Friday, November 19, 2010

Goodbye Plastic Bottles ~ Hello Soda Stream Giveaway

Americans use 2.5 million plastic bottles an HOUR

More than 80% of bottles do NOT get recycled and end up in landfills

We use 80 BILLION alumium soda cans a year

When you throw away an aluminum can, it's still there 500 YEARS from now

These statistics are just one reason I am excited to share with you a new product.

 The Soda Stream!

It will save TONS of waste!

You can read more HERE of Soda Stream's info about water bottles and how they help save the enviroment!

Here are a few other facts from their website that I like:
•Save space with concentrated soda mix and reusable carbonating bottles

•No more lugging and storing heavy, bulky bottles and cans

•No more hassles with empties in the trash or recycling bin

•No batteries, no electricity, no plumbing

•Over 30 flavors at the touch of a button

My family was just as estastic as I was to get to review the Soda Stream. It was a product that we could all use. Hubby doesn't like to admit that he is a Soda (or 'pop' as we call it, but here in the South they don't know what that is!) Addict. We buy lots. Lots of pop means lots of waste.
There are soooo many things I love about the Soda Stream:
It is fast & easy to use ~ which is important to a non-technical mama like myself
The flavors are super yummy ~ they really do taste like their brand names
No high fructose corn syrup ~ my kids are not allowed to drink soda but they do get special treats with this
No aspartame in the diet ~ that's for you mom
One bottle = 33 cans!
They don't just have soda ~ also flavored waters, energy drink, lemonade, tea, and sparkling naturals (the apple mango is sooo tasty!!)
It is the perfect Holiday gift for anyone!
For you Harry Potter lovers check out their Blog ~ there is a recipe for Butterbeer!
Would you like to WIN your very own Soda Stream?
Visit Soda Stream and comment about something you found
Be a BeachBum follower through Google Friend OR Facebook ~ easy sidebar widgets!
Please leave an email once if not in your profile!
Tell me what you liked or learned about Plastics Week!
(if you have read through the posts)
Tweet for me please! "WIN Soda Stream Over $100 Value! @crunchybchmama #green #giveaway"
Facebook status - "WIN a Soda Stream Over $100 Value! @Crunchy Beach Mama's Blog!"
1 Entry per Plastic Week Giveaway you entered!

Soda Stream sent me a soda stream machine for this review but I was not compensated in any way for the post and all opinions are my own. This giveaway will end on Nov. 30, 2010 at 11:00pm EST. Winner will be drawn via Once a winner is drawn I will contact them and they will have 48 hours to reply before I draw a new winner. Giveaway is open to anyone in the US and you must be 18 years of age or older.

201 crunchy comments:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 201   Newer›   Newest»
farmgirl said... 1

I like the fact I won't have to lug soda home from the store

angdimaggio said... 2

WOW! I love that I wouldn't have to carry so many flavored water bottles from Trader Joes!!! They get pretty heavy and with 3 under 4 The less I have to carry the better!

angdimaggio said... 3

I like that you have motivated me to be more green!!! I am going to save up for lid covers and so much more!

angdimaggio said... 4

Check out my FB status :)

Ellen said... 5

Holy cow! This soda stream is the answer to my sparkling-water prayers. I'd love to try the Sparkling Naturals lemon-lime. Outstanding find!!

Beth said... 6

Wow, soda stream is very compact (everything) which is fantastic since we HAVE NO space! Plus, those flavors look so yummy, Pink Grapefruit? That must have been made just for me!
bfcourage at yahoo dot com

Mami2jcn said... 7

I follow you on Facebook with my username Mary Happymommy. I found that Soda Stream is sold at Macy's, Sears, and Bed Bath & Beyond.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Mami2jcn said... 8

I learned from your plastics week that 80% of bottles don't get recycles and end up in landfills...shocking!

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Anna-Leigh said... 9

The fact that with the Soda Stream it works out to 25 cents a liter for sparkling h20...awesome! I'm a beachbum on FB!

Anna-Leigh said... 10

I liked that you took it upon yourself to educate us all about the nastiness of plastics...ewww!

