Monday, November 8, 2010

RoomMates Peel & Stick Giveaway

We have rented for over two years now in multiple homes. It has not been very fun, mostly because I don't get to decorate how I want to. The boys haven't gotten to pick out the paint color for their rooms and I haven't been able to hang pictures on the walls because I'm afraid to put holes in them. When I came across Roommates Peel & Stick decals I knew it was for me!


Decisions! Decisions! Which ones shall we get? We decided to do the boys' rooms first. Will it be Dinosaurs or Pirates or maybe Spiderman? As soon as O'Bear noticed they had Knights with a dragon he started jumping up and down. That was easy. C'Man picked out the Sports Growth Chart which was perfect for him because he always likes measuring himself to see how much he's grown. (He's trying to catch up with short mom - and getting there way to fast!). P'Diddy was an easy choice for me. Jungle animals.

I'll admit I was kind of nervous when it came to putting them up. What if they ripped as I was taking them off the sheet? What if I didn't like how they were placed on the wall and wouldn't come off? My fears were quickly diminished as they were super sturdy stickers and didn't feel like they would tear very easily.

I had a whole plan in my head on where the knight stickers would be put up. Over the bed with the big castle sticker in the middle and everything else around it. O'Bear had a different idea and he wanted the castle on the side with the dragon far away flying towards it. I gave in thinking I could take them all off if I had to and start over, but it looks fantastic! Look at what his creation turned out like...

We had a bit more of problem with C'Man. The growth chart is in inches instead of feet so it took us awhile to figure that out. We stuck and unstuck that chart on the wall about 3 or 4 times and it still turned out beautifully! (A side note, Roommates told me they are re-doing the growth chart so that it is in actual feet and easier to measure). We all put our names on the flags, even mom and dad, and stuck them on. It will be fun to watch as the boys move their flags up the wall every few months.

 And P'Diddy? The whole family pitched in. I wanted to put it above his crib so he could be in bed and look up at it. We took turns choosing an animal and decided where we wanted to place it. It turned into a hodge podge with not much order to it but we love it. And the best part - I can move those animals around however I want! Right now he can touch the zebra but to change things up one day I'll bring the lion closer. I can't wait for him to start pointing at the animals and saying their names and what sounds they make!

RoomMates has a variety of items! One really neat product is their Chalkboard & Dry Erase Wall Decals. Stick them up - write with chalk or dry erase marker - erase with a damp cloth. How fun is that?!

They have a TON of characters and themes for both boys and girls. All in different sizes and shapes!
Disney, Sports, Movies, & so much more!

And home decor stickers for us Mamas!

These are the ones I want next! :)

Would you like to WIN a Scroll Tree like this one? I LOVE this tree!!!
Or choose another MegaPack item?

MANDATORY ENTRY ~ Visit RoomMates and tell me what you LOVE!
You must be a BeachBum Google OR BeachBum Facebook Follower ~ both on right sidebar

Don't forget to leave your email once!

EXTRA ENTRIES ~ after mandatory is completed ~ one comment per entry please!

Join RoomMates Peel & Stick on Facebook ~ Celebrating 2000 fans with coupons & giveaway! ~ Don't forget to tell them @Crunchy Beach Mama sent you! :)

Follow RoomMates on Twitter

Follow CBM through Google AND Facebook ~ easy sidebar widgets!

Follow CBM on Twitter & Tweet ~ "#Win RoomMates Peel & Stick Wall Decor @crunchybchmama #giveaway"

Follow my RSS Feeds or Emails ~ links right sidebar!

RoomMates sent me wall stickers for this review but I was not compensated in any way for the post and all opinions are my own. This giveaway will end on Nov. 22, 2010 at 11:00pm ET. Winner will be drawn via Once a winner is drawn I will contact them and they will have 48 hours to reply before I draw a new winner. Giveaway is open to anyone in the US & Canada and you must be 18 years of age or older.

223 crunchy comments:

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MommieVentures said... 1

I honestly cannot choose one that I love more then the other...what isn't to love about her site!?

MommieVentures said... 2

'like' RoomMates on Facebook & sent love

MommieVentures said... 3

Following RoomMates on Twitter

MommieVentures said... 4

Following you through GFC & Facebook

MommieVentures said... 5

Following you on Twitter & tweeted about the giveaway

MommieVentures said... 6

Following your emails!

Julie Kieras said... 7

Okay you KNOW I am loving the Owl chalkboards. Can you imagine if I got everything owl that I love online - I think my house would then look a little creepy! But I do love owls! :)

Julie Kieras said... 8

I follow you on GFC AND FB

Julie Kieras said... 9

RSS feed!

