Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Etsy's Brandy Fisher Upcycled Items Giveaway

Wait until you hear about all the fun & unique items Brandy creates in her Etsy store!

Jewelry, Paper Goods, Ornaments, & Hair Clips & More! All made from vintage jewels and repurposed materials.

Brandy Fisher is exactly what upcycling is all about - preventing the waste of useful materials by making new ones. Reducing the use of raw materials results in the reduction of energy usage, air & water pollution, and even greenhouse emissions.

Let's start off with these earrings because they have a story behind them and we like a good story right?


"These upcycled brass stars are actually what was left from brass sheet metal after industrial metal punches cut out kick plates for the doors in a hospital in the 1980s. My dad was working at the metal fabrication shop at the time and saved them for my mom who in turn made Christmas ornaments from them. After nearly 25 years of saving them she gave them to me!"

Want to see more jewelry? Check out this fabulous necklace...

 The gold colored connectors and turquoise and orange acrylic beads are from a vintage necklace from the early 1970s. The papier mache rings were handmade from recycled cardboard tubes and tissue paper. How unique is this?

Do you like to dress up your packages? Check out her gift tags...

Made using repurposed taupe paper from an old scrapbook, upcycled BINGO card paper and natural cotton cord. FUN!

I asked her how she finds her materials...

"Many of the supplies I use are things we use in our family (yogurt containers, greeting cards, paper, cardboard tubes). Some of the vintage beads are from old jewelry my grandmother gave me most of which was broken or needed a new clasp. I buy some vintage supplies on as well."

Do you want to hear another cool story?

"Handmade necklace created with upcycled brick red ceramic radio washers from the 1940s and recycled ball chain. The chain is not ordinary jewelry chain. It is actually a part from a factory machine that molds rubber. My parents saved a bag full from the dumpster and gave them to me to recycle and reuse."

Wouldn't you like to see Brandy's workroom? :)

Do you want to see what she sent me?

Plastic cobalt blue vintage Bingo markers were upcycled into bobby pins! I love them!!
They are wonderful conversation pieces!

How do you come up with ideas?

"I look at what I have and try to come up with ideas. Sometimes an idea comes instantly and other times it takes months. I have some vintage beads that I love but still have not come up with the perfect project for them. Sometimes I will browse to see what others are doing and try to fill a niche that no one else has.

And she is a Crunchy Mama to an almost two year old ~ "I breastfed and used cloth diapers with my daughter.  We were never able to co-sleep with her, she sleeps better in her own room and bed.  We started growing some of our own food and try to buy produce that is in season.  We have been avid recyclers for years."

Would you like to WIN this Holiday Ornament? Isn't it great?

 "Lots of sellers make ornaments out of recycled aluminum cans but I am the first to fill glass ornaments with them."

MANDATORY ENTRY ~ Check out Etsy store brandy fisher HERE & tell me what you LOVE
Be a BeachBum GFC Follower!

EXTRA Entries

Like brandy fisher on Facebook

Follow brandy fisher Blog

Make a purchase in the course of this giveaway ~ 5 entries!

Follow Crunchy Beach Mama on Facebook ~ use easy sidebar widget

Follow CBM on Twitter & Tweet "Win Upcycled Dr. Pepper Christmas Ornament from Etsy @brandyfishetsy & @crunchybchmama #green #giveaway"

Enter another Upcycle Week giveaway

5 EXTRA Entries to any giveaway this week (or spread them out) by participating in TNT's upcycled scarf tutorial (takes 20 minutes and all you need is an old t-shirt & scissors ~ and it's soooo fun!) Click HERE

brandy fisher sent me bingo hair clips to review for this giveaway but I was not compensated in any way for the post. This giveaway will end on Nov. 9, 2010 at 10:00pm ET. Winner will be drawn via Once a winner is drawn I will contact them and they will have 48 hours to reply before I draw a new winner. Giveaway is open to anyone in the US and you must be 18 years of age or older.

79 crunchy comments:

MommieVentures said... 1

I really like all of her ornaments with the cans inside them!

MommieVentures said... 2

'like' Brandy Fisher on facebook

MommieVentures said... 3

Following Brandy's blog

MommieVentures said... 4

Follow you on Facebook

MommieVentures said... 5

Following you on Twitter & retweeted

Julie Kieras said... 6

I love that red/blue bracelet I found on her site!
also a GFC follower

Julie Kieras said... 7

Twitter follower

Julie Kieras said... 8

FB Fan! (oh and here's the tweet URL from the last post!)

Julie Kieras said... 9

Follow Brandy's blog!

Julie Kieras said... 10

Follow Brandy on FB!

Anonymous said... 11

I love everything Brandy makes! We don't have a Christmas tree at home, but as I've told her, her ornaments make me wish I did!

Lindsey said... 12

I love this ornament! I'm a huge Dr. Pepper lover and it's just so unique!
I am a BeachBum!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Marah said... 13

GFC follower.

love her gift tags.

jhitomi said... 14

following as jhb on gfc.
Love the Burnt Orange recycled Necklace.
jhbalvin at gmail dot com

Amber D said... 15

I like the recycled Red heart necklace and I"m already a follower!

Amber D said... 16

I posted on Twitter @lifelovegreen

Julie Kieras said... 17

I entered the Kangadu giveaway! :)

Jen and Andy said... 18

I like the grass is always greener bracelet

Jen and Andy said... 19

I like Brandy fisher on facebook

Jen and Andy said... 20

I like you on facebook

slb3334 said... 21

I like the freshwater pearl and swarovski earrings.

I follow.

