Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Kangadu Upcycled Wool Giveaway

I've been a cloth diaper mama for eight months. But I have never tried wool until now! I'm happy to say I received my first pair of wool longies from Amber at Kangadu. This is very exciting for me because Kangadu has a fantastic reputation and I had been following her on Facebook for months drooling over her goodies.

Why use wool you ask?

1) It's environmentally friendly because it is a natural, renewable resource that is biodegradable.

2) Extremely flexible & resilient. Wool fibers can bend 20,000 times or more before breaking so it should last a life time. Compare to cotton which is a few thousand.

3) Wool is NOT hot. It keeps you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Don't believe me? On a hot day wrap up one hand with a synthetic diaper cover and one with wool. Which one is more comfortable?

4) Can absorb up to 30% of it's weight before it starts to feel damp.

I just said wool decomposes so that is a good thing right? Yes it is! But it also produces methane as it does so, which contributes to global warming. That means upcycling wool is an awesome thing to do!

How does Kangadu upcycle?
"Short of the thread, everything I sell in my store is made from old unwanted materials that are re-purposed into something new and useful. I use every little tiny scrap (think appliques and dryer balls) so nothing goes to waste."

Want to see a wool cover? Here is a soaker and a longie:

Don't they look comfy? I think they are pretty nice as is but you know me and how I love CUTE. Amber will make a custom applique to sew into the cover - whatever you want!

Guess what she made me? A babywearing sea turtle! Tell me you LOVE it!

I have to say. P'diddy has been been wearing them quite a lot. They are soft and comfortable and work as a cloth diaper cover so less bulkiness. We are really really liking them!!

How did Kangadu begin?
"Before my youngest was born I decided that I wanted to try wool. There were only two problems, my husband’s hours had just been cut at work and wool is expensive. So, what did I do? I started making my own wool soakers and longies using recycled material. After completing my wool stash I found that I was not only addicted to using wool as a diaper cover I was also addicted to making wool longies and soakers.

So, I decided to open up shop selling my creations. I am hoping that this endeavor makes it possible for me to continue to be a stay at home mom to my two little bugs all while helping all the wool addicts in the world to get their fix."

Do you think Amber is a Crunchy Mama? Of course she is! And she wants to tell you why...

- I cloth diaper using 100% natural fibers (i.e. wool, cotton, bamboo, and hemp).
- I love finding ways to use items that would otherwise have ended up in the trash.
- I currently breastfeed my 11 month old daughter and will do so until she is ready to quit.
- Both my kids were born in a hospital. But, I really want to try a homebirth next go-around.
- My daughter never liked co-sleeping. My 4 year old on the other hand enjoys it & needs the closeness. He feels safe.
- It is my philosophy that each child is different and what may work for one does not necessarily work for another.
- I wear my baby's when they need that extra closeness.
- I am definitely NOT a vegetarian. I love meat! We are currently working on cutting out all processed foods.
- I question all forms of authority not just medical and also am teaching my kids to do the same. I totally realize that this makes my job 1000x harder. But, I choose to raise human beings, not little drones that do everything I say without question just because, "I said so".

Kangadu is getting ready to launch wool wash! And she makes really neat looking dryer balls!

And those of you with girls are LUCKY!

Would you like to WIN a semi-custom soaker? Amber chooses the fabric but you get to pick a custom applique!

MANDATORY Entry ~ Like Kangadu Children on Facebook ~ tell her Crunchy Beach Mama sent you!
Be a BeachBum GFC Follower!

EXTRA Entries
~ Purchase from Kangadu in the course of this giveaway - 5 entries!