Julie Kieras said... 10

Email subscriber!

Julie Kieras said... 11

Twitter & Tweet

Julie Kieras said... 12

Liked Roommates on FB and said you sent me! :)

Julie Kieras said... 13

Follow Roommates on Twitter!

Ang said... 14

I love everything..the kids stuff is sooo awesome and the dry erase things :)

Follow via GFC

Ang said... 15

Joined RoomMates on Facebook and posted:

Ang said... 16

Follow RoomMates on Twitter

Ang said... 17

Follow CBM through GFC and Facebook
Angie Himes

Ang said... 18

Follow CBM on Twitter!/Cowgirlupalways/status/1665031821332480

Ang said... 19

Email Subscriber

Joannie Strange said... 20

BeachBum Facebook Follower

Scroll Tree MegaPack

Amorette said... 21

love the brown animal silhouettes in the megapacks- so nice since we rent!

Amorette said... 22

subscribe by email
asdrexler at gmail dot com

Amorette said... 23

like roommates on FB- amorette d.

chelsei said... 24

I love the Dotted Tree Decal

chelsei said... 25

Like RoomMates on FB
Told them you sent me
Chelsei Ryan

chelsei said... 26

Follow CBM via GFC and like you on FB
Chelsei Ryan

Elaine said... 27

Thanks for sharing this website! What a fun online store!!
There were many things I would love to buy... namely the boho pink laptop cover... and several home decor pieces...
But, I'll say that for today, this would be my favorite:

Elaine said... 28

I already follow your site and FB page.
My email is

Just now became a fan of RoomMates on FB. Thanks!

Elaine said... 29

Now following you and roommates on Twitter!

Keri said... 30

I love the Fairy Garden MegaPack. Would go great in DD's room!
bedkek at yahoo dot com
(I follow your blog via GFC as keri dot bedke at gmail dot com)

Keri said... 31

I follow you on GFC and FB!
(GFC as keri dot bedke at gmail dot com)
bedkek at yahoo dot com

angdimaggio said... 32

I follow roomates on Twitter

angdimaggio said... 33

I follow CBM on google and facebook!

angdimaggio said... 34

I Joined RoomMates Peel & Stick on Facebook

angdimaggio said... 35

I follow RSS and email :)

angdimaggio said... 36

I love the scroll tree also! (Along with everything on their site:)

Katie said... 37

google follower
i love the stick on mirrors!

beautyformyashes @

Katie said... 38

following roommates on fb
beautyformyashes @

Anonymous said... 39

I follow you via GFC, and I love the Disney cars decals. karasceviour at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said... 40

I subscribe to you via email. karasceviour at hotmail dot com

Brandi Elam said... 41

I'm a follower and I would pick the blue and brown dots!

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said... 42

I like Roommates on FB

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Brandi Elam said... 43

I follow Roommates on Twitter (@shakymommy)

brandielam3 at gmail dot com

Ivy said... 44

The OWLS!!!

Ivy said... 45

RoomMate Facebook!

Ivy said... 46

Follow CBM google and facebook

Michele said... 47

I follow you on GFC and like the Dotted Tree Wall Decal.
mileerom at yahoo dot com

Michele said... 48

I follow RoomMates on Twitter @mileerom.
mileerom at yahoo dot com

Michele said... 49

mileerom at yahoo dot com

Discovering the Me in Mommy said... 50

Love the Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much!

feh79 at yahoo dot com

Discovering the Me in Mommy said... 51

Following roommates on twitter
feh79 at yahoo dot com

degood said... 52

I love the hootie chalkboard wall decal.

degood said... 53

I follow roommates on twitter as kmayans

degood said... 54

I subscribe to your rss feed in google reader.

Karen F said... 55

I am a gfc follower and I like the All Because Two People Fell In Love
kkfoster35 at msn dot com

Unknown said... 56

I love
I decorated the boys room in Disney Cars b/c they love vehicles and I love that movie!!

Unknown said... 57

like you on FB

Unknown said... 58

like them on twitter @knitwitshair

Unknown said... 59

tweeted @knitwitshair -

Marci said... 60

I love the scroll tree mega pack. It would look so cute in my daughters room.

Marci said... 61

Liked Roomates Peel & Stick on facebook and told them Crunchy Beach Mama sent me.

