Monday, November 22, 2010

Pumpkin Bars with Cream Cheese Frosting

C'Man is having a pumpkin party at school this week so we wanted to bring my mom's special pumpkin bars to share with his class. They were the same ones I ate at his age and they are yummy!

Preheat Oven to 350 degrees

Mix together:
2 cups sugar
1 cup canola oil
2 cups flour
2 cups pumpkin(one regular can)
2 t. baking soda
1 1/2 t. cinnamon
pinch of salt

Spray 12 x 18(jelly roll)pan with Pam or similar product. Pour the above into pan. Bake for 20 minutes.

Completely cool then spread the following icing over it.

Mix together:

4 ounces cream cheese, softened to room temp
3/4 stick of REAL butter
3 cups of powdered sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla

We used our pumpkin plate and of course our Rebel:T/L/C's Cover!!
(you can win one too by entering her giveaway!)


What do you like to make this time of year?

3 crunchy comments:

T Rex Mom said... 1

Thank you for the recipe. I have been looking for something to use my pumpkins on. I have three pureed ones in the freezer. About 14 cups worth! As soon as I get some cream cheese, this is what's on the agenda!

We spent all day yesterday making tamales. We like to give them as gifts for Christmas and also to supplement our turkey dinner at Thanksgiving time. Whew. I'm still tired from that marathon cook-a-thon!

Julie Kieras said... 2

YUM! I also need to make something for visiting the inlaws Thursday and this seems perfect! I think I have all the ingredients!
I usually make pies this time of year but I have made so many lately and other family members already said they are making pies so ... I have to try something different this year! :) This is perfect timing!

trixx said... 3

Oh wow, they look tasty and I love how easy they are to make. Thanks for sharing!