Friday, July 16, 2010


Have you heard of this search engine yet? I'm always looking for free money and as much as I dabble online I think this is kind of fun. This website lets you search the web and earn points or swagbucks as they call them. A search can yield points worth 5, 9, 11, 14 or more if you're lucky. The kicker is, not every search wins you points. But there are other ways to earn - surveys, offers, polls, & referrals are just a few.

Each day can easily award you 4 points just by clicking into the site. 1 point - if you have installed their ToolBar, you'll get a point everyday you log online. 2 points - clicking into their Trusted Survey section. (completing a survey will earn you more!) 3 points - completing a free Offer (click into Free Offers then the one on the top right is quick and easy). 4 points - Answering the Daily Poll. These steps take less than 2 minutes.

Referrals - everytime someone signs up under your name you get their search points too! (up to a 1000 points that is). They will give you a referral link to send to friends/family - mine is - or you can install a Widget or Banner on your Website/Blog to help you advertise. This is my favorite because no work involved for me! :)

A couple of tips I've learned:
- Once you've earned points for a search you won't earn them again for a few hours. So I'll usually search once in the morning, afternoon, and evening. It doesn't take very long to get some. I've heard that you typically don't earn search points more than four times in a day.
- I've put a couple of search topics into my Favorites so once I click on them it goes to the swagbucks site as a search and may have earned me some points.
- Their Toolbar, Blog, & Facebook pages are all places they sometimes post BONUS points to so I'll periodically check them.

There are TONS of prizes, money, certificates you can redeem your points for. An example, 450 points earns you $5 to Amazon. Not bad! But don't do what I did. I was saving up points to make a purchase for O'Bear's birthday and when I went to the Swagstore to buy my Amazon e-cards, they told me it takes up to 10 days to receive it. Ugh! So plan ahead...

Sign up and you'll instantly get 30 swagbucks to start off. Let me know how it works for you and any tips you have would be greatly appreciated! I'm off to sign up with Netflix through Swagbucks and get 850 points for it!!

3 crunchy comments:

jenn0350 said... 1

If you get 30 swagbucks, is that like cash on amazon? Or what? I've never heard of this...?

Courtney said... 2

Try it! It's the new thing! 450 points is worth $5 Amazon. Check it out and read my tips once you are more familiar with it :)

A To Zebra Celebrations said... 3

These are great tips! I do swagbucks but it was helpful to read your info....thanks!