Monday, November 15, 2010

Why Stainless Steel & EcoMom Giveaway

Do you ever start researching something and wish you hadn't because you want to stay oblivious to the truth because the facts are scary? That is how I have been feeling as I have been learning more about plastics this week. On the other hand, I am SO glad that I am finding out these issues now and I can slowly get rid of the bad and accumulate the good in my home.

Today I want to focus on why you should use stainless steel over plastic containers. When I began to "go green" many years ago, I bought reusable plastic water bottles for all of us to take with us whenever we left the house.  I also grabbed some cheap Wonder Bread sandwich boxes for my kid's lunches. I thought I was saving the planet! What I didn't know was I was potentially harming our health.

Studies have indicated that food and drinks stored in such containers, like the ones I was using, can contain trace amounts of Bisphenol A (BPA), a synthetic chemical that interferes with the body’s natural hormonal messaging system. Plastic contains chemical additives. Some of these chemicals can leach out through tiny cracks and crevices that develop from normal wear and tear like being bumped and dropped, or even just from being washed on a regular basis. Into your food/drink they go. Even sunlight or heat in general softens the plastic and easily allows unwanted substances to come through.

There have been reports that this leaching may increase the risk of birth defects, some hormone related illnesses, such as prostate and breast cancers and may cause developmental delays. Yes developmental delays! Most baby bottles and sippy cups are made with plastics containing BPA.

Why is stainless steel so good?

It is very durable! It won't chip or crack easier and does not soften when exposed to heat.

It is not made with BPA or any other harmful chemical. In fact it's made with 60% recycled materials!

It has an excellent life expectancy with proper care and it is totally 100% recyclable!

And best of all? It makes your food & water TASTE better!

Now I want to talk about a great company that specializes in eco-friendly baby products - EcoMom!

I got to try out the Kid Basix Safe Sippy. Its features include :

•Body made of durable, lightweight food grade 304 stainless steel

•Spout made of BPA and phthalate free plastic

•Handles for easy grip, removable and made with BPA and phthalate free plastic

•Waist tapered for more easy grip solutions

•Sleeve made of Thermo Plastic Rubber (TPR), provides protection when dropped and insulation for hot and cold liquids

And best of all ~ a straw adaptor that instantly converts from a sippy cup to a straw bottle!

Unfortunately I cannot get my nine month old to use it or any other sippy cup! But I give it to him to all the time and one of these days he'll surprise me and want to drink from it. Right?! Here he is with is new sippy.

As a mom I like the look at feel of it. It also comes in pink! And a stainless steel bottle for the older kids. Perfect for lunchboxes!

These stainless containers are wonderful for snacks and is the first thing on my want list! EcoMom doesn't carry steel baby bottles yet but look...they have glass ones!

A couple more items I enjoyed looking at that are made with stainless steel. You don't even need to be a mom to want one of these!

This pizza cutter will be the best gift for Hubby for Christmas! (Hope he isn't reading this post! :)

Would you like to get a few holiday gifts too? Use this Discount Code - SBBL591 - and receive 15% off your entire first order for ANYTHING on How cool is that? They have TONS of eco-friendly products including toys, clothes, food, anything you need!

One more thing I want to tell you about while we're talking about discounts. EcoMom has a new program called EcoPass. For a $99 annual membership fee, you will receive a 15% discount on EVERY order as well as FREE shipping. We love our discounts!

How would you like to WIN a stainless steel product from EcoMom? Or any product of your choice? EcoMom is nice enough to give you $15 to spend any way you like! Wahoo!

Make a topic-related comment about stainless steel, bpa plastics, EcoMom, etc.
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Enter another Plastics Week giveaway

EcoMom sent me a sippy cup for this review but I was not compensated in any way for the post and all opinions are my own. This giveaway will end on Nov. 30, 2010 at 10:00pm EST. Winner will be drawn via Once a winner is drawn I will contact them and they will have 48 hours to reply before I draw a new winner. Giveaway is open to anyone in the US & Canada and you must be 18 years of age or older.

98 crunchy comments:

T Rex Mom said... 1

We have a stainless steel sippy cup for my toddler. People will often stop and ask where we got it. I ask what attracted them to it. They often respond, "It just looks cool and very durable." That's when my husband pipes up and says it's just better for the child, environment, etc. Funny that it's often driven by looks, though. I think I'll add one to my 9 month old's Christmas wishlist.

The only bummer is that it has gotten dented a couple times when dropped on a hard surface.

And maybe one of Ecomom's tiffen sets (for me) and a set of those bamboo utensils. The to-go ware set is cool too. Thanks for sharing.

pippirose said... 2

It makes me worry, the whole plastic thing. I grew up in the Tupperware craze (60s and 70s)...and when my kids were little, glass baby bottles had given way to the "wonder" of plastic... bottles...soothers...teething rings.

