Friday, October 1, 2010

Jenelle with TNT: TrashN2Tees Giveaway

I first "met" Jenelle through this blog. She contacted me because she was excited to show off her products. She knew that I would love her ideas and concepts and what she has built for herself. And you know what? I do!

What does she make? She creates clothing and other misc items using upcycled materials. But what does Upcycled mean you ask? Let's find out what my favorite Urban Dictionary has to say:

The process of converting an industrial nutrient (material) into something of similar or greater value in its second life.

Or in simpler terms:

using ordinary objects to make something extraordinary - which is exactly what she does!

She only uses reclaimed materials out of tees, sheets, blankets, towels, dresses, pants, curtains or any other fabric that catches her eye. She has even cut up a pair of shoes! She finds items at thrift stores, yard sales, ebay, some of her friends even donate their old stuff.

She makes appliqued tees for anyone from itty bitty babies to big burley men. She makes lounge pants, skirts, tee totes, reusable grocery bags, produce bags, and she recently made herself a hobo bag. And from all from the scraps that are left over when she's done hacking up tees, she make fuselets (bracelets) and those can be custom ordered in any colors (lets say Hawkeye colors or the Cubs or whatever!). She can also made some for Halloween with spiders!!

As I was checking out her new online store - - I knew I wanted to get P'Diddy a Halloween shirt to wear for the month of October. Jenelle was awesome enough to send one to me...look at how cute it is...

That werewolf is made from the inside material of a sweatshirt. It's fuzzy and soft!

All of her designs are original hand cut and no two will ever be the same! Jenelle says "I have alot of fun upcycling. I love that there are no rules or boundaries. It doesn’t have to look perfect or even make sense. Whatever it looks like, it’s better than it would've looked in the landfill" ~ totally agree!

Thinking about something custom? Go ahead and ask for it - I did! She is going to make me a Knight/Dragon shirt for O'Bear. Can't wait to see how it turns out!

I wanted to ask Jenelle some questions ~ you'll see what a fun silly mama she is!

Tell me about yourself and your family

Hi! I'm Jenelle. Though these days I am most frequently referred to as Mommy, I used to hold such titles as President, Waitress, Preschool Teacher, College Student, Mud Bog Racer, and I even donned a big furry cat suit in high school as Suzy Stateliner- the school mascot! Between crushing cars with Monster Jam trucks, judging silly dance contests, and those other less fun household chores... I hack up clothes that have been thrown away, I also love sports, nature, and long walks on the beach. (and I have no time for any of them) We call Kentucky home sweet home, but I am still a Jersey Girl at heart. Imagine horses, cattle, tall trees, front porch rocking chairs and strangers who always wave- that's my town. I live here with my hunky soul mate, Nick, who is a washed up BMX rider and genius metal fabricator. Together we have two charming and mischievous little boys (Sam 4, Tristen 17m) , who will always be my greatest creations.
How did you get started doing this?

Have you seen boys clothes lately? I think that clothes should be a reflection of your personality. Year after year I would hunt down original and cool clothes for Sam leaving no stone unearthed. Sure I would find some awesome stuff from time to time with price tags more than my monthly electric bill! So one night I decided to cut out a monster truck and attach it to a shirt. (This is called appliqueing- though I didn't know it at the time) I used some old clothes that were laying around the house- stained onesie, thermal, and a pair of boxers (unworn I promise)! No template, no stencil just me and my pair of hair stylist snippers. A friend saw the picture I posted on my facebook page and suggested that I make custom shirts for other people. So I did. TNT emerged from my thriftiness and desire for awesome clothing- and I continue to hold true to that. More importantly, I am given the opportunity to share with others the benefits of recycling/repurposing/reusing to make sure we leave a clean, safe world for the future.

What items do you want to do in the future

Great question! With upcycling the possibilities are endless. I have a long list of things that I can't wait to try but there aren't enough hours in the day. I hope to get some more items out there for adults- Yoga pants are #1 on my list as well as a couple appliqued tees. Skull caps, purses, dresses, raglans are just a few other ideas I have floating around.

My items arrived in an upcycled bag, ribbon & this cute beach card on recycled cardboard - does she know me or what!

Are you a Crunchy Mama?