~ Like me on Facebook - use easy sidebar widget
~ Follow on Twitter & Tweet 'Win an Upcycled Wool Diaper Soaker from Kangadu @crunchybchmama http://tiny.cc/hna54 #green #giveaway"
~Email Subscription (on right sidebar)
~Enter another giveaway from Upcycle Week

5 EXTRA Entries to any giveaway this week (or spread them out) by participating in TNT's upcycled scarf tutorial (takes 20 minutes and all you need is an old t-shirt & scissors ~ and it's soooo fun!) Click HERE

Kangadu sent me a wool soaker to review for this giveaway but I was not compensated in any way for the post. This giveaway will end on Nov. 9, 2010 at 10:00pm ET. Winner will be drawn via random.org. Once a winner is drawn I will contact them and they will have 48 hours to reply before I draw a new winner. Giveaway is open to anyone in the US and Canada and you must be 18 years of age or older.

116 crunchy comments:

Dana West Young said... 1

I like Kangadu on FB and I am a BeachBum GFC Follower!
Dana Delk White

Dana West Young said... 2

I follow on FB!
Dana Delk White

Dana West Young said... 3

I follow you on twitter and tweeted!


Dana West Young said... 4

I subscribe via email

Lisa D said... 5

I like Kangadu on FB as Lisa Duncan and told her you sent me
duncan.lisa at gmail.com

Lisa D said... 6

Oh goodness, I forgot "I'm a Beach Bum" in my previous mandatory entry again. Sorry.

I like you on FB as Lisa Duncan

duncan.lisa at gmail.com

Lisa D said... 7

I follow you on twitter and tweeted:
duncan.lisa at gmail.com

Lisa D said... 8

I'm an email subscriber
duncan.lisa at gmail.com

Anna-Leigh said... 9

I liked KC on FB and told her you sent me !
And of course I'm a follower ;-)

Anna-Leigh said... 10

I like you on FB!

Anna-Leigh said... 11

I'm an email subscriber

Julie Kieras said... 12

Liked Kangadu on FB & commented
And a GFC follower!
jkrs01 @comcast.net

Julie Kieras said... 13

Email subscriber! :)

Julie Kieras said... 14

Twitter & Tweet: http://twitter.com/ayearwithmomdad/status/28892795580

Julie Kieras said... 15

Entered the Fisher giveaway!

Julie Kieras said... 16

FB follower!

Julie Kieras said... 17

Did the TNT Upcycle Scarf giveaway 1

Lindsey said... 18

I liked Kangadu on FB, told them you sent me! And of course, I'm a BeachBum!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 19

I like you on FB!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 20

lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 21

I subscribe to your emails!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 22

I entered the Etsy's Brandy Fisher giveaway!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 23

I'm a fan of Kangadu on FB and I'm a BeachBum GFC follower!

MommieVentures said... 24

'like' Kangadu on facebook & am a follower of you

MommieVentures said... 25

Follow on Twitter & tweeted

MommieVentures said... 26

Subcribed to you

MommieVentures said... 27

Entered the giveaway with the upcycled ornament

Marah said... 28

Like Kangadu on fb and GFC follower!

smmumma at gmail dot com

Marah said... 29

like you on fb

Marah said... 30

subscribed to your emails

smmumma at gmail dot com

Marah said... 31

follow on twitter and tweeted


Marah said... 32

entered Etsy's Brandy Fisher giveaway

smmumma at gmail dot com

Ryan, Corrie, Max, and Jack said... 33

I fanned Kangadu on FB and am a new follower of yours!

Ryan, Corrie, Max, and Jack said... 34

I like you on FB!

Ryan, Corrie, Max, and Jack said... 35

Follow you on Twitter and I tweeted! http://twitter.com/newwife777/status/28959028456

Julie Kieras said... 36

Scarf tutorial #3 for me! :) spreading them around- oh dear, only 2 more to go... eek! where should I put them? Gonna wait to see what else you have tomorrow! :)

Jen and Andy said... 37

I like Kangadu on facebook and I follow via GFC

Jen and Andy said... 38

I like you on facebook

Katie S said... 39

I Like Kangadu Children on Facebook and told them you sent me and I'm a Beach Bum follower via GFC!