Anna-Leigh said... 11

My status is your giveaway!

Anna-Leigh said... 12

I entered the lid giveaway!

Anna-Leigh said... 13

I entered the glass straw giveaway!

Anna-Leigh said... 14

I entered the stainless/EcoMom giveaway!

Anna-Leigh said... 15

I entered the wooden toy giveaway!

Rebeldream said... 16

I've just spent over an hour at their site and I'm sitting here just STUNNED. What an incredible product! I so wish I could test out the flavors myself to see how they actually compare because I would be ALL over this. Fantastic idea. Might have to ask Santa for Xmas... ^_^

Rebeldream said... 17

Totally posted a FB status!

Rebeldream said... 18

I've learned TONS from your Plastics Week! The staggering numbers of how much we use every single day and the idea that those things will be around practically FOREVER is just disheartening. Thank you for putting so much time and effort into this!

Rebeldream said... 19

I entered the Strawesome giveaway.

Rebeldream said... 20

Also entered the EcoMom giveaway!

Rebeldream said... 21

Entered the wood toys giveaway!

Rebeldream said... 22

I can't enter the T/L/C giveaway... but I would if I could! LOL!!

Jenelle said... 23

i found out that i must be the last person in the world to hear about soda stream! And they offer sparkling natural flavors!

Jenelle said... 24

2.5 MILLION bottles are used hourly? Yikes! I think I remember reading that less than 1/2 of all plastic bottles are recycled!! Thats ALOT of waste. :(

Jenelle said... 25

Pimped ya on FB : Jenelle Montilone
You know my friend Courtney over at Crunchy Beach Mama? Yeah- you should be friends with her too... shes giving away a Soda Stream! I really want one and you should too- (the links included)

Courtney said... 26

Beth - mandatory

Courtney said... 27

Beth - fb status

Courtney said... 28

Beth - tweet

Jessie said... 29

Interesting to see that there are non-beverage recipes too!

Abi said... 30

I adore that their bottles are reusable and that they also come in glass as well with the penguin system.
I have heard good things and would love to try it out for myself.
havenera at gmail dot com

Abi said... 31

Your glass straw post this week was a shocker.. first that they make glass straws and second the sheer number of straws that we go through in a year, upon reflection it makes sense but whoa!
havenera at gmail dot com

angdimaggio said... 32

I entered EcoMom also

angdimaggio said... 33

I entered the glass straw giveaway

angdimaggio said... 34

I entered the Hazelmut Kids giveaway

angdimaggio said... 35

I entered the Rebel: T/L/C giveaway

Julie Kieras said... 36

I learned that they now have FOUR new all-natural flavors and they all sound yummy!
GFC follower!

Julie Kieras said... 37

Tweet! & Twitter fan

Julie Kieras said... 38
FB status!

Julie Kieras said... 39

What I liked about Plastics week is that 1) you obviously researched a lot of information and it was very eye opening and useful and 2) you provided affordable alternatives to all the plastics we are now using!

Julie Kieras said... 40

I entered the Rebel T/L/C giveaway

Julie Kieras said... 41

I entered the Strawesome giveaway

Julie Kieras said... 42

I entered Hazelnut Kids giveaway

Julie Kieras said... 43

I entered EcoMom giveaway

Monica said... 44

I learned that I can also get the flavor bottles at Bed bath and beyond--nice to know there is a local store to pick up supplies

Monica said... 45

I entered the strawsome contest

Monica said... 46

I posted a link to the contest as my facebook status

Monica said... 47

I really like the hard number statistics you posted this week. I makes me sick how much of a disposable society we are! I you do another plastics week, could you feature ideas for takeout containers? I hate getting those styrafoam boxes!

lulusmama said... 48

I found that the they are made with all natural flovors
blynnobrien at yahoo dot com

lulusmama said... 49

I follow via GFC!
blynnobrien at yahoo dot com

lulusmama said... 50

80% of plastic bottles end up in landfills!
blynnobrien at yhaoo dot com

lulusmama said... 51

I tweeted!!/mrsob1/status/6117953330216960
blynnobrien at yahoo dot com

lulusmama said... 52

I posted this as my fb status!!/permalink.php?story_fbid=166746496691436&id=1651458109
Rebecca O'Brien
blynnobrien at yahoo dot com

Rebeldream said... 53

Tweeted for you!