I'd say I'm pretty crispy! I am a cloth diapering, sometimes still co-sleeping, retired baby wearing mama who breastfed for a total of 32 months. I support my local organic farmers. I am very passionate about environmental issues and I do a little recycling from time to time (in case you haven't noticed)

Isn't she great?
Another great item that I want to give a HUGE shout-out about is Produce Bags! I got a pink one!

Pretty soon she'll be implementing a Trash into Cash program where others can send in clothing and things to be upcycled for TNT shop credit.  Cool!

Ok, who wants to WIN $15.50 store credit* to TNT: TrashN2Tees?! You can pick out WHATEVER you want and use your credit!!! You'll have soooo much fun!

Mandatory One Entry: Jenelle's products are at:
Her Picasa Album of her work...HERE
Her website... (you can Sign the Wall for extra entry!)
Her Etsy (heart for extra entry!)
Tell us what item catches your eye the most
Be a BeachBum Follower!!

Extra Entries:

Tell me 2 things you learned in this post about Jenelle or what she does! How easy is that!

Like TNT on Facebook ~ post that @Crunchy Beach Mama sent you and tell her what design you would like to see her make.

Visit TNT's Website and Sign the Wall

Heart TNT on Etsy

Purchase any item ~ 5 entries!

Like CBM on Facebook (use my new easy plug-in on sidebar!)

Network with CBM on Twitter, Emails, RSS Feeds ~ links above (one each)

Tweet and/or FB Status about giveaway (one entry daily) ~ "#Win an #Etsy Upcycled Kids T-Shirt & more $15.50 GC from TNT:TrashN2Tees #Giveaway #Green @crunchybchmama"

Grab My Button
TAKE NOTE - TNT will also be giving away a $25 GC for the Mama & Ruby Halloween Event (check it out from my banner on left sidebar)

I have a lot of exciting Features & Giveaways coming this month so be sure to stay up to date with me ~ Facebook is a great way to do that so you don't miss out!! :)

*store credit must be used by Nov. 18th, 2010.

TNT sent me a shirt & produce bag to review for this giveaway but I was not compensated in any way for the post. This giveaway will end on Oct. 15, 2010 at 10:00pm ET. Winner will be drawn via Once a winner is drawn I will contact them and they will have 48 hours to reply before I draw a new winner. Giveaway is open to anyone in the world and you must be 18 years of age or older.

139 crunchy comments:

Julie Kieras said... 1

Liked TN2T FB wall

Julie Kieras said... 2

Julie Kieras said... 3

Like you on FB

Julie Kieras said... 4

Follow you on Twitter

Julie Kieras said... 5

Heart on FB

Julie Kieras said... 6

Visited her shop and I liked the wooley werewolf! :) so cute!
and I am a GFC follower

Julie Kieras said... 7

signed the wall on her website! :) Love her creative "skillz"

Julie Kieras said... 8

I got your button!

✿Heather S✿ said... 9

My favorite is the Monster truck shirt! My 5 year old LOVES monster trucks!
mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

✿Heather S✿ said... 10

I learned that Jenelle has two boys and in the future she wants to make yoga pants!
mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

✿Heather S✿ said... 11

I heart her on etsy! mommys3lilbirds
mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

✿Heather S✿ said... 12

mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 13

i love the monster shirts

Anonymous said... 14

hearted on etsy

Anonymous said... 15

posted to the wall

✿Heather S✿ said... 16

mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

Jenn said... 17

I like the pink shirt with the bird.

Jennifer @ Life with the Lebedas

BTW, I'm following you back now :D

Jenn said... 18

She turns trash into treasure and makes appliqued teeds.

Jenn said... 19

left message on her fb

Jenn said... 20

liked cbm on fb

Meredith said... 21

I love the girly owl t-shirt. What a great idea this is!

mamipdx said... 22

i gfc follow you- and i like the day of the dead shirt.

mamipdx said... 23

i like tnt on FB and commented (wren nelson)

mamipdx said... 24

i signed tnt's wall on the website.

mamipdx said... 25

i hearted on etsy (maestramami)

mamipdx said... 26

i like you on FB (wren nelson)

mamipdx said... 27

i tweeted (@mamipdx)

mamipdx said... 28

i posted on my FB wall (wren nelson)

mamipdx said... 29

i subscribe with google reader.

madlibs75 said... 30

I follow with GFC. My username is jcsjcs. My favorite item is the Monster Truck applique tshirt.

libbylopez AT hotmail DOT com

Anonymous said... 31

I'm a follower! :)

I love the Girly Owl Shirt!!! It's so cute!

