Tuesday, December 7, 2010

GreenTime Sandwich & Snack Bags Giveaway

I know it's Cloth Week, but today's giveaway could have been held in Plastics Week too. Let's pretend for a second it is so that I can continue to throw some facts your way!

~ Did you know that one TRILLION plastic bags are used worldwide each year?

~ A person uses 3-4 plastic bags in their lunch everyday which is about 1,000 a year.

~ Every year Americans throw away about 100 billion plastic bags which is equivalent to 12 million barrels of oil.

~ Only 1% of plastic bags are recycled because it's to costly

~ Nearly 100,000 marine and sea animals and 1 million birds die each year from eating or getting tangled in plastic.

I got all of those facts from Green Time! They not only make cloth bags, but they care about our environment and are happy to be doing their part in eliminating waste.

Cherri's Story ~ "One day about 3 years ago my 10 year old daughter and I started realizing how plastic affected the environment and how much we were using and throwing away, we decided that something needed to be done and we needed an alternative to plastic baggies.

I did love how convenient and how fresh plastic bags kept my food. I wanted to create a bag that was safe, reusable, convenient, easy to care for, could hold wet snacks and would keep the items fresh for over 24 hours so I could pack lunches the night before.

After much research and testing for a safe lining and a lining that performed the way I needed it to, I discovered nylon and peva fabric.

The Greentime reusable snack and sandwich bags were created.

We have be using ours for a long time, Since we love the products so much and use them all of the time, we wanted to share them with you. We feel great knowing that we are doing something to help the earth and the future. Whenever I sell something my daughter gets so excited! Not just because it lets her mom continue to work at home but because somebody else is helping the environment. She loves that! We both want to say thank you very much!"

There are a lot of Mamas that make sandwich/snack bags I've noticed lately, but do you know what attracted me to Green Time? Those of you who are getting to know me can figure it out.....they are CUTE! There are tons of fabrics to choose from! I love lots of choices!

So you will be surprised to hear what I picked out. It is sooo cool....Decorate Your Own Bags!

I bought a package of fabric markers for the kids to color them. I was way nervous because my children do not have the artistic hand (they unfortunately get this from their mother) but that didn't matter right? It was just for fun! This is what they did!

Another item that Cherri makes and sells is Cloth Napkins! I have been looking for CUTE and reasonably priced cloth napkins for my boys for awhile now. She sent me a set and we love them. They are soft and the perfect size to fit in the boys' lunches.

Do you want to hear if Cherri is a Crunchy Mama?
"Yes, I am a crunchy mama. I recycle, make my own cleaners, grow some of my own vegetables and I can them sometimes. I would eat all organic foods and meat, I would use all natural products but I don't because right now I can't afford them. I believe in all of the things that you mentioned, I really liked to see that other people believe in co sleeping. When my children were young, they would sleep with us and I didn't really let anyone know because when I did people would say that I really need to get them in their own beds and really made me feel terrible because I did. I didn't see anything wrong with it and it did not bother us so I just stopped telling people." 

Would you like to WIN both a sandwich AND snack bag in the fabrics of your choice?
Cool huh?

Visit Green Time and tell me what fabric you like!

Please add your email omce if not in profile 

Follow Green Time on Facebook ~ I bet they'd like some lovin' on their wall!

Purchase from Green Time ~ 5 entries!

Follow Crunchy Beach Mama and become a BeachBum through Google Friend and/or Facebook ~ easy right sidebar widgets ~ 1 entry each

Follow CBM on Twitter and Tweet - 'It's Cloth Christmas Week @crunchybchmama WIN both a sandwich/snack bag http://tiny.cc/9b6ia #green #giveaway'

Enter another Cloth Christmas Giveaway

Green Time Bags sent me a bags/napkins to review. I was not compensated in any way for the post and all opinions are my own. This giveaway will end on December 21, 2010 at 10:00pm EST. Winner will be drawn via random.org. Once a winner is drawn I will contact them and they will have 48 hours to reply before I draw a new winner. Giveaway is open to anyone in US/Canada and you must be 18 years of age or older.

176 crunchy comments:

Amber D said... 1

I really like the Russian Floral it looks like the napkins I use for my lunch already.

Amber D said... 2

I'm a friend via GFC


Amber D said... 3

I posted on twitter @lifelovegreen

Julie Kieras said... 4

Okay the apples and pears are my all time fav fabric right now!! I want some! :)

Julie Kieras said... 5

Like them on FB *and commented!!!