Kristin said... 54

I like that you can control the fizz!

kristinlb22 at gmail dot com

Kristin said... 55

I've really enjoyed all of the Plastics Week posts. There are so many great products to help cut down on or eliminate the plastics that we use. Recycling is great, but avoiding plastics when possible by using something you can reuse is even better.

kristinlb22 at gmail dot com

Kristin said... 56

I entered the Eco-Mom giveaway.

kristinlb22 at gmail dot com

Kristin said... 57

I entered the Hazelnut Kids giveaway.

kristinlb22 at gmail dot com

Kristin said... 58

I entered the Strawesome giveaway.

kristinlb22 at gmail dot com

Kristin said... 59

I entered the Rebel T/L/C giveaway.

kristinlb22 at gmail dot com

Danielle @ We Have It All said... 60

Hi, I'm already a follower :)
I had NO IDEA there even was a such thing as this!! I can't believe you can turn tap water into sparkling water in under 30 seconds... So awesome!!

Danielle @ We Have It All said... 61

I tweeted!!

Danielle @ We Have It All said... 62

I posted on FB!

bukaeyes said... 63

Not only is Soda Stream better for the environment it is also better on your wallet. It is a mere 25 cents per serving.

bukaeyes said... 64

I tweeted this.!/bukaeyes/status/6196928043819008

intime said... 65

I follow gfc and learned they sell apple mango flavor

intime said... 66


intime said... 67

i learned When you throw away an aluminum can, it's still there 500 YEARS from now

Ronda said... 68

I found out that they have so many flavors, something for everyone. Very nice. I also like that it 0only cost $.25 per liter.

Breanna said... 69

I LOVE the penguin soda maker! It's adorable!

Breanna said... 70

I learned that 80% of bottles don't get recycled! That's crazy! I recycle EVERYTHING! I wish more people would recycle. =[

Breanna said... 71

I tweeted!

Breanna said... 72

Entered the Rebel T/L/C giveaway.

Brandi Elam said... 73

I am a Beach Bum follower through GFC and I learned they have a pink grapefruit flavor - yummy!

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 74

I was amazed at the staggering amount of bottles (80%) that still end up in landfills as my recycle bin is overflowing. There are so many choices & benefits to the soda stream!

star84vu said... 75

I follow you and I found that they have new flavors including pineapple orange! Yum!
samantha.holcomb at gmail dot com

star84vu said... 76

I learned that about 5,446,382 pounds of plastic straws are used each year. I never would have guessed!

star84vu said... 77


star84vu said... 78

shared on FB

michelle cooke said... 79

i found out that the soda flavors do not have high fructose corn syrup which is really important to me.

mouster71 at gmail dot com

peg42 said... 80

I'm a GFC follower (rickpeggysmith)
I learned that Bottled water is a waste of money and not safer than tap water.
Thanks so much for this wonderful giveaway.

peg42 said... 81

I learned that We use 80 BILLION alumium soda cans a year
Thanks again

peg42 said... 82

I tweeted:

peg42 said... 83

I shared on Facebook (Margaret E. Smith)

slb3334 said... 84

I follow via gfc. I like that they have a wide variety of colors.

