Thursday, October 28, 2010

Becca with Cloth Diaper Mommy Giveaway

Upcycled Cloth Diapers. Could it get any better than that?

First I want to share with you a couple of facts about our everyday clothing ~

If each person in the bought one recycled garment each year, it would save an average of 371 million gallons of water and 480 tons of chemical dyestuffs! Wow!

Americans throw away 68 pounds of clothes on average each year and we only buy 10 pounds of recycled clothes annually.

I actually found Becca when she was being featured on another blog. It was right at the time I was putting together this Upcycled Week and my mouth fell open. I was so excited! I stalked her (yes I did you can ask her) because I knew all of you would love this idea as much as me!

Becca makes diapers out of t-shirts! Even the inside soakers are made from t-shirts, velour pants, towels, or even jeans!

This is how she got started making them, "I started making cloth diapers myself because I was tired of paying so much for them. It's not that buying a bumGenius or a Goodmama wasn't worth the $20-30 or so that they cost, but simply that our budget was too tight for me to continue to fill my stash with that amount of money per diaper. When I discovered Etsy, I was ecstatic because I've been crafting my whole life for myself and others so the idea of being able to make money from something I love to do was very enticing. I chose to make my diapers out of upcycled materials because I can get those for either free or next to nothing which means I can offer my diapers for less than the normal price of diapers. I just charge for my time and the minimal price of snaps/velcro and elastic rather than also adding in the cost of fabric."

Are you dying to see one? Here are a couple...

Where does she get her materials?
"I generally get T shirts from friends and family.  They all know they can give me their unwanteds. I'll buy them at yardsales too if I can get them for $.25 or cheaper.  Also,  I have a tendency to hold on to items of clothing for sentimental value, so knowing I can turn a T shirt, skirt, or pair of sweatpants that I no longer wear into something for my daughter is also incentive to get rid of stuff! Now we have sentimental diapers that we actually USE from day to day rather than old T shirts that take  up space in my closet because they have special meaning! And I just made my daughter a little dress from one of her Daddy's old dress shirts too.  It's just great to upcycle things you already have rather than spending money to buy new stuff!"

Here is one made of sweatpants!

But how does she make them?
Here is a step by step tutorial found on her blog. Be sure to leave her comment love if you use it!

Or if you can't sew like me you can send in your t-shirt and Becca will make a customized one just for you!

Next time around I will be sending Becca my own T but this time I chose one out of her Etsy store Cloth Diaper Mommy. It is so cute! P'Diddy and I were very excited to get our fluffy mail that day to try on our new dipe. The first thought I had as I touched it was how soft it was, exactly like an old T. I knew it would be very comfy against baby's skin.

I asked Becca if she was a Crunchy Mama...
I'm a crunchy mama when it is economical for me to do so but I don't think I'd be defined specifically as such. Our town doesn't offer recycling, so I don't recycle cans and newspapers. However, I try to keep down on our trash by switching out our napkins and papertowels for cloth and I obviously cloth diaper. I save money by making my own baby foods but I'm not vegetarian or anything as meat and protein are essential to my daughter's diet and my husband is a huge meat eater. We baby wear and occasionally co sleep, but not all the time. And we believe in kind but firm discipline. It is important for us that our daughter recognizes authority and learns to respect it so that she'll be honoring to God in her life and so that she can function as a well-rounded member of society. Our biggest and most important goal in regards to raising our daughter is that she grow up to know and love Jesus Christ as her Savior and her friend. Everything else is secondary to her eternal salvation and that essential relationship.

Would you like to WIN a set of 8 wipes made from T-shirts? Perfect for washcloths & napkins too!
You can choose girl, boy, or neutral. How fun is that?

MANDAOTRY Entry ~ Visit Etsy store Cloth Diaper Mommy and tell me what you LOVE!
(give yourself an extra entry for hearting her shop!)
Become a BeachBum Follower!
EXTRA Entries
~Like Cloth Diaper Mommy on Facebook - tell her Crunchy Beach Mama sent ya!
~ Follow Becca's BLOG - you can see all her sewing fun!
~ Comment on Etsy Treasury of upcycled items!
~ Purchase from Cloth Diaper Mommy in course of this giveaway - 5 entries!

~Follow me on Facebook - use sidebar widget
~Follow me on Twitter & Tweet "Win Upcycled T-Shirt Cloth Wipes from Etsy's Cloth Diaper Mommy @crunchybchmama #clothdiapers #green #giveaway"
~Enter another giveaway from Upcycled Week

5 EXTRA Entries to any giveaway this week (or spread them out) by participating in TNT's upcycled scarf tutorial (takes 20 minutes and all you need is an old t-shirt & scissors ~ and it's soooo fun!) Click HERE

Cloth Diaper Mommy sent me wipes to review for this giveaway but I was not compensated in any way for the post. This giveaway will end on Nov. 9, 2010 at 10:00pm ET. Winner will be drawn via Once a winner is drawn I will contact them and they will have 48 hours to reply before I draw a new winner. Giveaway is open to anyone in the US and Canada and you must be 18 years of age or older.

