Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What is Crunchy?

I've gotten this question a ton since I began this blog. I was pleasantly surprised to find a great definition from the online Urban Dictionary. 

 An adjective describing persons or things relating to any or all of the following: vegetarianism; herbs; all-natural and organic products (such as food, skin and hair care products, etc.); recycling; protecting and preserving the environment; natural medicine; etc. People that are earthy-crunchy are sometimes called tree-huggers or hippies.

And Crunchy Mama is defined:

Mother who supports homebirth, breastfeeding, baby wearing, cloth diapering, co-sleeping, gentle discipline, etc. One who questions established medical authority; tends to be vegetarian and/or prepare all-organic foods.

If you would have told me in high school that I would become a "hippie" I would have laughed in your face! In fact it took me until my third child to become this way and I still don't consider myself all the way there. I am excited to explore all the ways to be crunchy through this blog!

Are you a Crunchy Mama? If so, would you like to be featured on this blog?

7 crunchy comments:

Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 1

I'm not a Crunchy Mama since I'm not a Mama yet, but I do love spoiling my nephew and of course I am a "Mom" to my four legged child (who is basically like a child!). But other than that the definition sounds like me. And if you told me even a year ago I could be desrcibed as "crunchy" I, too, would have laughed! Funny how quickly things can change in a year!

Dana said... 2

I would have never guessed it either but I fit most of your description. I guess I'm almost crunchy. Or maybe becoming crunchy. I'm pretty sure that if I said all of this to my husband he'd have some sort of joke about me being "half baked" :).

I'm following!

queenofthisheremanor said... 3

I have always considered myself "pretty crunchy". While there are varying degrees of crunchiness, I think most of us feel it is a very good thing to be and love connecting with others who feel the same way.

Found you on The Green Blog Hop! Keep up the good work! Great blog!

Heather Jones said... 4


Following you thru MBC. Thanks for welcoming me to the Club. I don't know if I am considered crunchy or not. I cloth diaper, breastfed and shop organicly. But my husband is not on board with the whole organic thing, so there are still some things we don't buy organicly. I would love to be more on board with being crunchy. Crazy my husband insists somethings taste better that isn't organic. I tell him it is absurd to think that, but it doesn't change anything. I try not to use plastic, use cloth grocery bags and I haven't switched over to greener cleaning agents yet, but I've started with a few 7th Gen stuff. Anyway, that is a tidbit about me, and I'm a new follower. Please follow me back!

Tammy said... 5

I love your "crunchy" I live in Washington state right next to Evergreen State if you are talking crunchy, that is where you will find them. I give you kudo's on living green. I am about 25% green or!

Thanks for stopping by today...I am your newest follower! :)

Julie Kieras said... 6

Very cool post - I never really considered myself crunchy (I like McDonald's! ew, I know, gross right?) ... but I do fit a large part of your description, so I guess I'm probably 75% crunchy! :) I just don't co-sleep and I'm not a 100% attachment parent (again, probably like 75%!)
I would LOVE to be able to eat all organice but it's sooo expensive here in New England and sometimes I just like the way all that 'bad' food tastes! :) ahhhh! Maybe you can write some posts on how moms can transition from NOT organic to all/mostly organic! Right now we just do organic veggies/fruits when we can... sometimes organic milk & eggs and meat. But otherwise, it's a crap shoot! :)

Karli K. said... 7

I'm crunchy! :D I didn't know it before joining diaperswappers, tho! lol and actually I didn't know about a lot of the crunchy options until DS, I've changed a lot in the last couple years! :) my newest and greatest, most devoted crunchy aspect is hair care, though :) and yes!! I'd love to be featured on your blog! :D lol it you were interested! Or we could do a post swap, etc.