Monday, October 18, 2010

Happy Baby Organic Guide Book & Food Giveaway

Many of you know that P'Diddy is my third baby. And somewhere in the five and a half years between him and his brother is the time where I became a Crunchy Mama. One of the characteristics of being crunchy is buying and eating organic. So when P'Diddy was close to six months old it was time to start researching what he was going to eat. A lot had changed in those five years! A whole new market emerged. Or maybe I was just seeing it for the first time.

I was very excited when Happy Baby food wanted to send me their new book called The Organic Guide to Baby's First 24 Months by Robert W. Sears, MD, FAAP (yes Dr. Sears!) and Amy Marlow, MPH, RD, CDN.

It is a really great book! It goes from how to prepare for baby before he comes, to the main part of the book which is a guide on eating, then finishes up about how to green up your whole life!

But how green do you really want to go? There are different levels to help you achieve your goal in each area in the book and in life!

Palest green - changes you can make if you're just getting started being green
A littler greener - a step up in your habits and behaviors
The deepest shade of green - for mamas who are ready to take the bigger steps.

In this post I want to talk a bit about the eating/foods part of the book. On Wednesday I will write about other parts of being green that the book focuses on.

It would be impossible for me to talk about all 400 pages but I want to key in on some of my favorite sections.

Flavor Fusion for Babies
One thing you will see here in a bit when I post about Happy Baby food is the mix up of flavors they sell. Here in the book they encourage you to make your own and don't be afraid to mix different ingredients up. Boring me never even thought of mixing when we make our

How about Avocado and Apple? Or Baby's First Burrito - Black Beans & Banana. They have lots of recipes for the whole family too!

A part I enjoyed reading word for word, seriously studying, was the part about how much a baby should be eating at what age. And not just how much, but WHAT to introduce and when. A big question in our house is when to introduce dairy. Hubby is not a big fan of cow's milk so we haven't done any yogurts or cheeses yet. Of course every baby is different, so always take that into consideration when reading these things.

Navigating the Aisles and Deciphering Food Labels
It was just a few months ago that I headed down the baby aisle for the first time after many years to pick up some "real" food for P'Diddy. Wow was it overwhelming! What was safe for him?

There are some great tips listed in The Guide - "all natural" doesn't always mean "healthy", "made with organic" doesn't mean 100% organic, a "made with real fruit" might still mean processed sweets.

Everything in the book are great tips for all of us. Yes, they may start with baby, but we should be following them for the rest of our life if we want to remain healthy and eco-friendly at the same time.

Now do you want to see what Happy Baby food makes and sells? You can find them in many grocery stores or buy online from! Their website states they are "committed to providing families with the healthiest, most optimal nutrition possible. Besides using the best organic ingredients, we also incorporate the best nature has to offer when it comes to added nutrition, like our sustainable source of DHA, pre and probiotics, and supergrains like Salba and Quinoa. You can count us to offer items without added sugar, trans fats, anything artificial"

All their packaging is BPA free and everything purchased contributes to their Project Peanut Butter which feeds starving children in Malawi.

You want to hear what my boys tried?

This was the first snack food P'Diddy tried. Do you know what I call them? The crabby stoppers. They have to be stocked in our house!
How about some green puffs? Or gluten free sweet potato?

The snack that everyone RAVES about. And I have to admit - they are pretty tasty!
Also come in banana and strawberry!

This was a fun one. P'Diddy's first meats! Turkey, vegetables, fruits & millet.
If you can tell me what a millet is then add yourself an extra entry in the giveaway :)
Does Beef Stew sound yummy? Or how about Amaranth Ratatouille? Can you even say that?


One for my big boys! They love fish sticks so to find some that I know are healthy is fantastic! There are some hidden vegetables inside too!
Mac & Cheese is another favorite! Or Veggie Tots!

So happy to have found not only a great Guide to teach me but healthy organic food that tastes great!

Would you like to read The Organic Guide to Baby's First 24 Months
Buy it here for $15.99 ~ more than $100 worth of coupons inside!
 (from Stroller Strides, My Gym, iPlay & more!)

Would you like to WIN a copy? And how about some FREE food too?
Also included HappyBaby Recipes, Nutrition Guide, & FAQ

Mandatory Entry - tell me how HappyBaby can help you!
Become a BeachBum follower!

Extra Entries
Like Happy Baby on Facebook ~ tell 'em Crunchy Beach Mama sent you!

Sign up for Happy Baby Newsletter HERE - comes out every quarter + coupons!

Like Crunchy Beach Mama on Facebook ~ use easy sidebar widget! ~ for the next 2 weeks I'll be sharing Green Tips from the book!

Twitter with me and Tweet - #Win HappyBaby #Organic Food & Dr Sears Book @crunchybchmama #green #giveaway

Do you get my Feeds or Emails? Another entry for each!

