Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Babee Greens Wool Diaper Cover Giveaway

Made locally in the North Carolina mountains, Babee Greens takes cloth diapers to the highest level. Only natural fibers are used - hemp, merino wool, & organic cotton. Only the best for our babies right?

Babee Greens is known for their fitteds. I had a chance to feel these diapers in a local store. Let's just say, I couldn't stop touching it. It was sooooo soft. This is what all cloth diapers should be about!

The reason for my feature today is that Babee Greens are now expanding to covers! Wool Covers!

"The covers are lined with Merino Wool  made from Oeko-Tex Standard 100 certified wool yarn. The Oeko-Tex Standard 100 is a globally uniform testing and certification system for all stages of textile production. This certification ensures that products are free from harmful substances. There is no finer certification than the Oeko-Tex Standard 100. It goes beyond the organic label!"

The outside of the cover is made from old sweaters! Didn't we just talk about upcycling? :)

I was a very lucky Mama and I received a cover for P'Diddy.
Love our orange!

So soft and comfy he could have worn it all day!
And look at the fit...perfect! The legs were snug with no gaps and
the covers come in 3 sizes and they have 3 rows of snaps for growth

Organic T from
  "Babee Greens (formerly Baby Greens Diaper Co.) has been in business for almost 10 years.  My business partner and I purchased the business in Feb. 2010 and although neither of us had any manufacturing background, we both had been in business before and had a strong desire to do something that we could be proud of.  And what could be better than making something in the USA, using only organic fabrics, recycling sweaters and trying to educate the population on the benefits of cloth diapering to their baby and to the environment!"

Would you believe me if I told you they made CASHMERE Diaper Covers and Longies too?
Have you ever heard of such a thing? How awesome!

One of my lucky BeachBums gets to WIN a Wool Cover!
A cover lined in Merino Wool and made right here in the USA!
You choose size and gender color!

Visit Babee Green's website ~ tell me something you learned
You must be a BeachBum Follower ~ choose Google Friend OR Facebook ~ on sidebar widgets!

Like Babee Greens on Facebook ~ tell them @Crunchy Beach Mama sent ya! :)

Made a Purchase in the course of this giveaway ~ 5 Entries!

Follow me on Google Friend AND Facebook

Follow me on Twitter & Tweet please ~ "Win Organic Wool Diaper Cover @crunchybchmama #giveaway #green #clothdiapers"

Subscribe to my Emails ~ right sidebar

Thank you! Don't forget to leave your email one time if it's not in profile! :)

Babee Greens sent me a wool cover for this review but I was not compensated in any way for the post and all opinions are my own. This giveaway will end on Nov. 22, 2010 at 11:00pm ET. Winner will be drawn via Once a winner is drawn I will contact them and they will have 48 hours to reply before I draw a new winner. Giveaway is open to anyone in the US and you must be 18 years of age or older.

120 crunchy comments:

Beth said... 1

I learned about the difference between regular cotton and organic. And I'm a follower of CBM

Anonymous said... 2

GFC follower and I learned that Hemp has naturally occurring oils that need to be washed before maximum performance is achieved.
what_mama_wants at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 3

I like Babee Green on FB and commented!
Robyn L
what_mama_wants at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 4

GFC and FB follower!
Robyn L
what_mama_wants at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 5

Follow you on Twitter @whatmamawants and tweeted!
what_mama_wants at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 6

I am a follower on GFC and this is what I learned about CBMs hemp diapers

Another benefit of using hemp diapers is that hemp has no known insect predators and requires no pesticides or herbicides to grow

Unknown said... 7

I subscribe to your emails
jolenegreen2 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 8

I like Babee Greens on facebook and told them u sent me! :)

Unknown said... 9

I follow you on facebook and google friend connnect

Unknown said... 10

I follow you on twitter and tweeted about your giveaway!

scriswell said... 11

I follow CBM and learned cotton is the most heavily sprayed crop in the world next to coffee. If your baby is wearing non–organic cotton, they are exposed to the pesticides and chemicals that were used to grow and manufacture the fabric.
sandicriswell at yahoo dot com

scriswell said... 12

I like BG on FB and told them CBM sent me.
sandicriswell at yahoo dot com

scriswell said... 13

Follow you on Twitter and tweeted:
sandicriswell at yahoo dot com

Attila & Tamara said... 14

I follow your blog.

