Monday, October 11, 2010

The Pumpkin Patch

The pumpkin patch has become a family tradition at our house. I don't think my boys even know you can buy pumpkins at regular stores because each year we pick our own!

Every DAY O'Bear would ask, "When are we going to the pumpkin patch," until I finally pinned down a date for him. From then on he was counting down the days and then the hours. Was he excited or what?

We decided not to go to the one closest to our house and instead got into the car for mini trip about an hour away. We wanted an adventure!

The whole way there the boys were planning what size pumpkin they would get, how many we were going to pick, and how we would decorate them.

I had one rule. You pick it. You carry it.

C'Man instantly tried to find the BIGGEST one. He would find one and set into his pile. Go find another and size it up to the first one. The bigger the better for him!

O'Bear's strategy was a bit different. He wanted to find the best LOOKING one.
It had to have be perfectly round with a good stem.We tried to explain to him that dirt brushes off!

And baby P'Diddy? He was just mad that he was stuck in the stroller! I finally took him out to play with the pumpkin we picked out for him. A cute little one!

Now how did the boys decide to decorate them? Stay tuned! We'll let you know by the end of the month :)

Do you visit a pumpkin patch to get your pumpkins?

4 crunchy comments:

Julie Kieras said... 1

You and your family are so darn cute!!! LOVE that you wore an orange shirt to go pumpkin picking - totally made the picture awesome! :)
We have a farm share, so we get our pumpkins from them... but otherwise, we also would go to a pumpkin patch and pick... :) Fun time!!! Great post! Can't wait to see the decorations! :)

Meaghan said... 2

which one did you go to? We went to the Little Farm in Miami. I would love to go to another one.

~Katey~ said... 3

Looks like a lot of fun!

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Annette said... 4

Too cute. I love it when you have the time to turn pumpkin picking into an adventure. It sounds like your boys just had a blast. I love this time of year.