I follow your blog via GFC.

pippirose59 at gmail dot com

pippirose said... 3

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pippirose said... 5

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pippirose said... 6

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pippirose59 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said... 7

I used plastic baby bottles with my first baby 7 years ago. After she finished with them, I stored them in our basement. I was very upset when I pulled them out a few months ago and discovered they were all made with the "bad" plastic. It made me feel like a bad mom. I'm expecting again now and will be using glass bottles (with silicone sleeves!) this time! I'm always scared of glass breaking though, so I'd love to see some stainless steel baby bottles!
brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said... 8

I follow Ecomom on Twitter (@shakymommy)

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Kristin said... 9

I follow with GFC. I have a stainless steel water bottle for my four year old and plan on using ss sippies for my pre-sippy-age twins. It seems like research is turning up more and more reasons to be wary of drinking and eating from plastic.

kristinlb22 at gmail dot com

Kristin said... 10

I follow EcoMom on Twitter (mestroisfilles)

kristinlb22 at gmail dot com

Kristin said... 11

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kristinlb22 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said... 12

I follow Ecomom on Twitter (@shakymommy)

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Kristin said... 13

I follow you on Twitter and I tweeted:

kristinl22 at gmail dot com

Eat To Live said... 14

I love the stainless steel cups. So much easier to clean. Have you ever noticed the smell of some of the sippy cups? With stainless steel the smell washes away.

terrylee5151 at aol dot com

Eat To Live said... 15

I like eco mom on facebook

Eat To Live said... 16

I follow eco mom on twitter. CandidaJourney

Eat To Live said... 17

tweeted the giveaway

Unknown said... 18

I've always shied away from plastic as much as I can...something told me long ago it wasn't going to turn out to be good for us...and now that we're finding out the Bpa's are bad bad bad for us...I'm kind of nervous about what we're going to do with all that is around us even if we did clean every nasty piece of it do we dispose of it?? ...heavensent1@yahoo dotcom

Unknown said... 19

Like EcoMom on FB...heavensent1@yahoo dotcom

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Follow EcoMom on Twitter *DNatrlBeauty*...heavensent1@yahoo dotcom

Unknown said... 21

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Unknown said... 22

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Unknown said... 23

Entered Hazelnut...heavensent1@yahoo dotcom

Unknown said... 24

Tweet... ...heavensent1@yahoo dotcom

Julie Kieras said... 25

I am loving EcoMom - I have been checking out their stainless steel straws b/c I LOVE drinking my smoothies out of a straw (just feels summery- to me!)... but I think of how I throw out a straw like every day! Not cool! :)
Thanks for the awesome review & giveaway!

Julie Kieras said... 26

I like EcoMom on Twitter!

Julie Kieras said... 27

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Julie Kieras said... 28

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Julie Kieras said... 29

Follow you on GFC and FB!

Julie Kieras said... 30

Just entered your Hazelnut review/ giveaway

Julie Kieras said... 31

DK said... 32

Make a comment on BPA you say? Ugh, I hate the stuff. And I hate how prevalent it is in all of our plastics; as if they're not bad enough just by being plastic. I have a stainless steel thermos/water bottle that I got a couple years ago so I didn't have to get a plastic bottle that I would inevitably drop on the metro tracks and break when crossing them to get to home or school. Best public transit related purchase I have ever made. Well, you know, aside from the yearly pass that is.

Rebeldream said... 33

Follow your blog! We have a few stainless steel water bottles and we LOVE them! What's funny is DH was the first to start that trend for us (unusual, since I usually drag him into crunchy-land kicking and screaming, lol!). He uses his bottle every single day, whereas we only use ours when we're leaving the house. Awesome things to have!!!

angdimaggio said... 34

I am slowly trying to move away from all plastic (BPA) tupperware in my house and go to all glass/BPA Free.

angdimaggio said... 35

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angdimaggio said... 39

I have also entered other Plastics week giveaways :)

Anna-Leigh said... 40

I think its awesome that the Sippy has a straw adapter, so versatile!
I follow you through GF!

Anna-Leigh said... 41

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Anna-Leigh said... 42

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Anna-Leigh said... 43

I entered the wood toy giveaway!

Rebeldream said... 44

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Rebeldream said... 45

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Rebeldream said... 46

I'm a BeachBum Google Friend AND Facebook follower.

Rebeldream said... 47

I've entered all your giveaways but my own! LOL!!

Jenelle said... 48

stainless steel sippy cups are on the list for the boys christmas lists- i know that these plastic cups/plates/bowls can NOT be good for us-

Jenelle said... 49

im a beach bum, yeah ill admit it- oh and i a fb liker <3

Jenelle said... 50

i entered your straw giveaway

Kirsten said... 51

I switched from plastic water bottles to stainless steel for myself a few years ago, and I love them. My water doesn't get that nasty plasticy taste anymore.
And I really want to win this because I haven't ordered from EcoMom yet and would love to.
GFC follower.
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 52

Like EcoMom on facebook (Kirsten T Isme)
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 53

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kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 54

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kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 55

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kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 56

i think i follow you on both =)

we tossed our alum. bottles and are replacing them with stainless steel. i just have to say, ecomom is a really wonderful company that carries amazing products and is so supportive of mom bloggers. i *puffy heart* love them!

