Friday, December 10, 2010

Thanks Mama Tots Bots AIO Cloth Diaper Giveaway

We have to end Cloth Christmas Week with a cloth diaper right? Well I have a good one for you from ThanksMama!

Those of you who are members of the Cloth Diapering Bloggers know that when you sign up they ask if you could create a perfect diaper what would it be? I answered a fast drying AIO with prints and remember thinking that there would probably never be such a thing. Wrong! I found it! Can you believe I found my "perfect" diaper?

Let me introduce you to Easy Fits that are made my Tots Bots and distributed by Bummis here in the U.S.

It looks a little bit different than the diapers we are used to. It has a tongue, as I call it. This tongue is made with polyester microfiber on the inside and an ultra soft rayan layer made of bamboo fibers (Oeko-tex certified!) on the outside which lays against baby's skin. Very very soft! And very absorbent! Here is what it looks like.

You can then fold it into as many layers as you want and tuck it into the pocket to look like this.

And there is plenty of room to add an insert if you want for night time use!

The velcro is the best I've seen. It is very thick and sturdy and "sticks" very well. I can't see it curling like some velcro tabs we know and it doesn't seem to get that lint inside it either. Not exactly sure what it's made of to make it different but it's strong! And great laundry tabs too!

One thing I want to show you. It's great how the velcro tabs can overlap for the little guys but make sure your tabs stay on to the strip. One of the first times we wore it, I didn't carefully lay it on there and when baby sits up the velcro rubs on to babies skin. Not comfy! So once I realized that I just paid attention to where I laid the tabs and that there was plenty of material between the velcro and baby's belly.

So here is my little guy wearing my dream diaper - A one-size AIO (all in one) with a cute print!
And the best part - fast drying!
Yes, he's playing Wii :)

Now where can you buy this fabulous diaper? At!
Thanks Mama is a wonderful website! They carry many different products!
Cloth Diapers of course, but also Toys, BabyWear items, Mama Cloth, & lots more Baby Items!

Shipping & Rewards are two things I always check out when buying online. At ThanksMama shipping is free when you purchase $60 or more. But even if you buy one diaper it is still fair. My cart told me it was only $2.75 to ship a Tots Bots diaper to me. Plus they have a points system to help you earn rewards off your future purchases. Nice!

Thanks Mama would like you to WIN an Easy Fit Tots Bots Diaper (8-35 lbs) or a Tiny Fit for the newborns (5-12 lbs).

One Entry Per Task
please include email once if not in profile

Visit Thanks Mama here and tell me which color Tots Bots you like

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Follow Thanks Mama's Blog

Be a BeachBum and follow my blog ~ easy google friend

Tweet - 'WIN a Tots Bots AIO Cloth Diaper from @ThanksMama at @CrunchyBchMama #giveaway #clothdiapers'

Enter another Cloth Christmas Giveaway

Thanks Mama sent me an Easy Fit cloth diaper for this review but I was not compensated in any way for the post and all opinions are my own. This giveaway will end on December 21, 2010 at 10:00pm EST. Winner will be drawn via Once a winner is drawn I will contact them and they will have 48 hours to reply before I draw a new winner. Giveaway is open to anyone in the US and you must be 18 years of age or older.

377 crunchy comments:

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Beth said... 1

I love that cosmic print! I have a wet bag that looks very similar.
bfcourage at yahoo dot com

Beth said... 2

I follow CBM on GFC

Anonymous said... 3

I love the Cherrylicious diaper!
what_mama_wants at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 4

I like Thanks Mama on FB
Robyn L
what_mama_wants at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 5

GFC follower of you!
what_mama_wants at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 6

I like you on FB
Robyn L
what_mama_wants at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 7

I follow The Thanks Mama Blog!
what_mama_wants at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 8

Entered the Babylegs giveaway!
what_mama_wants at yahoo dot com

Lindsey said... 9

Ahhhh... I want one of these diapers so bad!!!
I would choose the Pomegranate!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 10

I follow the Thanks Mama blog!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 11

I follow you via GFC!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 12

lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 13

Entered the Caboose Cloth giveaway (and lots more!) :)
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Maria said... 14

I like the blueberry tiny fit!

Maria said... 15

Following the Thanks Mama blog.

Julie Kieras said... 16

I like the cosmic or the starburst!

Julie Kieras said... 17

Entered Ruby Moon and all your cloth giveaways except Caboose of course !:)

Julie Kieras said... 18

Beach Bum! :)

Julie Kieras said... 19

Julie Kieras said... 20

Liked Thanks Mama on FB!

Julie Kieras said... 21

Liked CBM on FB!

