Friday, October 29, 2010

Eco-Friendly DwellSmart & TerraCycle Giveaway

Have you heard of TerraCycle before? Do you know what they do?

From their website ~ Every year BILLIONS of drink pouches end up in dumpsters and landfills across America. TerraCycle, Capri Sun and Honest Kids are working together to put an end to this awful loss of resources. As an eco-friendly innovator, TerraCycle converts the drink pouch material into unique fashion bags, tote bags, pencil cases, and other items for kids and adults! TerraCycle is proud to team up with the largest producer of drink pouches in the country, Capri Sun, and a young organic entry into the market, Honest Kids, to help address this problem! Together with your help we CAN make a difference!

Once you have signed up for the Drink Pouch Brigade, you can start collecting drink pouches! When you are ready to ship them, log into your account and chose whether you would like to download prepaid shipping labels (the eco-friendly option) or have TerraCycle mail you 2 prepaid return labels.

The TerraCycle Drink Pouch Brigade™ program allows almost any school, non–profit organization or individual to save drink pouches from taking up space in landfills. TerraCycle will pay $0.02 per drink pouch to the charity, school or non-profit organization of your choice.

Visit their website

I contacted them to help out during Upcycle Week and they informed me of a great company with both a storefront and an online shop that carries their products. What I found is an AWESOME store that carries TONS of fantastic stuff!! And it's ALL eco-friendly!


The company started because they wanted to find earth-friendly building materials...they sell bamboo & cork flooring, recycled glass counter tops, VOC free paints and so much more!

But it doesn't stop there. You can find anything from cleaning products (did you know there is such thing as a make your own kit?), to pet items (dog beds made from soda bottles), to baby clothes & cloth diapers (check out ~ coming soon to this blog) and school supplies (recycled markers?). If I didn't have three kids with me I probably could have spent all morning there looking around!


What I love is that their actual store carries many items that are made from local artists. Jewelry, candles, coffee mugs, wine glasses ~ all made from recycled and upcycled materials. I wish you could see it all!

How would you like to WIN a TerraCyle product that is given to you by Dwellsmart?
How about I put up TWO items to giveaway?

Circuit Board Coasters ~ "These will not compute, but they will protect your furniture and help keep waste out of landfills" Ha!

Clif Bar Messenger Bag ~ made from upcycled Clif Bar Wrappers

Look around DwellSmart and tell me what catches your eye and Why!
Tell me which of the items you would want to win or if you like bot say Either
Be a BeachBum GFC Follower!

EXTRA Entries
Like DwellSmart on Facebook ~ Thank them for these 2 awesome products from @Crunchy Beach Mama!

Like CBM on Facebook ~ use easy sidebar widget

Follow CBM on Twitter &  Tweet "#Win TerraCycle Clif Bar Messenger Bar or Circuit Board Coasters TWO WINNERS! @crunchybchmama #green #giveaway"

Subscribe to my emails ~ right sidebar

Enter another Upcycled Giveaway

5 EXTRA Entries to any giveaway this week (or spread them out) by participating in TNT's upcycled scarf tutorial (takes 20 minutes and all you need is an old t-shirt & scissors ~ and it's soooo fun!) Click HERE

DwellSmart gave me two TerraCycle product for this giveaway but I was not compensated in any way for the post. This giveaway will end on Nov. 9, 2010 at 10:00pm ET. Winner will be drawn via Once a winner is drawn I will contact them and they will have 48 hours to reply before I draw a new winner. Giveaway is open to anyone in the US and you must be 18 years of age or older.

95 crunchy comments:

Anonymous said... 1

I am a gfc follower
I would love to buy the Himalayan Salt Lamp. It looks pretty and purifys the air.
I would love to win the Clif Bar Messenger Bag

Jenelle said... 2

FB fan of CBM

Amber D said... 3

I really like the upcycled celiing tile frames, they are old weatherd and have a lot of style.

Jenelle said... 4

I like DwellSmart on FB

Jenelle said... 5

I couldnt decide which item I liked best, so heres my short list:
Bottle Glasses, Wine Stave Wine Rack, Bamboo kids spork, and the Handcrafted brooms

Jenelle said... 6

annnd technically i did share my photo on the TNT: TrashN2Tees FB page. :hehe:

EmAlbritton said... 7

follow via GFC

love the baby bee sling...still waiting for the day there's $ available for me to get a sling for DD.

would probably put the coasters to use more...but not picky

EmAlbritton said... 8

liked and thanked DwellSmart on facebook

EmAlbritton said... 9

already like CDM on facebook

EmAlbritton said... 10


EmAlbritton said... 11

extra entry from comment last night

(Emily Reiter Albritton)

EmAlbritton said... 12

subscribed to emails

EmAlbritton said... 13

entered t-shirt wipes giveaway

Rachel said... 14

I love the airpod air purifier, it's cool looking and functional, I would love to win the messenger bag.
I am a beach bum now, (I'm following your blog)

Rachel said... 15

I get an extra entry for getting the question right on facebook and "fun, fun". Hope this I what I was supposed to do.