hancoci_s at msn dot com

Unknown said... 57

i like ecomom on fb stacy lynn b h
hancoci_s at msn dot com

Unknown said... 58

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hancoci_s at msn dot com

Unknown said... 59

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hancoci_s at msn dot com

Unknown said... 60

i follow you on both
hancoci_s at msn dot com

stacy lynn b h

Unknown said... 61

entered hazelnut kids
hancoci_s at msn dot com

Mama Swears said... 62

We really need to replace all our plastic sippy cups. I've told my husband I don't want my daughter to have them because of BPA, but he continues to give them to her...Grr! I'd love to convince him to invest in some stainless sippys.
GFC follower: krishackney
krishackney at suddenlink dot

Mama Swears said... 63

I like EcoMom on Facebook
Kristen Hackney-Redman
krishackney at suddenlink dot net

Mama Swears said... 64

I follow EcoMom on Twitter: @mammaneedsanap
krishackney at suddenlink dot net

Mama Swears said... 65

GFC follower and Facebook liker
Kristen Hackney-Redman
krishackney at suddenlink net

Mama Swears said... 66

follow you on twitter as @Mammaneedsanap and tweeted
krishackney at suddenlink dot net

Unknown said... 67

It really bothers me that I have to be concerned about the cups my children drink from and the toys that they play with. I thought I was supposed to be worried about what they're learning and how they're growing. I check EVERYTHING before I buy it - I drive myself crazy. The EcoMom products sound awesome and make me feel so much better about the things I bring into my home. I follow you on google friend connect and on facebook (Kelly Deaton).
Kelly D. ~ dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com

Unknown said... 68

I like EcoMom on facebook. (Kelly Deaton)
Kelly D. ~ dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com

Unknown said... 69

I follow EcoMom on twitter. (@dkad23)
Kelly D. ~ dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com

Unknown said... 70

I'm a BeachBum Google Friend & Facebook follower (Kelly Deaton).
Kelly D. ~ dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com

Unknown said... 71

I signed up for the EcoMom newsletter.
Kelly D. ~ dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com

Unknown said... 72

I follow you on twitter (@dkad23) and tweeted.
Kelly D. ~ dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com

Tawnya said... 73

I follow via GFC! I love EcoMom! They carry all the best products! BPA plastics just scare me!
copperbliss at hotmail dot com

Cindy said... 74

I love my SS water bottle and keep one at work and one at home :)

*gfc follower*

Cindy said... 75

Like EcoMom on Facebook - DONE :)

Cindy said... 76

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done (@love2bgigi)

btw.. my fb name is Cindy Clarke :)

Cindy said... 77

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Cindy said... 78

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and so glad I stumbled upon you :)

Cindy said... 79!/love2bgigi/statuses/9075858132176896

Cindy said... 80

entered the soda stream giveaway

Becky said... 81

I have always loved the idea of using stainless steel instead of plastic because no one wants those nasty chemicals being leached into their water! Yuck!
I follow via GFC
rastrassbur at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 82

I'm not a fan of plastics. I wonder if the reason why all the young adults are popping up with cancer is because of the bad plastics our parents used when we were growing up. I have 4 friends all under the age of 30 who have had cancer and it didn't run in their family.


Unknown said... 83

I'm following EcoMom on twitter @buttonlove


Unknown said... 84

I entered your Wood Toys & Hazelnut Kids Bamboo Game giveaway


Unknown said... 85

I entered your Plastic Wrap Alternative & Hyena Cart's Tops/Lids/Covers giveaway


Rebecca Orr said... 86

I love EcoMom. I have ordered from them several times. I have not tried anything stainless steel yet from them. I do have a stainless steel sippy cup for my son and he loves it. It is one of his favorite things to drink from and when we go on trips in the car...even just to the grocery store...he MUST take it with us!

bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said... 87

EcoMom FB fan: Bekki Orr
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said... 88

following ecomom on twitter: @bekki1820cb
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said... 89

BeachBum FB fan: Bekki Orr
{and GFC follower...I forgot to say that in my first entry!!!}
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said... 90


bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Michele P. said... 91

I love stainless steel products, but am a bit surprised to find out that quite a few are made in China. I am not into buying things from China, but I do own a few pieces of stainless steel (sippy cups, waterbottles, dishes, glasses and straws) and I do love them for their durability and the fact that they are better for the environment. I just wish that the USA would make stainless steel products too!

micaela6955 at msn dot com

Michele P. said... 92

following you via GFC and FB Michele Pineda

micaela6955 at msn dot com

Michele P. said... 93

I like Ecomom on FB Michele Pineda
micaela6955 at msn dot com

Michele P. said... 94

Ecomom twitter follower micaela6955

micaela6955 at msn dot com

Michele P. said... 95

Ecomom newsletter subscriber

micaela6955 at msn dot com

Michele P. said... 96

entered Strawesome giveaway

micaela6955 at msn dot com

tina reynolds said... 97

I love stainless steel products I use stainless cups, straws and sippy cups I love how easy they are to clean

tina reynolds said... 98

i subscribe