Tuesday, November 23, 2010

EcoMom's Giving, Business 2 Blogger & Winners

Don't you just love my announcements where I cram everything I want to say into one post? There is always something going on huh? I love to help promote everything!

"From Tuesday, November 23 to Monday, November 29, we will randomly choose FOUR ECOMOM ORDERS per day and make them ABSOLUTELY FREE. No matter the purchase size, you could be a winner and your whole order will be free! What's more, we'll duplicate every free order and donate it to Baby2Baby--a wonderful organization that helps support families in need. Everything in our store will be on sale, too, so even if your order isn't one of the free ones, you'll still be getting the best prices on our eco-friendly products for your family."

Do you think you'll be going shopping? I am!
Also, don't forget to enter my giveaway to EcoMom to win $15! HERE

For Bloggers
I signed up for neat group that is going to help me find awesome giveaways.

"•We are Bloggers, just like you. We make all decisions with you in mind.

•B2B changes every day, thanks to your input. Work with us. Be positive. We WILL hear you.

•B2B brings you many opportunities that didn’t even exist before. We teach Businesses how to bring you offers, and we pair you with them. For free.

•We promote your work here. In our emails, on Facebook, Twitter, on our Blog. We give back.

•We have fun here. And we hope you do too."

Can't wait to see what great products I can bring to you!


RoomMates Peel & Stick Wall Decor
Heavensent1 said... 124 Email subscribe...

Babee Greens Wool Diaper Cover (not yet confirmed)
Stephanie at Mirthful Motherhood said... 81 Liked BG on FB and told them you sent me

2 crunchy comments:

Stephanie said... 1

Yay! Thank you so much for hosting :D

Unknown said... 2

Thank you ever sooo much for this opportunity...cannot wait to decorate...hehe...have a groovy one...peaces...xoxo