Marci said... 62

Following Room Mates on twitter. @WhiteWhimsies

Marci said... 63

Tweeted about the giveaway @WhiteWhimsies

Marci said... 64

Following CBM through facebook.

Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) said... 65

The scroll tree and the fairy pack are my favourites. It would be really hard to pick one! I'm also a GFC follower.

Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) said... 66

I follow Roomates on Twitter

Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) said... 67

I follow CBM through Google and Facebook

aceIN photography said... 68

hi there. your newest blog hop follower. happy thursday. would *love* a follow back. you can find me at:

lots of FUN giveaways... come by and enter!

i {heart} owls... so woodland is my fav!


aceIN photography said... 69

liked roomMates on FB


aceIN photography said... 70

liked roomMates on Twitter too.


Kristen said... 71

I lover the All Aboard mega pack.

Kristen said... 72

Joined Peel & Stick on Facebook ~ posted on wall.

Anonymous said... 73

GFC Follower of your blog @Alisha L.

If I won I would choose Tree Branches Wall Decal, this would look wonderful in my bathroom.

bakergurl02 @

Anonymous said... 74

Joined Roomates on Facebook @Alisha Lesage

bakergurl02 @

Anonymous said... 75

Following Roomates on Twitter @Xizelle

bakergurl02 @

Anonymous said... 76

Following Crunchy Beach Mama on GFC @Alisha L.

AND on Facebook @Alisha Lesage

bakergurl02 @

Anonymous said... 77

Email Subscribed to Crunchy Beach Mama.

bakergurl02 @

Claude said... 78

I follow via GFC.
I love Always Kiss Me Goodnight

claudecampeau at videotron dot ca
Thanks for the chance to win!

Claude said... 79

I follow RoomMates on twitter @claudecampeau

claudecampeau at videotron dot ca
Thanks for the chance to win!

Claude said... 80

I follow you via Google ad FB (Claude Campeau)

claudecampeau at videotron dot ca
Thanks for the chance to win!

Shelly said... 81

I LOVE the chalk board ones!!

I'm a beach bum follower on FB!!!


Amanda said... 82

I like the scroll tree. I follow you on GFC and FB :)
copingwithfrugality at gmail dot com

Amanda said... 83

I like roommates on FB
copingwithfrugality at gmail dot com

Amanda said... 84

I follow you through GFC and FB
copingwithfrugality at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 85

I love the Hoppy Pond Wall Stickers and Border.
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 86

Follow RoomMates on twitter (@LaydieAphrodite)
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 87

Follow you on GFC and like you on facebook (Kirsten T)
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Kirsten said... 88

Follow on twitter and tweet
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com

Mama B said... 89

it's SO hard to choose! I think I would go Disney Princess though
yates at otelco dot net

HomemadeBaby said... 90

I love the scroll tree!! I also think my daughter would love the Ariel wall decal :)
I follow your blog publicly with Google Friend Connect.
Marysa N – “HomeMadeBaby”
Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com

Mama B said... 91

I subscribe email
yates at otelco dot net

HomemadeBaby said... 92

I follow Roomates on Twitter (Marysa1)
Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com

HomemadeBaby said... 93

I am a facebook fan of your blog and follow you with GFC.
Marysa N - Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com

HomemadeBaby said... 94

I am an e-mail subscriber
Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com

Nancy said... 95

I love the one you have posted; "the Scroll Tree." I honestly am so happy to have ran across your Facebook post today. We just moved into a rental and it is so hard to decorate and this matches my daughter's bedroom perfectly! I am also in love with the chalkboard stickers. There is a whole world of sticker decor I never knew about! Thanks for enlightening me today :)

Nicole said... 96

I would love to have the Cherry Blossom Tree in my living room. I follow via gfc. Thanks!

Nancy said... 97

I am a facebook fan and also a Facebook fan of RoomMates! Thanks!

Kirsten said... 98

I love the scroll tree and the house mega pack! I'm a follower...

Kirsten said... 99

I follow RoomMates on Facebook

Anonymous said... 100

I love the: Live, Love, Laugh Quotable

Anonymous said... 101

Following RoomMates on twitter with @Ash_Creations

Anonymous said... 102

Following CBM through google and facebook.

Anonymous said... 103

Following CBM on twitter with @Ash_Creations

Anonymous said... 104

Following your email

Jodi Faye said... 105

FB hard to pick! I think the Fairy Garden MegaPack is adorable :)

joditrinklein at

Jodi Faye said... 106

Joined RoomMates Peel & Stick on Facebook
joditrinklein at

Jodi Faye said... 107

Follow CBM through Google AND Facebook

Linda Trinklein said... 108

I like the Scroll Tree MegaPack
Im a follower!