I learned that they also have

Cleansing Greens wipes solution which I could really use!

szogediek at yahoo dot com

Attila & Tamara said... 15

I subcribe via email

szogediek at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 16

Wow, I didn't know they made diapers out of hemp. Interesting... I'm following from from MomsReview4You Blog hop.

T Rex Mom said... 17

Mostly, I enjoyed reading about their certified organic fitted diapers. I am really looking into some fitted diapers.

I like that they've been around for a while.

Seems like they are the greenest of green cloth diapering!

T Rex Mom said... 18

I now like Babee Greens on FB and told them you sent me (T Rex Mom is not my FB identity - we've traded emails so I think you know what it is.)

T Rex Mom said... 19

I do follow you on FB.

Lindsey said... 20

I know you mentioned this, but I learned that this company is based and produces in Asheville, NC which is just over the mountain from me! Talk about LOCAL!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 21

I like Babee Greens on FB!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 22

I'm following you via GFC & FB!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 23

I follow you on Twitter!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

Lindsey said... 24

I get your emails!
lindseygalvez at gmail dot com

sweetpea18 said... 25

i learned that hemp has no known insect predators and requires no pesticides or herbicides to grow.
heatheranya at hotmail dot com

sweetpea18 said... 26

i follow you on twitter @1589m
heatheranya at hotmail dot com

Stephanie Wohlgemuth said... 27

I didn't know that hemp diapers become more absorbant with each washing!

Anonymous said... 28

I am a follower, and I learned that hemp is super absorbent, but needs to be washed before use.

brandy nelson

Anonymous said... 29

I like Babee Greens on FB and wrote on their wall
brandy leigh nelson

Anonymous said... 30

I follow on gfc and fb
brandy leigh nelson

Anonymous said... 31

I am an email subscriber

April said... 32

i learned that cotton is one of the largest pestecide dependant crops in the world... gross!

i follow via GFC

taprilcrosier @ gmail dot com

April said... 33

i like babee greens on FB

taprilcrosier @ gmail dot com

April said... 34

i follow you on twitter and tweeted

taprilcrosier @ gmail dot com

April said... 35

i like you on FB and GFC

taprilcrosier @ gmail dot com

April said... 36

i get your emails :)

taprilcrosier @ gmail dot com

Marah said... 37

manufactured in Asheville, N.C

i follow via GFC

Marah said... 38

like babee greens on fb

Marah said... 39

follow you on fb

Marah said... 40

i get your e-mails

Marah said... 41

follow you and tweeted!/mmumma/statuses/2933227417243648

Happy Mom said... 42

I've visited the Babee Green's website.

I found out that the cloth diaper are biodegradable, earth friendly...


Happy Mom said... 43

Hi again,

I also become a beachbum follower!
and a facebook fan!

Happy Mom said... 44


I also like Babee Greens on Facebook...

I've tweet your giveaway too!

Happy Mom said... 45


I've subscribe your email...