Julie Kieras said... 22

Follow Thanks Mama Blog!

lulusmama said... 23

I love Mushroom Majic!
blynnobrien at yahoo dot com

lulusmama said... 24

I like Cloth Diaper store Thanks Mama on fb!
Rebecca O'

lulusmama said... 25

I follow you on fb!
Rebecca O'
blynnobrien at yahoo dot com

lulusmama said... 26

I follow Thanks Mama's blog @blynnobrien
blynnobrien at yahoo dot com

lulusmama said... 27

I follow your blog @blynnobrien
blynnobrien at yahoo dot com

lulusmama said... 28

I tweeted!
blynnobrien at yahoo dot com

Courtney Fisk said... 29

i like the pomegranate the best.

Courtney Fisk said... 30

i like Thanks Mama on FB

Courtney Fisk said... 31

i follow the thanks mama blog.
courtney fisk

Courtney Fisk said... 32


Courtney Fisk said... 33

I follow your blog
Courtney fisk

*Toni Alexis* said... 34

I love the cherrylicious tot bots!

*Toni Alexis* said... 35

I like Thanks Mama on FB

*Toni Alexis* said... 36

I follow Thanks Mama's Blog

*Toni Alexis* said... 37

I follow you on FB

*Toni Alexis* said... 38

I tweeted

Maria D. @ DownrightDomesticity said... 39

I like Starburst the best!
maria.the.uncommon at gmail dot com

*Toni Alexis* said... 40

I entered the BL giveaway

Leslie said... 41

I just love the cosmic print. what a cute boy pattern :)
lesalia17 at zoominternet dot net

Leslie said... 42

I like CBM on FB

Leslie said... 43

i am a beachbum and follow your blog
lesalia17 at zoominternet dot net

mamagonzo said... 44

Mushroom majic

mamagonzo said... 45

like thanks mama on fb
Mgonsalves4 @

mamagonzo said... 46

like cbm on fb
mgonsalves4 @

mamagonzo said... 47

Follow Thanks Mama's Blog
mgonsalves4 @

mamagonzo said... 48

Be a BeachBum and follow my blog ~ easy google friend
mgonsalves4 @

orangefukurou said... 49

I love Mushroom Magic
tomokofive at gmail dot com

orangefukurou said... 50

Follow Thanks Mama's Blog
Tomoko d

orangefukurou said... 51


Rebecca Orr said... 52

I love the Lemon color. Thanks for the chance.
bekki1820cb at gamil dot com

Rebecca Orr said... 53

Thanks Mama FB fan: Bekki Orr
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said... 54

I like Crunchy Beach Mama on FB: Bekki Orr
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said... 55

Follower of the blog. Rebecca O
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said... 56

Follower of the Thanks Mama blog. Rebecca O
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said... 57


bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Jenny K said... 58

I like the starburst print!
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu

Jenny K said... 59

I like thanks mama on facebook.
Jenny Hull
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu

Jenny K said... 60

I like you on facebook.
Jenny Hull
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu

Jenny K said... 61

I follow thanks mama blog.
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu

Jenny K said... 62

Follow your blog!
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu

Jenny K said... 63

jhull at m dot marywood dot edu

Chany said... 64

I like the "Blueberry" diaper.

Chany said... 65

I like Thanks Mama on FB.

Chany said... 66

I like Crunchy Beach Mama on FB.

Chany said... 67

I follow Thanks Mama's Blog.

Chany said... 68

I follow your blog with user name cgarrett15738500.

Chany said... 69!/chany10/status/13428153464659969

Chany said... 70

Entered your Babylegs giveaway.

Kristen said... 71

I love mushroom magic!
husskl at comcast dot net

Kristen said... 72

I like Thanks Mama on facebook
kristen huss
husskl at comcast dot net

Kristen said... 73

I like crunchy beach mama on facebook!
kristen huss
husskl at comcast dot net

Kristen said... 74

I follow Thanks Mama blog!
husskl at comcast dot net

Kristen said... 75

I follow your blog, and I want to be a beach bum, not a snow bunny! (boo for MN!)
husskl at comcast dot net

Kristen said... 76

husskl at comcast dot net

Kristen said... 77

I entered Caboose Cloth giveaway
husskl at comcast dot net

T Rex Mom said... 78

We love these diapers so much. They are our Cadillac diapers.

Favorite print - flower power.

T Rex Mom said... 79

I like you on FB.

T Rex Mom said... 80

I now "like" Thanks Mama" on FB.

T Rex Mom said... 81

I now follow Thanks Mama blog.

T Rex Mom said... 82

I'm a follower via Google friend connect. Great giveaway - thanks.

Liz M. said... 83

i like the color blueberry!