Rachel said... 16

Liked dwellsmart on facebook

Rachel said... 17

I definitely like CBM on facebook!!!

Rachel said... 18

Subscribed to your email
Sorry forgot my email in my other entries

Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 19

I am already a follower of your blog and I'm not picky on the prize since I could use both and both are fantastic!

From DwellSmart they have a set of Nesting Baskets that I've been looking for! For great price, too. I may have to get 'em when I can afford it again. :)


Yona Williams said... 20

Hi there. Stopping by from 10 Talents. Im a GCF. The Shains Eco Elements (Recycle Symbols) caught my eye. Email: yona(at)

Yona Williams said... 21

Liked you on Facebook (Priceless Writers) Email: yona(at)

Yona Williams said... 22

Liked DwellSmart on Facebook (Priceless Writers) and left a comment. Email: yona(at)

Susie Buetow said... 23

I would love the messenger bag! Not for me but for my teen. It has her name all over it! I'm personally a huge basket fan and I love their nestling (sp) baskets. I"m a new GFC follower and stopping in today to BOOoooo your page from the creepy blog hop! Stop over as I've had a murder on my page. Hiya! I'm your newest follow friday fan! I'm coming here to say BOOOooooOOO! There has been a murder over at my blog! Stop in...if you dare!

Susie Buetow said... 24

I"m following DwellSmart on FB and left a message! Susan B.

Susie Buetow said... 25

I like CBM on FB!! arteachersusan at gmail dot com (Susan B)

Susie Buetow said... 26!/susieqtpies/status/29116387519 tweeted and following u on twitter @susieqtpies

Susie Buetow said... 27

I'm an email subscriber arteachersusan at gmail dot com

Julie Kieras said... 28

I want to get this degreaser b/c I always end up going to harsh chemicals when Ih ave a bad cleanup job!

GFC follower
Not picky although I would lean toward the coasters so I could give them to my dad or brother who are both electronics engineers! :)

Julie Kieras said... 29

Liked Dwell Smart on FB & commented

Julie Kieras said... 30

Like you on FB!

Julie Kieras said... 31

Email subscriber!

Julie Kieras said... 32

I entered Kangadu!

Julie Kieras said... 33

Tshirt scarf Extra entry #4

Sophie said... 34

I saw the slatted dish soap and I totally need one like that right now. I would live to win the bag! Chitownchica follows on GFC

chitownchicas at gmail dot com

Sophie said... 35

Unus Sed Leona likes DwellSmart on FB

chitownchicas at gmail dot com

Sophie said... 36

Unus sed leona likes your blog on FB

chitownchicas at gmail dot com

Sophie said... 37

I follow on twitter and tweeted:

chitownchicas at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 38

Sophie always catches my eye!
Both/Either ;)
I'm a BeachBum!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 39

I like DwellSmart on FB.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 40

I like you on FB.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 41

I get your emails.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 42

I entered the Kangadu giveaway.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 43

lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Jasmine1485 said... 44

I'm following via GFC as Jasmine1485

My favourite item is the 'Plantlife Spa-Therapy Kit - Relax'

I'd love the coaster please!

Kate1485 at

Jasmine1485 said... 45

I'm a fan of DwellSmart on Facebook (Kate Ryan)

Kate1485 at

Jasmine1485 said... 46

I'm following you on Twitter (@NTFancy)

Kate1485 at

scriswell said... 47

I follow you. Love the Short Sleeve T-Shirt - Peaceful because it's simple and pretty.
Would like to win the coasters- my husband would LOVE!
sandicriswell at yahoo dot com

scriswell said... 48

I like CBM on FB
sandicriswell at yahoo dot com

scriswell said... 49

Entered the Wool Soaker giveaway
sandicriswell at yahoo dot com

Discovering the Me in Mommy said... 50

I am a gfc follower
I cotton diapers for my little one!
Can I win the Clif Bar Messenger Bag?!?
feh79 at yahoo dot com

Cindy said... 51

I like the Soma Polypro Water Bottle becuz it is BPA free

newest follower from This for That

clemay62 at rocketmail dot com

come on over and visit me:

Beeb said... 52

I've actually heard of them because of their TV show! I would love to win the Circuit Board Coasters are a Christmas gift for my fiance. I follow via GFC, and I also like this from Dwell Smart:

Thank you for the giveaway!


supercoupongirl AT

Barbara's Beat said... 53

baby gift basket because my nephew is having his 1st baby

info said... 54

Thank you Crunch Beach Mama!! It is great to connect, and I hope to meet you soon. DwellSmart appreciates all of our new visitors and Facebook friends! .. Mary

CCJade23 said... 55

I really like the ceiling tin mirror. What a great idea. I'd like either prize...and I'm a new follower.

magic5905 said... 56

I follow. magic5905
Stress Relief Gift Basket
The coasters would be nice. Thanks.