Anonymous said... 32

Like her on fb and let her know you sent me!

Anonymous said... 33

like you on fb

Anonymous said... 34

follow you on twitter@chubbycheeks143

Anonymous said... 35


flowerchild said... 36

i really like the Wooly Werewolf shirt
google follower

flowerchild said... 37

i Heart TNT on Etsy


flowerchild said... 38

i Like CBM on Facebook
angela m

flowerchild said... 39


Lindsey said... 40

I definitely like the Produce bag!
I'm a Beach Bum!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 41

I hearted her Etsy shop!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 42

I'm following you on Twitter.
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 43

I get your emails!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Anna-Leigh said... 44

I wrote on TnT's wall.

Anna-Leigh said... 45

i <2 TNT on etsy!

Anna-Leigh said... 46

I liked TNT on FB!

Anna-Leigh said... 47

I dig the girly owl tee. My Ruby loves owls!

Anna-Leigh said... 48

Today in school I relearned what applique was ;-) And that I can't spell it ;-) And that Upcycling is a great idea!

✿Heather S✿ said... 49

mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

Tara said... 50

gfc follower
Love this
Custom Monster Truck Appliqued Shirt Recycled

Tara said... 51

Jenelle hacks up clothes that have been thrown away. She loves sports.

✿Heather S✿ said... 52

mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

kiddomerriweather said... 53

I'm a follower and I checked out her Picasa gallery. I love the orange monster tee.

kiddomsg at gmail dot com

kiddomerriweather said... 54

I signed the wall on her website (Suzanne).

kiddomsg at gmail dot com

kiddomerriweather said... 55

I heart her on Etsy (houseofplush).

kiddomsg at gmail dot ocm

kiddomerriweather said... 56

Like TNT on FB (Suzanne Gregg).

kiddomsg at gmail dot com

kiddomerriweather said... 57

Like CBM on FB (Suzanne Gregg).

kiddomsg at gmail dot com

kiddomerriweather said... 58

Follow CBM on Twitter @kiddo47.

kiddomsg at gmail dot com

kiddomerriweather said... 59


kiddomsg at gmail dot com

Annalisa said... 60

I'm here from ten talents! New follower and I love the recycled tee reusable produce bags!

slavetosave at gmail dot com

Angie said... 61

I am a beach bum and I love that striped shirt with the red skull:)

rennieangie at gmail dot com

Deanna said... 62

fave: tie & suspenders tshirt
deannalw47 @

Deanna said... 63

signed the wall
deannalw47 @

Deanna said... 64

#1 she was her school mascot
#2 she wants to design yoga pants
deannalw47 @

Deanna said... 65

RSS subscribed
deannalw47 @

✿Heather S✿ said... 66

mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

Alisha K said... 67

I am a follower and I love the moster truck shirt.

Alisha K said... 68

I learned that she used to be a preschool teacher and a mud bog racer.

Alisha K said... 69

I hearted TNT on etsy.

Anonymous said... 70

I like the Hogwarts superhero personalized shirt. I follow you via GFC. karasceviour at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said... 71

I learned that she lives in Kentucky and she has 2 boys.karasceviour at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said... 72

I subscribe to you via email. karasceviour at hotmail dot com

✿Heather S✿ said... 73

mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

Julie Kieras said... 74
here's another tweet on this! :)

✿Heather S✿ said... 75

mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

Jen and Andy said... 76

I follow your blog. I love the shirt with the bird on a tree branch.

Jen and Andy said... 77

She lives in Kentucky, and she will soon let you send in your trash for cash!