107 crunchy comments:

MommieVentures said... 1

Large Wool Soaker with Bumblebee stripes and stinger

Super cute!

MommieVentures said... 2

'like' Cloth Diaper Mommy on Facebook

MommieVentures said... 3

'heart' Cloth Diaper Mommy on etsy

MommieVentures said... 4

Following Becca's Blog

MommieVentures said... 5

Commented on Etsy Teasures
(under trelmixx)

MommieVentures said... 6

Following you on Twitter & tweeted!

MommieVentures said... 7

Entered the upcycled saod can giveaway

Unknown said... 8

I love the fish design. My daughter is a fish fan!!!

Unknown said... 9

I am a face book fan

Unknown said... 10

I love on etsy:).

Anonymous said... 11

Love the octopus soaker!

Rachel said... 12

Cloth Diaper mommy liked on facebook

Whitney said... 13

This is lovely! If it was not so cold here I would snatch it up!

Whitney said... 14

I liked you on face book :)

Jennifer said... 15

Large Wool Soaker with Bumblebee stripes and stinger

So cute!!

Jennifer said... 16

I like you on facebook!

Jennifer said... 17

I loved on Etsy!

Anonymous said... 18

OHMYGOODNESS these are adorable!
i love so much on that store. i'm really digging the basketball t-shirt diaper with snaps though!

and oh, i follow your blog :)

Brandi Elam said... 19

I love the fishies wool soaker!

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said... 20

I favorited her etsy shop!

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said... 21

I follow you on FB

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said... 22

I like Cloth Diaper Mommy on FB

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said... 23

I follow Becca's blog.

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 24

Loving that bumblebee soaker. Too cute! I follow you on GFC.

Unknown said... 25

Added cloth diaper mommy to my etsy favorites.

sunnymum said... 26

I like the bright Red Small T Shirt Fitted Cloth Diaper with Snaps with doubler.
cbeargie at yahoo dot com

sunnymum said... 27

I hearted her shop on Etsy (I'm Spritzysis)

sunnymum said... 28

I'm now following Makin' it.

sunnymum said... 29

Commented on the Etsy Treasury of upcycled items (spritzysis)

sunnymum said... 30


EmAlbritton said... 31

love the medium flowered tshirt dipe

EmAlbritton said... 32

hearted the Cloth Diaper Mommy shop on Etsy

EmAlbritton said... 33

liked Cloth Diaper Mommy on facebook

EmAlbritton said... 34

following Becca's blog

EmAlbritton said... 35

following you on twitter - and tweeted...!/emalbritton/status/29039037057

EmAlbritton said... 36

following you on facebook

bukaeyes said... 37

I love the Patriotic T-Shirt Diaper Cover and I follow on GFC as bukaeyes

bukaeyes said... 38

I follow Makin It on GFC as bukaeyes

Julie Kieras said... 39

Okay here I go entering this awesome giveaway! First here's what I LOVE - the knit cover with the Octopus! sooo cute - love that she adds these embellishments!

GFC follower

Julie Kieras said... 40

I hearted her shop on Etsy!

Julie Kieras said... 41

Liked Cloth Diaper Mommy on FB!

Julie Kieras said... 42

Follow you on FB

Julie Kieras said... 43

I entered the Kangadu giveaway! :)

Julie Kieras said... 44

I commented on the Etsy treasury and even left your blog URL! :)

Julie Kieras said... 45

Twitter & Tweet!

Julie Kieras said... 46

Donut Scarf extra entry #2 - notice I am doling these out slowly - trying to figure out where I really want to place them! haha! :)

Julie Kieras said... 47

I like Becca's blog! :) Yay!

Grandma Bonnie said... 48

I like the Patriotic Diaper cover Small.
I follow with GFC

Grandma Bonnie said... 49

I hearted Cloth Diaper Mommy.
I follow with GFC

Grandma Bonnie said... 50

I am following Becca's Blog with GFC

EmAlbritton said... 51

entered Terracycle giveaway

Heidi said... 52

I love the medium wool soaker -- Fishies.

