Friday, July 23, 2010

Welcome BabyLegs Giveaway!

I am so excited to officially launch my blog today! My journey began many weeks ago when I checked out a copy of WordPress For Dummies at the library. Boy did I study it. I am NOT technical and many headaches came my way. I was spending hours at the computer and getting nowhere. My husband just laughed at me and didn't understand why I couldn't just jump in. Well, to make a long story short, here I am at Blogspot and loving the ease of it! And mostly I've been jumping in! Well, with a little help along the way... :)

Please read the About Me so you can get to know me a little. This blog will be about my family because they are fun to write about, how to live more naturally (with my 3rd child I'm breastfeeding, babywearing, cloth diapering, & all that good stuff) as a parent but also as a person trying to simplify, live healthier, & taking care of our environment in the eco-friendly way. I'll be focusing on my Favorite Things page where I'll happily promote handmade items, wahm sites, deals, and anything I personally use and love. On my Giveaways Page I hope to give away these items to help promote myself and those mamas! And, if you have a giveaway I'd be happy to list it on there. So spread the word :)

To start things off and have a little fun I'd like to give away a pair of BabyLegs! These leg warmers are something I have recently been introduced to and I have to say I love them! As the name implies you'd think they were just for the little ones but my six year old thinks it's so cool to wear them on his arms. My favorite use for them are at nights when baby just wears a diaper & t-shirt to bed, we add these for a little extra warmth, and when he gets changed in the night we don't have to worry about messing around with pants. Also, he is practicing his crawling and will one day soon be on the move and what a great way to protect those little knees! Here are my guys showing off their 'Legs...

And if you didn't know, this company was started by a wahm. Look how far she has come!
Check out their Facebook page because they are always posting good deals and you can see a sneak preview of their Fall lineup which will be premiering in August. I emailed them to find out what other great announcements I could share with you but I'm low on the totem pole and didn't hear back...sniff sniff...:)

Now what you've all been waiting for...BabyLegs Giveaway...I'm personally giving away a new pair of my own so I don't represent the company in any way. Please enter to win a pair of Supersoft leg warmers in the Americana color. Take note that the regular pairs are 33cm but the Supersoft ones (and they are soooooooooooooo soft) are 40cm, so a little bit longer and don't fit as nice on the tiny ones. O'Bear is wearing the Flame pair above and they fit all the way up his arm.

To enter comment below what you think of my new blog and any tips/advice you have would be greatly appreciated :)

Additional Entries are as follows and please comment for each entry and how I can find you...

- Sign in through Google Friend Connector and become a follower (I love Friends!)
- Follow Me on Twitter (link above)
- Like Me on Facebook (link above)
- Grab My Button and let me know where you posted it so I can see how you spend your days... (3 entries!)
- Help me spread the word with FB status updates & Twitter Tweets @CrunchyBchMama
- If you're a part of Networked Blogs follow me there though you may need to explain to me how to optimize this

Thank you so much for helping me launch my blog!

This giveaway will end on Aug. 6, 2010 at 11:59 ET. Winner will be drawn via Once a winner is drawn I will contact them and they will have 48 hours to reply before I draw a new winner. Giveaway is open to residents of the U.S. & Canada only who are 18 years of age or older.

130 crunchy comments:

Lisa said... 1

Congratulations on your blog launch, Courtney!!! Found you from the Friday Blog Hop. So happy to be the 1st one to leave a comment for your giveaway. I'm a crunchy homeschool mom of 6. :) Looking forward to following you on your blog journey. Come by and visit me.

star84vu said... 2

I think your new blog is looking great. I like that your design isn't too busy. I see way too much of that!

star84vu said... 3

I follow you with GFC...maybe you could check my blog out and return the favor!

star84vu said... 4

I follow you via twitter @star84vu

Mommy Hates Cooking said... 5

Love the new blog, excited to see waht's to come!!

Unknown said... 6

Hey There, Found you on the Mom Bloggers Club. Love the idea of Baby Legs since my daughter's poor legs get so bumped and bruised from 'walking' on her knees everywhere!

I love that you launched the blog with a giveaway. Way to go!

fluttermama said... 7

I like your new blog
flutterbyenature at yahoo dot ca

fluttermama said... 8

I follow via GFC
flutterbyenature at yahoo dot ca

fluttermama said... 9

I like you on FB - Abbie N
flutterbyenature at yahoo dot ca

Ruth said... 10

I am glad I found you. It's a nice blog, and I think I'll wait to give any advice until I get to see where it goes.

Ruth said... 11

e-mail subscriber

Ruth said... 12

like you on facebook

Ruth said... 13

gfc follower

Ruth said... 14

follow you on networked blogs

Lisa said... 15

Like you on facebook.
Would love it if you follow me too.

Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 16

Welcome to the Blog world! I love the layout of your blog, it's very simplistic which is great. Some blogs like to pack too many things into the sidebars sometimes, I think. My advice is to join up some Blog Hops (usually Friday is the big day to do this) and list your giveaways on Giveaway Linkys and sites like! I have a Green Follow Friday and Green Giveaway Monday on my blog that you should Linky up with! And if you'd like more advice feel free to e-mail me. I started my blog less than a year ago and now have over 600 followers!