Julie Kieras said... 6


Julie Kieras said... 7

GFC fan!

Claude said... 8

I like the Lollidots print.

claudecampeau at videotron dot ca
Thanks for the chance to win!

Claude said... 9

I follow you on Twitterhere's my tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/claudecampeau/status/12260637732249600

Attila & Tamara said... 10

I like the Groovy Guitars and the Girly Guitars!

szogediek at yahoo dot com

T Rex Mom said... 11

I've been seriously looking into getting some of these. The blue burst or candy dots sandwich bags are my favorite.

T Rex Mom said... 12

New follower of Greentime on FB.

T Rex Mom said... 13

Beach Bum follower.

T Rex Mom said... 14

Crunchy Beach follower on FB

VioletQ on Etsy said... 15

I like the Blue Burst fabric the best.

Dannibeth said... 16

My favorite is the Apples And Pears! I love the colors.

Farnuminkstudio (at) gmail (dot) com

Stam-ish said... 17

I love the Springtime fabric in the cloth napkins. It's so girly and pretty.
nicolthepickle at yahoo dot com

Marija said... 18

I like the Candy Dots design!

marija.majerle at gmail dot com

Marija said... 19

I'm following via GFC

marija.majerle at gmail dot com

Snowflake07 said... 20

I like the "Trees on Red" design.

Snowflake07 said... 21

following on twitter as SnowflakeDay & tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/SnowflakeDay/statuses/12719646738223104

belgd said... 22

Apples and pears :D begd at live dot com

belgd said... 23

Follow greentime on facebook

The Pickled Panda said... 24


favorite fabric:

the kind you can draw on!

Joanna said... 25

i really like that rocketship pattern. this would be great to get, so much better than the saran wrap my school uses for sandwiches right now.


Dee said... 26

Ooh, ooh the Happy Planet Leaves pattern, please.



Becky Barrett Beitzel said... 27

i love the skateboard fabric!!

hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

Becky Barrett Beitzel said... 28

i like Green Time on FB @becky barrett beitzel

hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

Becky Barrett Beitzel said... 29

i like you on FB @becky barrett beitzel

hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

Becky Barrett Beitzel said... 30

i follow you on twitter and tweeted @beckybeitzel

hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com

BEadECLECTIC said... 31

I love this flowers one!


bead.eclectic at gmail.com

Liz said... 32

The Construction Trucks would be a big hit at my house!

Romina said... 33

I love the Owls.

Romina said... 34

Follow Green Time on Facebook

Romina said... 35

GFC follower

Romina said... 36

Twitter follower @giveawayfan

Romina said... 37

entered Baby Legs giveaway

eclairre said... 38

I like Cats Reusable Sandwich Bag!

Karen said... 39

I like the candy dots fabric.

lolamichele said... 40

apples and pears is my favorite.

boswife @ gmail . com

sweetpea18 said... 41

i like the blue burst fabric
heatheranya at hotmail dot com

sweetpea18 said... 42

heatheranya at hotmail dot com

herent said... 43

My son would love the robots fabric.

Lindsey said... 44

I LOVE the decorate your own! I also like the Circles fabric!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 45

I like Green Time on FB.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 46

I follow you via GFC.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 47

I like you on FB.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 48

lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 49

Entered the Caboose Cloth giveaway!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 50

I like the Colorful Snowflake fabric!

Unknown said... 51

Liked Green Time on FB! {as rj charms}

Unknown said... 52

Already like Crunchy Beach Mama on FB!

Jingle said... 53

I like the Rustic one!
jinglesells at gmail dot com

mjirsch said... 54

I like this one--> http://greentimecreations.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1&products_id=25

roseibud63 at hotmail dot com

Christina said... 55

Christina - xristya@rock.com - I really love Russian Floral!

jakiesmom said... 56

i like the baseball fabric
nannypanpan at sbcglobal.net

JaMean said... 57

I LOVE the Lollidots and stars and glitter fabric! :) Thanks!

JaMean said... 58

I Follow Green Time on Facebook!! (JanineNenemanMoore) Thank you!!

JaMean said... 59

I Follow Crunchy Beach Mama!! :) Thank You!

JaMean said... 60

I am a BeachBum through Google Friend connect! :) Thanks!

