Monday, July 12, 2010

First Time Eating Solids!

I went against all the breastfeeding knowledge last night and started baby P'Diddy on solids. Well, I'm not sure I should say we are actually starting - more like trying it. He just turned five months. I know I was supposed to wait until six months but this child needs more! He can be a bored cranky child that never seems satisfied. I am hoping this is the key!
We were shopping in the fun baby aisles at Target and I decided to grab a box of cereal for him. I went with Earth's Best Organic Whole Grain Rice Cereal
. What a mouthful! Speaking of mouthful' is one for you...

He actually liked the first few bites! Well maybe he liked the mess it made...but then he was done. Done done. We'll try again soon! :)

1 crunchy comments:

Bekki said... 1

We recently started ours on solids, and we went for the same cereal too! Seemed like a good healthy choice, with minimal ingredients. Our LO took about one bite, and decided she wasn't into the flavor. We aren't really forcing the issue so it's a casual thing for now. I'd love to read updates on how it's going for you down the road!