Leave a comment about my Part 2 post on how to live a greener life from HappyBaby. Link found HERE.

HappyBaby sent me the book & food coupons to review for this giveaway but I was not compensated in any way for the post. This giveaway will end on Nov. 1, 2010 at 10:00pm ET. Winner will be drawn via Once a winner is drawn I will contact them and they will have 48 hours to reply before I draw a new winner. Giveaway is open to anyone in the US and you must be 18 years of age or older.

84 crunchy comments:

Lindsey said... 1

It could definitely help me! My daughter will start eating foods in about a month and I want to make her baby food myself! I need fresh ideas!!!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 2

I like HappyBaby on FB.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 3

I like you on FB.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 4

I follow you on Twitter!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 5

I get your emails!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 6

I subscribe via Google Reader.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Keri said... 7

I have a 4m old son and am trying to decide when to start him on solids and which foods to start with. This sounds like a great resource!!
I'm already a BeachBum follower - thanks for the reveiw and giveaway!!
bedkek at yahoo dot com

Keri said... 8

I Like Crunchy Beach Mama on FB!
bedkek at yahoo dot com

Keri said... 9

I like Happy Baby on FB.
bedkek at yahoo dot com

Keri said... 10

Millet is a grain, like sorghum or milo only smaller. Millet flour is gluten free.
You may have seen millet heads or seeds in the birdfood section before.
bedkek at yahoo dot com

Amy said... 11

I'm a follower and it could help me get my 4 yr old to eat some veggie other than only broccoli!

Amy said... 12

I like Happy Baby on FB

Amy said... 13

I like Crunchy Mama on fb

Amy said... 14

i get your emails

Julie Kieras said... 15

I think Happy Baby could help me understand all the labeling on packaged foods. And have some more fun recipes to make for baby!
GFC follower! :)

Julie Kieras said... 16

Julie Kieras said... 17

Follow Happy Baby on FB

Julie Kieras said... 18

RSS Subscriber!

Julie Kieras said... 19

Email subscriber

Julie Kieras said... 20

FB Fan! :)

Julie Kieras said... 21

Millet is a grain! :) I think it's non gluten as well - I have a friend who had to eat gluten free and I think she could eat Millet.... am I right? :)

Mama K said... 22

So excited to see this. Petey is 7mo. not very interested in solids yet, but I'd love to get some new ideas. Always looking to deepen my shade of green!!

Brandi Elam said... 23

I plan to make my baby's food and this could definitely help me decide what to feed him!

I'm a follower.

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said... 24

I like you on FB!

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said... 25

Extra entry: millet is a grain.

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said... 26

I like Happy Baby on FB and told them you sent me.

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

HomemadeBaby said... 27

My daughter is just starting solids and is very finicky, so I am hoping to get her the healthiest diet possible.
Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com

HomemadeBaby said... 28

I like Happy Baby on Facebook and left a comment :)
Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com

HomemadeBaby said... 29

I am a facebook fan of Crunchy Beach Mama.
Marysa N - Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com

HomemadeBaby said... 30

I am an e-mail subscriber
Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com

HomemadeBaby said... 31

I subscribe to your feed (RSS/Google Reader)
Marysa Nicholson – “HomeMadeBaby”
Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com

Lindsey said... 32

Extra Entry
One way we Reduce, Reuse, Recycle is we are trying to limit the amount of paper towels we use by using Cloths more. I've actually been using the cloths that I made for my daughter's wipes, but I made so many I have extras!
I think this book sounds so neat!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Keri said... 33

Part 2 Post Extra Entry:
I totally agree with you on the store cleaning isle! I would love to know more about what you use to clean with.
I have a steam mop that I use instead of chemicals and it works great! I also have use washable microfiber towels instead of the disposable swiffer cloths. For light cleaning, baking soda, vinegar, and sometimes bleach are great, but having a hard time finding a good substitute for toilet bowls and super tough soap scum in the showers.
bedkek at yahoo dot com

Kylie Carlson said... 34

I'm expecting my first child in May and the amount of baby products and advice is overwhelming a green guide like this would be a great way to start my research. kcarlson1152[at]

Amorette said... 35

happy baby would help me to start feeding my son some meats- he is 10 mo and i haven't given him any meat so far because it grosses me out to puree it!
follow your blog with GFC
asdrexler at gmail dot com

Amorette said... 36

like happy baby on FB- amorette d.

Amorette said... 37

signed up for HB newsletter

Amorette said... 38

like you on FB- amorette d.

Heidi said... 39

im a follower and this can help me by learning what foods to start my son on and how to understand the labels on everything! lol

Heidi said... 40

i follow your rss feed

Grandma Bonnie said... 41

I follow with GFC and It would help me feed my grandsons with good nutrition since everything has changed since my children were little.