Kirsten said... 61

I like the Circles fabric.
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 62

I like green Time on facebook (Kirsten T..)
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 63

GFC follower.
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 64

Like you on facebook (Kirsten T..)
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 65

Follow CBM on twitter and tweet
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 66

Entered Caboose Cloth Wipes giveaway.
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

lo said... 67

I love the Apples and Pears fabric.

Little Heart Boutique said... 68

Apples and Pears.....mmehart@gmail.com

Little Heart Boutique said... 69

Follow Green Time on FB.

mvegan said... 70

I love the kitty fabric!

Lizze said... 71

I like the groovy guitars on black

lizze dot norlander at gmail dot com

Lizze said... 72

i like Green Time on FB

lizze dot norlander at gmail dot com

Lizze said... 73

I am a Beach Bum

lizze dot norlander at gmail dot com

Lizze said... 74

I entered the Caboose Cloth giveaway

lizze dot norlander at gmail dot com

jodikay2005 said... 75

The apples and pears


AmbreRose said... 76

I have a thing for polka dots so I would choose the lollidots. That is so very cute! ambrerose at(aol) dot(com)

Mama B said... 77

I like the butterflies print
yates at otelco dot net

Mama B said... 78

I follow GFC
yates at otelco dot net

Mama B said... 79

I entered the ruby moon giveaway
yates at otelco dot net

Jenny K said... 80

I like Groovy Guitars On Black!
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu

Jenny K said... 81

Follow Green Time on facebook.
Jenny Hull
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu

Jenny K said... 82

Facebook friend.
Jenny Hull
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu

Jenny K said... 83

Follow on twitter.
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu

Kris said... 84

frogs on blue and dragon flames

Kris said... 85

like greentime fb

Kris said... 86

follow you gfc

Kris said... 87

like you fb

Kris said... 88

follow you twitter

Anonymous said... 89

Groovy guitars are my favorite!

Anonymous said... 90

GFC follower
Kim Pollock

Wee Expressions said... 91

I like the apples and pears fabric!

Wee Expressions said... 92

follow your blog

Wee Expressions said... 93

like gren time on fb

Jessica King said... 94

I like the owl fabric!
sweet20j @ yahoo.com

Leslie said... 95

I like the baseball fabric
lesalia17 at zoominternet dot net

Leslie said... 96

I follow you on GFC
lesalia17 at zoominternet dot net

Tina Deanette Gower said... 97

I like the black and grey skulls!
mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com

Tina Deanette Gower said... 98

Like you on Facebook
(Tina Deanette Gower)

I follow publicly via Google Friend Connect!
mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com

Tina Deanette Gower said... 99

Follow you on Twitter
(Tina Bo Bina)
mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com


Jacqueline said... 100

i love the apples and pears! jmmccarr@gmail.com

Katie S said... 101

My favorite fabric is the Lollidots!

katiekstewart at gmail dot com

Linda said... 102

I like the baseball fabric.

Linda said... 103

I follow you on GFC(Linda G)

Boise Wiebers said... 104

I like Blue Burst and Colorful Snowflakes. I'm sure there are others but for some reason the pages are loading REALLY slow. :)

trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com

Nikki said... 105

I like the Blue Burst print ngiraldi @ gmail . com

Nikki said... 106

I follow you through GFC ngiraldi @ gmail .com

Nikki said... 107

I'm entered in the Babylegs giveaway ngiraldi @ gmail .com

Anonymous said... 108

Awesome blog and thanks for the giveaway!
Would love, love, LOVE to win this!
Happy holidays!

erma said... 109

My fav is the Apples And Pears.

Crochet Nerd Style said... 110

Defiantly the apples and pears fabric

Nance Meyer said... 111

I like the Peace fabric, super cute!

nancymeyer1 at gmail dot com

Nance Meyer said... 112

I follow with GFC.

nancymeyer1 at gmail dot com

Sarah Matos said... 113

I like the Apples and Pears as well as the Retro Dots


Sarah Matos said... 114

GFC Follower
Sarah Matos

Michele said... 115

I like the Apples And Pears fabric.
mileerom at yahoo dot com

Michele said... 116

I follow Green Time on Facebook.

Michele said... 117

I follow Crunchy Beach Mama on Facebook.

Michele said... 118

I follow Crunchy Beach Mama via GFC.

Michele said... 119


Michele said... 120

I entered the Etsy's Caboose Cloth Custom Wipes giveaway.