Liz M. said... 84

i like thanks mama on FB (elizabeth mccarthy)

Liz M. said... 85

i like crunchy beach mama on FB (elizabeth mccarthy)

Liz M. said... 86

i follow thanks mamas blog!

Liz M. said... 87

i follow you via GFC!

Liz M. said... 88

i tweeted!

Liz M. said... 89

i entered the caboose cloth giveaway!

Brandi Elam said... 90

I like the Totbots in Cosmic.

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said... 91

Like Thanks Mama on FB
brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said... 92

Like Crunchy Beach Mama on FB
brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 93

I love the mushroom magic print!

Anonymous said... 94

I like thanks mama on fb
brandy leigh nelson

Anonymous said... 95

I like you on fb
brandy leigh nelson

Anonymous said... 96

i follow thanks mamas blog
brandy nelson

Anonymous said... 97

i follow you on gfc
brandy nelson

Michelle said... 98

I love the Pomegranate. Thanks for the chance to win! marinelli dot michelle at gmail dot com

Karen Wendt said... 99

I love the cosmic! Though the lemon is a close second since I don't have any yellows. =)

karenwendt at

Mama Swears said... 100

I like Cherrylicious :D

krishackney at suddenlink dot net

Mama Swears said... 101

I like Thanks Mama on Facebook as Kristen H-R

krishackney at suddenlink dot net

Mama Swears said... 102

I like Crunchy Beach Mama on Facebook as Kristen H-R
krishackney at suddenlink dot net

Mama Swears said... 103

Following the Thanks Mama blog through GFC as krishackney

krishackney at suddenlink dot net

Mama Swears said... 104

I follow you through GFC as krishackney.

krishackney at suddenlink dot net

Mama Swears said... 105

krishackney at suddenlink dot net

Mama Swears said... 106

Entered BabyLegs

krishackney at suddenlink dot net

Katie S said... 107

I love all the TotsBots colors and prints!! I love Starburst for boys, Flower Power for girls, and Lime for either! It would be a hard choice if I won! Thanks for a chance to win, I've been wanting to try this diaper very badly!!

katiekstewart at gmail dot com

Katie S said... 108


katiekstewart at gmail dot com

SWFL Doula said... 109

I would love the Starburst

SWFL Doula said... 110

I Like Thanks Mama on Facebook (Maybelline Valenti)

SWFL Doula said... 111

I like Crunchy Beach Mama on FB (Maybelline Valenti)

SWFL Doula said... 112

I follow your blog publicly via GFC

SWFL Doula said... 113

I Follow Thanks Mama's Blog publicly using GFC

SWFL Doula said... 114

Just Tweeted:

krystina said... 115

the line tots bots is my favorite I'm looking for a newborn stash for our little one due in August!

krystina said... 116

I liked thanks mama on FB

krystina said... 117

i liked crunchy beach mama on FB

krystina said... 118

I follow thanks mama's blog

krystina said... 119

I'm a beach bum on GFC

Little Heart Boutique said... 120

Little Heart Boutique said... 121

Like Thanks Mama on

Little Heart Boutique said... 122

Like Crunchy Beach Mama on FB.

Little Heart Boutique said... 123

Follow Thanks Mama's Blog.

Little Heart Boutique said... 124

New follower of Crunchy Beach Mama :)

Madeline said... 125

I love the lime color.

madelinemiller at gmail dot com

Madeline said... 126

I like Thanks Mama on Facebook (Madeline Doms Miller).

madelinemiller at gmail dot com

Madeline said... 127

I follow Thanks Mama on GFC.

madelinemiller at gmail dot com

Madeline said... 128

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madelinemiller at gmail dot com

Madeline said... 129!/MadelineMiller/status/14077754517487616

madelinemiller at gmail dot com

Jessi Gonzalez said... 130

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your Flower Power print!!! Adorable!!

Jessica Gonzalez

Jessi Gonzalez said... 131

I "like" Thanks Mama on Facebook :)
Jessica Gonzalez

Jessi Gonzalez said... 132

I "like" Crunchy Beach Mama on Facebook.

jessica gonzalez

Jessi Gonzalez said... 133

I follow Thanks Mama's Blog.

jessica gonzalez

Jessi Gonzalez said... 134

I follow your blog via GFC and am now a BeachBum!LOL

Jessica Gonzalez

Lizze said... 135

Definitely the Cosmic Print

lizze dot norlander at gmail dot com

Lizze said... 136

i like thanks mama on fb

Lizze said... 137

i like crunchy beach mama on fb

Lizze said... 138

i follow you on gfc

Lizze said... 139

i entered the caboose cloth giveaway

HauteSingleMama said... 140

I like the orange color!

suddenly single mom 09 at gmail dot com

HauteSingleMama said... 141

"Like" Thanks Mama on FB

suddenly single mom 09 at gmail dot com

HauteSingleMama said... 142

I "Like" Crunchy Beach Mama on FB

suddenly single mom 09 at gmail dot com

HauteSingleMama said... 143

I follow you via GFC

HauteSingleMama said... 144


Lexi said... 145

I love the starburst diaper.

lexisuby at yahoo dot com

Lexi said... 146

like thanks mama on facebook

Lexi said... 147

like crunchy beach mama on facebook

Lexi said... 148

follow your blog

herent said... 149

I love the mushroom totsbots diaper.