Linda Trinklein said... 109

became a Fan/Like RoomMates Peel & Stick!
I let them know who sent me!

Linda Trinklein said... 110

Follow RoomMates on Twitter


Mallory said... 111

I am a GFC follower and I love this decal!! So darling!!

Mallory1031 at gmail dot com

Mallory said... 112

following roommates on twitter


Mallory1031 at gmail dot com

Mallory said... 113


Mallory1031 at gmail dot com

Mallory said... 114

google Rss subscribed

Mallory1031 at gmail dot com

The Teachers Wife said... 115

LOVE the All Aboard set & follow you bc gc

Unknown said... 116

I like Fun on the Farm and I GFC follow...heavensent1@yahoo dotcom

Unknown said... 117

Tweet... ...heavensent1@yahoo dotcom

Unknown said... 118

Like Roommates on FB...heavensent1@yahoo dotcom

Unknown said... 119

Follow Roommates on Twitter *DNatrlBeauty*...heavensent1@yahoo dotcom

cmacaran said... 120

I love the Poppies Wall Decals.

sweetsue said... 121

I follow you on Google Friends.I love the All Aboard Mega Pack. It would look adorable in my grandson's room.
smchester at gmail dot com

sweetsue said... 122

I follow Roommates on twitter as ptowngirl.
smchester at gmail dot com

Susie Buetow said... 123

These things are so awesome! Whoever created them is a genius! I could spend hours there and now I have about 10 that I want. I keep going back to the Chalkboard & Dry Erase Wall Decals. Those would be so awesome in the kitchen!!!

I'm following you via GFC and Facebook!
Susie at Scraps of Life
arteachersusan at gmail dot com

Susie Buetow said... 124

I've fanned RoomMates Peel & Stick on Facebook arteachersusan at gmail dot com

Susie Buetow said... 125

Newest Follower of RoomMates on Twitter @susieqtpies (oh and the above Facebook follow as Susan B.)

arteachersusan at gmail dot com

Susie Buetow said... 126

I'm following CBM via Google and Facebook! Susieqtpies on Google and Susan B on Facebook arteachersusan at gmail dot com

Susie Buetow said... 127

I'm following u on twitter @susieqtpies and tweeted!/susieqtpies/status/5346896012902400

Susie Buetow said... 128

I'm following u with RSS Feeds/Google Reader using cafescrapper at gmail dot com

Anna-Leigh said... 129

The butterfly peel-n-stick mirrors are awesome, and the hootie chalk board wall decal..too cool!
I follow you on FB!

Anna-Leigh said... 130

I like RoomMates on FB!

Anna-Leigh said... 131

I follow CBM thru Google!

Anna-Leigh said... 132

I subscribe to your emails!

Emillie Rose said... 133

I follow - gfc.
Love the black and white chalkboard and dry erase dots!

Emillie Rose said... 134

I follow RoomMates Peel and Stick on facebook.

Emillie Rose said... 135

I follow - gfc and on facebook.

Emillie Rose said... 136

I subscribe - google rss.

Jenelle said... 137


Jenelle said... 138

follow your blog and fb

Carrie Smart said... 139

I would love the stick on daughter would love these

Carrie Smart said... 140

I liked RoomMates on fb and told them you sent me

Carrie Smart said... 141

I follow RoomMates on twitter

Carrie Smart said... 142

I subscribe to the RSS feed

Unknown said... 143

I liked you on facebook and I love the stars & berrys decals!
Awesome contest! Thanks for entering me!
Janna Johnson

Anonymous said... 144

I'm a GFC follower :)

I would pick the Hello Kitty wall decals for my daughter since she loves HK!

jarmes1980 said... 145

I'm a GFC follower. I love this website! I especially love the Gerber daisies!

Sarah Matos said... 146

GFC Follower
Without a doubt I would love the Scroll Tree with all the little critters!

Sarah Matos said... 147

Joined Room Mates Peel and Stick on Facebook and told them you sent me!