Shooting Stars Mag said... 22

i follow and i also like the Grass is Always Greener Charm Bracelet

lauren51990 at aol dot com

Unknown said... 23

follow and love the shop---Frosted Lavender and Silver Charm Bracelet is awesome !!
thanks for the opp

Lizzie said... 24

I'm a follower and my favorite item is the 6 Freshwater Pearl and Swarovski Crystal Hair Pins set.

smrtmouse at yahoo dot com

Lizzie said... 25

I'm following Brandy's blog.

smrtmouse at yahoo dot com

Jessica H said... 26

Recycled Paper and Paperboard Ornament is my favorite! I follow you via gfc

Jessica H said... 27

i like brandy onFB

Jessica H said... 28

i follow brandy fishers blog

Nicole C. said... 29

I follow on gfc and my favorite is the Speckled Blue Pottery and Wood Earrings.


Yasmin said... 30

I love the "Frosty Periwinkle Glass Rosary".

I am a follower via Google Friend Connect.

alionandalamb at aol dot com

Yasmin said... 31

I follow Crunchy Beach Mama on Facebook.

alionandalamb at aol dot com

Yasmin said... 32

I like brandy fisher - jewelry and paper goods on Facebook.

alionandalamb at aol dot com

Yasmin said... 33

I follow brandy fisher's blog via Google Friend Connect.

alionandalamb at aol dot com

Yasmin said... 34

I entered the "Cute Upcycled Magnets Giveaway".

alionandalamb at aol dot com

Jessica H said... 35

following you on facebook

MrsPhilipswithoneL said... 36

I love the Cassette Tape and Resin Bangle Bracelet, and I am a GFC follower

MizVickik said... 37

I love the Recycled Topographic Map Envelopes! And I follow on GFC! =)

Allison said... 38

I like the frosted lavender and silver charm bracelet.


Allison said... 39

Brandy facebook fan


SouthernSnow said... 40

The ornaments with the cans are awesome and so unique!!! I also love the Ruby Red and Gold Filigree Repurposed Vintage Earrings!!

SouthernSnow said... 41

I like Brandy Fisher on Facebook
Teresa Layfield

SouthernSnow said... 42

I follow Brandy Fisher's Blog

SouthernSnow said... 43

I like Crunchy Beach Mama on Facebook
Teresa Layfield

Cheryl (Tx_Sweetie) said... 44

I'm a follower.

I love the .Recycled Paper Ornaments . Like how they look like stained glass windows.

Cheryl (Tx_Sweetie) said... 45

follow on twitter @Tx_Sweetie


Susan said... 46

I follow your blog via gfc, and I love the Grass is Always Greener Charm Bracelet
suelee1998 @

ash said... 47

I follow you and I LOVE the beer can ornament.

Jenelle said... 48

I cant decide if I love the recycled box ornaments or the Happy Cows earrings!

Jenelle said... 49

I liked Brandy on FB (and I added her to my TNT favorites too <3

susansmoaks said... 50

follower and i love the recycled beer can ornament
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

michtuck said... 51

Follow via gfc and I love the Recycled Paper and Paperboard Ornament.
michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)

michtuck said... 52

Like brandy fisher on Facebook iiiyadirf (michelle tucker)
michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)

michtuck said... 53

Follow brandy fisher Blog via GFC
michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)

michtuck said... 54

Entered the Beans Things giveaway.
michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)

michtuck said... 55

Follow you and Tweeted:!/iiiyadirf/status/2033977175056384
michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)

Emillie Rose said... 56

I follow. I love the Recycled Paper and Paperboard Ornaments!

Emillie Rose said... 57

I follow brandy on facebook.

Emillie Rose said... 58

I follow brandy's blog.

Hbomb said... 59

i follow and i like the Recycled Paper and Paperboard Ornament
xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com

Hbomb said... 60

brandy fisher gfc follower
xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com

Hbomb said... 61

follow and tweet -
xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com

Hbomb said... 62

i entered the dwellsmart giveaway
xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com

Kathy P said... 63

I LOVE THE Ruby Red and Gold Filigree Repurposed Vintage Earrings

google friend klp1965

Kathy P said... 64

like brandy on facebook kathy l pease

Kathy P said... 65

brandys google friend klp1965

Kathy P said... 66

like you on facebook kathy l pease

Kathy P said... 67

entered cloth diaper mommy giveaway

Unknown said... 68

red/blue bracelet

Dawn Reid said... 69

Love the Burnt Orange recycled Necklace. And I follow on GFC.

Chrystal said... 70

Follow Publicly via Google Friend Connect (Chrystal)

I love the Repurposed Vintage Yellow Rose Turquoise Necklace.

chrystaljns (at) gmail (dotcom)

Chrystal said... 71

Follow you on Twitter- @chryskay


chrystaljns (at) gmail (dotcom)

cman said... 72

I'm a GFC Follower.
Recycled Paper and Paperboard Ornament

Candie L said... 73

I like the burnt orange hair pins. Thank you


Charlene Kuser said... 74

I love the Upcycled Vintage Teal and Tangerine Necklace and I am following your blog (Charlene)


Charlene Kuser said... 75

I Like brandy fisher on Facebook
(Charlene Kuser)


Anonymous said... 76

I love the Recycled Red Heart Necklace. I am a BeachBum GFC follower.

Charlene Kuser said... 77

I am following brandy fisher Blog


Charlene Kuser said... 78

I am following you on Facebook
(Charlene Kuser)


Charlene Kuser said... 79

I follow you on Twitter (@Swtlilchick)