Amy said... 46

I follow your blog via GFC

I learned the scary truth about all the chemicals found on non-organic cotton.

amylrobinson81 at yahoo dot com

Amy said... 47

I follow you on twitter and tweeted

amylrobinson81 at yahoo dot com

Hannah said... 48

I follow on GFC and I learned that hemp fibers last longer than cotton!

h n n h h yr at gmail dot com

Amanda said... 49

I learned that hemp is four times more absorbent and longer lasting than cotton alone.
Follow you on GFC and FB
copingwithfrugality at gmail dot com

Amanda said... 50

Liked them on FB and said you sent me.
copingwithfrugality at gmail dot com

Amanda said... 51

I follow you on GFC and FB
copingwithfrugality at gmail dot com

Knocked Up and Nursing said... 52

I learned that Babee Greens offers starter sets.
knockedupandnursing at gmail dot com

Julie Kieras said... 53

Okay how did I NOT enter this one yet!? I think I had the browser up and then got distracted... silly me - of course I want to win a wool cover! :)
Okay something I learned - "Traditional cotton is one of the largest pesticide dependent crops" which is why it's important to use ORGANIC cotton! :)
and of course I follow you! :)

Julie Kieras said... 54

I like Babee Greens on FB

Julie Kieras said... 55

GFC & FB follower!

Julie Kieras said... 56

Email subscriber!

Julie Kieras said... 57

Anonymous said... 58

I follow via GFC and I learned that hemp diapers become more absorbent with each wash.

Anonymous said... 59

I like Babee on FB and commented

Anonymous said... 60

I follow you via GFC ~and~ Facebook ;)

Anonymous said... 61

Tweeted -

Unknown said... 62

i learned hemp has no known insect predators and doesn't need chemicals to be grown! sweet!
hancoci_s at msn dot com
and i follow you on fb ;0) stacy lynn b h

Unknown said... 63

i like bg on fb and said you sent me!
hancoci_s at msn dot com

Unknown said... 64

i follow you on gfc now, too
hancoci_s at msn dot com

Unknown said... 65

i get your emails
hancoci_s at msn dot com

Anonymous said... 66

I learned that all Bebee Green products are CPSIA compliant.

GFC Follower of yours @Alisha L.

bakergurl02 @

Anonymous said... 67

Liked Babee Green on Facebook and told them your sent me @Alisha Lesage

bakergurl02 @

Anonymous said... 68

Following you on GFC @Alisha L.


Facebook @Alisha Lesage

bakergurl02 @

Madeline said... 69

I learned about all the great properties of hemp and follow you on GFC.

madelinemiller at gmail dot com

Madeline said... 70

Follow Babee Greens on Facebook.

madelinemiller at gmail dot com

Madeline said... 71

Follow you on GFC and Facebook.

madelinemiller at gmail dot com

Madeline said... 72

Follow you and tweeted:!/MadelineMiller/status/3686335235760128

madelinemiller at gmail dot com

Madeline said... 73

Subscribe via email.

madelinemiller at gmail dot com

Erin said... 74

Hemp is the strongest fiber known to man? Very interesting! didn't know that...

Diaper Dad said... 75

I love that Babee Greens uses natural rubber elastic!

diaperdadjames at gmail dot com

Diaper Dad said... 76

Following you on GFC and Facebook

diaperdadjames at gmail dot com

Diaper Dad said... 77

Liked Babee Greens on Facebook and left a note!

diaperdadjames at gmail dot com

Diaper Dad said... 78

Following you and Tweet
diaperdadjames at gmail dot com

Stephanie said... 79

GFC follower. I learned that hemp has no natural predators so really doesn't need any form of pesticides in gorwing!

mammastephie at gmail dot com

Stephanie said... 80

Liked BG on FB and told them you sent me (Stephanie P.)

mammastephie at gmail dot com

Stephanie said... 81

GFC (StephanieNiicole) AND FB follower (Stephanie P.)

mammastephie at gmail dot com

Stephanie said... 82

Follow you on Twitter as @MirthfulMother and tweeted:!/MirthfulMother/status/3922639311601664

mammastephie at gmail dot com

Stephanie said... 83

Subscribed to emails at:

mammastephie at gmail dot com

The Parents said... 84

I learned that hemp just gets better and more absorbent as it is used. Wow!