katiekstewart at gmail dot com

Katie S said... 40

I'm following you on Twitter (@katie0stewart) and Tweeted:

katiekstewart at gmail dot com

Madeline said... 41

I like Kangadu on Facebook and told you sent me. Also a public follower.

madelinemiller at gmail dot com

Madeline said... 42

I like you on Facebook.

madelinemiller at gmail dot com

Madeline said... 43

Follow you and tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/MadelineMiller/status/29058808014

madelinemiller at gmail dot com

Madeline said... 44

Subscribed via email.

madelinemiller at gmail dot com

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said... 45

Already a fan of Kangadu Children (alesha Y Jacobsen) and I'm a new blog follower!
garyandalesha at cox dot net

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said... 46

FB fan of you (Alesha Y Jacobsen)
garyandalesha at cox dot net

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said... 47

garyandalesha at cox dot net

Rose said... 48

I follow kangadu children on fb

rosie025@hotmail dot com

Rose said... 49

I like crunchy beach mama on fb

rosie025 at hotmail dot com

Kelly said... 50

I like Kangadu on FB and told said Crunchy Beach Mama sent me...

kellykimmich at gmail . com

Kelly said... 51

I like Crunchy Beach Mama on FB...

kellykimmich at gmail . com

Claude said... 52

I like Kangadu on FB and I am a BeachBum GFC Follower!

claudecampeau at videotron dot ca
Thanks for the chance to win!

Claude said... 53

I like you on FB (Claude Campeau)

claudecampeau at videotron dot ca
Thanks for the chance to win!

Claude said... 54

I follow you on Twitter, here's my tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/claudecampeau/status/29084279224

claudecampeau at videotron dot ca
Thanks for the chance to win!

Knocked Up and Nursing said... 55

BLog follower via GFC.
sarah brown
I like Kangadu on FB.
knockedupandnursing at gmail dot com

Knocked Up and Nursing said... 56

Facebook fan of CBM.
sarah brown
knockedupandnursing at gmail dot com

Knocked Up and Nursing said... 57

I follow you on twitter and tweeted:
knockedupandnursing at gmail dot com

Kacie and Ryan said... 58

I like Kangadu on FB and I am a BeachBum GFC Follower, AND I like you on FB!

Kacie and Ryan said... 59

kacie.hastings at gmail dot com :)

scriswell said... 60

I Like Kangadu Children on Facebook
AND I'm a BeachBum GFC Follower!
sandicriswell at yahoo dot com

scriswell said... 61

I like you on FB
sandicriswell at yahoo dot com

scriswell said... 62

I follow you on Twitter and tweeted the giveaway as scriswel
sandicriswell at yahoo dot com

scriswell said... 63

Entered the TerraCycle giveaway
sandicriswell at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 64

I already like Kangadu on FB and now a fan of CBM on FB.
Victoria Sutherland vc4x120 @ aol dot com

Also subscribed to your email and a new public blog follower
Victoria Carpenter
vc4x120 @ yahoo dot com

Kirsten said... 65

I like Kangadu on facebook and said you sent me, and I'm a follower
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 66

I like you on facebook (Kirsten Thompson)
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 67

Follow you on twitter and tweet
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Julie Kieras said... 68

Scarf tutorial #5 - I did still have #5 left, right? :)
Well, hope so! :)

slb3334 said... 69

I like Kangadu and follow beach bums

Lindsey said... 70

Extra Entry: Posted as Facebook Status!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Kerry said... 71

Liked Kandadu on FB and told her you sent me :)

twinmomoftwins said... 72

Iliked kangduda on facebook undere name shelly s-h
gfc follower
ortizvelasquez at yahoo dot com

Dayna W said... 73

Previously liked Kangadu, but sent thanks and love & I'm a follower dmwinge(at)yahoo(dot)com