Grandma Bonnie said... 42

I commented on your Part 2 post on how to live a greener life from HappyBaby

Deann H said... 43

This sounds like a great book. I'd love to win a copy! I am a follower

Deann H said... 44

FB fan

Lisa D said... 45

I'm kinda between palest green and a little greener, but want to be a very deep shade and feel the info provided by Happy Baby can get me there.
duncan.lisa at

Lisa D said... 46

Millet is a grain that is gluten free. I don't know much about it though.
duncan.lisa at

Lisa D said... 47

I forgot to mention I'm a Beach Bum as part of my mandatory entry!

I like Happy Baby on FB as Lisa Duncan and told them you sent me:
duncan.lisa at

Lisa D said... 48

I like you on FB as Lisa Duncan
duncan.lisa at

Lisa D said... 49

Follow you on twitter @My2CentsFL and tweeted
duncan.lisa at

Posh Play said... 50

My baby just started eating solids so this would keep us going on the right eating plan for him!

Julie Kieras said... 51

Here's my recycle tip: EVERYTHING is a container. I try to recycle everything I can into "storage" - that old Altoids tin - keep loose buttons in one, extra safety pins in another, craft odds & ends for scrapbooking in another.
Oh that coffee can - a little spray paint and now it's a vase, or a colored pencil holder. Broke the handle off your coffee mug - it's a planter for a mini african violet.
You can always find another use for things! :)

Marah said... 52

follow you via GFC

at 11 months we are struggling to get my son to eat food. he really really loves breastfeeding. hopefully the books will have some helpful tips.

Marah said... 53

get your e-mail

Marah said... 54

signed up for newsletter

Marah said... 55

like happy baby on fb and said you sent me

Macey at Olivia Renn said... 56

I'm a follower. It could help my kids eat healthier!

Thanks for the info-

Attila & Tamara said... 57

Happy Baby can help me by helping me to get more veggies into my little guy. He has been resisting eating them lately!

I became a BeachBum follower

szogediek at yahoo dot com

Attila & Tamara said... 58

I subscribe via email

szogediek at yahoo dot com

Kristin said... 59

Liked you on FB! Happy Baby might have food my picky 15-month-old will eat! ;-)

Kristin said... 60

Millet is a seed. When I was a child my pet parakeet loved it.

Dayna W said... 61

My son is just starting to eat table food and I don't always make the healthiest foods and these would be great for him to have.

And I'm a BeachBum!!


Dayna W said... 62

Thanks for posting what to put. I don't know how to tweet. LOL


Dayna W said... 63

Love you on FB


Dayna W said... 64

Signed up got HappyBaby Newsletter

Dayna W said... 65

Like happy baby and told them you sent me

Dayna W said... 66

Get your email

Dayna W said... 67

Get you're feed

Barbara's Beat said... 68

it can help my nephew whhaving his 1st baby

The NEW Mommiez Blend said... 69

These products could def help us out. I am constantly using puff/cereal type snacks when grocery shopping to keep my Punkin a happy camper. Also, when needing to sometimes get him to eat his veggies the Salmon Sticks and such would help too. He's at that age where everything goes on the floor and not in his mouth. I am your newest follower! :)

newmommiez at gmail dot com

The NEW Mommiez Blend said... 70

I commented on your Part 2 post. :)

newmommiez at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 71

Already a follower!

Happy Baby already helps us!

Puffs are a staple in our house now!!!!


Unknown said... 72

Already Like Happy Baby on FB

Unknown said... 73

Signed up for HB Newsletter


Unknown said... 74

Already a friend on FB

Unknown said... 75

Tweeteed! Tweet Tweet.


Unknown said... 76

Left a comment on Part 2


Ashley R said... 77

-HappyBaby already helps me in providing healthy, fast snacks and food for my son. I'd love to win so I can read the book though. Lifelong healthy eating is what we really want to encourage!
-Follow you on GFC! (Ashley R)

reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

Ashley R said... 78

"Like" HappyBaby on FB and told them you sent me! (Ashley Reynolds)
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

Ashley R said... 79

I get the HappyBaby newsletter already!
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

Ashley R said... 80

Follow you on twitter and tweeted! (@reynoldsmom)
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

Ashley R said... 81

Subscribe to your RSS feed via google reader!
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

Ashley R said... 82

Extra entry: Millet is a cereal grass extensively cultivated in the East and in southern Europe for its small seed, or grain, used as food for humans and fowls, but in the U.S. grown chiefly for fodder. (I used to give millet to my bird!!)
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

susansmoaks said... 83

i am a follower and happy baby can help me with easy meal solutions that i can trust
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

cman said... 84

They look like healthy snacks my twins would enjoy. Those happy melts look pretty tasty.