYNA said... 119



erin.nicole said... 120

I like Caboose Cloth on FB and wrote on their wall (erin brady)

erin.nicole said... 121

I added Caboose Cloth to my favorites on etsy

erin.nicole said... 122

I am following Julie's blog via GFC

erin.nicole said... 123

I am following you via GFC

erin.nicole said... 124

I am following you via FB-erin brady

♡♥♬ Raven In A Blue Room ♬♥♡ said... 125

I like Caboose Cloth on facebook (Louis Here)
Thank you for hosting this giveaway

schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com

♡♥♬ Raven In A Blue Room ♬♥♡ said... 126

I *heart* Caboose Cloth on etsy (rosidentevil)

schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com

♡♥♬ Raven In A Blue Room ♬♥♡ said... 127

Google Friends Connect - following your blog publicly as Louis

schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com

Boise Wiebers said... 128

I already like CC on Facebook.
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com

Boise Wiebers said... 129

CC has been added to my Etsy favorites. In fact we've been chatting back and forth on FB about a few ideas. :)
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com

Alliejean said... 130

I already like caboose cloth on FB but I wrote on her wall too. (RileyRoy AllieWiley)
lil_allie_baby at hotmail dot com

Alliejean said... 131

I heart her on etsy as alliewiley
lil_allie_baby at hotmail dot com

Alliejean said... 132

I already follow a year with mom and dad on GFC
lil_allie_baby at hotmail dot com

Alliejean said... 133

I now follow Crunchy Beach Mama on GFC
lil_allie_baby at hotmail dot com

Heidi said... 134

i like caboose cloth ob fb
(lynn donahue)

Heidi said... 135

i follow you through FB
(lynn donahue)

Becky said... 136

I like Caboose Cloth on FB
rahuss85 at gmail dot com

Becky said... 137

I follow you via gfc
rahuss85 at gmail dot com

Becky said... 138

I also entered the Fuzzibunz giveaway
rahuss85 at gmail dot com

Crochet Nerd Style said... 139

I liked them on FB

Michele said... 140

I like Caboose Cloth on Facebook.
mileerom at yahoo dot com

Michele said... 141

I hearted Caboose Cloth on Etsy.

Michele said... 142

I am a Google Friend on Julie's Blog.

Michele said... 143

I follow Crunchy Beach Mama via GFC.

Michele said... 144

I follow Crunchy Beach Mama on FB.

Michele said... 145

I entered the GreenTime Sandwich/Snack Bags giveaway.

Kristin said... 146

I like Caboose Cloth on FB (Kristin B)

kristinlb22 at gmail dot com

Kristin said... 147

I hearted Caboose Cloth on Etsy. (troisfilles)

kristinlb22 at gmail dot com

Kristin said... 148

GFC follower on Julie's blog (Kristin)

kristinlb22 at gmail dot com

Kristin said... 149

BeachBum (GFC and FB)

kristinlb22 at gmail dot com

Kristin said... 150

Entered Tots Bots

kristinlb22 at gmail dot com

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said... 151

I like Caboose over on Facebook!

stormraven at gmail dot com

Marci said... 152

I like Caboose Cloth on Facebook (Marcella Cook)

emmerswee at gmail dot com

Marci said... 153

I'm a friend on Julie's blog alredy

emmerswee at gmail dot com

Marci said... 154

I follow CBM through GFC

emmerswee at gmail dot com

Marci said... 155

I follow CBM on FB (Marcella Cook)

emmerswee at gmail dot com

krystina said... 156

Liked CC on FB krystina mcmillen (fb name)

krystina said... 157

Hearted CC on

krystina said... 158

friend via GFC of Julie's blog! sugarberry07

krystina said... 159

follow CBM through google friend connect sugarberry07

jennifer57 said... 160

Like Caboose Cloth on Facebook

Anonymous said... 161

I liked Caboose Cloth on Facebook


Anonymous said... 162

I hearted the Etsy shop 1


Brittney Minor said... 163

I like Caboose Cloth on FB!
brittleby at yahoo dot com

Brittney Minor said... 164

I heart Caboose Cloth on Etsy!
brittleby at yahoo dot com

Brittney Minor said... 165

I follow A Year with Mom and Dad via GFC!
brittleby at yahoo dot com

Brittney Minor said... 166

I follow you via GFC!
brittleby at yahoo dot com

Brittney Minor said... 167

I entered the Green Time giveaway!
brittleby at yahoo dot com

Dawn Reid said... 168

Like Caboose Cloth on Facebook

Dawn Reid said... 169

gfc follower

tina reynolds said... 170

I Like Caboose Cloth on Facebook (mrstinareynolds

tina reynolds said... 171

i follow your blog with gfc

tina reynolds said... 172

i like you on facebook (mrstinareynolds)

Jessica King said... 173

Liked Caboose Cloth on FB
Jessica S King
Sweet20j @

Jessica King said... 174

"Hearted" Caboose Cloth on Etsy
Sweet20j @

Jessica King said... 175

Following Julies blog via GFC
Sweet20j @

Jessica King said... 176

Following CBM via GFC
Sweet20j @

Jessica King said... 177

Following CBM on FB
JessicA S King
Sweet20j @

Anonymous said... 178

liked and left some fb lovin'!

Liza said... 179

Liked Caboose Clothon FB and left a post! lmmarzilli at gmail dot com