Toby said... 85

I found that you can buy glass bottles to use with the Soda Stream

Toby said... 86


Toby said... 87

Shared a message on FB about this giveaway:

miriama said... 88

There is a lot less calories in Soda Stream cola vs. Coke. And I thought this was something you could only buy online. I was wrong. Friend of you on FB

miriama said... 89

My favorite thing I learned about plastics week is GLASS STRAWS!!!!! How awesome are they? I mean, I would love to have some. I didn't know they existed.

miriama said... 90

ky2here said... 91

GFC follower kycouple2000 and I found out they carry diet cream soda!

ky2here at msn dot com

ky2here said... 92

Will tweet for soda:!/ky2here1/status/6885178311970816

ky2here at msn dot com

Unknown said... 93

would love to try the sparkling naturals--been looking at these machines! thanks for the opp--cross my fingers on this one

darlanpaulsmamma said... 94

follower on gfc and i would love to try the lemonade flavor
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

darlanpaulsmamma said... 95


melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

darlanpaulsmamma said... 96

entered strawsome giveaway
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

swiggett said... 97

ooo - I could make sparkling water as fizzy as I want! I hope the random number generator likes me!

esrliverman (at) gmail (dot) com

weeblet said... 98

I found that the now have sparkling naturals flavors. The only thing that kept me from getting a soda stream before was all the mixed had HFCS in it. Yuck! So thank you soda stream for going 'retro' ;)

I follow on GFC (weeblet)

weeblet said... 99

I tweeted!!/weeblet/status/7082464820338688

Kiersten @ Oh My Veggies said... 100

I learned that it's only 25 cents per liter to make sparkling water with this--awesome!

Unknown said... 101

learned that 80% of bottles don't get recycled.i follow GFC

mogrill said... 102

Love the fact it will save me money.Thanks for the chance.

crystalb said... 103

I love that it doesn't take batteries! I'd love to try it out! I am a follower!

HomemadeBaby said... 104

I learned that I would want to try the pink grapefruit! I also learned that approx 80% of bottles end up in landfills :(
I follow your blog with GFC
Marysa N – “HomeMadeBaby”
Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com

HomemadeBaby said... 105

I learned how many straws are used every year, especially through places like fast food (McDonalds).
Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com

Romina said... 106

They have 4 different soda makers. Blog follower.

Romina said... 107


Romina said... 108

entered Rebel:T/L/C giveaway

intime said... 109

i learned its .25 cents per can of soda and follow gfc

intime said... 110

I learned from plastics week that80% of bottles don't get recycles and end up in landfills

intime said... 111


intime said... 112!/permalink.php?story_fbid=176111905748416&id=626615517

intime said... 113

ientered the drinking straw givaway

ohstac said... 114

I learned that each bottle of concentrated SodaMix contains enough syrup to make about 12 liters or 33 cans of fresh, delicious soda.

ohstac said... 115


Tawnya said... 116

I follow via GFC and FB! The flavors sound amazing! I think I might like orange pineapple!
copperbliss at hotmail dot com

Tawnya said... 117

I was amazed when I read that if each person in the US used just two straws a month it would equal to 7352617008 straws in a year!
copperbliss at hotmail dot com

Tawnya said... 118

copperbliss at hotmail dot com

Tawnya said... 119

I shared on FB!!/kopperkirlz/posts/125975600797117
copperbliss at hotmail dot com

Tawnya said... 120

I entered EcoMom giveaway!
copperbliss at hotmail dot com

Tawnya said... 121

I entered Hazelnut Kids giveaway!
copperbliss at hotmail dot com

Tawnya said... 122

I entered Strawsome giveaway!
copperbliss at hotmail dot com

Tawnya said... 123

I entered Hyena Cart's Tops giveaway!
copperbliss at hotmail dot com

Amorette said... 124

follow via GFC- love the naturals pink grapefruit flavor!

Amorette said... 125

entered the strawsome giveaway!
asdrexler at gmail dot com

Amorette said... 126

leanred about BPA leaching and hormonal disruption- no more plastics for us! or at least find BPA free if I have to (and phtalates, and parabens...argh!)

Courtney said... 127

For Elizabeth - I have wanted a home soda machine since I was a kid, here is what I like about this one, they sell cocktail mixes like tonic, which you can most likely add your own syrup, I have long wanted to have a violet syrup soda, also the co2 bottles can be returned for recycling instead of thrown away!!!

rah267 said... 128

I GFC follow you
I like that they have new all natural sod flavors like apple mango, pink grapefruit, lemon lime and my favorite orange pineapple

Cindy said... 129

I found out by going the Soda Stream route that I will have to find another way to do arm lifts LOL! It's great that I won't have to lug bottles of soda from the car up a flight of steps :)

Cindy said... 130

neglected to mention in my first post that I am a gfc follower, & fb followers!/love2bgigi/statuses/9067390625124352

Cindy said... 131

I did not realize catering companies and other manufacturers can still buy commercial-quality wraps made of PVC. That ready-wrapped sandwich from the grocery may be covered by a toxic film.