Kristin said... 121

I like the butterflies.

kristinlb22 at gmail dot com

Kristin said... 122

I like GT on FB (Kristin B)

kristinlb22 at gmail dot com

Kristin said... 123

I'm a BeachBum (GFC and FB)

kristinlb22 at gmail dot com

Kristin said... 124

Entered Tots Bots.

kristinlb22 at gmail dot com

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said... 125

I like the Black and Gray Skulls fabric!

stormraven at gmail dot com

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said... 126

I like Greentime Creations over on Facebook.

stormraven at gmail dot com

Sherry Poppins said... 127

I really like the construction trucks fabric, although they are all so cute!!


Allison said... 128

I like the blue and purple flowers design. very cute


Unknown said... 129

So many nice fabrics it's hard to pick one so top three are construction trucks, cupcakes and monkeys

Giveawaymommy at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 130

crunchy beach mama Facebook follower Melissa Robinson-Arezzi

giveawaymommy at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 131

Twitter Follower @giveawaymommy

giveawaymommy at yahoo dot com

susansmoaks said... 132

fb fan tony l smoaks
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Kelly said... 133

I love the construction trucks print!

kellykimmich at gmail dot com

Kelly said... 134

I 'like' Green Time on FB.

kellykimmich at gmail dot com

Kelly said... 135

I like CBM on FB.

kellykimmich at gmail dot com

Rachel said... 136

The apples and pears are my favorite

lezanac said... 137

I like the Dragon & flames print lezanac@yahoo.com

Tylerpants said... 138

My fave is the fun Cupcakes fabric. tylerpants(at)gmail.com

Tylerpants said... 139

I'm a fan of Greentime Creations on Facebook (Lisa L). tylerpants(at)gmail.com

Tylerpants said... 140

I'm a fan on Facebook (Lisa L). tylerpants(at)gmail.com

Tylerpants said... 141

Entered your My Baby's Green giveaway tylerpants(at)gmail.com

krystina said... 142

My favorite fabric is the blue burst fabric!

krystina said... 143

loved green time on FB!

krystina said... 144

follow CBM on FB

krystina said... 145

Follow CBM on google friend!

krystina said... 146

follwo CBM on twitter and tweeted! http://twitter.com/#!/sugarberry07/status/17276713759145984

krystina said... 147

entered the give away from caboose cloth!

Abi said... 148

I like the Blue Burst design. So cute.
havenera at gmail dot com

Katelyn said... 149

I like the Owl Print!


Katelyn said... 150

I like Green Time on FB!


Katelyn said... 151

Follow via GFC!


Brittney Minor said... 152

My favorite fabric is circles from Green Time!
brittleby at yahoo dot com

Brittney Minor said... 153

I follow Green Time on FB!
brittleby at yahoo dot com

Brittney Minor said... 154

I entered your Babylegs package giveaway!
brittleby at yahoo dot com

Gale said... 155

I think my boys would like the robot fabric.

A suggestion though...there are so many great fabrics, but hard to sort through them all. It would be great if the site let you sort through girls and boys designs, or by colors or something.

Dawn Reid said... 156

I like the Lollidots print.

Dawn Reid said... 157

gfc follower

Dawn Reid said... 158

Follow Green Time on Facebook

trixx said... 159

I like the cute Lollidots pattern!

trixx said... 160

I follow your blog

trixx said... 161

I entered the My Baby's Green giveaway

Victoria said... 162

Love the owls fabric and the groovy guitars!
vschilke at gmail dot com

Victoria said... 163

Following via GFC
vschilke at gmail dot com

Victoria said... 164

Also entered the My baby's Green romper giveaway for Cloth Christmas!
vschilke at gmail dot com

tina reynolds said... 165

I love the dinosaurs and the groovy guitars prints both are so cute eaglesforjack@gmail.com

tina reynolds said... 166

i follow green time on facebook (mrstinareynolds

tina reynolds said... 167

i follow on gfc

tina reynolds said... 168

i like you on facebook (mrstinareynolds

Lo said... 169

I like the blue and purple flower fabric

Lo said... 170

Here's my tweet: http://twitter.com/prizealert/status/17387698088054785

Anonymous said... 171

i like blue burst!

Anonymous said... 172

I like the Blue Burst fabric. garrettsambo@aol.com

Jessica said... 173

I like the daisies print!

Jessica said... 174

follow greentime on facebook
Jessica Sage

Jessica said... 175

liked you on facebook
Jessica Sage

Sand said... 176

The Stars And Glitter is my favorite fabric.