April said... 57

I like the swiss gold coffee filter because it's one of those things I've been meaning to get but never got around to.
I'd like to win the messenger bag
I follow you on GFC
aehbamafan (at)

Chris said... 58

I love the Bamboo Baby Socks they just look so soft and cozy.
I would like the Clif Bar Messenger Bag

Chris said... 59

I Like DwellSmart on Facebook
and commented

Chris said... 60

I Like CBM on Facebook

Chris said... 61

I subscribe to your emails

Tammy said... 62

I like the Sun-Mar Garden Composter - 50 Gallon!
I follow you on GFC - ymmat83
If I win I would like the coasters!

MizVickik said... 63

The Set of Glasses crafted from recycled bottles in an assortment of styles. Really neat stuff!
I follow you on GFC & would love the coasters -- thanks!

MizVickik said... 64

I also entered your brandy fisher Giveaway

MizVickik said... 65

I subscribe via email!

stracey2010 said... 66

i am a gfc follower ,and i love the TerraCycle Circuit Board Picture Frame - 4x6 because my husband is an it guy and would love this.i would love to win the coasters

Kate said... 67

I really love the coasters, and I'm a follower!

Also I really like the Riverside Design Glass Bowl!

susansmoaks said... 68

i would love to win the messenger bag, i love the California Baby Diaper Rash Cream because it really works great

i am a follower
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

michtuck said... 69

So many nice items! I like the Beeswax Honeycomb Pillar Candle. I'm a huge fan of anything having to do with candles, but I've never tried beeswax. Follow via gfc. I like both, but my husband would LOVE the coasters:)
michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)

michtuck said... 70

Like DwellSmart on Facebook and left comment. iiiyadirf (michelle tucker)
michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)

michtuck said... 71

Follow you via Facebook- iiiyadirf (michelle tucker)
michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)

michtuck said... 72

Subscribe to you via email.
michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)

michtuck said... 73

Entered the Brandy Fisher giveaway.
michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)

michtuck said... 74

Follow you and Tweeted:!/iiiyadirf/status/2035926167453696
michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)

degood said... 75

I follow on gfc and I visited the store and like the peaceful canvas tote. If I won, I would love the messenger bag.

Hbomb said... 76

I like the West Paw Big Sky Blanket, because my pup loves blankets, and getting a eco friendly one would be awesome.
I'd love the coasters!
And I follow via GFC!

xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com

Hbomb said... 77

follow and tweet -
xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com

Hbomb said... 78

i entered the etsys brandy fisher giveaway
xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com

Tylerpants said... 79

I'm a GFC follower. This preggo mama would love to try the California Baby Natural Pregnancy Body Wash, it sounds nice & gentle! I'd love to win the coasters. tylerpants(at)

Tylerpants said... 80

Liked Crunchy Beach Mama on Facebook. tylerpants(at)

Tylerpants said... 81

I'm an email subscriber. tylerpants(at)

Emillie Rose said... 82

I love the giraffe teething toy! Would love to win the coasters! I follow your blog - gfc.

Emillie Rose said... 83

I like beachbum on facebook.

Emillie Rose said... 84

I subscribe via email - using my address.

Kathy P said... 85

google friend klp1965

i also love the Medium Globe Hanging Lamp

id love to win the clif bar messenger bag :)

Kathy P said... 86!/DwellSmart/posts/489013741868

Kathy P said... 87

like you on facebook kathy l pease

Kathy P said... 88

entered beans things giveaway

Dawn Reid said... 89

I love the airpod air purifier as it would be great in my room.
gfc follower

trixx said... 90

I follow your blog. The Nature's Miracle Stain & Odor Remover would be great to try as I have many pets, I like that it uses all natural ingredients. I'd love to win the neat Circuit Board Coasters

cman said... 91

I'm a GFC follower.
Shape Sorter looks like a fun toy for my twins.
Clif Bar Messenger Bag

Candie L said... 92

I like the wallet. I am a follower. I would prefer the bag, but I would like either of them. Thankyou


Anonymous said... 93

I like the Stainless Steel Drinking Bottles because I would like to use them instead of plastic bottles. This would help the environment. I would like to win either. I follow.

tina reynolds said... 94

I really like both but my favorite it the clif bag I also liked the
Ha-Ha Doll thanks

tina reynolds said... 95

like cbm on facebook (mrstinareynolds)