Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Lots of Winners!

A HUGE Congrats to Everyone!!

RubyMoon Natural Laundry Wash $10
Tara said... 51

Facebook 800 Fan Celebration ~ Red/White striped BabyLegs
(did you see that I'm already over 900? WOW! Thanks BeachBums!)
 Monica said... 34 I'm a FB beachbum

Zuvo Water Filtration System
kia said... 59 I follow on twitter and tweeted!/bodhi_bear/status/13907023930335232

Etsy's Caboose Cloth Custom Wipes
Kim's Crafty Apple said... 43 I heart caboose cloth on etsy as KimsCraftyApple

GreenTime Creations Sandwich/Snack Bag Set (not yet confirmed)
Kelly said... 148 I like CBM on FB.

My Baby's Green's Organic Baby Romper 
Kristen said... 46 I like you on facebook

Babylegs Package (not yet confirmed)
tina reynolds said... 139 (339 like you on facebook

Thanks Mama Tots Bots AIO Cloth Diaper
Alisha L. said... 54 (254 GFC Follower of Thanks Mama Blog @Alisha L.

Tassimo BrewBot
 Unemployed & Earning said... 181 (381 I like them on fb

3 crunchy comments:

Kristen said... 1

Thanks so much for the awesome giveaways!! I can't wait to get my super cute romper!! ( I better get busy on making #4 to be able to use it!!)

Courtney said... 2

I just wanted to comment that I'm a dork. I'm getting my FB and GFC followers mixed up. Not quite at 900 FB fans :)

Julie Kieras said... 3

Congrats to everyone! And especially you Crunchy Beach Mama for your growing fan base!! :)