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 17

I follow you via Google Friend Connect!

Another piece of advice is to get rid of the Captcha when someone posts a comment. They can post fast when it's not there. If you're worried about Spam just check your comments daily.


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 18

I follow you on Twitter as EFandFrugal!


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 19

I follow you on Twitter as EFandFrugal!


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 20

I follow you on FB as Eco Frugal (sorry if I post any of these twice, I stepped away from the computer for a minute then forgot where I'd left off!)


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 21

I follow you on Networked Blogs!


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 22

I made a FB update about your blog. I have lots of other Eco-Friendly bloggers on my flist so hopefully they stop by soon!


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 23



Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 24

I added your button to my sidebar!


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 25

Buton Entry #2


Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 26

Button Entry #3


shirley said... 27

I just found your site, looks good, not too guess you would call busy, good luck!

shirley said... 28

I follow GFC

shirley said... 29

I like you on FB

shirley said... 30

I follow on twitter @countrynest

Sarah said... 31

Congrats on getting your blog off the ground! I really like your background, it's so pretty!


Sarah said... 32

GFC follower! (#20!)


Sarah said... 33

New Twitter follower (@mtndewmama)


Unknown said... 34

Hi I am your newest follower on GFC as Me as Mom. I also have a new blog and am starting two giveaways soon. Congrats and I hope I win so my new little one can have warm legs. =)

rita {at} measmom {dot} com

Lisa D said... 35

Hello! I'm a new blogger myself. I love your beach scene background! How relaxing would it be to be there? Congratulations on your new blog!

Lisa D said... 36

I'm a new gfc follower

Lisa D said... 37

I like you on facebook (as Lisa Duncan)

Lisa D said... 38

Posted your button on my blog
comment 1

Lisa D said... 39

Posted your button on my blog
comment 2

Lisa D said... 40

Posted your button on my blog
comment 3

Lisa D said... 41

I tweeted your twitter name and this giveaway

Lisa D said... 42

I'm following you on networked blogs. I'm not too familiar with this yet either, but just posted it on my blog too.

Amy Walker said... 43

Following you GFC!

Amy Walker said... 44

Following you on twitter!


cheapnchoosy at gmail dot com

Heather said... 45

I'm just starting out myself... I think it looks great so far and this is a great turnout for a first giveaway!! I barely had any entries for mine :O)

Heather said... 46

following via google friend connect

Heather said... 47

following you on twitter

Heather said... 48

I like you on Facebook

Heather said... 49

I have your button!
entry #1

Heather said... 50

I have your button
entry #2

Heather said... 51

I have your button #3

Heather said... 52


Heather said... 53

I'm following via networked blogs

Anonymous said... 54

Love your blog!!! The layouts great!!!Here from 3am Cloth Diapers, thanks for linkying up!!!

Anonymous said... 55

Following your blog!!

Anonymous said... 56

following on Networked blogs too!

Anonymous said... 57

grabbed ur button and its on my blog! Left side!

Anonymous said... 58

grabbed ur button and its on my blog! Left side!

Anonymous said... 59

grabbed ur button and its on my blog! Left side!

Anonymous said... 60

I like the look of your blog! =)

feh79 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 61

I'm following via gfc

feh79 at yahoo dot com

Fgilliann said... 62

baby legs are awesome idea and ive been thinking of them for my daughter since even in this summer heat she has what i call toaster edges.... no matter how warm she is she still gets the goose bumbs.... I like the blue background of you page its very calming. I dont have any siggestions for you page yet since I am just starting my own ancd have limited experiance but goot luck to you!

Davney said... 63

Your new blog looks great! Congrats!

Davney said... 64

I follow via GFC.

Davney said... 65

I follow on Twitter. @davneyfaye

Davney said... 66

I "like" you on FB. (Davney Dell Nowak)

Karli K. said... 67

welcome to the blog world! :D I'm fairly new myself and feel awfully inadequate at times! I have to say, my favorite thing about your blog is the look! I like the tabs at the top for your different pages and the whole thing just looks nice and neat.

Good luck and I wish you the best on your new adventure!

Crafty Mom said... 68

your blog looks good. just got here so haven't read much, but...i like the energy! :) the only thing i'd suggest is making the background image stationary (the beautiful beach scene) and only have the content of the blog scroll up and down. i could help you with that if you want. :P

keep up the great blogging, and thanks for the giveaway!

Crafty Mom said... 69

i'm following you on GFC!

Crafty Mom said... 70

following you on twitter!

Crafty Mom said... 71

liked you on facebook!

Crafty Mom said... 72

added your button to my blog! (left sidebar under (mama blogroll).

and i did all these things before i even knew you were having a giveaway!

entry #1

Crafty Mom said... 73

added your button to my blog! (left sidebar under (mama blogroll).
entry #2

Crafty Mom said... 74

added your button to my blog! (left sidebar under (mama blogroll).
entry #3

Crafty Mom said... 75

tweeted & posted about the giveaway on facebook!

