Sunday, July 18, 2010

New bumGenius 4.0 cloth diaper

Are you suprised at what the announcement turned out to be? Are you disappointed? For me the answers are NO and YES. I was betting all my money on an upgrade for the 3.0 but no new bright colors? no patterns? Aren’t we tired of pastels? I love their products which is why I wanted MORE!

The 4.0 is a one size pocket cloth diaper. It fits babies from 8-35+ pounds. The new product features:
Improved Hook & Loop
Snaps – which I know many are excited about!
Roomier to accommodate bigger babies
Easy replacable elastic
And colors – ok I shouldn’t complain since there are 3 new ones – Sweet, Bubble, & Noodle. At least they have cute names!


I had some credit to use at Cotton Babies so I put my pre-order in for a Sweet Hook & Loop. July 14th it will ship so I will let you know what I think. I really like all the bumGenius products so I’m sure I won’t be disappointed!

UPDATE: I'm always so excited to get fluffy mail! Yesterday I got our new bumGenius 4.0 and lucky for me I was doing a load of diapers so I got to prep it right away!

First of all, I have to admit I was disappointed in the color. From the picture I posted above I choose a light blue color. What I opened was almost white. See for yourself...

I mean that is white, right? If you look in the light you can see a hint of blueish/greenish.

Then I matched up the new 4.0 with the older version 3.0. You can definitely tell the difference in size. I set my grasshopper green on top so you can see. The wings on the new one are about a half an inch longer. And the inserts inside? They look the exact same, you still get two, but they are wider, which I really like!

The Hook & Look? I can't tell what is different?

I put it to the ulitmate test - the overnight run - and it did great for the eight hours P'Diddy had it on.

Overall, I like it but come on Cotton Babies, we need MORE colors AND prints!!!!

4 crunchy comments:

Julie Kieras said... 1

You got your fluff? So jealous! I ordered one with snaps (love snaps) and haven't gotten it yet... I ended up going for the twilight since that's a color I don't have yet - I too like brighter colors & prints! :) Glad to hear it still works just as well!

Maggie said... 2

Hi Mama.....just an FYI that Jen has announced that the bold colors are comming back! AND Prints!

I can't wait either!

Courtney said... 3

Yes! :)

jenn0350 said... 4

I just got my first BumGenius cloth diaper in the mail yesterday, 4.0~ in twilight! I love it. I had a friend give me her 2.0, and I really liked that one, even though it didn't have a pocket. I also bought a Rumparooz, have you heard of those? I love the color, rootbeer, but its rather bulky. It also looks like the BG 4.0 will fit my little guy longer than the RaR. Love all the new people I've been meeting since I made the switch to cloth diapering. :)