The Parents said... 85

I like Babee Greens on FB and told them you sent me!

reganblomshield at gmail dot com

SWFL Doula said... 86

I learned that "Traditional cotton is one of the largest pesticide dependent crops in the world, using an overwhelming 26% of the world's pesticides each year"...
I'm following your blog publicly via GFC (Maybelline Valenti)

SWFL Doula said... 87

I Like Babee Greens on Facebook (Maybelline Valenti) and left them a wall comment letting them know you sent me

Pickled Pandas said... 88

I follow via google friend connect.

I learned that Cotton attracts a wide range of insects that are treated with pesticides, fungicides and other sprays, and then fertilized with synthetic fertilizers that have a negative effect on the environment. Conventional cotton fabric is processed with Chlorine bleach to whiten the cotton.

Mamahen said... 89

Following with GFC as mamahen. I learned that Babee Greens manufactures theyre stuff right here in the USA! AWESOME

Mamahen said... 90

Already like Babee Greens on facebook but I told them you sent me.

Mamahen said... 91

Following on twitter and tweeted

rjsandall at msn dot com

twinmomoftwins said... 92

I learned that if my child is wearing nonorganic cotton, they are exposed to the pesticides because non organic cotton is heavily spreayed with chemicals.
ortizvelasquez at yahoo dot com

DK said... 93

I learned their products are CPSIA compliant (no small feat for a small business).

Ashley R said... 94

I learned that traditional cotton is one of the largest pesticide dependent crops in the world, using an overwhelming 26% of the world's pesticides each year.
I follow on GFC! (Ashley Reynolds)
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

Ashley R said... 95

"Like" Babee Greens on FB and told them you sent me! (Ashley Reynolds)
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

Ashley R said... 96

I follow you on GFC and FB!
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

Ashley R said... 97

Follow you on twitter and tweeted! (@reynoldsmom)
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

Kaylyn said... 98

I follow your blog. I found out that the diaper company started 10 years ago.
Kaylyn.buckner at gmail dot com

Anna-Leigh said... 99

I learned that hemp becomes more absorbent with each wash. And I'm a beach bum!

Anna-Leigh said... 100

I like Babee Green on FB!

Anna-Leigh said... 101

I follow you on GF and FB!

Anna-Leigh said... 102

I subscribe to your emails!

Katie said... 103

I am a follower
and I learned how to care for wool I have never used wool I think mostly because I don't know how to take care of it.
purcellkatie22 at gmail dot com

JaMean said... 104

I learned that regular cotton is treated with pesticides and chemicals and that's what's next to your babies skin!

Unknown said... 105

I learned that Babee Greens uses only the highest quality, eco-friendly fibers in its cloth diaper products, including 100% certified organic cotton, organic cotton/hemp blends, hypoallergenic, non-PVC poly resin snaps, and 100% unbleached cotton thread and elastic.

southcarolinamommy at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 106

Like Babee Greens on FB and told them you sent me.
Karen B

Unknown said... 107

Following you on FB and GFC: Karen Bridges

Unknown said... 108

Following you on twitter and I tweeted:!/SCMOMOF2BOYS/status/6543617829109760

Unknown said... 109

I get your emails.
southcarolinamommy at gmail dot com

MommieVentures said... 110

Learned that their diapers are milled localy which means that everything is 100% made in the US of A!

Am a follower on GFC and Facebook

MommieVentures said... 111

'like' Babee Greens

MommieVentures said... 112

Follow you on GFC & Facebook

MommieVentures said... 113

Subscribed to your emails.

MommieVentures said... 114

Follow you on Twitter and tweeted about this giveaway

Rebecca Orr said... 115

GFC follower. I learned: they manufacture all of the organic cloth diapers and diaper products in Asheville, North Carolina

Thanks! bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Rebecca Orr said... 116


bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

Love Katydid said... 117

I had no idea you can make hemp diapers!

Love Katydid said... 118

I follow you on twitter noweesmom and facebook

cman said... 119

They manufacture all of their organic cloth diapers and diaper products in Asheville, North Carolina.

I'm a GFC Follower.

cman said... 120

I'm an email subscriber.