Sarah Matos said... 148

Follow CBM through Google AND Facebook

KowgirlsRule said... 149

I follow via google friend and I would choose the Christmas Tree Quote

KowgirlsRule said... 150

I follow Roomates on Facebook -

KowgirlsRule said... 151

I follow Roomates on twitter @kowgirlsrule

KowgirlsRule said... 152

I follow CBM on google friend and facebook -

KowgirlsRule said... 153

I follow CBM on twitter @kowgirlsrule - Tweet:

Jennifer W said... 154

I love the Scroll Tree!! That would be beautiful in my daughters room!
jenniferweldon77 at gmail dot com

Jennifer W said... 155

Joined RoomMates Peel & Stick on Facebook
jenniferweldon77 at gmail dot com

Jennifer W said... 156

Follow RoomMates on Twitter
jenniferweldon77 at gmail dot com

Jennifer W said... 157

Follow CBM through Google AND Facebook
jenniferweldon77 at gmail dot com

Jennifer W said... 158

jenniferweldon77 at gmail dot com

Jennifer W said... 159

Get your email!
jenniferweldon77 at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 160

I like the All Aboard Mega Pack, too and I follow on GFC.

Unknown said... 161

Liked them on FB and let them know that you sent me.
Karen Bridges
southcarolinamommy at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 162

Following on Twitter @SCMOMOF2boYS

Unknown said... 163

Follow CBM through Google AND Facebook: Karen Bridges

Unknown said... 164

(Following you also)

Unknown said... 165

I get your emails.
southcarolinamommy at gmail dot com

Breanna said... 166

I LOVE the Toy Story 3 XL wall mural! So cute!

Breanna said... 167

Liked RoomMates on FB!

Breanna said... 168

Following RoomMates on Twitter.

Breanna said... 169

Following CBM through Google and FB.

Breanna said... 170


Breanna said... 171

Subscribed via e-mail.

Tonya Dean said... 172

GFC follower - Tonya Dean
I love the Scroll Tree MegaPack


michtuck said... 173

I like the Polar Buddies MegaPack. Follow via GFC.
michedt (at) gmail (dotcom)

michtuck said... 174

Follow RoomMates on Twitter. @iiiyadirf
michedt (at) gmail (dotcom)

michtuck said... 175

Follow CBM through Google AND Facebook iiiyadirf (michelle tucker)
michedt (at) gmail (dotcom)

michtuck said... 176

Subscribe via RSS- google reader
michedt (at) gmail (dotcom)

Bobbi said... 177

I like the giant star wars decal, my son would love it. GFC follower.

Avon Beauty with Mary said... 178

I love the God Bless This Home Quote. I am a GFC follower.

Avon Beauty with Mary said... 179

Following Room Mates on

Avon Beauty with Mary said... 180

Following CBM on Twitter. Tweeted.!/mauvemary/status/6719310550540288

Anonymous said... 181

I am a gfc follower
i like the Star Wars™ Yoda™ & Obi-Wan Kenobi™ Wall Panel

zeitersouth said... 182

I love the Detroit Tigers Wall Border, my son is their biggest fan and would love it in his room!

Gaines7 said... 183

The comics and movie wall murals are my favorites. Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Star-Wars, etc.

I am following, liking, joining and subscribing. Gaines7

Anonymous said... 184

i'm a follower
k k g r a y 8 8 @yahoo

Anonymous said... 185

joined them on fb
k k g r a y 8 8 @yahoo

Anonymous said... 186

follow cbm
k k g r a y 8 8 @yahoo

Anonymous said... 187

follow roommates on twitter
k k g r a y 8 8 @yahoo

Anonymous said... 188

follow cbm on twitter
k k g r a y 8 8 @yahoo

Anonymous said... 189

k k g r a y 8 8 @yahoo

Tylerpants said... 190

I'm a GFC follower. The Build A House set is so beautiful & fun! tylerpants(at)

Tylerpants said... 191

Joined RoomMates Peel & Stick on Facebook & left a comment (Lisa L). tylerpants(at)

Tylerpants said... 192

I'm a GFC follower (Tylerpants) & Facebook fan (Lisa L). tylerpants(at)

Nancy said... 193

I like the There's No Place Like Home set.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Nancy said... 194

(P.S. On above entry I also follow via GFC: allibrary)

I am an e-mail subscriber.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Pinching Abe said... 195

We love the Star Wars ones... totally. And we're re-doing my son's room too :)

iclipcoupons at gmail dot com

GFC follower

Pinching Abe said... 196

I follow RoomMates on Twitter as PinchingAbe.

iclipcoupons at gmail dot com

trixx said... 197

I follow your blog. My daughter would love the Hello Kitty Princess Castle Giant Wall Decal! peanut[at]

trixx said... 198

I subscribe via email

Kathy P said... 199

i like the Fun On The Farm MegaPack

google friend klp1965

Kathy P said... 200

like roommates on facebook kathy l pease

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