Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Happy Baby Organic Guide Part 2 ~ The Green Home

Part 1 is found HERE and talks about Organic Eating & Happy Baby food with Giveaway if you'd like to start there. For part 2 - read on!

Another section of The Organic Guide to Baby's First 24 Months is titled The Green and Happy Home.

Eating organic is almost a no-brainer. We hear about it all the time and for the most part it is easily available at our grocers. But what about other items we use?

Here are some ways to green up our baby...

~Cloth Diapers and Wipes. It's hard to do? Actually it is much simplier than it first seems. But compromise with yourself. Maybe use only when you are home or only in the day time. I think you'll actually enjoy it!

~Baby's Nursery - use solid wood furniture with non-toxic finishes, mattresses & carpets made with natural fibers, & paint that is lead and chemical free.

~Toys - baby spends a lot of time chewing and knawing on toys. Find eco-friendly ones made out of solid wood or plastic that is BPA & PVC free.

~Clothes - baby is swaddled in clothes all day long. Use organic cotton, bamboo, hemp, or even soy fibers to cover him.

House cleaning and what you use is a big step in making your home a safer place to live and breathe. This is one of the first areas I changed in our house and have been using safe cleaners for many years now. Do you know that I cannot walk down the store aisle that contains all the cleaners? I get an INSTANT headache and it makes me sick to smell it. Disgusting stuff!

The Guide does a great job with their shades of green to help you slowly ease into changing how you clean. The best part? It gives you simple recipes with everyday products like vinegar and baking soda. Not only are you using better cleaners but you are saving a lot of money!

And finally - Reduce, Reuse, & Recycle! I bet you can tell me some good ideas that you do at home...

Well? Tell me! Share in the comments below or if you'd like an extra entry for the Happy Baby Food & Book Giveaway then enter a comment HERE.

5 crunchy comments:

Julie Kieras said... 1

Love these tips. Okay I want to know more about cleaners - for instance, I have been cleaning with vinegar/water solution, or sometimes if I need to scrub, some baking soda or Bon Ami... but SOMETIMES, I feel like things just aren't clean "enough" - is that just my imagination or is there a way to get more Heavy Duty and still natural? Thanks! :)

Amanda said... 2

This is all so informational. I love it. Sometimes it reminds me something I previously forgot... you know with 5 kids I forget things frequently! :)

Grandma Bonnie said... 3

These are helpful tips. We have been cloth diapering and using cloth wipes for our grandchildren. We also recycle adult tee shirts in to baby onesies and yoga pants. We also crochet and sew all there toys so far.

The NEW Mommiez Blend said... 4

Love all the tips! I have been tossing around the idea of using cloth wipes. I cut up a bunch of the hubby's old undershirts and have a recipe that I like for wipes. I also have made many wipes in the past out of paper towels, but realized I could be greening it up more. My question is now that I have my 'wipes' do you keep them dry and dip it in a premade solution each time? Or do you go the spray bottle route? I felt the wipe being dry and using a spray bottle didn't work so well for me. It just kind of skidded across my babe's tush. Not what I wanted to happen. I feel like if I made up a premade solution and dipped the wipe wouldn't your hands kind of contaminate the solution? I don't want to wash my hands before and after ya know? I guess I could spray the wipe until very wet. What do you do? Maybe I am analyzing this too much lol.


Unknown said... 5

Well its a matter of what don't we do!

We cloth diaper about 90% of the time and use Seventh Generation or Earth's best for the conventional diapers.

We use cloth napkins instead of paper towels.

We use Burts Bees bath soap

We use organic pest control and lawn care

We compost

I make all of Noah's baby food - organic of course