Dayna W said... 74

I like you on FB


Dayna W said... 75

I follow you on Twitter
dayna winge


Dayna W said... 76

I tweeted


Diaper Dad said... 77

Liked Kangadu on FB and left a note.
Following you on GFC
diaperdadjames at gmail dot com

Diaper Dad said... 78

Subbed to you via email
diaperdadjames at gmail dot com

Diaper Dad said... 79

diaperdadjames at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 80

Extra Entry - I voted for Eco Friendly & Frugal's button!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 81

Extra Entry - I saw you on Twitter!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Kristin said... 82

I like Kangadu on FB and I follow you on GFC.

kristinlb22 at gmail dot com

Kristin said... 83

E-mail subscriber.

kristinlb22 at gmail dot com

AEK said... 84

like Kangadu on Facebook and publicly follow you in GFC

angiedkelly at gmail dot com

AEK said... 85

like you on facebook

angiedkelly at gmail dot com

AEK said... 86

follow you on twitter and:

angiedkelly at gmail dot com

AEK said... 87

email subscriber

angiedkelly at gmail dot com

AEK said... 88

entered t-shirt wipes giveaway

angiedkelly at gmail dot com

Keshia said... 89

I follow you on GFC and I follow Kangadu on FB


Keshia said... 90

I like you on FB


Keshia said... 91

I follow on Twitter and Tweeted:



Keshia said... 92

I entered the upcycled cloth diaper giveaway


Kady L. said... 93

Like them on FB and said you sent me (Kady Staffen-Lavallee) and I also follow you via GFC!

Kady L. said... 94

Like you on FB (Kady Staffen-Lavallee)

Kady L. said... 95

Follow you on Twitter as AMomsWord and Tweeted!

T Rex Mom said... 96

I now like Kangadu on FB and I am a new BeachBum GFC Follower!

I've really been wanting to try some wool soakers or longies. Are they pretty soft? That's the part that I'm still wondering about. Most folks tell me that it depends on the quality of wool.

jralderete at yahoo dot com

T Rex Mom said... 97

I like you on FB

jralderete at yahoo dot com

Karine Traverse said... 98

I almost missed this giveaway! I had it saved since the twitter party and just got so caught up.

I like Kangadu Children on FB and commented (Karine Capobianco Traverse) and I GFC follow (Karine Traverse)

Karine Traverse said... 99

Follow and tweeted

Karine Traverse said... 100

Email subscribe (ktraverse82@gmail.com)

Karine Traverse said... 101

Entered the Cloth Diaper Mommy giveaway

sweetpea18 said... 102

i like Kangadu Children on fb-heather m
heatheranya at hotmail dot com

sweetpea18 said... 103

i follow on twitter @1589m
tweet: http://twitter.com/1589m/status/1962397971513345
heatheranya at hotmail dot com

sweetpea18 said... 104

i entered the Etsy T-Shirt Wipes or Napkins giveaway
heatheranya at hotmail dot com

susansmoaks said... 105

fb fan tony l smoaks, i told them you sent me
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Kathy P said... 106

google friend klp1965


Kathy P said... 107

like you on facebook kathy l pease

Kathy P said... 108

entered brandy fisher giveaway

*Toni Alexis* said... 109

Already a fan of Kangadu on Facebook but I did leave some love on their page!
I now follow your blog via GFC!
Toni George

*Toni Alexis* said... 110

Already a fan of yours on Facebook!
Toni George

*Toni Alexis* said... 111

I now follow you on Twitter and I tweeted about this giveaway. Here is the link.


Toni George

*Toni Alexis* said... 112

I am subscribed to your email newsletter

Unknown said... 113

I like Kangadu on FB and I am a BeachBum GFC Follower! hansenpj05@aol.com

Anonymous said... 114

Liked Kangadu Children on fb

slavey22@ yahoo.com

Brandi Elam said... 115

I liked Kangadu on FB & follow you on GFC

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said... 116

I subscribe by email

brandielam3 at gmail dot com