Jen and Andy said... 78

I like TNT on facebook

Jen and Andy said... 79

I heart TNT on Etsy

Jen and Andy said... 80

I like CBM on facebook

Jen and Andy said... 81

I subscribe via RSS

✿Heather S✿ said... 82

mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

✿Heather S✿ said... 83

mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

Jolee said... 84

Love #9 on picasa. So cute. joleehamlin [at] comcast [dot] net

Jolee said... 85

I learned that the state of boys' clothes prompted her to do this. I sure get that! :-) joleehamlin [at] comcast [dot] net

Jolee said... 86

Hearted TNT on Etsy. joleehamlin [at] comcast [dot] net

K. Geller said... 87

I signed the wall.

trisha too said... 88

blog following you, and along the lines of the produce bag, that hot pink head wrap is pretty cool.
trishatoo at hotmail dot com

trisha too said... 89

etsy hearted TNT--trishatoo
trishatoo at hotmail dot com

trisha too said... 90

She uses upcycled materials, which I love, and has worn a fuzzy cat suit, which I think is hilarious!

trishatoo at hotmail dot com

trisha too said... 91

Wrote on TNT's wall, too!
trishatoo at hotmail dot com

✿Heather S✿ said... 92

mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

Amanda said... 93

im a follower and i love the shirts with the ties on them! that is such a cute idea! my son would love so adorable in one of those!

Amanda said... 94

i love that she started all of this form just making a shirt for her son! I love creative things like that! And man how cool is it that she drove monster jam trucks!

Amanda said... 95

i visited her site and signed her wall
(amanda w)

Amanda said... 96

i <3 her shop on etsy!

Amanda said... 97

i like you on facebook
(amanda weiglein)

Unknown said... 98

My 2 yr old would freak out over the hamburger shirt! Seriously all day I would hear: Hamburger Mommy Hamburger!!

Unknown said... 99

I learned that she is starting a new program where you can send in your items you want her to upcycle for a store credit! which is very cool!

KaeliH said... 100

i love her music tree hoodie!
follow on GFC
kohines at gmail dot com

KaeliH said... 101

signed the wall at trashn2tees
kohines at gmail dot com

KaeliH said... 102

hearted trashn2tees on etsy
kohines at gmail dot com

KaeliH said... 103

like trashn2tees on FB kaeli hines
told them u sent me & told her i'd like to see a tiger or lion design
kohines at gmail dot com

KaeliH said... 104

like you on FB kaeli hines
kohines at gmail dot com

KaeliH said... 105!/kaelihines/status/27263224779
kohines at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 106

like her on FB and commented

Unknown said... 107

hearted her on etsy - theknitwitbyshair

✿Heather S✿ said... 108

mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches said... 109

I love this monster t -
And I follow your blog!
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches said... 110

I love that she takes old clothes and turns them into new, fun clothing for boys!
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches said... 111

I like TNT on FB and told her you sent me! (April P)
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches said... 112

I signed the wall!
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches said... 113

I like CBM on FB! April P
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches said... 114

I follow your blog on Network Blogs!
April P
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches said... 115

I follow you on Twitter.
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

MommyTrenches said... 116

mommytrenches at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 117

I love the monster shirts!

Anonymous said... 118

I posted a comment on her site 27. Sheryl | October 14, 2010 at 5:37 pm

Anonymous said... 119

I hearted her etsy shop - ImpossiblyAlice

Anonymous said... 120

I am a beach bum follower (under my google impossibly alice account)

Anonymous said... 121

She started making these awesome shirts because she couldn't find anything in her style for her son that was affordable.

Each shirt she makes is one of a kind because she doesn't use stencils or anything - just cut and applique!

Anonymous said... 122


Anonymous said... 123

I follow you on twitter @ImpossiblyAlice

MommyTrenches said... 124

Daily Tweet
mommytrenches at gmail dot com

Pattie F. said... 125

I love the Music Tree Hoodie! I follow you on GFC (xmaswoman). Thanks!

xmaswoman at hotmail dot com

✿Heather S✿ said... 126

mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

Rajee said... 127

I liked the wooley werewolf! :) so cute!
and I am a GFC followe

Rajee said... 128

like u on fb

Anonymous said... 129

I like the Custom Colors TNT Fuselets Recycled Tee Bracelets. I follow.

Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 130

I love the Rock N Roll Skull Baby Lap Tee! Cuuuute!!!!

And I am a follower!!


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 131

I hearted TNT!


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 132

I liked TNT on FB as Eco Frugal and left a message that you sent me.


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 133

I liked you on FB as Eco Frugal!


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 134

I follow you on Twitter as EFandFrugal


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 135

I subscribe to your RSS feed.


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 136

I subscribe via email!


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 137



Julie Kieras said... 138

Email subscriber! yay for an extra entry! :)

Julie Kieras said... 139

RSS feed subscriber! :)