Cindy said... 132!/Cindy.Easley.Clarke/posts/170236829663155

knycks1 said... 133

I learned that they are all natural and have my fave flavor (pink grapefruit)I GFC (Nycole K)

knycks1 said... 134

I change dmy FB Status FB name (nycole kl-ein)

Cindy said... 135

OMG... I don't remember if I've entered the giveaways here yet.. sorry if you need to delete dupl. entries :o/ in my defense, my 3yo is distracting me...

here goes
entered eco mom giveaway

Cindy said... 136

entered hazelnut kids giveaway

Cindy said... 137

entered glass straw giveaway

my head hurts from all the knowledge I've gleaned this evening... and I need to be in bed b/c I have to get up early and get to writing this weekends Santa letter requests... so I say good night for now... I'll be back!!!
check me out if you get the time :)

Becky said... 138

I found out that Soda Stream is all natural!
rastrassbur at gmail dot com

Becky said... 139

I liked that you provided us with so many interesting facts and statistics!
rastrassbur at gmail dot com

Becky said... 140!/rhuss85/status/9163446109081600
rastrassbur at gmail dot com

Becky said... 141

I also entered your EcoMom GC giveaway
rastrassbur at gmail dot com

Becky said... 142

I also entered your Wood Toys giveaway
rastrassbur at gmail dot com

Becky said... 143

I also entered your strawsome giveaway
rastrassbur at gmail dot com

Becky said... 144

I also entered your TLC giveaway
rastrassbur at gmail dot com

Ai Mei said... 145

I found out that it will be healthier to consume than regular soda brands since I know what i'll be putting it it. :) I follow via Google Friend Connect (Ai Mei)

Debbie C said... 146

I found that they have a Zero Cola flavor that I wonder if it would taste like ... Coke Zero? I'd like to try it and see.

I follow you on Google Friend Connect. (Debbie C)


Debbie C said... 147



Scott said... 148

I like the fact I won't have to lug soda home.

I follow you on Google Friends Connect and Facebook. THANKS!!! for the AWESOME!!! GIVEAWAY!!!

Scott Martin said... 149

I follow and very interesting that there are less calories in soda stream coke vs. coke
Diane Baum

Anonymous said... 150

Awesome blog and thanks for the giveaway!
Would love, love, LOVE to win this!
Happy holidays!

Stephanie G said... 151

I follow your blog and like on facebook. I like that it is $.25 per can. I also learned you will have no more flat sodas! That's the best part! Thank you for the chance. I would put this to good use!

Tonya Dean said... 152

They just added 4 new, All natural, sodamix flavors: Apple Mango, Pink Grapefruit, Lemon Lime, Orange Pineapple.


Anonymous said... 153

I've looked at many of the statistics that you've listed before and as an environmentalist, they are disturbing. I like the multiple flavors offered and that you can buy the syrup in local shops as well as online!
I'm also a google friend (pauline15_01)
pauline15_01 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said... 154

I tweeted:
pauline15_01 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said... 155

I shared on facebook (paulinemendes)
pauline15_01 at hotmail dot com

Kate said... 156

I'd love to try the root beer and diet cola flavors!!

theolotto said... 157

I follow as theolotto. I drink a lot of soda so this will save me a lot of money.

Lindsey said... 158

I learned that it's sold at Bed, Bath & Beyond! I thought it was internet only! Awesome!
I'm a total Beach Bum!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 159

I learned that we use 2.5 million water bottles an HOUR! Are you kidding me? This is just gross.

Lindsey said... 160


Lindsey said... 161

FB Status!/lindsey.galvez/posts/121221637940611

Lindsey said... 162

Entering Strawesome giveaway.

