Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sophie the Giraffe Teether

"You bought him a dog toy?" was my husband's response when he came home from work the other day.

"No!" I definately cried, "Everyone has one. She's 'the thing' for babies"

"Oh, the follower," he smirked to me.

I was appalled! For a second...because it's true. P'Diddy had to get Sophie. I didn't actually mean to go with the crowd, I was just looking for a teether, but once I started researching teethers I learned that everyone does have one. And to prove my point - when we go out and P'Diddy is playing with Sophie, everyone says "oh, we have Sophie too!"

What makes Sophie so special? Check out all her unique traits...

P'Diddy loves Sophie! She is just the right size for him to hang on to and as you can see his favorite part of her is the ears! They are the perfect little bite to nibble on. And perfectly safe. Sophie's natural rubber comes from the Hevea tree. Yes a tree! And her colorful spots are non-toxic food paint.

 Admit it, you have a Sophie too?! ;)

10 crunchy comments:

rite said... 1

I love this toy! my daughter used the heck out of this toy!!!

New follower from friday blog hop... I also host a friendship friday so feel free to add yourself to the list and make some new friends!!!


Courtney said... 2

Nice to meet you Lauren! Can't wait to check out your blog :) Come back tomorrow for our launch and giveaway...

mimilovesall8 said... 3

Cute idea!
I followed you !
Would you follow me too and enter some of my giveaways?

Erin Wallace said... 4

Hi! I'm your newest follower from the Friday Follows! Cool blog! I hope to see you at Dropped Stitches.

xo Erin

Eco-Friendly and Frugal said... 5

Sophie is great! My nephew adores his.

What's funny, she's really expensive here in the US but only a few bucks in France! I think it's because she's so popular here now. She's popular in France, too, but she's been around longer there so it's not quite as popular.

Erin Wallace said... 6

Hey - thanks for the follow back - I'd be happy to help you any time. My email is on my blogger profile, or just leave comments and I'll help you with whatever you need!

Oh! Go to my site to enter my children's cd giveaway. Great for little ones!

xo Erin

Kelley said... 7

Thanks for your comment on my Blog!.. We love Sophie too!!!

Julie Kieras said... 8

ahhh, my baby doesn't HAVE one of these, but now I know he NEEDS one! :) Thanks for sharing this with me! :)

Audrey @ Tight Wad in Utah said... 9


Thanks for following me! I'm so happy to follow you!!

Tight Wad in Utah

Julie Kieras said... 10

Hee hee remember this post... you'll be surprised to see my post TOMORROW!! :) and THURSDAY! :)
just you wait! :)