Friday, November 5, 2010

Not so Pretty Caramel Apples

I was inspired by Alesha at The Jacobsen Family Blog last week as her family was making caramel apples! I thought to myself what an easy and yummy thing to do with the kids!

Cooking is not my strong point but I didn't think I could mess this up.

I went to the grocery store and bought my favorite Honey Crisp apples

Produce Bag from

Let everyone choose what toppings they wanted

Then I noticed the already made caramel in the produce section so I grabbed some!
I don't know if that is what lead to my downfall but...
All the caramel and toppings dripped to the bottom of the apple!

But you know what? Even though they are not very pretty and they are still SO YUMMY!!

Afterwards I searched online for caramel apples so next year I will be more prepared.
Did you know you can make your own caramel? I found a fun recipe HERE that will take you through the whole process of making homemade caramel apples. Here are the caramel ingredients. My mouth is already watering.

1 1-pound box dark brown sugar

1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature

1 14-ounce can sweetened condensed milk

2/3 cup dark corn syrup

1/3 cup pure maple syrup

1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1 teaspoon robust-flavored (dark) molasses

1/4 teaspoon salt

I also found some really neat looking apples. You can do so many fun things with them!

What about pretzels as a topping?

Or Chocolate? Next year I am definitely doing chocolate!!

Do you make caramel apples? Let me see your pictures!

8 crunchy comments:

Ellen aka Ellie said... 1

My cookies are often ugly, but that doesn't detract from their tastiness. So good job on the apples! They look delicious!

KristinMarieCA said... 2

Yumm! I was just saying yesterday how I'd like to make some caramel apples, I blogged about it a few weeks ago as well. :) (Totally would have done the same thing and bought the caramel in the produce department, lol. Thanks for the heads up!)

I am following from the FFF blog hop! Would love for you to stop by and say hello some time :) Have a wonderful week!

Born 2 Be Mom

Julie Kieras said... 3

This looks SO yummy! I have always been too scared to do caramel apples, but you make it seem easy. I wonder why the store caramel went to the bottom though... they still look really yummy though with all that caramel and toppings. I bet your kids had tons of fun! I am going to learn how to do this so I can make it a tradition for my kids! :)

Jenelle said... 4

I meant to stop in yesterday when I saw you were bloggin about ugly apples- I was intrigued. Great job, I bet the boys had fun just the same- I picked up some gala apples just the other day to make apple dumplings. I'll keep you posted on how they turn out (if they turn out!)

April said... 5

I have a friend who makes beautiful caramel apples!

I'm following you now, would love a follow back!

Unknown said... 6

those look really yummy.. I've noticed that sometimes it doesn't look as pretty as you want it to, but your tummy likes it all the same

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said... 7

I think they look fine! =) And really, as long as they tasted good that's all that matters. That and the fun you and your kids had making them! =) Thanks for linking to me! Maybe next year I'll try the homemade caramel. And DEFINITELY using chocolate too! YUM!
Have a great weekend!

Happy Homemaker And Momma said... 8

Mmmmmm Heath bars:) How yummy they look-thanks for sharing this with me!