Anonymous said... 76

I love your blog relaxing.

karma dot points at yahoo dot com

jenn0350 said... 77

I'm new to blogging as well. It's cool to see that I am not the only one! Haha. Liking your blog so far though. And I've always wanted to try BabyLegs!!

jenn0350 said... 78

Follow you on Twitter



jenn0350 said... 79

Fan on Facebook

Jennifer Laurin


jenn0350 said... 80

Follow your blog, feel free to follow mine as well!!


Mom of 5 said... 81

I'm following your blog, it looks good! Feel free to check out my blog as well!

Mom of 5 said... 82

I placed your button on my blog

Mom of 5 said... 83

button grab 2

Mom of 5 said... 84

button grab 3

Mom of 5 said... 85

Liked you on facebook

Mom of 5 said... 86

tagged you in a status update on facebook

Tina...Mommy of lotsa boys said... 87

I'm a google follower (tina_bo_bena)

mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com

Tina...Mommy of lotsa boys said... 88

Twitter follower

mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com

Tina...Mommy of lotsa boys said... 89

Facebook follower

mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com

Tina...Mommy of lotsa boys said... 90

I follow on networked blogs! But I dont know how to use just works for me :)

mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com

Tina...Mommy of lotsa boys said... 91

I <3 your new blog! Can't wait to read more :)

mom2_3boyzz at yahoo dot com

hannah said... 92

Welcome to the blogging world! You're off to a great start. The best advice I can give is to read lots of other blogs for tips, ideas, etiquette, etc.
hanniefaye at gmail dot com

hannah said... 93

Following you with Google!
hanniefaye at gmail dot com

Amanda said... 94

Good Evening... I found your blog through a friends blog... I look forward to following. I find your topics very helpful and interesting. As a mother of 5 we are slowly turning "crunchy" if you will making a lot of our own things, changing to cloth diapers etc... Please enter me into your giveaway. And keep on bloggin! :)


Cindi S World said... 95

Congrats! You are doing so great! I am a newish blogger also and cant wait to follow you and learn as you do!And I love these leg warmers! itscindisworld at yahoo dot com

Cindi S World said... 96

I follow via google friend connect, itscindisworld at yahoo dot com.......
I hope you will come by and follow me also!

Cindi S World said... 97

I follow via networked blogs, my fave thing about them is that my blog posts go to my blogs facebook page, then to my personal facebook page then onto my blogs twitter! itscindisworld at yahoo dot com

Cindi S World said... 98

I like you on facebook , itscindisworld at yahoo dot com

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said... 99

Great 1st giveaway. I love the Purple Heart Leg Warmers.

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said... 100

I'm following your blog.

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said... 101

I follow you on Twitter. (dramaqueensmum)

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said... 102


Unknown said... 103

Your blog looks great! Good luck!

Unknown said... 104

GFC Follower

Unknown said... 105

Facebook Fan

degood said... 106

Great blog! I love reading blogs from other crunchy moms!

Jen and Andy said... 107

So far so good on the blog! :)

Jen and Andy said... 108

I follow you on Twitter @JenLee3838

Jen and Andy said... 109

I like you on Facebook

Jen and Andy said... 110

I have your button on my blog 1 of 3

Jen and Andy said... 111


Twee Poppets said... 112

I really like the look of your blog! One tip might be to create a custom header, since it makes it look more professional. It looks great as is, too, though! :)

Twee Poppets said... 113

GFC follower

Twee Poppets said... 114

Following on Twitter @TweePoppets

Twee Poppets said... 115

I like you on FB (Chelsea Young)

Twee Poppets said... 116

Your button is on under the Links section

Twee Poppets said... 117

Button 2

Twee Poppets said... 118

Button 3

Twee Poppets said... 119

I follow you on Networked Blogs (Chelsea Young)

Table for Six said... 120

I follow!

and BTW, your blog background is awesome.

Anonymous said... 121

I love the blog and your personality! Your boys are adorable and I look forward to following you. The baby legs are so cute and would look great on my little one! ; )

Lona728@ yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 122

following with GFC (Lona728)

Lona728@ yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 123

Like Crunchy Beach Mama on FB (Lona Wibbels)

Lona728@ yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 124

following CrunchyBchMama on twitter (Lona728)

Lona728@ yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 125

following with network blog (Lona Wibbels)

Lona728@ yahoo dot com

CuddlesAndCamo said... 126

Great blog! &beautiful kids :)

brinkels at live dot com

Unknown said... 127

ooh, I want to enter! Love baby legs and so far, I am loving your blog. It really makes me long for the beach. :)

Bao said... 128

Nice-lookin' blog you got here!! I think it looks clean & not too busy. I also like that the comment box is a pop-up so readers can still see the original post when they are commenting! @ gmail

Bao said... 129

I am following your blog!

Bao said... 130

Liked you on FB! :) (Name: Bao N.)