I follow your blog via GFC.

heidikittelson at gmail dot com

Heidi said... 53

Heart Cloth Diaper Mommy's shop on etsy. (friedturtle)
heidikittelson at gmail dot com

Heidi said... 54

Follow Becca's blog.
heidikittelson at gmail dot com

Heidi said... 55

Follow you on twitter and tweet:
heidikittelson at gmail dot com

The NEW Mommiez Blend said... 56

I follow. I am loving the Medium Wool Soaker--Fishies. So cute!

newmommiez at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 57

I am a Beach Bum follower. I love the Medium Wool Soaker with Fishies. Adorable!!
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 58

I heart Cloth Diaper Mommy on etsy (LaydieAphrodite)
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 59

Like CLoth Diaper Mommy on facebook (Kirsten T)
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 60

Like you on facebook (Kirsten T)
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 61

Follow you on twitter and tweet
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 62

Entered Kangadu giveaway
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

slb3334 said... 63

I like the medium wool soaker with smiley face.

Anonymous said... 64

I follow Beach Mama via Google & I love the T-Shirt Fitted Cloth Diapers.

Anonymous said... 65

I hearted her shop - I'm hollowstar

Anonymous said... 66

I Like Cloth Diaper Mommy on FB and told her you sent me

Anonymous said... 67

I follow you on Facebook

Kerry said... 68

I actually stumbled upon Becca's diapers while searching on etsy - and already favorited lots of her dipes - especially her fitteds! Very cute and fun!

Kerry said... 69

And I hearted her shop!!!

Kerry said... 70

Following Becca's blog!

Kerry said... 71

Like Clothdiapermama on FB!

AEK said... 72

Love the large wool soaker w/bumblebee stripes and stinger! So cute!
Publicly follow via GFC under AEK

angiedkelly at gmail dot com

AEK said... 73

hearted CDM etsy shop under dunkel99

angiedkelly at gmail dot com

AEK said... 74

Like CDM on facebook and left message

angiedkelly at gmail dot com

AEK said... 75

follow becca's blog

angiedkelly at gmail dot com

AEK said... 76

follow you on FB

angiedkelly at gmail dot com

AEK said... 77

follow you on twitter and:!/queenofthesnot/status/1022592257359872

angiedkelly at gmail dot com

AEK said... 78

entered wool soaker giveaway

angiedkelly at gmail dot com

Keshia said... 79

I LOVE the fishie wool soaker :)

Keshia said... 80

I like CD Mommy on FB

Keshia said... 81

Follow you on Twitter and Tweeted:!/Coopers_Mommy09/status/1487820191432704

Keshia said... 82

I follow Becca's blog

Karine Traverse said... 83

I love her Large Wool Soaker with Bumblebee stripes and stinger, so cute. GFC Follow (Karine Traverse)

Karine Traverse said... 84

Hearted her shop (SAHMofDQ)

Karine Traverse said... 85

Like her on FB and commented (Karine Capobianco Traverse)

Karine Traverse said... 86

Follow her blog (Karine Traverse)

Karine Traverse said... 87

Comment on Etsy Treasury of upcycled items (SAHMofDQ)

Karine Traverse said... 88

Like you on FB (Karine Capobianco Traverse)

Karine Traverse said... 89

Follow and tweeted!/SAHMofDQ/status/1920816203698176

Karine Traverse said... 90

Entered the Kangadu giveaway

sweetpea18 said... 91

i love the Newborn T Shirt Fitted Cloth Diaper with snaps and velour
heatheranya at hotmail dot com

sweetpea18 said... 92

i heart her shop
heatheranya at hotmail dot com

sweetpea18 said... 93

i entered the Kangadu Wool Soaker w/Custom Applique giveaway
heatheranya at hotmail dot com

Discovering the Me in Mommy said... 94

Like the fish wool soaker
feh79 at yahoo dot com

Jenelle said... 95

i follow you on FB

Jenelle said... 96

i entered another Upcycled Week Giveaway

Jenelle said... 97

I visited her Etsy shop liked the Bee Soaker with the little stinger (CUUUUTE!)

susansmoaks said... 98

i love the Small Fuchsia T Shirt Fitted Cloth Diaper with Snaps
i am a follower
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Linda R. said... 99

I follow on GFC (Linda R) and I love the Large Wool Soaker with Bumblebee stripes and stinger

lyromero77 at yahoo dot com

Linda R. said... 100

I added shop to my etsy faves (tigger77tigger)

lyromero77 at yahoo dot com

Linda R. said... 101

I like Crunchy Beach Mama on Facebook (charming linda)

lyromero77 at yahoo dot com

Linda R. said... 102

I follow Becca's blog on GFC (Linda r)

lyromero77 at yahoo dot com

Linda R. said... 103

I follow on twitter & tweeted:

lyromero77 at yahoo dot com

Kathy P said... 104

i like the Handknit Wool Shorties with Octopus--Medium

google friend klp1965

Kathy P said... 105

like you on facebook kathy l pease

Kathy P said... 106

entered brandy fisher giveaway

cman said... 107

I'm a GFC Follower.
Handknit Wool Shorties with Octopus--Medium