Linda R. said... 150

I like the Cherrylicious print

lyromero77 at gmail dot com

Linda R. said... 151

I like Thanks Mama on Facebook (charming linda)

lyromero77 at gmail dot com

Linda R. said... 152

I like CBM on Facebook (charming linda)

lyromero77 at gmail dot com

Linda R. said... 153

I follow Thanks Mama's Blog on GFC (Linda R)

lyromero77 at yahoo dot com

Linda R. said... 154

I follow on GFC (Linda R)

lyromero77 at gmail dot com

Linda R. said... 155


Jenny K said... 156

I entered Caboose Cloth giveaway.
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu

Mama Chocolate said... 157

I want the Flower Power print! :-D
jccchocolate at gmail dot com

Mama Chocolate said... 158

I like Thanks Mama on Facebook as Johanna Conser.

Mama Chocolate said... 159

I like you on Facebook.

Mama Chocolate said... 160

I follow Thanks Mama's blog.

Mama Chocolate said... 161

I tweeted:!/ChoresChocolate/status/14604728046456832

Mama Chocolate said... 162

I entered the Baby Legs package giveaway.

Michelle F. said... 163

My favorite color is the Lime!

Michelle F. said... 164

I like Thanks Mama on Facebook.

Michelle F. said... 165

I like Crunchy Beach Mama on Facebook

Michelle F. said... 166

I follow Thanks Mamas blog

Michelle F. said... 167

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carrieb said... 168

i love the starburst print!

carrieb said... 169

i follow you on fb!
carrie g b

carrieb said... 170

i rcv your emails/follow on gfc

noble4 said... 171

I love the starburst
noble4 at ymail dot com

noble4 said... 172

thanks mama fb fan
summer buncik noble
noble4 at ymail dot com

noble4 said... 173

cbm fb fan summer buncik noble
noble4 at ymail dot com

noble4 said... 174

follow with gfc
noble4 at ymail dot com

Kris said... 175

starburst or cosmic

Kris said... 176

like TM fb

Kris said... 177

like you fb

Kris said... 178

follow TM gfc

Katie S said... 179

I Like Thanks Mama on Facbeook (Katie Farish Stewart)

katiekstewart at gmail dot com

Katie S said... 180

I Like Crunchy Beach Mama on Facebook (Katie Farish Stewart)

katiekstewart at gmail dot com

Katie S said... 181

I follow Thanks Mama's blog

katiekstewart at gmail dot com

Katie S said... 182

I follow your blog via Google Friend Connect!

katiekstewart at gmail dot com

Michelle Murphy said... 183

I like the starburst diaper
mmclean13 at gmail dot com

Michelle Murphy said... 184

I like Thanks Mama on Facebook
mmclean13 at gmail dot com

Michelle Murphy said... 185

mmclean13 at gmail dot com

Michelle Murphy said... 186

I like Crunchy Beach Mama on Facebook
mmclean13 at gmail dot com

erin.nicole said... 187

I love the blueberry color diaper!

erin.nicole said... 188

I like Thanks Mama on FB-erin brady

erin.nicole said... 189

I like Crunch Beach Mama on FB-erin brady

erin.nicole said... 190

I am following your blog via GFC

erin.nicole said... 191


Attila & Tamara said... 192

I like the flower power print!

szogediek at yahoo dot com

Attila & Tamara said... 193

I follow your blog

szogediek at yahoo dot com

Attila & Tamara said... 194

I entered the BabyLegs giveaway

szogediek at yahoo dot com

Knocked Up and Nursing said... 195

I love the pomegranite color.
knockedupandnursing at gmail dot com

Knocked Up and Nursing said... 196

FB fan of Thanks Mama.
sarah brown
knockedupandnursing at gmail dot com

Knocked Up and Nursing said... 197

FB fan of CBM.
sarah brown
knockedupandnursing at gmail dot com

guntersvillebride said... 198

I love the Cosmic print!

guntersvillebride said... 199

I follow your blog via GFC!

guntersvillebride said... 200

I follow the Thanks Mama blog!

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