Lindsey said... 163

Entering Plastic Wrap Alternative giveaway.

Amy delong said... 164

follow by gfc-amydelong
really like that they offer so many flavors!

Miranda Ward said... 165

I follow on GFC and I love the fact that they have a energy drink version!

missreneer said... 166

I follow with GFC. Username: missreneer :)
I found out they have orange mango flavor. Yummy!!! Thanks for the great giveaway :)

mrsjohnson1982 at yahoo dot com

michtuck said... 167

Follow via GFC and I really really would like to try this. I can almost taste the cream soda flavor in my head.
michedt (at) gmail (dotcom)

michtuck said... 168

michedt (at) gmail (dotcom)

Savannah said... 169

I,m a follower :) and I like how there is so much variety in the different kind of drinks...Energy, diet, all natural etc.

Savannah said... 170

I tweeted :)

Kellie Conklin said... 171

I'm a GFC follower (kconklin1028) and I found that their products are Kosher certified and that their energy drink is comparable to Red Bull! Sounds great! Thanks for the giveaway!

Christine said... 172

Yeah I'm going to have to get one of these. I looked at the website and the flavors look incredible.

ShesAnAngel said... 173

I am following you via gfc


and I checked out their site...I learned that not only am I helping the earth by not buying more bottles, I am also helping because the truck that originally brings those supplies to the store has less trips and this equals less gas..

ShesAnAngel said... 174

I tweeted

melanie said... 175

Melanie Calcut is a GFC follower and i love the Sodastream Root beer has less sugar and carbs than my store brand.

melanie said... 176

I learned More than 80% of bottles do NOT get recycled and end up in landfills

melanie said... 177

TZel said... 178

I would love to try the more natural new flavors! Thanks
bridgestranslation at yahoo dot com

Queen Nut said... 179

I follow. I learned that I can also flavor water! too cool.
squirrelkarma at gmail dot com

susansmoaks said... 180

i am a follower and i learned that they have sparkling water too
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

dreamcleavers said... 181
i found all the great flavors they carry and I learned how much you can save in money
and I follow on gfc

Tylerpants said... 182

I'm a GFC follower. I love that they offer Sparkling Naturals that contain no artificial flavors, no artificial colors and no artificial sweeteners! tylerpants(at)

Tylerpants said... 183

Entered your Hazelnut Kids giveaway. tylerpants(at)

Anonymous said... 184

I learned that the USA is the largest consumer of bottled water in the world!

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

Anonymous said... 185


Forgot to mention is previous post that I follow google friend


Anonymous said... 186

shared fb!/permalink.php?story_fbid=162908727084783&id=536212900

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

Tylerpants said... 187

From Plastics Week, I learned that stainless steel isn't made with BPA or any other harmful chemical. It's made with 60% recycled materials! tylerpants(at)

Sherry said... 188

you can also make flavored seltzer water!

I follow you via GFC

sherwalk at yahoo dot com

Sherry said... 189

80% of bottles dont get recycled!

sherwalk at yahoo dot com

Sherry said... 190

sherwalk at yahoo dot com

Sherry said... 191

posted comment on facebook!/profile.php?id=1135934291

sherwalk at yahoo dot com

trixx said... 192

I follow your blog. I learned that one Soda Stream carbonator makes 60 or 110 liters, equivalent to 170 or 310 aluminum cans!

trixx said... 193

I learned from Plastic Week that glass straws are available..I had no clue. What a great way to save on plastics!

trixx said... 194

I entered the Hazelnut Kids giveaway

dvice12 said... 195

I follow. I like the great selection of flavors.

DEBIJOT said... 196

I like that they have cherry coke 0 my favorite.
GFC follower

Bakersdozen said... 197

I learned that it is sold at many stores, including Sears. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

tina reynolds said... 198

I found out I can buy flavors are my local Kohls thanks for the chance to win I follow your blog

cman said... 199

I'm a GFC follower.
I learned that they have an orange flavor that sounds good.

cman said... 200

Plastics week: 80% of bottles don't get recycled.

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