Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Holiday Shopping at Pier 1

This post brought to you by Pier 1 Imports. All opinions are 100% mine.

Is Pier 1 one of your favorite stores to shop at? It is mine! I can spend a long time in this store, slowly browsing the aisles, taking mental note of what I need (or is it want?).

The holidays are especially fun. I love looking at the Christmas dishes. Here is one of the great sets they have this year.

Are you having a big New Year's Eve Party? Be sparkly!

If I was headed to the party, this is what I would bring. A seahorse bottle tag!

On clearance for only $2.48! Gosh, maybe I need to stock up.

They have lots of items for this Beach Mama! I can decorate my tree!

Do you want to get me some beachy holiday gifts? I love these...

And these...on clearance for only $3.98! Are you taking note?

Pier 1 is a big supporter of Toys for Tots. This month you can bring in an unwrapped toy or make a donation directly at the register. How awesome is that?

Now click on over to their Facebook book page HERE and Like the page ~ they will donate $1 for every new fan they get into the Toys for Tots fund.

Head over there now and spread the holiday cheer!

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1 crunchy comments:

Julie Kieras said... 1

How cute are YOU with all the Beachy items you found! :) love it love it! :) The seahorse is adorable!!!